Metale AMA

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:28 评论:0



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【时间】:2023.7.6 晚 20:00

2023.7.6 p.m.


: Official Twitter




[Golden Summary]:

Metale V3正式版,将是币圈第一个可以源源不断地从web2获取用户的产品。

The official version of Metale V3 will be the first product in the currency circle that can be accessed from web2 on a continuous basis.

Metale V3正式版,将上Apple store, 会走向主流市场。

The official version of metale V3 will be placed on the Apple store, which will lead to the mainstream market.


WCM will be a big house in the future.

Metale 希望做长期有价值的事情。

Metale wants to do something valuable in the long term.

【Chari 最近的感悟】:


More than Ali's market value, more than Ali's, and more about the culture of obscurantism: nature, trust.

Metale 在本分的做产品,满足内容分发赛道特定的需求,做靠谱的有价值的长期的事情。

Metale does the product at this point, meets the specific needs of the distribution track and does valuable, long-term work.

Ordi ,10000倍,meme ,社区共识;赌的需求,会被满足;

Ordi, 10,000 times, meme, community consensus; the need for gambling is met;

去中心化的内容分发这一历史重担落在了Metale 肩上,擦边内容是有真实需求的,metale 将满足这些需求。

The historical burden of decentralizing content distribution falls on Metale, whose needs are met by the real demand for wiping content.

【中文AMA, 过个肥年?】

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}

1、 RCM 上所后崩盘直下,接下来有什么打算? 还能过个肥年吗?

What are you going to do next?


RESPONSE: Good products and demand, RCM will have the right price representation.

2、 官推显示 精选作品上链存储,存储费用多少?这部分费用 来自哪里?

2, the officer shows the cost of storing the upper chain of selected works. Where does this cost come from?


Response: All works will be stored on the chain and the current cost will be borne by Greenfield;


If the future greenfield does not assume it, the project party will do it;


In the case of malicious uploading of garbage files, the author bears the burden.

3、 现在BRC20 群魔乱舞,日飙百倍,小伙伴们纷纷割肉RCM , 出逃淘金,可有良方?

And now the BRC20s are dancing hundreds of times, and the boys are cutting the meat of the RCM and running away from the gold?


A: The right strategy is to go to other places to find gold and then come back to buy RCM.

4、 v3 正式版落地时间? 以及未来玩法,可否透露一二?

4, v3 official edition landing time? > > > and future games?


Response: expected to be out by the spring of the agricultural calendar;


Stepn has a large number of users from Web2 but does not have continuous access;

Metale V3正式版,将是币圈第一个可以源源不断地从web2获取用户的产品。

The official version of Metalle V3 will be the first consumer product in the currency circle to be sourced from web2 on a continuous basis.

5、 friend.tech热度骤减, V3正式版还继续延用 FT的玩法吗? 这种玩法 是否具有可持续性?

5, sharp reduction, and the official version of V3 continue to use the FT method? Is it sustainable?


Answer: We are not rubbing the heat of, but this NFT casting can guarantee good mobility in cases where there is a great deal of collation.


Because we are an ecology, there are more than 3,000 acts, and the question of how to ensure the mobility of Longtails when there are 1 million acts in the future is the most important consideration.

6、 项目是否会继续发力,让大家过个肥年?

6; will the project continue to work so that we can have a good year?


A: The project has been working, and we have a team of more than a dozen people, a big team, constantly developing and producing products.

我们已经吸引到金融圈的人愿意为我们的产品发一支基金,专门做文化内容类产品的投资,如果基金做成了,正规军拿着web2的钱 入场时,将是全新的时代。

We've attracted people in the financial world to start a fund for our products, to invest in cultural content, and if it does, the regular army will come in with Web2 money, and it'll be a new era.

7、 小菜 :web3以及区块链本质上是一个金融属性偏强的一个行业,这里汇集了大量的投资客与投机客,而他们眼里,更多的是考虑能赚钱吗?一个产品,要想在这个圈子里获得他们的认可与支持,只有赚钱,他们才愿意分享与推广。在这种大背景下,项目方如何破局?有具体的规划吗?

7, à la carte: Web3 and block chains are essentially a highly financial industry, where a large pool of investors and speculators are gathered, and in their eyes, are they more concerned about making money? A product that only makes money for its recognition and support is willing to share and spread it. In this broader context, how is the project going to break down?

答:不仅仅web3 是为赚钱,web2也是为了赚钱。

A: Web3 is not just about making money, web2 is about making money.

能理解大家的想法,说的直白一点:大家希望我们拉一波,大家出货,只剩项目方站在山岗上,大家玩的这个种项目还少吗?玩一把就 玩完,真的是大家希望的结果吗?

If you can understand what you're thinking, let's make it clear: do you really want us to pull a wave, let's get out of here, let's just get out of here, let's just get out of here.

就连Stepn 从1毛 涨到4元,请问, 大家赚到了吗?自由了吗?

Even Stepn went up from 10 cents to $4. Do you have any money? Are you free?


If a project has become known to the public, you'll be here every day, probably as soon as you're cut;


Finding a worthy project within its own grasp, lurking in when no one comes to mind, screaming from time to time, waiting for the fruits to be harvested, may be a better option.

8、 小菜: 有第二轮融资计划吗?

Do you have a second round of financing?


A: The second round of financing should be close.

9、 小菜: 跟了项目方那么久,项目方战略目标以及定位都是相当清晰与明确的,是否下一个计划会把重心放在跑马圈地的进程中来?毕竟币圈节奏也是非常快的。

After all this time, the strategic objectives of the project and its location are quite clear and clear. Is the next plan going to focus on the process of running around the stables? After all, the pace of the coins is fast.


Response: The official version of V3 will be made available at the right time, and publicity will be intensified.


And indeed, the circle is fast, and we are quick to produce, except that no one is fast to draw.

10、 小菜 :V3上线以来,由于操作的复杂性,很多老用户都嫌麻烦,懒得操作,再加之外面赚钱的热点非常多,很多老用户都出逃了,项目方如何挽回老用户,又同时开发新用户?

10, à la carte: Since the beginning of the V3 operation, many old users have been troubled by the complexity of the operation, are lazy, and there are plenty of hot spots outside to make money. Many old users have fled. How does the project save the old users and develop new ones at the same time?


Answer: The V3 test version is too hasty. Expecting our own products to be played by value-based users, when the big cow's hot spots rise, and when the hotspots cool down, we're still rising.

11、 小菜: 跑鞋第二款游戏上线了,又给了创世一些福利,我们这些创世用户啥时候给我们一点福利。

When did our creators give us some benefits?


A: We don't have a second game that takes advantage of the opportunity to benefit creative users.

12、 一品黄山 :一直在谈梦想,现在作者也已经都在怨气连天,如果作者端也出了问题,还有梦想吗?

> 12, a yellow mountain: You've been talking about dreams, you've been complaining about authors, and if there's a problem with authors, you still have dreams?

答:生态有一个发展过程,一个作者写了一部作品,在其他地方都拿不到理想的收益,只能在metale 获得理想收益,这是们奋斗的目标。

Answer: Ecology has a development process, and one author has written a work that does not yield the desired benefits elsewhere, but only the desired benefits in Metale, which is the goal that we strive to achieve.

13、 小菜 :wcm会上线吗?何时上线?大概会上哪个交易所?

13, pickle: wcm on line? When do you get on line? What exchange is it?


A: It's gonna be the best exchange ever.

14、 小菜 :web3操作门槛还是挺高的,现在感觉做那些活动都没有太多意义,因为版本操作太复杂了,能去操作那版本,基本也是在这个圈子有一定程度了的,外面赚钱效应还行,老用户不想参加,新用户不会参加,项目方怎么思考这个问题?

(em>14, pickle: Web3 has a very high operating threshold, and it doesn't feel that doing those activities makes much sense now, because it's too complicated to operate that version, it's basically in this circle, it's not too easy to make money outside, the old user doesn't want to do it, the new user doesn't want to do it, what does the project think about it? /strang >

答:V3正式版会非常简单,而且会放在Apple store 上,会走上主流市场。

A: The official version of V3 will be very simple and will be placed on the Apple store and will enter the mainstream market.

15、 实事求是谈下减半和V3的结果,我们用户觉得是有问题的,那么是项目决策有问题,还是执行有问题,还是市场问题?

15, down to half and V3 results, our users think there's a problem, then is there a problem with project decision-making, or implementation, or is there a market problem?


A: The introduction of the v3 test version was a hasty decision-making process, and the product should be deposited and rolled out.

16、 蔡-:关于V3版本是否有考虑过提高出书的门槛,比方说要出版一本新的书需要交付200RCM(跟着价钱浮动)以防止一大堆烂书乱割人和增加出版的质量。同时也可以增加RCM的消耗。

16, Choi-: For version V3 to consider raising the threshold for publishing books, for example, the publication of a new book requires the delivery of 200 RCM (to follow price fluctuations) to prevent a pile of bad books from being cut off and to increase the quality of the publication. It can also increase the consumption of RCM.


Answer: No consideration will be given to raising the threshold and authors will need to consider how to interact with the reader community.

17、 蔡-:在V3版本是否有考虑过限制一个人mint的数量?比方说一个人最多只可以mint3本同样的书?以防止一下子价格一下被同一个人拉太高乱割的问题?这样会导致好的书也没有人敢参与。

17, Choi: Have you considered limiting the number of mints per person in V3? For example, a person can only have a maximum of mint3 copies of the same book?

答:V3 正式版作者在创作书时可以一次性mint 无限数量,其他用户每次只能mint一个,当然,用户可以mint 10次,100次。

Answer: The official V3 author can give an unlimited number of mints at the time of writing, while the other users can only have one mint at a time, of course, 10 mints at a time and 100 times at a time.

18、 蔡-:公司说过不希望大家去抄币价,可是除了币持有书根本体现不出书的价值?那是问大家为何不直接去抄币?公司必须把书的价值做出来,让每个人赚了钱都想要花钱来持有书(设立目标)。持有书能赚钱,打金读书也能赚钱,同时也会增加NFT的需求量带动mint书的动力。毕竟书是metale的核心。而不是买了书变成了大冤种。

18, Chai-: The company said it didn't want all of us to copy the money, but it didn't have the value of the book except for the money holding book. That's why you didn't do it directly. The company had to make the value of the book, so everyone wanted to pay to hold it (set the target). Keeping the book would make money, making money to read, and increasing the demand for the NFT would drive the mint. After all, the book was at the heart of the betale. Not buying the book turned into a huge grievance.

答:以前RCM 有60亿,建议大家用多少,买多少;现在RCM 只有700万枚且是限量的,如果想买一点,也可以。

A: Before there were 6 billion RCMs, it was suggested that you should spend and buy; now there are only 7 million RCMs and they are limited, if you want to buy a little.


The project is a platform in which the value of the book depends on the author, the reader and the community, and the platform will provide the necessary assistance.

19、 蔡-:这次上所的目的是为了什么?这么好的切入时机为什么没有消息也没有任何动作?还能留下来的都是metale的核心用户希望公司善待家人们?

, 19, Choi: What's the purpose of this trip? Why isn't there any news at such a good time of entry? All those left left are metale's core users who want the company to be nice to the family?

答:RCM 之前是可以在薄饼流通的,上抹茶只是多了一个流通渠道。

A: RCM was available before, and the tea on it was just one more channel.

20、 怎么在有限的资金下提升热度,这波外面的牛市并没有给metal带来流量,甚至还失去了很多用户。

em>20, how to raise heat with limited funds, and the cattle market outside of this wave does not bring a flow to Metall and even loses a lot of users.


A: All people are encouraged to make money, but after making money, you'll still assess which projects are really valuable and you'll all come back.




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