
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:25 评论:0



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京东在港二次上市首日收涨3.54% 总市值7231亿港元

On the first day of Hong Kong's second listing, there was an increase of 3.54 per cent in the total market value of HK$723.1 billion.


Kyodong is officially on the market for the bells, issuing $13 million at a price of HK$226 per share, raising about HK$29,771 million in net funds, and going beyond the Internet to become the largest new stock issue in Hong Kong's port offices since the beginning of the year. As of the date of the collection, HK$234 per share was reported, with an increase of HK$354 per cent, with a turnover of HK$7 billion, with a turnover rate of HK$22.40 per cent, and a turnover of HK$4.6 per cent, with a total market value of HK$723.1 million.


The value of uncoloured and transparent crude oil is higher than the value of "black gold"


According to @PeopleWeibo, China’s petrochemical victory marine oilfields for the first time excavated uncoloured and transparent superpurity condensate crude oil. Such high purity condensates are rare in our country, known as natural gasoline, which can be used directly as fuel, which can be burned directly in tractors, and are also a good raw material for the refining industry. The color of crude oil is related to the number of carbon atoms among crude oil molecules, and the more darker it is, the more dense it is, the less easily it can be refined into gasoline, the worse it is.


Google says it's going to work to raise the number of black executives to 30% by 2025


Google has recently stated that it will work to increase the number of black employees in senior positions, and has set a target that by 2025 at least 30% of leadership positions will be held by ethnic minorities. In Wednesday’s blog post, Google states that more staff will be recruited in Atlanta, Washington, DC, Chicago, and London, increasing support for black workers, and developing anti-racism programs within companies.


The State Department of


Today, the State Council's Federation of Controls issued guidelines for the protection of low-risk areas in summer, which state that home-made foods are sensitive to critical health. Especially after processing raw meat, poultry, water products, etc., use soap and mobile water to wash hands for at least 20 seconds.


An expert in disease control in : The Beijing epidemic has been contained


This afternoon, at the 125th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic in the city of Beijing, the chief epidemiology expert of China's CDC told us clearly that the epidemic in Beijing is under control. The new diagnosis report is not equivalent to a new infection. An analysis of the timing of the onset of the disease is known. Most of the symptoms occurred a few days ago, from infection to the onset of the disease, so that the 21 new infections occurred yesterday before 12 June.


Reoccupation of P3 Laboratories to help Beijing Test Day test 1,000 nucleic acid samples


In the earlier outbreak, China’s CDC mobile P3 laboratory and its testing teams assisted in the testing of nucleic acid samples of new coronary pneumonia in the cities of Wuhan, Pitanjiang, and Jilin. On the morning of 17 June, they returned to Beijing’s Fungtai District CDC, where they were about to assist in conducting a new test. According to the current configuration, they could test 1,000 samples per day.


Further recovery of reduced passenger traffic in the domestic civil aviation market in May


According to the Civil Aviation Authority, recently released in May of this year, there were 2,58.31 million passenger traffic, a decrease of 52.6% compared to the previous month, a decrease of 15.9 percentage points. Industry experts have analysed the recovery of the domestic air market from June to July as it stands.


The wonders of the sky are coming! Summer to day can see the most perfect Phnom Penh solar food in the 21st century.


In 2020, the most important planetary elephant in our country, the solar edible, will appear on the summer of 21 June. The expert described the solar edible as the largest in the twenty-first century and the best observed conditions in the country in eight years. From São Tsao Bay, Tibet, to the south of the Sichuan basin, to Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Fujian, the entire golden ring can be seen on this line.



On 17 June, a monitoring report on sales of the 3C digital home appliances of the 618 mainstream power provider platform, published by the third-party research agency Imma, showed that the sales of the 3C home electricity of Skycat had outpaced Kyoto by ranking 1st. According to a statement issued by the 3C digital household on the Imang report, a large number of marketing numbers had been singled out around the content, with black public relations marks of apparent manipulation of public opinion, and reports lacked impartiality.


no more questions! The new iOS e-mail online feature


On June 16, the iOS micromail released a completely new version of version 7.0.13. The new version has changed in many ways, and in addition to the fact that the user can modify the microscopic signal, the microscopic team has quietly gone online. Although it has not been written into the updated manual, in the new iOS micro-mail, you have to double-click your friend's head, and the head will shake, and the page will have a "You took xx" reminder. If the other party is upgraded to the latest version, the same reminder will be received.


World First 5G Smart Vehicle Listed with a 5G Module

日前,广汽新能源发布全球首款北斗高精度定位5G智能纯电SUV埃安V并宣布正式上市。据悉,埃安V搭载了最新一代华为巴龙5000芯片,同时配备了华为V2X模组的5G T-BOX(Telematics BOX))和以太网模组。T-Box与主机、App及后台共同构成了Aion V这套车联网系统。

Today, the first new energy source released a global high-precision location of 5G smart-power SUVEANV. It is known that EAV is carrying the newest generation of 50000 Balon chips, accompanied by 5G T-BOX (Telematics BOX) and Ethernet. T-Box, together with host, App and backstage, form the Aion V network system.


Alvin Re-adaptation: Déjén as CoO Fanz to


Ali Weiwen released a letter from his staff called "The Young People, Run Together!", announcing a re-upgrading of the organization, appointing Li Jie as director of Ali's film industry, responsible for the internal business of Ali's film industry, and Da Yi as COO, responsible for the business of the Leisure Platform. In addition, Ali Baba Group, vice president of Aribaba Group, CTO, and Yuculative COO, were transferred to Fui Teng, and the Alibaba Group’s vice president, Fanz, was transferred to Ali Wen Moi.

倪行军出任蚂蚁金服CTO 胡喜工作将另有安排


In a new round of changes in the management of the ant uniform, Alibaba partner Hu Xi (name: Seal) no longer holds the position of CTO for the ant gold suit, and the new CTO is marching (name: Hmong Fung).


Chinese expert on the emergence of an unknown white sphere over Sendai, Japan: is common.


According to the Japanese media, at around 4 a.m. on 17 a.m. local time, a resident of Sendai, Miyagi County, reported that a “white unknown object” was seen floating in the sky. The unknown object then continued to fly to various areas in Miyagi County, such as Richotsu, Whitestone and Dazaki. As of noon, the local police had received more than 100 alarm calls about “white unknown flying objects.” Chinese experts believed that the object should be an airball.


657 people have been diagnosed with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The German media reported that 657 employees had been infected and hundreds of samples were awaiting detection at a new coronary plant in Gitsrow, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Such a large-scale outbreak resulted in the closure of kindergartens and primary and secondary schools and the isolation of some 7,000 people. It was explained that it was possible that part of the factory’s foreign employees had brought the virus into the factory after their weekend leave, and that the cold environment between operations was conducive to the spread of the virus.


The legacy of the new crown is serious! Prince Charles' sense of smell has yet to recover.


Recently, Prince Charles of England visited his staff at the National Health Service. He met with the staff of the Royal Hospital of Gloucester and revealed his state of health, at a social distance of two metres. According to him, he had not yet fully recovered his sense of smell and taste since March, when he was infected with the new coronary virus. Jeff Mills, medical assistant at Cheltenham General Hospital, said, “He spoke of his loss of smell and taste, and somehow felt that he was still infected.”


Denmark reported the discovery of a new coronary virus in ferret farming


According to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, 34 mink samples from a ferret farm last weekend found new coronary viruses in the ferret. This was the first time that a new coronary virus was found in a Danish ferret herd and the mink died of symptoms.


Foreign medium: Google Browser causes large-scale user safety leaks

Awake Security的研究人员表示,他们在谷歌的Chrome浏览器的扩展程序中发现了一个间谍软件,含有这个间谍软件的扩展程序已经被下载了3200万次。这一事件凸显出科技企业在浏览器安全方面的失败,而浏览器被广泛使用在电子邮件、支付以及其他敏感性功能中。

Researchers at Awake Security say they found a spy software in Google’s Chrome browser extension program, which has been downloaded 32 million times. The event highlighted the failure of technology firms to secure browsers, which are widely used in e-mails, payments, and other sensitive functions.

全球智能手表Q1出货量增长12% 华为增113%居第2


市场调查机构Canalys公布的最新报告显示,2020年第1季度全球智能手表出货量为1430万块,同比增长12%。其中苹果依然稳居第1,Apple Watch的出货量达到了520万块,同比下降13%。市场份额为36.3%。华为智能手表的出货量为210万块,同比增长113%,市场份额为14.9%,超越三星成为全球第2。

The latest report published by the market survey agency, Canalys, showed that the volume of global smart watch deliveries was 14.3 million in the first quarter of 2020, an increase of 12 per cent. Apples remained steady at 5.2 million in Apple Watch, a decrease of 13 per cent in the same year. The market share was 36.3 per cent, with 2.1 million in smart watch shipments, an increase of 113 per cent in the same year, and a market share of 14.9 per cent.


The EU initiated an anti-monopoly investigation of apples targeting the two "cash bulls" of apples


Last March, the well-known media music service, Spotify, filed a lawsuit against the EU, which found that apples had abused their monopoly position. Moreover, all fee-paying applications are traded through the application’s internal purchasing system, from which apples can draw 30% of their “commissions.”

Magic Leap起诉中国工程师窃取技术遭驳回

Magic Leap's indictment against Chinese engineers for theft of technology was dismissed

当地时间周三,加州圣何塞的一名联邦法官批准了由2016年离开Magic Leap的工程师徐驰(Chi Xu)提出的撤案请求。这名法官表示,Magic Leap针对徐驰利用自家专利制造混合现实眼镜的指控并无充分证据。但法官卢西·柯(Lucy Koh)还是给了Magic Leap一个机会,允许该公司修改申诉内容,以解决她对此案的疑虑。

On Wednesday, local time, a federal judge in San José, California, granted a motion for dismissal from Chi Xu, an engineer who left Magic Leap in 2016. The judge stated that Magic Leap’s allegation that Xu had used his patent to make his own mix of realistic glasses was not sufficiently substantiated. But Judge Lucy Koh gave Magic Leap an opportunity to change her complaint to resolve her doubts about the case.


US Congressman questioned Amazon face recognition technology for disclosure of details


Representatives of the California Democratic Party, Jimmy Gomez, pressured the Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to disclose detailed information about the suspension of sales of face recognition software to law enforcement. He argued that the Amazon should disclose whether the company would stop developing facial recognition systems for a one-year period of suspension for the police. The Amazon and IBM and Microsoft announced last week that they would stop selling facial recognition software to law enforcement, in part.


Facebook buyout of Jio transactions facing India's antimonopoly review

英国反垄断监管机构正在评估Facebook收购信实工业(Reliance Industries)数字资产10%股份一事。印度竞争委员会主席阿肖克·库玛尔·古普塔计划在其评估的所有交易中阻止数据滥用行为。他们还在考虑是否要在评估标准中增加新的考量因素。Facebook计划斥资57亿美元收购信实工业的数字化部门,目前的投资总额已经达到137亿美元。

The British Antimonopoly Regulator is assessing Facebook’s acquisition of 10% of the digital assets of the Reliance Industries. The Chairman of the Indian Competition Commission, Achok Kumar Gupta, plans to stop data abuse in all transactions assessed. They are also considering whether to add new considerations to the evaluation criteria.


Farewell Games 4399! Adobe will end his support for Flash on December 31

Adobe 3年前宣布要在2020年底之前停止对其的支持。如今,Adobe宣布,其将于今年的最后一天实现计划。在此之后,除了不再发布更新和补丁以外,Adobe还将删除官网上所有早期版本,并阻止基于Flash的内容运行。

Adobe announced three years ago that it would stop supporting it by 2020. Now Adobe announced that it would achieve its plan on the last day of the year. After that, Adobe will remove all early versions of the official web site and prevent flash-based content from running.


The Russian Ministry of Justice has spoken against the country's draft encryption ban


A Russian draft bill to prohibit encrypted currency transactions in the country was criticized again by the government department. On 16 January, the Russian Ministry of Justice expressed its opposition to the new draft. One week ago, the Ministry of Economic Development of the country also criticized the draft.


anonymously asked the Russian Government to return 120 BTCs

6月18日,俄罗斯圣彼得堡政府收到一封电子邮件,匿名发信人要求退还其120枚BTC,因“这些比特币系俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)官员Kostantin Malofeev从其WEX交易所账户盗取”。除了索要BTC之外,该匿名发信人还威胁称已在圣彼得堡的几个州法院和一些当地医院埋下了炸弹,政府已经开始从邮件中提到的地点撤离人员。

On 18 June, the Government of St. Petersburg, Russia, received an e-mail from an anonymous sender requesting the return of 120 BTCs because “the Bitcoin was stolen from its WEX exchange account by Kostantin Malofeev, an official of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)”. In addition to requesting BTC, the anonymous sender also threatened to evacuate personnel from the locations mentioned in the mail.


star group CEO: Shanghai and Singapore can try digital currency connectivity

6月18日下午,在第12届陆家嘴论坛圆桌讨论上,新加坡星展集团控股有限公司首席执行官Piyush GUPTA(古普塔)表示,现在沪港通中有债券通,之前债券通的协议和合作建立起来的经验可以应用在新加坡、上海之间的债券通,此外,他还建议,可以尝试将新加坡作为中国数字货币的一个的枢纽地。

In the afternoon of 18 June, at the round table discussion at the 12th Land Beak Forum, the Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Starfleet Group Holdings Ltd., Piyush GUPTA (Gupta), said that there were bond bonds now in Hong Kong and that the previous bond-negotiation agreements and collaborations could be applied to bond-negotiation between Singapore and Shanghai. In addition, he suggested that Singapore could be tried as a hub for Chinese digital currency.


Comboud governance vote is considering opening up USDT mortgages


In the governance module of Compound, the decentralised lending agreement, users submit a governance proposal 008 - “Improving the ratio of USDT lending to other assets from zero per cent to 10 per cent”, which is currently endorsed by 100 per cent. Currently, because of the above ratio of zero per cent, it is not possible to encumber USD in the Compound agreement and, if the vote is passed, the user can lend USDT up to 10 per cent of other assets of value as collateral.


Patents related to the New and Additional Block Chains of Technology


In recent days, Stewardship (Shenzhen) Ltd. has introduced new patents related to block chains, including consumption methods based on the block chain network, devices, fund management methods based on the block chain, devices and storage media, advertising monitoring methods, devices and systems based on the block chain.

1、游戏化学习软件开发商Kahoot!完成C轮9000万美元融资,投资方为Northzone Ventures、Eilert Hanoa。

1 Kahoot, the game learning software developer, completed the financing of Round C at $90 million, with the investors being Northzone Ventures, Eilert Hanoa.


2. The Chinese fast-food chain has completed the A round of RMB 1 billion and more financing for the village base, with the investor being Redwood Capital China.


3. The cloud architecture 4G/5G communication solution provider, Sing-Tian, completed the C+ Billion and above round of RMB financing, with investors in the China Internet Investment Fund (CIF) and the Green Land Group (GCG) among others.


The Silicon Valley Data Company Palantir plans to submit an IPO (first public fund-raising) application within a few weeks, with a view to landing on the capital market this fall.


2. The lead company for digital geo-products, Sino-Store, Inc., announced that it was about to land on the ground and release 55 million shares, with a total equity share of 22 million.


1. The above list indicates a 0.12 per cent increase in the closing on 18 June and 2939.32 per cent; a 0.65 per cent increase in the closing and 1149.55 per cent; a 0.67 per cent increase in the closing and closing of the 300-indicators index and 4044.38 per cent; and a 0.09 per cent increase in the closing and closing of the entrepreneurship boards, 226.03 per cent.


The Hong Kong Hengsheng Index fell by 0.07 per cent on 18 June, reporting 24464.94 points; the Heinnessing Index rose by 0.07 per cent, reporting 9916.45 points; and the Heinrich Red Index rose by 0.13 per cent, reporting 3858.61 points.


The Taiwan weighted index rose by 0.12 per cent on 18 June, reporting 11548.33 points.


The closing of the 225-day index fell by 0.44 per cent on 18 June, reporting 22356.50 points.


The Korean KOSPI index fell by 0.61 per cent on 18 June, reporting 2127.89.


6. The Australian ASX200 index fell by 0.92 per cent on 18 June, reporting 5936.50 points.


On June 18, 1928, Ms. Amelia Earhart, Achson, Kansas, became the first successful woman to fly across the Atlantic. The 29-year-old pilot took off from Boston on a multiengineer, and landed in southern Wales 22 hours later. Their average flight was slightly more than 120 miles per hour. Ms. Earhart was a board member of three airlines. The purpose of her flight was to explain to people that “it is safer to travel by air and should be developed”.




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