
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:26 评论:0



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Against the backdrop of increased global regulation, the price of bitcoins has been continuously adjusted for the last three months, with a cumulative drop of up to 50%. With prices falling sharply, large numbers of investors and funds are out of sight, the latest data show that the volume of transactions on the world’s major encrypted digital asset exchanges fell by more than 40% in June.


In addition, on 15 July, the Customs Service of Hong Kong, China, announced that the first case of money-laundering using virtual currency had been investigated, amounting to HK$1.2 billion, and that four persons had been arrested.


World App and website closed


On July 15, the encrypt currency content community “The Currency World” announced that, in compliance with the provisions of the Central Bank's Department of Management document dealing with the virtual currency area, it would actively cooperate with the regulatory sector's industry restructuring requirements, which would begin with the closure of the currency world APP and its web sites in China. At present, neither the Apple Shop nor the official downloading channels of the currency world can download its APP. However, as of 22 p.m., the currency world web site could still be opened normally.


According to TAMP, the World Network Science and Technology Ltd., a company associated with the currency world in Beijing, was established in August 2017 as the statutory representative of Tan Morning Fai, with a registered capital of RMB 1.25 million, and operates Internet information services; software development; business management consulting; data processing, etc.


The financing history showed that the company had received several rounds of financing, with investors including favourable capital, start-up capital, true capital funds, Feng Swe capital, etc.


It is worth mentioning that, on 6 May 2021, the company was placed on the list of irregularities in its operations by the Beijing market supervisory authority for the Yangtze district because it was unable to communicate through its registered residence or place of business.


Hong Kong Customs has solved over HK$1.2 billion in virtual currency money laundering cases


On 15 July, the Customs Service of Hong Kong, China, announced that it had detected for the first time a case of money-laundering using virtual currency, involving an amount of HK$1.2 billion, and that four people had been arrested.


According to news sources, the preliminary investigation revealed that between February and May of last year, the four persons involved had processed a total of approximately HK$1.2 billion in suspicious amounts related to bank remittances and virtual currency through accounts opened at multiple banks in Hong Kong, as well as through a virtual currency trading platform. Customs had seized a large number of computers, hand-held telephones, bank security encoders, and a large number of documents, including company registration documents, monthly bank statements, and chequebooks.


Under the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance, it is an offence for any person to know or have reasonable grounds to believe that any property is the proceeds of an indictable offence, whether wholly or in part, directly or indirectly, on behalf of any person, while still disposing of the property.


another province! Anhui Province completely shut down the virtual currency mining project


Emergency operations are under way throughout the country to “block” mining operations. On 14 July, the virtual currency mining project was completely shut down by the security badge.


It is understood that, in areas of severe energy consumption, insufficient space for energy use and tight balance between electricity supply and demand, Anhui Province will exercise strict control over new energy-intensive and power-intensive projects, construct a data centre in an orderly and well-structured manner, and completely clean up the virtual currency mining project, which has ceased to be built in various names.


To date, Anhui has become the sixth province in the country to clean up the virtual currency mining project. The five provinces of Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Sichuan and others have closed down the virtual currency mining project.


Virtual currency mining is usually concentrated in fire- and power-rich Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and hydropower-rich Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou. Industry sources say that this large-scale official de-mining industry is a blow to encrypted money and could lead to the end of an era. On microblogging, many of our online friends applaud the closure of mining projects, and some of them comment that, “aside from wasting energy, there is no positive productivity to support closure.”


Beijing clean-up of virtual currency exchange services


At the same time as the virtual currency mining project is being shut down, companies that provide trading services, office space or publicity for the virtual currency are also being liquidated.


A few days ago, on 6 July, the Beijing City Local Financial Supervisory Authority and the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China jointly issued a risk alert on the prevention of virtual currency transactions and cleaned up the Beijing Channel Cultural Development Limited, which is suspected of providing software services for virtual currency transactions, and ordered the company to cancel it, and the official website was deactivated.


The Beijing City Local Financial Supervisory Authority, the People’s Bank Department of Business Administration, warns the relevant agencies within the jurisdiction that they should not provide business premises, commercial displays, marketing campaigns, payment channels, etc. for virtual currency-related operations.


At the same time, consumers should be reminded of the need to increase risk awareness and develop sound investment concepts. Do not engage in virtual currency trading campaigns, do not blindly follow the speculation associated with virtual currency, and guard against the erosion of personal property and interests.


Central Bank! Interviews with some banks and payment agencies


On 21 May this year, the Financial Committee of the State Council called for the fight against the mining and trading of Bitcoin and for a resolute effort to prevent the transfer of individual risks to the social sphere. It is worth noting that this is the first time that the Financial Committee has proposed the fight against the mining and trading of bitcoin.


On the afternoon of 21 June, the People's Bank released news that in recent days the relevant departments of the People's Bank had interviewed some of the banks and payment agencies, such as the Business and Industry Bank, the Agricultural Bank, the Construction Bank, the Postal Bank, the Employing Bank and the Payment Bounty (China) Network Technology Ltd., on the issue of banks and payment institutions offering services for virtual currency transactions.


The relevant departments of the People's Bank have pointed out that the activities of the virtual currency transactions disrupt the normal economic and financial order, create a risk of illegal cross-border transfers of assets, money-laundering, etc., and seriously undermine the security of the people's property. Banks and payment agencies are required to conduct comprehensive checks to identify the accounts of the virtual currency exchange and the money-distributors in the off-site trade, to cut off the link between the payment of the transaction funds in a timely manner; to analyse the characteristics of the financial transactions of the virtual currency transactions, to increase technical inputs, to improve the model for monitoring unusual transactions, and to improve the monitoring and identification capacity; and to improve internal working mechanisms, to establish a clear division of labour and to ensure that the relevant monitoring and disposal measures are in place.


Following interviews with the central bank, on the evening of 21 June, business and industry banks, agricultural banks, construction banks, postal banks, and boom banks issued statements prohibiting the use of company services for virtual currency transactions such as bitcoins. Measures such as suspending account transactions and terminating financial services will be taken immediately upon discovery. Payment bonds also issued statements stating that they would immediately cease payment services if any virtual currency transactions were detected.


On 8 July, at a Department of State policy briefing on the situation of financial institutions, the Vice-President of the Central Bank, Fan Yi Fei, also responded to the Central Bank’s earlier campaign to interview some banks and payment agencies about virtual currency.


Fan Yi Fei suggests that digital money issuers can be divided into private digital currencies as well as central bank digital currencies. Private digital currencies typically represent currencies such as Bitcoins, and include so-called “stabilized currencies” that have become speculative instruments in themselves, with potential risks to financial security and social stability.


The global volume of encrypt currency transactions dropped by 40%


Bitcoin has been adjusted continuously for three months, with a cumulative drop of up to 50% since April 14, when it was high at $648 million; it has been reduced by 55% since May 12, when it was high at $4371. As far as Chinese journalists are concerned, the price of bitcoin fluctuates at around $3.24 million, while the price is around 1964.

随着价格的大跌,以及投资者情绪的低迷,加密货币市场的交易量也一路狂跌。7月13日,英国研究机构Crypto Compare发布的研究数据显示,6月全球主要加密数字资产交易所的交易量较5月环比暴跌逾40%,其中,当月加密数字资产的现货交易额环比下降42.7%,至2.7万亿美元;加密数字资产的衍生品交易额则环比下降40.7%,至3.2万亿美元。

As prices plunged and investor sentiment subsides, the volume of transactions in the crypto-currency market fell all the way. On July 13, research data released by the British research institute Crypto Compare showed that the volume of transactions in the world’s major encrypted digital asset exchanges fell by more than 40 per cent in June compared to the May ring, with a 42.7 per cent decline in the current ring of encrypted digital assets in that month to $2.7 trillion; and the volume of derivatives trading in encrypted digital assets fell by 40.7 per cent to $3.2 trillion.


Tesla CEOmask, known as Bitcoin, used to call out bills for Bitcoin. Previously, Tesla had purchased $1.5 billion in bitcoins, which had a profit of over 80 per cent and a surplus of over $1.2 billion (approximately $7.9 billion). Recently, Tesla had sold about 10 per cent of the bitcoins in storage, but with the sharp fall in Bitcoin prices, Tesla’s investments could be close to losses.


A company listed in the Hong Kong stock market under the banner of Chai Wen has purchased encrypted currency three times in a row. As of 8 April this year, it has accumulated a net purchase of approximately $100 million worth of encrypted currency.


It was estimated that US$ 49.5 million was spent on the purchase of 940.885 bitcoins at a cost of approximately US$ 52.6 million/me; in addition, US$ 50.5 million was spent on the purchase of 31,000 in taels at a cost of approximately US$ 1629/me.


During the evening of 6 July, Metupés issued an announcement confirming that the fair value of its investment in bitcoins had decreased by $17.3 million as at 30 June 2021, and that it would be recognized as a impairment loss in its medium-term performance. The fair value of the investment as at 30 June 2021 had increased by $14.7 million, but the company would not recognize the investment as a revaluation gain in its medium-term performance.


The decline in Bitcoin has also held up Merit’s share price. Since it reached a high of HK$4.5/share on February 18 this year, Meteo’s share price has declined cumulatively by more than 60%, the latest share price being HK$ 1.62/share, and its market value has shrunk to HK$7.1 billion.




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