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The is a feature feature of the block chain project that has been opened by the chain teahouse. A weekly visit to a project team will take place. The chain teahouse will tap into flashpoints for different projects, tell business stories about the developers of the block chain, and provide updated project information and industry developments for each block chain peer.


Since its inception, the block chain world has been accompanied by the concept of “mining”, which Bitcoin is hot because of the manner in which the mining is generated, and because of the value of the tokens themselves, the ponds and mines have been centralized. Today, the chain teahouse interviewed the Ulam community founder of the new generation of new consensus algorithms, Liu Fai, who will tell us why a new consensus algorithm is now needed to perfect the chain mining mechanism.

币圈“活化石” 曾经错失多次创业机会


I first met Liu Fai, who was wearing simple jeans, wide-ranging recreational suits, and half-frame glasses of the front guard, and looked like a typical middle-aged entrepreneur. But he was not as serious as he thought he was. He saw the chain teahouse team with a warm welcome, and the talk of "Kyochi" immediately pulled us into the distance with him.


Liu Hui is the first person in Beijing to touch the chain of blocks and the ring of coins, known as Li Lin, OkEx Xu and others, and has entered the chain since 2013 to start a business, and has twice invested in Li's laughter as a “vibrous fossil” of the currency ring.


Liu Hui, as an old man in the circle, told us how he had missed a billion dollars. In 2013, Liu wanted to do an educational experiment in partnership with a friend on the subject of open-source software and hardware, a weekly gathering in Beijing. With this gathering, Liu's team met Li laughter, who came to tell you stories about currency circles and block chains every week, and then increased the frequency to every day.


But 2014 is also a city of bears, where the mine business is not easy to do, where profits are lower but costs are constant, and where three months of return have become a luxury. Liu withdrew from the mine business in the summer of 2014 and met with the Ether V God in the second half of 2014, but since the V God had less influence at the time, English had an accent, English was a particularly good Liu Hui had not had much to talk to him, and yet another step was taken to work with the ETH.


In 2014, there were many collaborations between the miners and the exchange, Liu Hui is also familiar with Xu Sing, and Xu has allowed Zhao Changping to eat with Liu Hui, who did not create a currency. Although he was a well-known friend at the time, Liu Hui still does not have the idea of working together to start a business in the chain industry.


Liu Hui, who has been in lewd for years, has a lot of things to do, and he goes out to some meetings, and he's always met some of the coin bulls who ask him, "Do you recognize me?" Liu is the last thing he wants to hear right now, because most of them are entrepreneurs in the block chain industry, and because they hesitate and look in the wrong direction, they didn't work with them at the time, and they missed a lot of opportunities to make money in the industry.


Even though the block chain gave Liu a lot of remorseful memories, he looked forward to seeing the future of the industry and believed that there were new opportunities left to him. In 2017, he focused on Dr. Oh Ying Bing, at the Qinghua University Institute of Higher Studies (Mathematics), who created a new consensus algorithm for mining, which seemed more rational and equitable, and could reach a level of low-threshold participation for all.


Good industry characteristics on the


There is also a reason why Liu Hui's determination to start a business in the block chain industry has been inspired by his conviction that the block chain is a good industry and that it has the following characteristics of a good industry.

第1, 区块链行业逻辑失效,这是一个全新的领域,创业团队几乎都是新团队,没有母公司和大公司进入。全新的行业给予所有参与者的机会是一样的,让大家站在同一起跑线上,这是一场公平的竞争。

First, the block chain industry’s logic fails, which is an entirely new field, with business teams almost all new, with no parent company and no big company entering. The brand new industry gives all participants the same opportunity to stand on the same track, and it is a fair competition.

第2, 所有人对于区块链还不是很懂,刘辉认为不知道区块链是什么确实是好事情,标准说法是行业没落地。都不懂才是好的机会,因为创业团队可以边研发边学习、边探索边进步,且不用担心触及了行业的上限,因为没有人知道区块链到底能有多大作为。

Number two, everyone doesn't know what a block chain is. Liu thinks it's a good thing not to know what a block chain is. The standard is that the industry has fallen. No one knows it is a good opportunity, because an entrepreneurial team can learn while developing and exploring and progress without worrying about the industry's ceiling, because no one knows how much a block chain can do.


Third, Liu Xi believes that a business is a good business if it is called a curse. He talks about big data, artificial intelligence, VR, AR, which has been boasted of as a high-end technology, but has one project come up? None, the company AI has done nothing but chess, has done nothing for 10 years and has not done it automatically. The sector has moved other people's cheese, changed labour relations, affected all industries and affected the appreciation of the dollar, and is therefore hated by everyone in all walks of life.


In Japan’s industry rules, cooks have to go to the kitchen for 10 years, and carpenters have to go to the mountains to study and not marry for many years. Such professional values are not worth promoting, completely rejecting the opportunities offered to young people by society, and young people should not compromise.


Liu Hui spoke of a decade of gold in the United Kingdom in the 1980s, a period of rapid growth in various industries, and a market for sellers when consumers were demanding goods from sellers, who did not have to work as salesmen, and went out in the morning to report to the company for tea, making a lot of money. Such a market for sellers is not likely in China’s traditional industry today, and the chain of blocks is likely, though it is a long-term bear market, to create a market for sellers as long as entrepreneurs find an innovative direction where they can find their way.


And sixthly, the industry has a star effect. Liu Xi spoke about Sun Woo-moo at the Playfield, who said that Sun Woo-moo was the fastest-earner in the block chain industry. Why could he make the money? Because he was a net red, a star, transforming a lot of herbs into the wavering ecology. He had a friend in Taiwan who did a survey of sector chain entrepreneurship projects from 17 to 18 years in a row for 18 months, one of which was an interesting indicator, called the celebrity effect, and one that was likely to be successful if a project was presented by a star. Another indicator shows that if a project leader was a doctor, a scholar, such a project would probably be very costly.


What is the new consensus algorithm proposed by the Ulam project?


Liu Hui states that the block chain industry has undergone two rounds of consensus innovation, the first of which is the Pow mining mechanism, which is represented by bitcoin mining. This mechanism, although stable, has fixed its value and strengthened miners’ confidence in mining, has become the strongest consensus in the world of the current block chain.

在ETH提出智能合约概念后,共识创新迎来了第二波,其中比较著名和被比较广泛使用的包括 POS,DPOS,PBFT,以 DAG 为基础的其他共识算法。POS 也需要通过寻找特定哈希值的方式挖矿,但其引入了币龄的概念。从而大大的降低了挖矿的能耗,部分地解决了 pow 的高能耗问题。但是其币龄系统很容易诱发马太效应,引起币的高度集中。过度集中的代币分配,会摧毁整个区块链的经济系统。这是 POS 共识算法所引发的代币集中问题。

Following the introduction of the concept of smart contracts by ETH, consensus innovation has ushered in a second wave, in which the more famous and widely used include POS, POOS, PBFT, and other consensus algorithms based on the DAG. POS also needs to dig mines by looking for specific Hashi values, but it has introduced the concept of currency age. This has significantly reduced the energy consumption of mining and partially solved the high energy consumption of pow.

Ulam 共识可以做到超级碎片化节点(任何智能手机、笔记本电脑、pad、手表等智能设备均可以参与挖矿);完全去中心化(百万级节点);永不产生比特币一样的算力集中化;49%恶意节点容错(目前所有共识算法中的最大容错率);TPS可达 10000+,确认时间1s,超低分叉率;可以证明安全共识协议;抗量子攻击。

Ulam Consensus can achieve super-debris nodes (any smart phone, laptop, pad, watch, etc., can be involved in mining); complete decentralisation (millions); never produce the same amount of bitcoin; 49 per cent malign node tolerance (the maximum tolerance rate in all consensus algorithms at present); TPS can reach 10000+, confirmation time 1s, super low fork rates; evidence of security consensus agreements; and resistance to quantum attacks.


The mining experience of the Ulam public chain is at the front end, where users pay a minimum of 2,000 Ulam for mining, and the more efficient it is that the more money-bearing users get the lucky number. Every five seconds the Ulam public chain will generate a lucky number, which will be rewarded by a public chain outlet in the user’s lucky number series, amounting to 22.5 Ulam. If the user gets the lucky number reward, the more time the currency is held and the more likely it will be rewarded in the wider series.


This innovative consensus algorithm, which has low energy consumption and no threshold for hardware, was endorsed by currency circle users a few days before Ulam opened mining. Ulam opened mining on 8 April, now reaching 1,800 days, and the price of currency is rising.


the future direction and planning of the Ulam project


Liu Hui indicated that users who entered mining early in the start-up of the Ulam project did have dividends, because there were fewer early users, the probability of matching random lucky numbers would be higher, and if future users were to grow to a certain level, the chance of being drawn would be lower. But, in his view, the vision of the Ulam public chain project would be to lower the threshold for digging through blocks and lower energy consumption and to involve the entire population in mining, and the team would aim to involve 1 billion people in mining in the future.


The total amount of Ulam coins issued is set. If there are too many participants in the future, what if the pool’s tokens are not enough? Liu Hui states that the current logical design offers 22.5 Ulams every five seconds, that there are enough coins in the pool to dig continuously for six years, that the team will use the transaction fees acquired over six years to support mining, and that the future is likely to expand, and that the question of the pool is not a big one. Liu Hui also states that 10 years is an era, and if Ulam survives 10 years, the team will certainly think about something more appropriate for that time.


The kiosks follow closely the development of the block chain industry and are willing to speak out for excellent block chain start-up projects, and can contact us if there is a demand from developers for outreach.




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