比特币未来十年价格预测2023-2032 比特币最新价格

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:20 评论:0



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比特币的数量是有限的,预设总量为2100万枚,目前已经挖掘出的比特币数量超过1800万枚,而比特币也因其匿名性和不可追溯性而被一些犯罪分子用于非法活动,这也成为了监管部门关注的焦点,比特币在过去几个月持续看跌,其价值跌至 15,730 美元的低点,那么比特币未来十年价格预测是多少?

The limited number of bitcoins, with a projected total of 21 million, the number of bitcoins that have been excavated now exceeding 18 million, and the fact that bitcoins have also been used by criminals for illegal activities because of their anonymity and non-retroactivity, have also been the focus of the attention of the regulatory authorities. Bitcoins have continued to decline over the past few months and their value has fallen to a low point of $15,730, so what is Bitcoins'price projections for the next decade?

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2023

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2023

根据我们对 2023 年的比特币价格预测,我们预测比特币 (BTC) 的价值将上涨,最高预估价格为 45,367.75 美元。这比平均市场价格(预计约为 39,966.60 美元)和最低预期价格(38,449.20 美元)有显着上涨。人们普遍预计加密货币市场将在 2023 年的前几个月出现复苏。如果情况确实如此,比特币的这些预计价格可能会成为投资者的现实。

Based on our 2023 bitcoin price projections, we predict that the value of Bitcoin (BTC) will rise to a maximum of $45,367.75. This is significantly higher than the average market price (which is expected to be approximately $39,966.60) and the minimum expected price ($38,449.20).

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2024

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2024

根据我们对 2024 年比特币价格的预测,预计比特币 (BTC) 的价值将进一步上涨,达到 66,918.39 美元的峰值。预计这种数字货币将在 58,362.84 美元的低点和 60,361.17 美元的平均水平之间波动。这一增长背后的驱动因素是乐观的市场情绪和机构投资的增加,预计这些因素将持续到 2024 年。

According to our 2024 forecast for bitcoin prices, the value of Bitcoin (BTC) is expected to rise further, reaching a peak of $66,918.39. This figure currency is expected to fluctuate between the low of $58,362.84 and the average of $60,361.17. The driving factor behind this growth is an increase in optimistic market sentiment and institutional investment, which are expected to continue into 2024.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2025

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2025

根据我们对 2025 年比特币价格的预测,我们预计这一顶级加密货币的价值将大幅上涨,达到 100,478.70 美元的顶峰。我们对其价格的较低估计为 82,158.96 美元,平均预期为 85,177.02 美元。比特币价值的预期增长归因于多种因素,包括但不限于主流采用率的提高、积极的市场情绪以及越来越多的机构投资。

Based on our projection of the price of Bitcoin in 2025, we expect that the value of this top encrypted currency will rise significantly to a peak of $100,478.70. We estimate its lower price at $82,158.96, or an average expected of $85,177.02. The expected increase in Bitcoin value is due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, an increase in mainstream adoption rates, positive market sentiment and increasing institutional investment.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2026

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2026

根据我们对 2026 年的比特币价格预测,比特币 (BTC) 有可能创下 141,944.40 美元的历史新高。这种数字货币的投资者可以预期最低价格为 117,126.20 美元,平均价格为 121,385.05 美元。这种增长很可能受到有利的市场情绪和可扩展性升级的推动。预计这些发展将进一步推动比特币的价值,并将其确立为金融界的强大参与者。

According to our 2026 forecast of bitcoin prices, Bitcoin (BTC) has the potential to reach a historic high of $141,944.40. Investors in this digital currency can expect a minimum price of $117,126.20, with an average price of $121,385.05. This growth is likely to be driven by favourable market sentiment and expansionary upgrading. These developments are expected to further enhance the value of bitcoin and establish it as a strong participant in the financial world.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2027

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2027

根据我们对 2027 年的预测,预计比特币 (BTC) 的价值将达到 201,518.04 美元的新高,较当前价值大幅上涨 554.87%。除了这一高估之外,我们还预计比特币的最低和平均价格将分别达到 166,449.95 美元和 171,305.36 美元。

According to our 2027 projections, the value of Bitcoin (BTC) is expected to reach a new high of $201,518.04, which represents a substantial increase of 554.87% over the current value. In addition to this overvaluation, we expect the lowest and average price of Bitcoin to reach $166,449.95 and $171,305.36, respectively.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2028

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2028

根据我们对 2028 年的比特币价格预测,比特币 (BTC) 有可能达到 284,370.97 美元的惊人最高价格,比其当前价值大幅上涨超过 250,000 美元。我们预计该数字资产的平均价格为 244,148.84 美元,最低价格为 237,296.63 美元。越来越多的人接受比特币作为合法货币和投资,可能在实现这些价格目标方面发挥关键作用。

According to our 2028 forecast of bitcoin prices, Bitcoin (BTC) is likely to reach an alarmingly high price of $284,370.97, which represents a substantial increase of more than $250,000 over its current value. We expect the average price of this number of assets to be $244,148.84, with a minimum price of $237,296.63. Increasing acceptance of bitcoin as a legitimate currency and investment could play a key role in achieving these price targets.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2029

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2029

我们对 2029 年的预测表明,加密货币市场,特别是比特币 (BTC) 的收益将大于损失,最高市场价格将达到 415,415.70 美元。这代表其当前价值的显着增加。此外,我们预计比特币的最低价格将达到 329,003.81 美元,平均市场价格为 341,211.26 美元。

Our projections for 2029 suggest that the market for encrypted currency, and in particular the Bitcoin (BTC), will gain more than losses, and the highest market price will be $415,415.70. This represents a significant increase in its current value. Moreover, we expect that the lowest price for Bitcoin will be $329,003.81, with an average market price of $341,211.26.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2030

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2030

根据我们对 2030 年比特币价格的预测,我们预计最高价格为领先的加密货币567,526.85 美元。除了这个高估之外,我们还预测比特币的最低价格将达到 488,404.96 美元,平均价格为 505,465.52 美元。

According to our projection of the price of bitcoin in 2030, we expect the highest price to be $567,526.85 for the leading encrypted currency. In addition to this overvaluation, we also expect the lowest price to be $488,404.96 for bitcoin, with an average price of $505,465.52.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2031

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2031

根据我们对 2031 年 BTC 价格的预测,这种加密货币有望实现大幅增长,最高价格达到 841,599.46 美元——超过其当前市值的 28 倍。此外,我们的预测估计比特币的最低价格将达到 693,055.28 美元,平均价格最终将稳定在 713,273.90 美元左右。

According to our 2031 BTC projections, the encoded currency is expected to grow significantly, at a maximum price of $841,599.46 — 28 times the current market value. Moreover, our projections estimate that the lowest price for Bitcoin will be $693,055.28 and that the average price will eventually stabilize at around $713,273.90.

比特币 (BTC) 价格预测 2032

Bitcoin (BTC) price forecast 2032

根据我们对 2032 年的比特币价格预测,到年底 BTC 将达到 1,196,601.36 美元的新高。这代表其当前价值大幅增加。此外,我们估计比特币的最低交易价格为 977,986.08 美元,平均价格为 1,006,517.03 美元。

According to our 2032 forecast for bitcoin prices, by the end of the year BTC will have reached a new high of $1,196,601.36. This represents a significant increase in its current value. Moreover, we estimate the lowest transaction price for bitcoin at $977,986.08 and the average price at $1,006,517.03.

在撰写本文时,比特币的交易价格为 18,085.78 美元,较目前的 68,789.63 美元的 ATH 下跌了约 74%。比特币的 24 小时交易区间为 17,337.99 美元至 18,317.62 美元。

At the time of writing, the transaction price in Bitcoin was US$ 18,085.78, which is about 74 per cent lower than the current ATH of US$ 68,789.63. The 24-hour trading space in Bitcoin was between US$ 17,337.99 and US$ 18,317.62.

比特币能否维持 18,000 美元的价格水平并突破 18,500 美元的阻力位?我们是否已经看到底部,或者如果 BTC 跌破支撑位 17.6K 美元,还会有更多底部出现吗?市场从这里走向何方,以及现在是否是长期投资比特币或卖空获利的合适时机,还有待观察。

Is Bitcoin able to maintain the price level of $18,000 and break the resistance of $18,500? Are we already looking at the bottom, or would there be more at the bottom if the BTC fell to the support position of $17.6K? Where the market goes from here, and whether this is the right time to invest in bitcoin or sell space over the long term, it remains to be seen.

比特币于 2009 年推出,是一种由区块链技术提供支持的去中心化数字货币。Satoshi Nakamoto 创造了硬币来克服政府发行货币的缺点,而不需要控制机构。

Bitcoin was launched in 2009 as a decentralized digital currency supported by block chain technology. Satoshi Nakamoto created coins to overcome the shortcomings of government issuing money without the need for a control agency.

比特币 (BTC) 是出于对基于密码学的电子支付系统而不是传统的基于信任的系统的需求而创建的。加密货币充当加密空间中任何交易过程的价值存储和支付方式。它通常被称为“数字黄金”。

Bitcoin (BTC) is created by the demand for cryptography-based electronic payment systems rather than traditional trust-based systems. Encrypted money acts as a value storage and payment method for any transaction in encrypted space. It is commonly referred to as “digital gold”.

比特币目前的密码学是基于美国国家安全局(NSA)在 SHA-1 算法崩溃后于 2016 年设计的一种不可穿透的算法(SHA-256)。该算法使得破解比特币网络成为不可能。

Bitcoin's current cryptography is based on an impenetrable algorithm (SHA-256), designed by the National Security Service (NSA) in 2016 following the collapse of the SHA-1 algorithm, which made it impossible to decipher the Bitcoin network.

自 2009 年推出比特币以来,其价值急剧上升,从 2010 年 5 月的不到 0.01 美元上涨到 2021 年 11 月的超过 67,000 美元。随着越来越多的机构投资者和交易者继续转向比特币,预计比特币将在未来几年取得新的成就到加密货币。

Since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009, its value has risen sharply, from less than 0.01 dollars in May 2010 to over $67,000 in November 2021. As more and more institutional investors and traders continue to move to bitcoin, Bitcoin is expected to make new gains in the coming years to encrypt currency.


These price determinants include demand and supply, investor sentiment, availability, economic cycle, adoption rates, functionality, governance and fork, regulation, public information, etc. While Bitcoin is the dominant digital currency, its price trends are also influenced by these factors, as are other currencies.

例如,2022 年 2 月 24 日的抛售是由俄罗斯入侵乌克兰引发的,这也导致全球股市大幅下跌。几个月来,比特币一直与股票等其他风险资产相关联。更多的机构投资者参与进来,像其他风险股票一样交易比特币的短期投资者已经进入市场。

For example, the sale of February 24, 2022, was triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which also led to a sharp decline in global stock markets. For several months, Bitcoin has been associated with other risky assets, such as equities. More institutional investors have been involved, and short-term investors trading bitcoins like other risky shares have entered the market.

最近,由于有关几家交易所、借贷池和其他加密货币公司与流动性问题作斗争的消息,比特币在 2022 年 6 月 18 日跌至 17,708 美元(其 52 周低点)。

Recently, the amount of Bitcoin fell to US$ 17,708 on June 18, 2022 (its 52nd week low) as a result of information on several exchanges, lending pools and other encrypted money companies fighting liquidity problems.

2022 年 6 月中旬,DeFi 平台和顶级加密贷款机构 Celsius 是负面市场情绪的根源。该平台宣布,由于极端的加密市场状况,它已暂停掉期、取款和账户之间的转账——这一直是自 6 月 13 日以来的现状。

In mid-June, the DeFi platform and the top encryption lending agency, Celsius, were the root causes of negative market sentiment. The platform announced that it had suspended swaps, withdrawals, and inter-account transfers due to extreme encryption market conditions – a situation that has existed since June 13.

三箭资本 (3AC) 是另一家因 TerraUSD/LUNA 崩溃以及Voyager 、Celsius 和 BlockFi的清算而陷入破产的公司。因此,比特币从目前的历史高点下跌了约 68%,证实了投资者情绪、新闻、需求、供应等的影响。

Three Arrow Capital (3AC) is another company that has been bankrupted by the collapse of TerraUSD/LUNA and the liquidation of Voyager, Celsius and BlockFi. As a result, Bitcoin has fallen by about 68 per cent from its current historical height, confirming the impact of investor sentiment, news, demand, supply, etc.


disclaimer: is for information purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.




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