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The volatility of the market is due to information gaps. Investors’ perception of currency differences, market perceptions or underlying ecological differences may, in some cases, deprive us of more chips that can compete with other traders in the market, while in the information explosion and the changing market for encrypted currencies, different information platforms and investment instruments can actually help us to quickly capture the information and ecological development context of each currency, and the time when money can be laid in value by others, adding some chips that can compete with the markets of others.


Through various public information platforms, we can have a clear and immediate understanding of the market value, circulation and even the current increase and fall of other currencies of the same plate, and even the investment currencies of different VCs, in order to be pre-positioned, and this article will bring you to the understanding of these useful information platforms.

查价必备,可以说是币圈中的维基百科,Coingecko 成立于2014年,致力于提供加密货币市场的基本面数值分析数据给币圈投资者如即时价格、成交量和总市值等数据,同时也关注社群成长、程序代码开发等开源数据、重大事件,以及区块链的相关指标,同时我们也能够直接了解同个生态的币种涨跌,如公链生态、各别公链币种、DeFi 币种、预言机币种等。


The value of the check, which can be said to be Wikipedia in the currency circle, was established in 2014 to provide the basic face analysis data of the encrypted currency market for currency investors, such as instant prices, turnover and total market value, while also focusing on open-source data such as community growth, program code development, major events, and indicators related to the block chain, while we also have a direct understanding of the rise and fall of the same ecology's currencies, such as the common-chain ecology, the common-chain currency, the DeFi currency, the predictive currency, etc.
 src=流动性挖矿数据如APY、TVL、等资讯,是一个对于DeFi Farmer 来说非常好用的工具

Coingecko has also been active in developing other interesting products through the introduction of diversified content services such as electronic newspapers, Podcast, quarterly reports and so on in the course of the seven years. It is worth mentioning that Coingecko previously published the How to DeFi ebook in 2020, which provides a quick overview of the development of DeFi and a deeper conceptual explanation of its content, is a very thoughtful team and has a timely web site with


接着是另外一个笔者很喜欢的功能:「Portfolio 监测」,这个功能可以帮助你针对自己手上持有或是想要布局的币种加入到观察清单中,能够及时了解整体的涨跌情形等数据。

Then there is another function that the author likes: Portfolio Monitor, which helps you to get data on the overall ups and downs against the currencies you hold or want to configure in the watch list.


提到加密货币资讯网站,大家最不陌生的应该就是Coinmarketcap 了,于2013年创立,Coinmarketcap 可以说是币圈老韭菜最熟悉的一个网站,随后于2018年开发了手机版让使用者更能够轻易了解目前的市场行情资讯,Coinmarketcap 于2020年4月被币安交易所以4亿美元透过股权持有及BNB收购。

Referring to an encrypted currency information site, the most familiar should be , created in 2013, Coinmarkcap is one of the most familiar web sites in currency circles, which was subsequently developed in 2018 to make the current market information more easily accessible to users. Coinmarkcap was acquired in April 2020 by the Exchange with $400 million in equity and BNB.


过多的技术词汇以及少见的英文缩写词通常是最让币圈新手及小白头痛的地方,而Coinmarketcap 提供一个非常丰富的词汇库帮助新手快速了解区块链产业及市场中大家常会碰到的名词解释及单字,不管是基础知识、操作教学以及深度报告,在这里都找得到。

Too many technical terms, as well as rare acronyms in English, are usually the places where newer and white headaches >, and Coinmarkcap provides a very rich vocabulary to help newcomers quickly understand the noun explanations and words that are often encountered in the sector chain industries and markets, be they basic knowledge, operational teaching and in-depth reporting.

此功能与先前Coingecko 介绍的根据币种主题分类的功能雷同,Coinmarketcap 提供不同的区块链资本所布局的币种分类,以DeFi 币种来说,常见的资本有CMOS Holdings、Alameda Research、Multicoin Capital 等,一般人会比较难知道如何去找到这些资本先前所投资的Portfolio,透过这个功能,大家能够站在巨人的肩膀上,抢先布局不同资本所看好的币种。

This function is the same as the previous Coingecko presentation, where Coinmarkcap provides the currency classification of the different block-chain capital layouts in order to DeFi currencies, where common capital such as CCOS Holdings, Alameda Research, Multicoin Capital, etc., is less likely to know how to find Portfolio, the capital that was previously invested in them, and through this function, people can stand on the shoulders of giants and steal currency that is not the same as the capital of the preponderant.



None of the most interesting activities in the currency market is the gloss of wool, and through simple procedures we have the opportunity to get incentives of up to a few dollars, up to a few dozen dollars, and, of course, if you have a deeper faith in some currencies, perhaps it will be a good addition in the future.


透过观看影片、测验等操作,最后输入币安交易所得UID 就有机会获得空投,对于新手说也是一个非常不错的学习机会,不仅可以更了解市场上的项目,也有机会赚点收益。

By watching films, testing, etc., the UIDs that end up entering currency transactions have the opportunity to get airdrops, and for the newcomers, it is also a very good learning opportunity, not only to learn more about the projects on the market, but also to earn some money.


接下来要介绍的两个平台则是较适合老手使用的,Coinrank 可以说是进阶版的Coingecko + Coinmarketcap,以提供市场数据为主,Coinrank 提供了许多活跃于市场中的交易者有兴趣的数据如市场新高币种、市场涨幅前四大币种、IDOIEO 的过往数据参考,甚至是主流币的期货市场数据也都有提供,非常丰富。

The following two platforms are more suitable for older people: Coinrank, a step-by-step Coingecko + Coinmarkcap, which mainly provides market data, provides many past data references of interest to market-based traders, such as the market's new currency, the top four currencies of market increases, and , and even future market data for mainstream currencies, which are very rich.


Coinlist 算是币圈最多人参与的IDO平台之一了,而这也是笔者觉得非常实用的功能,我们可以看到过去于Coinlist 上募资的币种目前的币价以及涨幅表现为何,不用透过自己一个一个加入到观察清单中,非常实用。

Coinlist is one of the IDO platforms most involved in the currency circle, and this is what I think is very useful, as we can see in the current currency prices of the currencies that were raised in the past at Coinlist, and why the increases were made without joining the watch list one by one.

另一个非常实用的功能为DeFi 交易对历史图表,由于目前的DEX 在交易图表方面上都没有直接提供非常完善的图表功能,透过这个功能可以轻松看到所想要交易的币种历史走势图,同时也可以透过手动加入代币对来观看该币种交易图表。

Another very useful feature is the DeFi transaction against history chart, through which it is easy to see historical trends in the currency in which the transaction is intended, since the current DEX does not directly provide a very good chart function in terms of the transaction chart, and it is also possible to view the chart of transactions in that currency by manually adding a currency pair.


Bybt 可以说是合约交易者必看的资讯平台之一,主要提供的数据查询、分析服务都是专注于加密货币衍生品市场的资讯如期货市场多空比、资金费率、未平仓量等,都可以在Bybt 上找到。

Bybt can be said to be one of the information platforms that contract traders must view, and the data search and analysis services provided are all available on Bybt, as well as information that focuses on the market for encrypted derivatives of money, such as the amount of space available in the futures market, the rate of money, the amount of unwinding, etc.




multi-exchange ratio and volume of transactions, fund rates, un levelled warehouse data at first glance



We can also see the explosion data in the encrypted currency market in different cycles, and what the previous ones are.


同时,我们也可以在Bybt.pro 的页面了解到目前灰度基金所持有的比特币数量及其溢价。

At the same time, we can also find out on the Bybt.pro page the amount of bitcoins held by the current Greyscale Fund and its premium.


To survive in the currency circle long enough, it is important to learn to use a variety of open information platforms or tools, to stand on the shoulders of giants to get more market information and valuable information in a timely manner, to help them filter their own evasive communications, and to learn more quickly than others.





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