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你最近聽過以下這些跟敵基督及666有關的說法嗎?「戴口罩就是戴上獸像(敵基督),接受獸的印記。」「新冠疫苗裡面含有微晶片,可以讓政府追蹤你的行蹤。」上述這些說法正在歐美地區和華人社群中如火如荼的傳開。 隨著疫情不斷的擴大,來自聖經啟示錄的末日預言,正被很多偏激狂熱,或有政治目的的宗教份子散播運用,造成人心惶惶…

"Strong" has you recently heard the following words about the enemy Christ and and 666? "The mask is the statue of the beast, the mark of the beast." "The new crown vaccine contains microchips, which allow the government to track you." These words are spreading like fire in the European and Chinese communities.


- The mask is the statue of the beast, the mark of the beast.


- There's Satan's blood in the new crown vaccine. It changes the DNA of the human body.


- There's a microchip in the new crown vaccine that allows the government to track you.


- A new crown vaccine with a passport or a cell phone health code is a way for the government to control the people, and this is the work of the enemy Christ.


- So we refuse to wear masks! We refuse to receive a vaccine for the new coronary pneumonia!


These claims are spreading in Europe and the American and Chinese communities. As the epidemic continues to grow, the doomsday predictions from the Book of the Bible are being used by a number of radicalists, or by politically motivated religious elements, causing panic, tearing society apart, and distrust of the government.


Who's the enemy Christ?


According to the Last World Prophecies on the Bible, in the time line of God vis-à-vis the Plan, before the second time the Messiah (Jesus Christ) arrived (Application 19:11-16), there was a seven-year disaster that the world would face (Applications 6-19). A world leader would appear in these seven years, the first three and a half years as a Messenger of Peace, and the second three and a half years as he would rule the world in substance (But in power 9:27), as the Bible called him the Enemy Christ (John 2:18).


In human history, there has never been one person to rule the world, and the enemy Christ will be the first to rise to the top and become the ruler of the world. And this set of 666 numbers represents the enemy's own mark of Christ and the way in which he ruled the human race (art. 13:16-18).


"The Enemy of Christ" is the Holy Bible's name for the king who will rule the world. Moreover, "The Little Corner" (but reason 7:8), "The Great Sinner, the Son of Sink" (post 2:3 after Tesalonika), "The Unlawful Man" (post 2:8 after Tesalonika), "The Animals of the Sea" (enlightenment 13:1-10), etc., is also his name. He confronts Christ, persecutes Jews and Christians, rules the world with iron wrists, calls himself a god and makes all the world worship him.


"The Enemy Christ" and "The Enemy Christ of Broadness" and "The Enemy of Lightness":


Open Enemy Christ: Every king in human history who persecutes Jews and Christians can be called the Enemy Christ.


"Strong" is a par excellence of the enemies of Christ: the name of the word, the number of names, is the king who ruled the world in a great disaster.


What's 666?


Since Old John wrote his 666th by God on the island of Batmo, for more than 2,000 years this set of numbers has been the focus of debate in the Church, and what does every time theologian decipher 666?


Why do you use the number 666 instead of 555 or 888? It's possible that the number 7 represents the Holy, Full, Holy God in the Bible. For example: 7 Rays represent the voice of God (Apocalypse 10:3-4), 7 Eyes represents the full knowledge of God (Sagariah 4:10), 7 Spirits represent the full power of God (Application 5:6).


Satan, as a creation, cannot steal the sanctity of God, but only six to represent Satan. If the Holy Father + the Holy Son + the Holy Spirit, the Three Ones, is represented by three sevens (777). Then in the Last World, Satan has his false three bodies, the Satan + the Enemy Christ + the False Prophet, so it is also appropriate to use three sixs (666) to represent the false three bodies.


Section 16-18 of the inspirational book makes it clear that 666 is a set of numbers or numbers. It can be either a marker or a method of domination, so that 666 has two layers of relationship with the enemy Christ:


i, when 666 was the symbol of the enemy Christ >/strang >


When the Enemy Christ reigns over the world, 666 will be the sign of this tyrant. He will demand that his mark be inscribed on the forehead of the people or on the wrists of the people in the kingdom which he reigns over. On behalf of those who engraved the Enemy's mark, he will be fully bowed to this tyrant, fully dedicated, and will be driven by him.


Thus, those who have demonstrated their allegiance to the enemy Christ can study, sell, travel, etc., which means that the enemy Christ will have complete control and control over all.


As technology advances, it is likely that the sign "engine" on the people's forehead or wrists will change to "plant" in a chip. As long as it is easier to control the people, it will be the way that the enemy Christ is happy to use it.


II, when 666 was the method of rule


All technologies that are digitally organized, calculated, calculated, or displayed will become tools for the domination of the world by the enemies of Christ. For example, computers, networks, five Gs, big data, artificial intelligence, chains, electronic coins, code codes, human face recognition, etc.


rejects these rumours


When you wear a mask, you wear the animal's image and accept the animal's mark.


The mask is used to insulate the disease from infection. COVID-19, with its enormous contagious power, has created an unstoppable epidemic around the globe. A simple mask action, Taiwan has proved to be a very simple and effective way to stop the infection.


The West’s vision is that people who are sick wear masks, so they are very resistant to wearing masks. But the Bible has absolutely no such expression when it comes to wearing this mask for the sake of wearing the image of an enemy Christian animal without the mask.


There's Satan's blood in the new crown vaccine. It changes the body's DNA.


Satan is an angel of God, a creation of the spiritual world, and his body is very different from the body of man. There is a very important law that God creates everything, which is called "everyone of its kind." Different kinds do not produce the next generation.


DNA is a biomagnification molecule that combines chromosomes and genetic instructions, subject to the requirement that a person be a partner. Satan is a spirit, man is a flesh, and there are two bodies that are not compatible. If Satan's DNA is real, it cannot be integrated into and alter human DNA. Secondly, there is no reason to believe that Satan's blood is stored in every new crown vaccine factory. Where will it come from? Or how will it be added to the new crown vaccine?


Three, the new crown vaccine contains microchip, which allows the government to track your movements.


With the progress of nanotech, the use of the chip in technology is long overdue. But to track it, it has to be accompanied by a combination of hardware, power supply, etc., not a single chip can do it.


What is more, if there is a tracker, how can it be less integrated into the human body when it comes to vaccines? This is another problem. Even modern technology has advanced to a very sophisticated level, and it cannot be done at this point.


True, with the advent of the end of the world, dictators from all over the world appear like springs. It is not surprising that, with the collapse of global morality, deception, dictatorship, and the persistence of populism, people are both afraid and tired of the control of these dictators.


iv. New crown vaccine for passport or cell phone code is the way the government takes control of the people. It's the work of the enemy Christ.


Of these four online rumours of refusing to administer a new crown vaccine for pneumonia, only one is closer to what can be said. Even so, the rumour is still a source of fear, fear that the antichrist phenomenon predicted by the Bible has taken place.


Medical experts around the world, after research, tell us that the new coronary pneumonia will not disappear and will continue to spread. The only way to do this is to get a vaccine that will allow the country to travel. When will it become a safe environment?


It is when more than 70% of the world’s population is vaccinated that the global spread of new coronary pneumonia can be contained. So, who is free to go out and out? The person who has to be vaccinated.


In Taiwan, each of us has an identification number, a social security code in the United States, a document number in official correspondence, an order number in order to order goods on the Internet... and so on. Without these numbers, we can't imagine how the whole society is going to mess up.


We have no reason to assume that when a country operates some social systems, it has a mind that puts people under strict control, not its interests in the country.



As the day of Jesus' second arrival approached, the Bible prophecies came to an end. The end of the Bible and the prophecies were becoming the lessons of the present. At the same time, all sorts of heresy and perplexing the Christians.


The fact that the enemies of Christ ruled the world and that everyone accepted its mark was in the midst of seven years of catastrophe, not now.


Today’s governments will not force people to implant the chip; even though the trend of implanting the chip is progressing, it will happen only after seven years of disaster.


Thank God! Before the seven-year disaster came, the Church was removed from the world. "Pre-diplomaticly mentioned" was the most blessed promise of God to the Christians of our time, just as Noah entered the Ark before the flood. "Because God did not intend to punish us. It was through our Lord Jesus Christ that we were saved



Source: The Christian Journal Today




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