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This paper is pure dry, and it is suggested to read it patiently.

以太坊是一个使用区块链和智能合约启动去中心化开源应用程序(去中心化应用程序或DApp)的平台。 DApp用于需要转移数字价值存储(金钱,文档,注册表项,数据等),成本最低且无需第三方参与的场合。

is a platform using and smart contracts to activate decentralized open source applications (decentralized applications or DApp). DApp is used to transfer digital value storage (money, documents, registration forms, data, etc.), where it is least costly and does not involve third parties.


The platform has a practical currency: ("a data-ail="245423" target="_self" href="https://www.btchangqing.cn/56101.html"title=" ETH= "ETH" >/a>. It is a "fuel" that has been created and deployed in the Taipan framework. In addition, it can sometimes be used as a way of payment.


In the past, encrypted currencies were designed as payment systems that could replace legal currencies. This paradigm was changed and something entirely new was provided by Taiwan. It provided more opportunities for the development of the of 比特币、以太坊、FIL咖 hbjky327 学习挖矿知识

Cloud miner digs , Ethio, FIL


Ether has brought us:

  • 智能合约?—— 支持交易并保证遵守数字环境中所有已签订的合约条款和协议。 尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)早在1997年就第一次提出了该技术的想法,并且在第一个比特币协议中创建了一些原理。但是布特林普推广了智能合约并使之普及。
  • DApps?—— 智能合约使开发人员无需审查或第三方参与即可在以太坊网络中创建和发布应用程序。此外,DApp更稳定,因为除非所有节点都脱机(这极不可能),否则它们无法关闭
  • ICO(首次代币发行)—— 以太坊在初始代币发行中开启了巨大的繁荣,每个人都可以创建自己的加密货币并用其为自己的项目提供资金。当然,这一举措造成了很多骗局,但与此同时,它为柚子币(EOS)和波场币(TRON)等相当数量的加密货币项目铺平了道路。

以太坊在微软和亚马逊等大公司中变得非常受欢迎。他们实施以太坊的协议,允许用户通过其云计算区块链即服务平台(例如Microsoft Azure和Amazon Managed Blockchain)创建和管理区块链。

Ether is becoming very popular in large companies such as Microsoft and Amazon. They implement the Etherm agreement, allowing users to create and manage block chains through their cloud-based block chains, i.e. Microsoft Azure and Amazon Managed Blockchain.


The first data to be kept on the prices of the taupulega date back to August 7, 2015. On that date, Kraken began to support it and was placing it on the exchange at a price of $2.77 per token. In that year, as early contributors actively sold it, the new digital asset experienced severe price fluctuations, falling to $0.5.

越来越多的加密爱好者开始学习以太坊。 11月9日至13日举行的Devcon-1开发者大会为它的普及做出了特别重大的贡献。在IBM,Microsoft和UBS的代表出席下,该会议积极讨论了以太坊的发展道路。结果,代币价格稳定在1美元左右。

The Devcon-1 Developer’s Congress, held from 9 to 13 November, made a particularly important contribution to its universalization. The conference, attended by representatives of IBM, Microsoft, and UBS, actively discussed the development path of Ether.

2016年1月,以太坊开始呈指数增长,并在3月达到15美元的峰值价格。这一增长得益于Homestead的新协议版本的发布。但是第二天,由于以太坊硬分叉,价格下跌了两倍。几个月以来,以太坊的价格从8美元波动至14美元。 9月,Ledger Nano S硬件钱包将以太坊添加到了其支持的资产清单中,从而使代币达到了15美元的汇率。

In January 2016, it began to grow exponentially and reached a peak price of US$ 15 in March. This increase benefited from the release of a new version of the Homestead agreement. But the next day, prices tripled as a result of the hard split in Taipan. Over the last few months, the price of Tai Pa has fluctuated from US$ 8 to US$ 14. In September, Ledger Nano S hardware will be added to the list of assets it supports, thus bringing the token to US$15.


On September 22, Ether was attacked by DDos (refusal of services) and the network slowed down. This led to a long-term downward trend until December. By the end of 2016, the Taiteng exchange rate stabilized at around $7-9.

对于以太坊来说,2017年是牛市,在最初的两个月中,该币稳定地上涨了23美元。 3月,代币涨至53美元,然后在随后一个月上涨至95美元。另一个价格上涨是由在Avantrade交易所上市触发的。作为结果,6月份代币达到了400美元。直到11月中旬,以太坊价格稳定在270-350美元的价格范围内。

In March, the token rose to $53, and then to $95 in the following month. Another price increase was triggered by a listing on the Avantade Exchange. As a result, the tender reached $400 in June.


Meanwhile, during the same period, gained momentum and reached a historic peak of $20,000. bitcoin, rising to its height of $1,400 on 8 January 2018 with a further leap to $1250 in taka prices and falling rapidly thereafter.


At the beginning of the year 2019, the price of ETA’s transactions was between $100 and $140. The first upward trend occurred in April. The price of ETA following Bitcoin began to grow gradually and reached $300 in June.

人们在谈论以太坊时提出的主要问题是其过低的交易速度和可扩展性。您可能还记得,当加密猫(Crypto Kitties)在以太坊网络上造成高过载时,没人可以进行交易。为了解决这些问题,布特林计划创建以太坊2.0。

One of the main issues that people are talking about is the low speed and scalability of their transactions. You may remember that when Crypto Kitties creates a high load on the Etheria network, no one can trade.


Ethio 2.0 will be released in January 2020 and will follow a seven-phase road map. Some of these are still under study with no clear technical specifications. Full deployment will therefore take years.

  • 阶段0:没有分片的PoS信标链
  • 阶段1:没有EVM(以太坊虚拟机)的基本分片
  • 阶段2:EVM状态转换功能
  • 阶段3:轻客户端(Light Client)状态协议
  • 阶段4:跨分片交易
  • 阶段5:紧密联结并确保主链安全
  • 阶段6:超二次或指数分片

“以太坊1.0是几个人在构建世界计算机方面的不懈尝试;以太坊2.0实际上将成为世界计算机。” — 维塔利克·布特林

“Etheria 1.0 is a tireless attempt by several people to build the world's computers; Ethio 2.0 will actually become the world's computers.” — Vitalik Butrin


The main functions, which will be achieved in the near future, include two important things:

  • 将以太坊区块链转移到权益证明算法,该算法不需要花费大量算力和电力即可工作。
  • 分片的介绍。其实质是创建大量并行处理的区块链,这些区块链独立处理交易,但同时又由一个公共网络和运营历史所连接。


The future price of assets will depend on the success of the plan. The ambition is great, and the risk of failure is high. It is not clear how the market and

WalletInvestor对以太坊抱有长期的前景预测。明年,以太坊的交易价格将在183美元至363美元之间;到明年年底,以太坊的价格将为338美元。 2021年将是看跌的一年,但以太坊将设法回到以前的位置。在接下来的两年中,代币将逐渐增长。但是在2024年,以太坊将从450美元跌至363美元。

WalletInvestor has long-term prospects for Ether. Next year, the trade price for Ether will be between $183 and $363; by the end of next year, it will be $338. The year 2021 will be a year to look down, but Ether will try to get back to its previous position. In the next two years, the money will grow. But in 2024, Ether will fall from $450 to $363.


Trading Beasts predicts a better future for the Ether House. By 2020, until August, the token fell from $133 to $126. By the end of 2020, Ether will reach $135. In the next two years, Ether will experience steady growth and will reach $260 by 2022.


According to the DigitalCoinPrice data, Ethio will reach $261 by the end of this year, then gradually increase to $569.28 over the next five years:

  • 2020年– 298美元
  • 2021年– 343美元
  • 2022年– 350美元
  • 2023年– 469美元
  • 2024年– 442美元
  • 2025年– 569美元


LongForecast’s outlook for the price of the Taiwan is quite moderate. In December this year, only $128 will be needed to buy an Ether House, which will continue to fall from that time to May 2020. Then, the token will begin to gain momentum and reach $150 in October. From November 2020, it will fall to $107 by the end of the year. For Ether, 2021 will be a bad year, with prices falling to $66.


The future price forecast for Tai Ho is usually quite positive. Their exact values may differ, but most people consider it to be a good long-term asset. This is understandable, because it is the second largest encrypted currency in the world and attracts the attention of giants such as Microsoft, IBM, Amazon. Although some of its competitors are faster and more expansionary, it remains first in the number of Dapps it holds. is awaiting the next update, which should improve the network and address speed and capacity problems.

基于上述种种的分析,我们完全有理由相信,以太坊涨到一万美元的日子可能并不遥远。我们现在要做的就是疯狂的囤币,布局以太坊的未来,人人都在数字货币世界里实现了自己的财富自由,甚至有一小部分的从一个买牛肉的摇身一变亿万富翁,当下行情买币囤币、炒币、是行不通了,唯一想在币圈赚到钱只能选择挖矿,市场上流通的所有币都是通过挖矿产生的,也就是说买币属于消费者,挖币属于生产者,用买一枚以太坊的成本,可以挖到2-3枚,但是因为自己没有矿机没有技术,参与挖矿的门槛极高,阻拦了很大一批普通的人参与进来,而随着时代的进步科技的发展,腾讯、百度推出了云储存,用户只需要一个app就可以存储海量数据,当然也需要支付费用,阿里研发了云电脑,只需要一个显示屏和一个特定的APP,运行速度便可以快过所有的家用电脑,而现在挖矿也被研发出来云模式了,这一切的背后都是一整个运营系统在支撑,云挖矿模式推出便受到一度青睐,现在仅仅一台手机和一个APP在家就可以挖BTCETH、FIL,了解详情请咖 hbjky327 。APP的获取方式我放在下面了。

On the basis of the above analysis, we have every reason to believe that it may not be far away to raise our fortunes to 10,000 dollars in the world. What we're going to do now is a crazy hoarding of coins, and what we're going to do is we're going to go down to . We're going to go up to 10,000 dollars in the world, we're going to go down to




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