電商每周熱點:快遞進村試點啟動 中國10強電商榜單發布

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:28 评论:0



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In recent days, the National Post Office has recently published a circular on the opening of the “Quick-Introduction Village” test site, which will promote the rapid development of rural villages. It is clear that, by the end of 2022, the standard-conforming sub-villages will have a basic “village-to-village” supply base. There is a clear gap between the power market and the power market in the country, where competition is intense and the power market platform continues to be new, and the business model is being created to raise the value of the business sector.

(安徽淮北:快遞進村 便民惠民)

  1. 國家郵政局開展“快遞進村”試點工作

1. The National Postal Administration has started working on the test site for .


On July 8, the Office of the National Post Office published a circular on the opening of the “Quick Transit Village” test site, which decided to organize the work of the “Quick Transit Village” in six provinces (districts) and 15 municipalities (states). Six provincial sites are Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, and Qinghai. Fifteen municipal sites are Taihara, Gilin, Jinning, Horse Shop, Huanggang, Changzhou, Anti-City Port, Seagate, Shunyang, Jinnam, Jade Creek, Xian, Yanan, Silvergawa, Hami. The objective of the project is to create a landingable, replicable, and scalable rural development experience in the pilot area, and to move the services to the village, which is basically a local “village to the village”.

  2. 《2020胡潤中國10強電商》榜單發布

2. release of the 2020 Hu-China Ten Power Dealers list

  7月10日,胡潤研究院今日發布《2020胡潤中國10強電商》(Hurun China Most Valuable E-commerce Companies 2020),列出了中國10強本土電商企業,按照企業市值或估值進行排名。這是胡潤研究院首次發布該榜單。據榜單顯示,中國10強本土電商企業依次為阿裡巴巴(市值41090億元人民幣)、美團點評(9190億元)、京東(7490億元)、拼多多(7280億元)、滴滴出行(3600億元)、攜程(1090億元)、唯品會(950億元)、蘇寧易購(820億元)、車好多(600億元)、每日優鮮(210億元)。

On July 10, the Hu Hut Institute released today Huen China's Ten Power Companies 2020 (Hurun China Most Valuable E-Commerce 2020), which lists China's 10 strong local electricity companies, ranked according to their market value or valuation. This is the first time that the Hu Hu Institute has published the list. According to the list, China's 10 top local electricity companies are Aribaba (market value: $41.9 billion), America's Group Essays (91.9 billion), Kyoto (74.9 billion), Doss more (72.8 billion yuan), drop-outs ($360 billion), carry-overs (108 billion), the Commodities Council (95 billion), Soningales (82 billion), cars (60 billion yuan) and fares (210 billion yuan) per day.

  3. 全國“掃黃打非”辦:嚴格整頓網絡色情低俗問題 優酷、愛奇藝等被處罰

3. All over the country, . > .


On 9 July, the National Office for Cleaning the Yellow Bads published the results of the first six months of its campaign entitled “Friendly Net 2020” and imposed penalties on a number of Internet platforms for the strict regulation of Internet pornography and other bad content. The administrative penalties were imposed for the dissemination of low-class information on sites such as eccentricity, eccentricity, student leagues, and “Meadows.” The website of the “By Love School” which disseminates bad information such as PUAs was closed down, and it was charged with removing harmful information such as PUAs from websites such as the 100-percent banter, new wave questions, tremors, etc.

  4. B站開放花火UP主商業合作平台

4. Station B opens the spark UP main business cooperation platform

  7月8日,嗶哩嗶哩宣布旗下UP主商業合作平台“花火”開放,花火是服務優質UP主和品牌主的官方商業合作平台,為UP主提供系統報價參考、訂單流程管理、平台安全結算等服務,幫助優質UP主更好地實現內容變現,提高創作收入,減少合作糾紛。 2020年8月1日前,花火將限時免收平台服務費。

On July 8, U.S. Kiri announced the opening of the UP main business cooperation platform, which is an official business cooperation platform for both UP and brand owners, providing UP owners with services such as system reporting, order process management, platform security accounting, etc., to help good UP owners better realize their content, increase their income from creation, and reduce their cooperation. By August 1, 2020, the fireworks will be time-free from the platform’s services.

  5. 快手與QQ音樂將聯手推出唱作人大賽

5. > >.


On the 9th of July, the fast-track platform announced the annual QQQ music-making enablers' competition, “The 12th record,” which combines the platform’s resources and works together to build a musical life together. The contest will run from 9th to 31st October. In parallel to the Singers’ contest, fast-trackers will launch a billion dollar incentive program for the music industry, and the musical works that are authorized under the contract will be divided according to the plan.

  6. 螞蟻集團擴大校招規模 加大區塊鏈技術人才儲備力度

6. The ants' group expands the scope of the university's curriculum to increase the capacity of the regional chain of technologists .


On July 9th, the ants group said that it was increasing its efforts to equip future chain technicians. The ants chain is leading an X-cooperative project for global universities to recruit and train core chain technicians.

  7. 拼多多響應中消協號召 發起“溫暖消費季”活動

7. Launching of the Warm and Exploitation Season >............................................................................................................................................................................


In recent days, under the direction of the China Consumers' Association, more and more events have been launched on the theme of “the warm season”, creating a better purchasing experience for consumers by providing one-stop services such as reward, positive security, and risk-free selling, in order to further unlock the potential of domestic demand markets.

  該項活動將從7月持續至9月,期間,拼多多將推出“溫暖消費”專區,對包括百貨、食品等在內的十大民生品類商品進行全覆蓋補貼,平台用戶通過搜索“溫暖消費” 即可直達活動專區。

The campaign will run from July to September, during which time it will be launched as a “heating consumption” zone, with full coverage of 10 commodities, including department stores, foods, etc., that can be accessed directly by the platform's users through a search for “heating consumption”.

  8. 京東物流與縱行科技達成戰略合作 布局未來智能物業市場

8. Kyoto Logistics and Harmonisation Technology Strategic Cooperation to set up the future smart property market


In the near future, there will be a strategic collaboration between logistics and technology in Kyoto, where both sides will have the advantage of working together in areas such as co-creation of smart goods and sharing of resources through commercial channels to manage the market for smart goods. Together, both sides will incubate a set of smart goods products and platforms that meet the needs of standard industry management and individualized industries. They will also apply to such smart business services as hotels, residential buildings, factories, parks, and commercial writing buildings.

  9. 阿裡張勇發表致股東信:五年內實現10萬億元的消費規模

9. Ari Yong sent a letter to shareholders: 10 trillion dollars in five years.


On July 10, the Alibaba Group released its annual financial policy report for 2020, and the chairman and chief executive officer of the Board of Directors, Zhang Yong, sent a letter of credit to the shareholders. During the just-concluded fiscal year, Alibaba completed the strategic goal set five years ago, giving effect to the $1 trillion worth of transactions for the current fiscal year. The long-term goal of Alibaba is to serve 2 billion consumers by 2036, create 100 million jobs, and help 10 million small businesses to make a profit. He said that Alibaba would continue to move into three strategies: “Globalization is our long-term battle, which is our cornerstone, and the cloud is our future battle.”

  10. 蘇寧易購:全國1071萬高考生可免費領取SUPER會員

10. Soning easy to buy: 1,071,000 candidates across the country can take SUPER members free of charge

  7月9日,蘇寧易購宣布即日起面向全國高考生免費贈送 SUPER 會員。凡是參加 2020 年高考的考生,憑借准考証認証,注冊並登陸蘇寧易購后,有機會免費領取三個月會員權益。考生在蘇寧易購 App 購買手機、電腦產品可享受專屬會員價,還可以免費觀看 PP 體育全球頂級足球賽還可以免費觀看 PP 視頻、騰訊視頻娛樂綜藝及熱門電影和享受 5000 本電子書免費閱讀等數十項會員權益。

On July 9th, Suning Occupancy announced that it would be offered free of charge to SUPER members from all over the country.


  1. 經濟參考報:流量造假 售后“翻車” 直播帶貨如何良性發展?

Economic references: How good is it to be that the traffic is fake, the “turn over” of the goods on the air after the sale?


It is a long-term chain of production that requires concerted efforts. In addition to strengthening anchors and business regulation, it is necessary to move beyond the simple logic of low-cost sales to genuinely promote the growth and consumption of national brands.

  2. 人民網-人民日報 :直播帶貨,帶出消費新活力

2. People's Network - People's Daily: live delivery with new energy for consumption


In short, in a framework of inclusive scrutiny and encouraging the creation of new oversight structures, the platform's governance needs to go a long way. On the one hand, it strengthens the ownership, business regulation, and the establishment of efficient user counter-reaction mechanisms; on the other hand, move away from the simple logic of low-cost marketing and move out of new ways to promote the growth of national brands, the personal branding of anchors, and the material contentization of live broadcasts to greater social and economic value.






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