
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:25 评论:0



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What is a currency-circle contract? Why are ordinary people advised not to make contracts? Recently, the digital money market has been highly volatile, and yesterday, a friend of the group said that he had made a contract, and that he was a bit impressed, and decided to write an article about the contract.


& & ldquo; do not touch the contract & rdquo; in fact, it is the consensus of most people in the entire digital money market, who have even changed to express it in a number of ways, such as: “ contract is devil & rdquo; & & & & & ldquo; contract is ***; it's addictive & rdquo; but whatever you can persuade, there are still a lot of friends of new people who want to try the contract, and eventually they lose a lot of money on the contract, or even go to bankruptcy.


It's easy to understand what they think, because some of the new people's friends know that the contract is gambling, but he comes to gamble, and he thinks it's quick money, stimuli, and they treat the contract deal as & & & & & & & & ; there's nothing to say, as long as I take the consequences; and there's a lot of friends, who think: & & ldquo; if I look in the right direction, why can't the leverage contract magnify the profit? Even if I sometimes judge the wrong direction, but as long as I stop the loss in time, then I must have lost a lot of money in the long run. Why don't I make the contract in this case?


Today's article, which is aimed at friends with a second idea, analyzes the wrongs of that idea, and you can try to answer the questions yourself and see if you have any answers.


I. The contract changes the nature of the risk and transforms your judgement on long-term trends into a gamble on short-term fluctuations


Let's start with this question: & ldquao; why can't you make a contract even if you can see the big trends? & rdquao;


The definition of large trends varies from one person to another, with some thinking that a four-hour K-line change trend is a big one, while others think a one-day trend is a big one, while others think that a one-to-four-year trend is a big one and that the definition of trends varies from one person to another, so you think that you can understand the big trends, not necessarily really.


In fact, even if you can see the big directions and trends, the best way to do it is to hold and hoard, not to contract.


Because long-term trends need to be accompanied by long-term investment concepts, which are the concept of cash, money-stocking and long-term investment.


The more fundamental reason behind this is that leverage changes the nature of risk and transforms your judgement on long-term trends into a gamble on short-term fluctuations.

当你没有加杠杆的时候,只要你的大方向判断的对,你只需要耐心等待就行了,时间是你的朋友。可是,当你加了杠杆的时候,风险的性质改变了。既然你看的是长期的趋势,你要承担的就是长期、大幅的波动风险,不加杠杆的时候你可以应对这种长期、大幅的波动风险,但是合约因为加了杠杆,所以它没有办法应付长期的波动。虽然你看好现在的市场行情,但是这个行情的实现过程当中,中间会有很多的波折,甚至会有30% 50%的单日跌幅这么大的波动,所以任何的杠杆都没有办法抗住这么大的波动,所以只要你加了杠杆,你事实上是把你对长期的判断变成了对短期波动率的赌博,

When you're not leveraged, as long as you're right, you just have to wait patiently. But when you're leveraged, the nature of the risk changes. Since you're looking at long-term trends, you're going to have to take a long-term, large-scale risk of volatility, and you're going to be able to deal with this long-term, large-scale risk of volatility without leverage, but because the contract is leveraged, it's not going to be able to deal with long-term fluctuations. Although you look at the current market situation, there will be a lot of swings in the middle of the process, and even 30 per cent, 50 per cent of one-day fluctuations, so no leverage can resist such volatility, so as long as you add leverage, you actually turn your long-term judgment into a gamble on short-term fluctuations.




Let's look at the second question: With contracts, profits can be magnified when you win; when I lose, I just have to stop damage in time. Is that possible?


You can't!


Not only can it not be done, but in practice your actions must be the opposite: if you make a profit, if you see a small return on the profit, you'll want to stop the gain immediately; if you lose, you'll want to keep doing it, even to make up for it.


Perhaps in the previous operations, you were able to keep your mind in order to stop damage in time and increase profits in the long term, and to survive even if there was a return, but once in a while, your mind will be confused, your energy will be out of order, and you will return to the old way of stopping the loss, and the contract deal will be enough to destroy you with just one mistake.


Why? Because there's a devil's power behind the contract!


In behavioral psychology, there is a saying that you earn 100 bucks, that you do not feel the same way that you feel when you lose 100 bucks, and that usually the pain when you lose 100 bucks is about three times greater than happiness when you earn 100 bucks.


And that's why, in the actual course of business, you can't help being bound by your instincts, and expect you to bounce back, because when you see a contract loss and when you see a contract profit, it's too bad; when you have a contract profit, it's just the opposite, and if you have a profit, and if you have a profit, and you have a profit, you want to lose it immediately, so that you don't lose it all.


The devil's power behind the contract is so strong that it attracts you like a big black hole, that you always make the wrong decisions, that you can't jump out of the contract market when you win, you want to win more, you lose it. This loss in human genes is the devil's power behind the contract.


It is a human imperative that these acts, which have occurred many times, are repeated every day and will continue to occur in the future; they occur both to others and to you, and they happen to every person involved in a contractual transaction.


III. Too small a market, too high volatility, insufficient liquidity, too much man-made manipulation


We all know that the digital money market is a very small market, with very small market prices and very high volatility. So, when you use high leverage, you actually have a very high risk of losing.


To date, the total market value of the entire digital money market is the size of a traditional, large and medium-sized company, which is a little far from Apple’s giants and very small. If the entire digital money market is treated as a medium-sized, large-scale listed company, it is not very difficult for a big capitalist to manipulate such a company alone.

而且整个数字货币世界的流动性并不充足,如果你去看交易所的order book,你经常会发现价格与价格之间会有很大的断档,也就意味着,当急跌发生的时候,价格会以三级跳的形式下跌,尤其是当这种下跌来的比较突然的时候,比如发生在深夜的时候或者突然反转的时候,而这种三级跳式的下跌又会引起下一个三级跳的下跌,导致下跌幅度极深,反过来,有时候反弹幅度又过高。

And the liquidity of the entire digital-currency world is inadequate, and if you look at the exchange's order book, you often find that there is a large gap between prices, which means that when a sharp fall occurs, prices fall in the form of a three-tier jump, especially when such a fall occurs suddenly, for example, late in the night or suddenly in reverse, and the drop in the third-tier jump triggers a drop in the next three, leading to an extremely deep drop, which, in turn, sometimes is too high.


Moreover, the entire digital money market lacks regulation, whereby capital gators who wish to profit from it can swing, &ldquao; reasonably legitimate & rdquao; and make use of existing rules, using these financial instruments for profit, and even where some exchanges are co-located with these capital gators, one party provides information, one party provides information, including the specific location of the customer and the exact number of points. This allows the gator to calculate the amount of money needed to blow up the warehouse in advance, thus completing the precise sniping and then moving back from very low prices to complete the whole set of & ldquao; precision & & rdquao; operations.


Don't underestimate the power of the big man, and don't underestimate the capital's desire for profit, as I often say, if one is profitable and the profit is high, then someone will do it!


IV. A handful of scenes suitable for contract transactions


Well, isn't the contract deal completely useless? I can't say it's absolute. A product is designed, and there's this big market, and there's gotta be some reason behind it.


I think if you're going to make a contract deal, you can only do it for two reasons:


The first is that you need to hedge the risk of off-the-shelf transactions. It is possible to hedge contracts as traditional financial futures, using contracts for risk management, and should be the main use of contracts;


The second is that if you must be involved in a contract transaction, it is best to use computer programs to quantify the transaction, so that all the orders are generated, sent out, opened, levelled, surplus and damage are executed by the machine, so that your strategy can be constantly repeated, your strategy optimized on the basis of profit and loss data, and, more importantly, machine execution can completely eliminate emotional influence, and the contract & ldquao; the devil's power & rdquao; and the minimum.




Leverage, contract transactions, look like the fastest, but not the closest, and the & & & & & & & & & & & ; more often, it's off-barrel, bankruptcy, rather than freedom of wealth. And finally, once again, it is strongly recommended that ordinary people stay away from contract deals.




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