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Criminalization of an illegal virtual currency exchange




In recent years, as the concepts of block chains, virtual coins, etc., have become popular, illegal currency exchanges have been set up by outlaws on foreign servers, using virtual currency transactions for criminal purposes. Illegal virtual currency exchanges often use “ candy & & rdquo; empty & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; incentives, advertising, etc., to solicit customers, issue tokens or provide services such as currency transactions, pledge loans, property management, etc. Depending on the mode of operation, the scenes of illegal virtual currency exchanges are suspected, respectively, of illegally absorbing public deposits, fraud-like crimes, illegal operations, organized marketing activities, casinos, etc.


Forward observation of Release 05


In recent years, illicit elements have been using virtual currencies such as “ block chains & rdquo; “ digital currency & & rdquo; etc., for the purpose of preventing financial risk, by publishing “ air currency & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & rdquo; virtual currency & & rdquo; illicit collection, fraud, illegal distribution, etc. In order to prevent financial risk, in September 2017, the Proclamation on Preventing the Risk of Financing the Issue of Currency, issued jointly by the People's Bank of China, the Central Network Trust Office, etc., in August 2018, the Silver Insurance and Monitoring Board, the Central Network Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the People's Bank, and the Directorate-General of Market Supervision issued a bulletin on the Prevention of Money & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Market Supervision, issued in March, issued as one of a judicial explanation for illegal monetary operations, issued in the name, requiring that financial institutions and payment of financial transactions should be prohibited.


With the collapse of the domestic virtual currency exchange, the fact that the majority of the outlaws have placed the server outside the country, networked communications to organize transactions, and the digitization and anonymity of the virtual currency, such cases are controversial in judicial practice in terms of evidence gathering, characterization of conduct and determination of amounts. This paper briefly analyses, for example, the main business model of the virtual currency exchange and the characterization of conduct, in the case of the King's pooled funds fraud case.


Typical case


In December 2018, Wang Hao developed and operated & ldquo; TS Communal & & rdquo; micro-credit micro-procedures to provide services such as airline tickets, train tickets, etc. for investors, and to grant investors & ldquo; TS” Virtual currency to attract investors to invest in TS, using currency splits as bait. The Queen commissioned the development of & ldquo; TS Public Chain & rdquo; & & & rdquo; & & trdquo; a series of virtual currency investment projects such as the TS Wallet & & & rdquo; a TSC Virtual Currency Exchange with a 1:1 ratio swap for investors; and investment values to be generated, using the Internet, MicroCoopers 100 superpartners & & rdquo; & & & ldquo; and SNS Billmarking, etc., to promote the illegal sale of public funds or high-valued, and to promote the sale of foreign currency.


In April 2020, Wang Xiao terminated the project with a rededication and buy-back commitment, which led to the rapid devaluation of virtual currencies such as TSC in the exchange and the termination of the maintenance of the operation of the exchange and the malicious misappropriation of investor funds.


Main business model


(i) Common & ldquao; recipient & rdquao; means


1. & ldquao; Candy & rdquao; & & rdquao; Airdrop & rdquao; free coins.


& & & ldquo; Candy & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; are common tools for outlaws to attract investors to invest in new coins, both of which are distributed free of charge to users, depending on the distribution of assets in a currency. & & & & rdquo; & & Candy & & rdquo; a token for the block chain project party to reward early users, which is sent directly to participating users, waiting for the project to be posted on the line exchange; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & T & & & & & & & & & & Qu; & & & & T & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Qu & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & &


2. & ldquao; head pull & rdquao; incentive.


& & & & & & rdquo; & & & & & rdquao; a common profit pattern for distribution organizations, from which modern business models derive & & & & & & & ; sharing marketing & & & quo; models, i.e. sharing resources to others and thereby generating economic income; sharing resources between consumers and consumers; increasing transactional flows by sharing activities, sharing products and sharing content. Unlawfuls lure investors to & & ldquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; in this way, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & &


3. Advocacy for advocacy.


By promoting virtual currency trading websites through micro-trust groups, Internet platforms, etc., and even by buying location and rankings for search sites, promoting space for virtual currency appreciation, and creating a pseudonym. For example, Wang has purchased web advertising services for “ Beijing Dollars World & & & rdquo; etc., while creating nearly 200 micro-letters and preparing his own white paper on the project, packaging the creative team experience, partner background, application prospects, investment values, etc., on web-based platforms such as micro-credits, currency worlds, etc., advertising that currency holdings can rise, regular dividends, high-price buybacks, etc., and regularly publishing weekly bulletins that promote TSC virtual currency transactions and dividends, resulting in trade fires and substantial frauds.


(ii) Main trading scene


In order to increase exchange activity, increase transaction volumes and increase customer & & ldquo; sticky & rdquao; exchanges generally provide a combination of trading scenes, mainly as follows:


Investors can buy exchange tokens directly from mainstream virtual currencies, such as French or “ Bitcoin” “ Tedaco” and others.


A second is a currency transaction. In addition to self-distribution, the exchange provides a virtual currency (e.g. ETH, etc.) for investors to invest on their own. The exchange charges only the investor’s transaction fee and the project party’s & ldquao; the upper currency fee & rdquao; or commission.


Third is pledge lending. This is the provision of a virtual currency pledge lending operation, whereby the debtor can pledge and borrow in a virtual currency, broker through an exchange or borrow a virtual currency or a French currency by the exchange itself, and earn a fee or interest on the exchange.


Four are financial management services, which provide a variety of financial services, such as fixed-benefit, red-requirement, etc. The product’s annualized rate of return varies according to the target and the duration of the period. For example, in this case, Wang Xiao launched the TSC Super-Partner Project on the Exchange, which promised to split and buy back, with an annualized rate of 24% for the seventh phase; and the CSN's title requisitioning project, which requires investors to requisition with the TSC to promote anti-require or incentive activities at high prices after the end of the requisition.


Qualitative Analysis of Different Business Patterns


In recent years, under the strict supervision of the regulatory authorities, large virtual currency trading platforms, such as currency security and gunnets, have withdrawn from mainland China and conducted an inventory of mainland users, but there are still a number of small virtual currency exchanges renting offshore servers to engage in illegal currency transactions in the country, criminal cases involving virtual currency transactions are frequent, and some disputes and disagreements remain in judicial practice with regard to the handling of such cases.


(i) The offence of unlawful absorption of public deposits


Virtual money-trading platforms collect French currency or virtual currency from unspecific members of society through public distribution of virtual currency and promise or disguised commitments to fixed gains, such as &ldquao; static gains & & rdquao; publicity, setting up returns on investments such as dividends. Or, within an exchange, the issuance of fixed-income property, collecting French currency or other mainstream virtual currency from unspecific members of society through public channels such as the Internet, micro-credit, etc. The business model generally has &ldquao; illegal, open, attractive, non-specific & rdquao; and conforms to the basic characteristics of the offence of illegal absorption of public deposits.


In practice, there is no dispute as to whether the collection of legal currencies through the issuance of tokens or in respect of property is considered to be illegal, but there is a different understanding as to whether the collection of virtual currencies can be regarded as illegal, focusing on whether they are “ deposits ” or ” funds & & &rdquo. The view is expressed that “ deposits & ” or & & & & & & rdquo; that they should be limited to the legal currency, that the object of the crime of illegal absorption of public deposits is the national financial management order, that the virtual currency, while it has a property value, is not of a legal currency character in the country, that the virtual currency transactions do not undermine the national financial management order and cannot be the object of the crime of illegal absorption of public funds.


(ii) Fraud offences


Common in “ air currency & & rdquo; & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & quo; currency & & & & & & & & & ; & currency distribution sites where such coins are not based on “ public chain & & & rdquo; development, but through & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & S &, & S & & & & & S & & S & & & & & S & & &, & S, & S & S & S &, & S,,, & S, & S & & &,, & ;


In this pattern of conduct, capital fraud can be considered if there are & ldquo; quadrant & & rdquo; basic features. For illegal possession purposes, but not for illicit capital collection & & ldquo; quadrant & rdquo; features, in particular & ldquo; inducement & & rdquo; for example, the creation of virtual currency trading virtual disks, where trading systems are relatively closed or bet against customers, and are not invested in real trading markets; exchange controls over virtual currency trading prices, volume and transactions; controls affecting K-line rises and falls; and, in conjunction with counter-transaction advice, restriction of access money, inducement to frequent operations, additional funds, etc., is considered fraud.


(iii) Offence of illegal dealing


The offence of illegal business is & ldquo; statutory offender & & rdquo; while virtual currency transactions violate the proclamations, risk alerts, etc. issued jointly by the People's Bank of China, the Central Network Information Office, etc., these proclamations are not part of the State's rules, and there is insufficient basis for finding the offence of illegal business in the absence of an administrative offence.


However, the price of a stable currency [stable currency is an encrypted currency with a stable proportion of a target (generally legal currency), which will not change much over time, is a category of currency that emerges from the advent of block-chain technology, which has a value-scale function in the field of encryption. Commonly stable currencies include tedar (USDT), bitcoin (BIT) and so on. Since the exchange rate between French currency and goods and services is relatively stable, the ultimate anchor of the stabilization currency is for goods and services, that is, real purchasing power.]


In this case, for example, the King has developed a stable currency CNDT within the exchange, with a 1:1 exchange rate between CNDT and the renminbi, whereby investors can exchange the stable currency CNDT in the form of a currency equivalent to the renminbi (OTC) through a base model of micro-credit, payment of treasures, bank card transfers, etc. The investor may use the CNDT to buy and exchange other virtual currencies. It is argued that either the stable currency or other virtual currency is merely a digital commodity, and that it is an exchange of goods, not a settlement activity. The investor may make a substantial judgement on the basis of the subjective purpose and objective behaviour of developing or using the stable currency (OTC) in the form of a currency.


Another mode of operation that may constitute an offence of illegal operation is pledge lending. Currently, a number of virtual currency exchanges can accept the pledge of bitcoins, tedars, or relatively stable mainstream virtual currencies, such as the Taidals, with a deposit rate of 30-70 per cent for loan money or other virtual currencies, and investment hostage lending generally for projects within the investment exchange, similar to “ stock-sharing & rdquo; business, where the exchange provides leverage for investors to raise money and collect interest. For example, in this case, King Wang is opening up a pledge lending function at TSC100, the pledge agreement agrees to pledge assets to be issued by the exchange as a proxy currency TSC, and the loan agreement is to stabilize the exchange's currency, CNDT (with the renminbi rate 1:1) or the renminbi (underline payments), short-term loans for a period of one to three months, with interest rates agreed at 1 per cent/month, the main purpose of a pledge lending operation by the exchange is generally to promote currency, attract customers, increase the volume of transactions, rather than the loan interest rate, if there is an & ldquo, or other secret interest rate, which may constitute an illegal interest rate of 6 per cent.


(iv) Organization and leadership of distribution activities


In “ Air Currency & & rdquo; & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & quo; in project distribution promotion, some virtual currency exchanges use & & & & & & & ; Human Head & & & & & & & ; Model Development & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; in this case, the Virtual Currency Exchange is in fact a marketing platform, such as & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ;


(v) The offence of opening a casino


Some virtual currency exchanges offer virtual currency investment services for profit, with clients stifling a virtual currency to buy up or fall, deciding to win or lose based on actual ups and downs, charging a fee for each transaction, which is essentially for profit and provides a gambling platform for investors, and the conduct of the virtual currency exchange may constitute the offence of opening a casino. For example, in this case, Wang was on the exchange’s wire-coin snag project, with players using TSC as their last currency fee, competing to guess BTC’s every minute rise or fall, with a profit of 25-30% if guessed; and, in the event of no guessing, paying the full sum and entering the platform’s reserve.


Determination of the amount of fraud


Since most of the virtual money exchange servers are located outside the country, it is often impossible to access complete transaction data, and the exchange is generally settled in virtual currency, there is a dispute in judicial practice as to how the amount of fraud should be calculated. In the above-mentioned case of capital fraud, the following main points of contention are highlighted:


In practice, the amount of the offence is more controversial because of price fluctuations in virtual currency. In practice, the average value of the market price is calculated over a period of time, or the judiciary, on the basis of the principle in favour of the suspect, uses the lowest value of the currency corresponding to the virtual currency in the course of the transaction. If, for objective reasons, back-office data cannot be retrieved or restored, it can also be determined in the context of reporting material, transfer of water, etc.


(ii) Whether “ Candy & rdquo; Distribution & & & & & rdquo; Airdrop & & & rdquo; Transfers and Repurchases should be deducted from the amount of the financing fraud. According to the Decision of the Supreme People’s Court Amending the Interpretation of the Law Concerning the Specific Application of the Law to Criminal Cases of Illegal Financing (2022.3); & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; The amount of the collection fraud is calculated by the amount actually obtained by the perpetrator and the amount returned before the case is deducted. The perpetrator’s costs of advertising, brokering, handling, handling, withholding, or payment of bribes, etc., are not deducted. The interest paid by the perpetrator for the purpose of carrying out the collection fraud are included in the decision (2022.3);


(iii) Whether the virtual monetary value held by the client at the time of the commission of the crime should be deducted from the amount of the offence. Such a situation should be distinguished from the amount of the offence if the holding of the virtual currency is still available on a regular basis and can be converted into normal transactions on other exchanges, is negotiable and has a real value, in accordance with the above-mentioned rules, but is not deducted from the amount of the offence if the closure of the exchange renders the virtual currency uncollectible or & ldquo; garbage currency & rdquo; if the circulation is not of any real value at all.




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