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bitcoin crashed another $60,000!</p><p><p><img src=

bitcoin crashing another $60,000!</p></p><p>图片来源:摄图网</p><p>Photo source: Photonet</p><p>近期以来,比特币行情低迷。自比特币价格今年3月中旬创下73798美元的历史高点以后,其价格走势进入了持续2个月的震荡下行。进入4月以来,比特币行情连连遭遇闪崩,价格一度跌破60000美元关口。进入5月份的第一天,比特币再度闪崩,向下跌破60000美元,5月3日,比特币向上触及60000美元,日内涨1.1%。</p><p>The price of Bitcoin has gone down for two months since its historic high of $73798 in mid-March this year. The price of Bitcoin has collapsed since April, and prices have fallen by $60,000. On the first day of May, Bitcoin fell again, falling by $60,000, and on 3 May, Bitcoin hit $60,000, an increase of 1.1 per cent.</p><p>进入6月以来,比特币行情有所好转,截至6月4日,比特币向上触及71000美元,为5月21日以来首次,24小时内涨2.78%。好景不长,6月24日(周一),比特币再度闪崩。截至发稿,比特币暂报60336.7美元,大跌4.5%。值得一提的是,比特币日内一度大跌超5000美元,最多跌8%,至58589.9美元/枚,这也是比特币自5月3日以来首次跌破6万美元。过去一周,已累计下跌了近11%。</p><p>Bitcoin had improved since its entry into the city in June, reaching $71,000 on 4 June, the first time since 21 May, with an increase of 2.78 per cent in 24 hours. The good news was not long, and on 24 June (Monday), with Bitcoin collapsing again. Bitcoin provisionally reported $60,336.7, with a sharp drop of 4.5 per cent. It is worth mentioning that Bitcoin fell by over $5,000, with a peak of 8 per cent, to $5,5889.9 per unit, the first time that Bitcoin has fallen since 3 May. Over the past week, the cumulative decline has been nearly 11 per cent.</p><p>受此影响,据CoinGlass数据显示,全网加密货币最近24小时,共有90573人被爆仓,爆仓总金额为3.75亿美元(约合人民币27.3亿元),最大单笔爆仓单发生在Binance-BTCUSDT价值1536.32万美元。</p><p>As a result of this, according to CoinGlass data, 90573 people have been blown up in storage for the last 24 hours, with a total of $375 million (approximately $2.73 billion in RMB), with the largest single blast warehouse bill occurring in Binance-BTCUSDT valued at $1,536.32 million.</p><p>据悉,比特币最近的抛售压力,部分归因于收入暴跌的加密采矿公司的比特币销售。根据IntoTheBlock数据,这些矿工持有的比特币数量已降至14年来的最低水平,矿工本月已售出价值超过20亿美元的比特币,创一年多以来最快速度。</p><p>According to the information received, the recent selling pressure on Bitcoin is partly attributable to the sale of bitcoin by an encoded mining company whose revenues have fallen sharply. According to IntoTheBlock data, the number of bitcoins held by these miners has fallen to its lowest level in 14 years, and miners have sold more than $2 billion in bitcoins this month, the fastest in more than a year.</p><p>从比特币再度闪崩回看加密货币行业发展情况:</p><p>As far as the development of the crypto-currency sector is concerned, there is a reshuffling of bitcoin:</p><p>——全球加密货币数量</p><p>& mdash; — Number of encrypted currencies worldwide</p><p>2022年1月1日,据Finbold发布的一份报告显示,2021年1月1日,全球加密货币种类数量为8153个,截至2021年12月31日,数量为16223个,相比1月增加约98.98%。Finbold数据显示,2021年加密行业创造出8070种新Token,平均每天约有21种新加密货币在市场上推出。另一项数据显示,2021年1-10月加密市场总计新增约5000种加密货币,而11、12月有超过3000种加密货币进入市场。</p><p>On 1 January 2022, according to a report issued by Finbold, the global number of encrypted currency types was 8153 as at 1 January 2021, and as at 31 December 2021, the number was 16223, an increase of some 98.98 per cent over January. Finbold data show that in 2021 the encryption industry created 8070 new Tokens, with an average of 21 new encrypted currencies introduced on the market every day. Another data show that the encryption market in January-October 2021 added about 5,000 new encrypted currencies, while in November-December there were more than 3,000 encrypted currencies entering the market.</p><p><p><img src=

bitcoin crashing another $60,000!</p></p><p>——比特币产生原理</p><p>& mdash; — Bitcoin Rationale</p><p>比特币是一种总量恒定2100万的数字货币,其和互联网一样具有去中心化、全球化、匿名性等特性。比特币的运行离不开两个核心概念:节点以及去中心化账簿。每一台装有比特币客户端的电脑称为一个节点,每一个节点都是平等的,不存在一个中心节点。无数这样的电脑相互连接形成的网络则是一种去中心化账簿。</p><p>Bitcoin is a total constant digital currency of 21 million, which, like the Internet, is decentralized, globalized, anonymous, and so on. Bitcoin operates in two core concepts: nodes and decentralized books. Each computer with a Bitcoin client is called a node, and each node is equal, and there is no central node. Numerous of these computers are connected to one another, and the network is a decentralized book.</p><p><p><img src=

bitcoin crashing another $60,000!</p></p><p>——比特币市值遥遥领先</p><p>& mdash; — Bitcoin is well ahead of the market</p><p>从全球私人数字货币市值排名情况来看,截至2022年1月19日,Bitcoin(比特币)市值为7833.3亿美元,排名第一;其次为Ethereum(以太坊),市值为3654.7亿美元;第三为LATOKEN,市值为2471.8亿美元。</p><p>As at 19 January 2022, Bitcoin (bitcoin) had a market value of $783.33 billion, ranking first, followed by Etheeum (Etheria) with a market value of $36.570 billion, and Latoken (Lateken) with a market value of $247.18 billion.</p><p><p><img src=

bitcoin crashing another $60,000!</p></p><p>——美国成为全球比特币挖矿的第一胜地</p><p>& mdash; — the United States became the world's first destination for bitcoin mining</p><p>剑桥大学公布的最新研究表明,美国首次取代中国,成为全球比特币挖矿的第一胜地,占有超1/3(35.4%)的算力资源。对比去年9月份,美国输出的比特币算力居然暴增了428%。其次为哈萨克斯坦,占比18.10%;第三为俄罗斯,占比11.23%;加拿大居前列,占比9.55%。</p><p>The most recent study published by Cambridge University shows that the United States first replaced China as the world’s first home for bitcoin mining, with over 1/3 (35.4%) of the arithmetic resources. Compared to last September, America’s output of bitcoins rose by 428%, followed by Kazakhstan, with 18.10%; Russia, with 11.23%; and Canada, with 9.55%.</p><p><p><img src=

bitcoin crashing another $60,000!</p></p><p>币安首席执行官Richard  Tung发布最新的加密货币预测,Tung预测比特币到今年年底将突破80000美元。他预计,随着宏观经济状况的改善,2025年比特币和其他数字资产的表现将优于2024年。此外,比特币现货ETF的批准以及以太坊ETF的预期批准,可能会吸引更多传统金融机构的流动性进入加密货币市场,加速牛市周期。</p><p>As the macroeconomic situation improves, he expects that Bitcoin and other digital assets will perform better in 2025 than in 2024. Moreover, the approval of the spot ETF in Bitcoin and the expected approval of the ETF in the near future may attract more traditional financial institutions to enter the crypto-currency market and accelerate the cattle market cycle.</p><p>根据伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)报告预测,到本世纪30年代末,比特币的价格将飙升至50万美元。他们的基本预测是,比特币价格到2025年将达到20万美元,到2029年将达到50万美元,到2033年将达到100万美元。</p><p>According to Bernstein’s report, by the end of the 1930’s, the price of Bitcoin is projected to rise sharply to $500,000. Their basic forecast is that the price of Bitcoin will reach $200,000 by 2025, $500,000 by 2029 and $1 million by 2033.</p><p>注:本文仅作内容传播,不构成任何投资建议。</p><p>Note: This paper is for content dissemination only and does not constitute any investment proposal.</p><p>经济学人APP资讯组</p><p>APP Information Group of Economists</p><div class=


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