第32讲 | 区块链与供应链(一)

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:32 评论:0



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In the previous article, we talked a lot about block chain digital assets and digital finance, all of which are infrastructure. Today, we talk about another topic: block chains and supply chains.


Supply chains are a very big topic, with supply chains visible in almost any business. For firms, how to manage supply chains seems to be a perennial challenge.


For an industry, how to provide the best configuration strategy for the supply chain from an industry-wide perspective is also a perennial challenge.


So, when the supply chain encounters a block chain, some of the excellent features of the block chain can just as easily address the current pain in the supply chain area.


What's a supply chain?


Before I talk about block chains and supply chains, I would like to brief you on what the supply chain is. The supply chain, though also with a “chain”, is actually a networked structure.


The following graph shows the various links in the laptop supply chain.


(photo from Wikipedia)


The picture shows the manufacturing of laptops, the supply side of the raw materials for the manufacture of a laptop on the left side, and the right side of Laptop on the demand side, which includes various roles such as wholesalers (wholesaler), distributors (retailers), all of which are supply chains around laptops.


Through the above graph, let us sum up what is a supply chain? The supply chain is built around core firms and products and is a web-chain structure that starts with suppliers, route manufacturers, transporters, distributors and ultimately consumers.


We can see that the supply chain is a complex network structure in which each player intersects with the other, and that its management is thus very complex.


Supply Chain Area


The supply chain area of is divided into supply chain management and supply chain finance, starting with supply chain management.


1. Supply chain management


Supply chain management refers to activities and processes that plan, coordinate, operate, control and optimize the entire supply chain system, with the objective of minimizing the total cost of the process. It is important to note that the total cost here is the lowest total cost for the enterprise involved in the entire supply chain, not the least cost for a single link.


As we already know, the supply chain involves the roles of suppliers, manufacturers, conduits, etc. The roles are linked mainly to a range of services, such as procurement, inventory, logistics, etc. Procurement, inventory, and logistics revolve around warehousing, distribution centres, logistics transport, so we can also see the supply chain as a network of suppliers, manufacturers, conduits, warehouses, distribution centres, logistics transport, etc.


The biggest problem among the players in this network is the question of trust, because only confidence-building can work together to complete a complete product manufacturing and marketing process. The first problem facing supply chain management is how to reduce the cost of trust and form a chain of trust between unsettled businesses, each of which must coordinate its own and external resources through effective chain management to meet market demands.


In this chain structure, there are three flows of information, logistics and financial flows.

  1. 信息流:是指每个角色需要了解并追踪产品在供应链中的当前位置和状态;
  2. 物流:是指产品或原材料被转移到目标角色手中的过程;
  3. 资金流:是指上下游资金结算的过程。


The above picture shows that in supply chain management logistics point to the demand side, financial flows to the supply side and information flows need to be shared among the various actors.


The current situation in the supply chain, where financial flows, information flows, logistics operate independently, banks, supply chain management tools for information flows, and the transport industry for logistics, are organized around one or more core enterprises, has revealed the following patterns of dependence of various players on core enterprises:

  1. 核心企业对上下游的延伸和掌控范围有限;
  2. 上下游可能因为竞争关系,存在信息流作假和被篡改的风险。
  3. 市场供需变化无法及时传导到供给侧,从市场需求到供给侧的风险依次放大。


These problems, on the one hand, increase the complexity of supply chain management by core firms, and, on the other hand, the risk of under-participation by non-core firms. While a range of tools have emerged in the market to help upgrade the supply chain’s upstream and downstream synergies, there are some problems.

  1. 在整个供应链过程中,存在多个不同的参与方。由于不同参与者可能使用不同的数据库甚至是纸质文档,因此,数据的跨系统整合较难。
  2. 传统数据库体系中的数据本身存在被篡改、被攻击的风险。在准确性和安全性上还存在较大的提升空间。
  3. 由于产品的追踪难度大,一旦某个环节出现问题,监管机构对于不合规的活动在调查、取证及问责上存在一定的难度。


In other words, traditional technologies are still difficult to solve effectively as long as the idea of centrifugalization remains unchanged, with only a change of form. But characteristics such as transparent information sharing, reciprocity between nodes, and non-frozen features of the block chain are almost the same as those of the supply chain, so the block chain is also known as the ultimate weapon of supply chain management.


2. Supply chain finance


Supply chain finance and supply chain are two concepts, since there are more than two words about finance, so that, strictly speaking, supply chain finance falls within the category of finance, which is specifically designed to serve the supply chain.

  供应链金融(supply chain finance, SCF)可以泛指各种融资工具,它可用于为供应链中的各方提供资金,通过短期信贷手段来平衡上下游之间的流动资金差,从而最大限度地减少总供应链成本,企业也可以利用供应链融资与供应商建立更牢固的关系,降低金融风险和提高流动性。

Supply chain finance (supply supply finance, SCF) can refer to a broad range of financing instruments that can be used to finance parties in the supply chain to balance the liquidity gap between upstream and downstream through short-term credit instruments, thereby minimizing total supply chain costs, and can be used by firms to build stronger relationships with suppliers, reduce financial risks and increase liquidity.


As with other finance, risk management lies at the heart of supply chain finance, where good risk management presupposes a genuine and transparent sharing of supply chain information. While traditional supply chain finance revolves around banks, and their collection of supply chain information is subject to traditional technologies that do not fully capture the true orders between firms, risk control relies heavily on the credibility of firms.


Thus, if all participants have real and accurate access to the process and state of the entire supply chain, risk management becomes shared by the entire supply chain participants, not just the core enterprises and banks.



The block chain has brought about a major intellectual change in the supply chain, no longer an ecosystem built around the core business, but an ecosystem of co-management, and the block chain as an infrastructure can provide a sound and credible environment for the participants, thereby reducing the cost of the supply chain.


As we know above, there is a third stream of supply chains: logistics, information flows, and financial flows. Ideally, the “third stream” is actually a “third stream”, which is managed by the block chain itself, which provides information flows, financial flows, and logistics flows.


How does that make sense here?

  • 区块链本身也可以提供信息登记,例如订单状态可以被格式化成区块链的交易附加内容。
  • 区块链应用到资金流,这个想必你也应该猜到了数字资产,其实物品被登记后也属于一种有价凭证,对有价凭证的验证和交付可以看成数字资产的另外一种形式。
  • 区块链应用到物流,这里或许要结合IoT技术一起完成,因为区块链作为分布式系统,无法直接感知物流状态,例如运输途中食品的温度,这个是需要依赖传感器的,传感器获得的数据可以上传到区块链,也可以通过哈希处理后登记到区块链。


In fact, it is very difficult at this stage to achieve a “triple-up” among supply chain providers, but I think it is a trend that depends on the pace of development of the block chain.


So the entry point of the block chain in the supply chain is often from logistics, as logistics is the most visible expression of connectivity and is the closest to each other. Moving from logistics avoids direct competition with existing supply chain tools, such as existing supply chain management tools that already provide information flow management and banks that provide financial flow management, making it the most likely that the flow of goods to hand projects will land.


Logistically, the chain of blocks can guarantee the authenticity of data registration, the transparency of information to all participants and the provision of product traceability, which seems to have served much to resolve some of the difficulties.


Speaking of which, you may wonder why logistics has many problems in terms of the efficiency of the “one-to-one” in the country. In fact, the domestic environment is special, there is a better basis for trust among the founders of the “one-to-one” in the country, and the rise of domestic electricity suppliers and Internet technology has created a good soil for the domestic logistics environment.


So the main focus here is on the cross-border logistics environment, where cross-border logistics faces pain points that also involve a combination of customs, cross-border exchange rates, national policies of destination, etc., with lower levels of trust between them, so that addressing cross-border logistics is a breakthrough point in the supply chain of the block chain.


There are also many well-known examples of block chains being applied to the supply chain, such as those frequently cited by industry:

  1. 马士基(Maersk)和IBM的海运保险区块链平台案例;
  2. 沃尔玛利用区块链进行食品追踪溯源案例;
  3. 众安的区块链养鸡场实时记录和追溯整个鸡的成长过程案例;
  4. 海航科技基于区块链技术的物流端到端的虚实融合信息流平台。


In fact, through a careful analysis, we can see that these institutions are using DLT technology, that is, a chain of alliances, not a public chain. The next one is a detailed analysis of this phenomenon from a technical point of view.




Well, today I have focused on what the supply chain is, what the supply chain is and what the challenges are. It is better to talk about what the block chain can bring to the supply chain and where it should go.




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