
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:29 评论:0



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In order to ensure that the central government of the ruling party “continues the epidemic, stabilize the economy, secure development,” and the measures taken by the State Council to stabilize the economy, the implementation of the Beijing Plan for the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic and Stabilization of the Growth of the Economy has been put into practice in our region in order to efficiently manage the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, to coordinate development and security, to stabilize and stabilize the functioning of the market, to ensure that economic operations are within reasonable boundaries, to speed up the construction of the capital's new plains, to contribute to the high quality of development of the capital, and to provide practical guidance for the development of the capital.


i. Continue to increase efforts to help poor and business environments to stabilize economic fundamentals


(i) Retention on tax refunds “direct entitlement”


The strict national value added tax (VAT) credit credit policy, the initiation of services, the “one-on-one” accurate transmission of information, the full range of online transactions, and ensuring that the qualifying business stock credit before 30 June 2022 is “reduced”.

  責任部門:區稅務局貨物和勞務稅科  69462214

Department of Responsibility: Department of Goods and Taxes of the District Revenue Service & nbsp; 6946214

  區財政局財源建設服務中心 69445472

District Treasury Financial Construction Services, 69445472.


(ii) Social insurance fees and housing public funds “should be relaxed”


2. In accordance with the national social security policy and extension requirements, social insurance payments are extended to special hardship enterprises, new technological and micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and other vulnerable small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the epidemic, sector-owned businesses, companies participating in the company's basic old-age insurance scheme, and social organizations. This is clearly a challenge for enterprises to apply, extend the scope of the application, simplify the application process by means of voluntary applications, written pledges, and provide for an exemption from the payment of benefits for old age, unemployment and industrial injury insurance until the end of 2022.

  責任部門:區人力社保局社保中心 89445751

Department of Responsibility: DHSS Social Security Centre 89445751

  區稅務局社保科 61426052

Social Security, District Tax Office, 61426052.


3. During this period, employees who do not have their own housing in the city will be able to rent out the housing stock without being subject to a monthly deposit. Those affected by the epidemic will not be able to pay back the individual housing loan for a period of time that is overdue, will not affect credit records, and will not be subject to penalty.

  責任部門:市住房公積金管理中心順義管理部 69433725

Department responsible: Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Municipal Housing Provident Centre 69433725


(iii) Rent deductions are granted on a “receivable-as-you-go” basis.


4. In 2022, a three-month rent exemption was granted to small and small businesses and individual businesses in the Kyoto tax service industry in Kyoto for renting housing belonging to all types of countries. A chained supermarket, convenience store, and catering businesses are run in a single place.

  責任部門:區國資委監督管理科 89446776

Department of Responsibility: Oversight and Management Section of the District Commission 89446776

  區機關事務中心房屋管理科 61479860

61479860, Housing Management Section, District Service Centre

  區科委科技成果轉化中心 69444902

Regional Science and Technology Results Transfer Centre 69444902

  區商務局消費促進科 69443979

Department of Commerce, Consumer Promotion, 69443979.

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


The technology incubators for renting non-nationally owned housing are rent-free for small and medium-sized enterprises and individual business owners and are confirmed to be subsidized at 50 per cent of the total rent-free amount, with 20 per cent for the municipal level and 30 per cent for the district level.

  責任部門:區科委科技成果轉化中心 69444902

Department of Responsibility: District Commission for the Transfer of Scientific Results 69444902


A 30% discount on rent is granted to business enterprises that are in line with the policy of the Subordinate Region on the application of incentives for small and medium-sized businesses and individual business enterprises to reduce the rent of small and small businesses and individual businesses, with a maximum of 3 million yuan.

  責任部門:區商務局消費促進科 69443979

Department of Responsibility: District Department of Commerce, Consumer Promotion Department, 69443979.


(iv) Water and electricity “continue to be supplied”


Small and medium-sized micro-enterprises and individual businesses that have not been able to pay in time for the epidemic to use water, electricity and gas “receipt” until the end of 2022, with no payments during the period.

  責任部門:區城市管理委燃氣和供熱管理科 81498752

Department of Responsibility: Gas and Heating Management Section of the District Urban Management Board 81498752

  區城市管理委能源科 81490584

Regional Urban Management Committee Energy Section 81490584

  區水務局水利用管理科 69439411

Department of Water Affairs Water Use Management Section 69439411

  區市場監督管理局公平競爭科 69461471

District and Market Supervisory Authority Fair Competition Section 69461471.

  區經信局大數據中心 69421090

District Information Agency, Main Data Center, 69421090.

  順義供電公司 95598

Power Supply Company 95598


(v) Launching of a "facilitated car"


In 2022, there was an increase of more than 10 percentage points in the size of the loan.

  責任部門:區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

Department of Responsibility: Department of District Financial Services 60417120.

  區經信局中小企業服務中心 69444365

Regional Information Agency Small and Medium Enterprises Services, 69444365.

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


7. Encourage financial institutions to extend debt service payments to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual businesses, truck drivers and individual housing and consumer loans affected by the epidemic, to simplify the application process and support networks, without adjusting the loan risk classification due to the epidemic, without affecting credit records and without penalty.

  責任部門:區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

Department of Responsibility: Department of District Financial Services 60417120.


8. Increased financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) will provide less than 20 per cent coverage of the 2022 increase in the number of new bank loans requested by small and medium-sized enterprises that are more affected by the epidemic, at a rate of 0.5 per cent, free of the cost of the policy creative insurance scheme, and less than 20 per cent coverage of the 2022 addition of MSMEs to the Governmental Insurance Agency.

  責任部門:區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Responsibility: Economic Development Section of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461

  區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

The District Financial Services Department, 60417120.

  區經信局中小企業服務中心 69444365

Regional Information Agency Small and Medium Enterprises Services, 69444365.


9. To encourage insurance institutions to set up business risk plans and pay a certain amount for insured businesses that have ceased or ceased to operate as a result of the outbreak.

  責任部門:區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

Department of Responsibility: Department of District Financial Services 60417120.

  區醫保局政策法規科 81488738

District Health Service Policy and Regulations 8148838.

  區經信局經濟運作科 69443676

Economics Section of the Regional Bureau of Information and Communications, 69443676.

  區人力社保局勞鑒中心 89447356

The District Human Resources Social Security Department's Research Center 89447356.


(vi) Subsistence of the business environment “terrestrial”


A number of measures have been taken to improve the business environment by extending the application of licensing services, electronic seals and electronic certificates on large lines, upgrading the “one network” service standards, and extending the “facilitating” of the “promotion” of the “promotion” of the business policy. In the event of a failure to comply with licensing requirements for industrial goods during the period of the epidemic, the company has made a commitment to self-sustain on its own. The expiry of a food licence (non-special food products) has been extended by six months.

  責任部門:區發展改革委營商環境科 69440710

Department of Responsibility: Regional Development and Reform Commission (CDRC) Environmental Section 69440710

  區政務服務局體系建設科 81496934

District Department of Political Services. 81496934.

  區經信局大數據中心 69421090

District Information Agency, Main Data Center, 69421090.

  區市場監督管理局登記註冊科 61479761(領取電子營業執照諮詢)

District Market Supervisory Board, 61479761.

  區市場監督管理局食品生産安全監督管理科 61428026(食品生産許可證諮詢)

Food Safety Control Department of the District Market Supervisory Authority 61428026 (food permit consultation)

  區市場監督管理局政務中心 81482993(食品經營許可證諮詢)

81482993 (food permit consultation)


District Market Supervisory Authority Quality and Safety Supervisory Department 69420524.


Business Credit Construction and Management Section, District Market Supervisory Authority, 69424527 (Credit Exemption Quest)

  區城指中心 81485115

District point center 81485115.

  區投促中心商務聯絡科 89498952

District Promotion Center, Business Liaison Section, 89498952.


The establishment of the municipal, district, and street (town) third-tier “service packages” system, the improvement of the visiting service system, the active involvement of businesses and their dependents, the improvement of business recourse mechanisms, and the continuous upgrading of the capacity of the various levels of government to finance the development of service enterprises. The stabilization of headquarters enterprises in our region has led them to a number of major projects in our district that are in line with the strategic orientation of the capital city’s city.

  責任部門:區發展改革委營商環境科 69440710

Department of Responsibility: Regional Development and Reform Commission (CDRC) Environmental Section 69440710

  區投促中心商務聯絡科 89452007

District Promotion Center Business Liaison Section 8945 2007


12. The opening of the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) account clearing initiative, which found that the outstanding amounts had been paid together, did have a definite repayment plan by 30 June 2022, which strictly prohibited the Government from adding new arrears to its investment portfolio.

  責任部門:區經信局中小企業服務中心 69444365

Department of Responsibility: Small and Medium Enterprises Services, Department of Regional Communications, 694443665

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461

  區國資委考核評價科 89447433

The District Commission's evaluation department, 89447433.

  區發展改革委投資科 89430480

DRRC Investment Section 89430480

  區市場監督管理局市場監管一科 81499670

District Market Supervisory Authority Market Management Section 81499670.


13. To accelerate progress in fiscal spending, reduce general spending on conferences, training, travel, etc., and to recover all of these types of surplus funds in accordance with the rules, and to mobilize resources for urgent areas such as disease prevention and control and support for the poor.

  責任部門:區財政局預算科 69468477

Responsibility Department: District Treasury Budget Division 69468477


14. Increasing public procurement efforts has led the government to reduce the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises by increasing the use of United Nations biding and reasonable subcontracting. Increasing the government's price deduction rate for small and medium-sized enterprises to 10-20 per cent. More than $2 million for goods and services and $4 million for projects of more than $4 million should be provided by small and medium-sized enterprises, with more than 40 per cent of the total budget reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises, with no less than 70 per cent reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  責任部門:區財政局政府採購和資産管科 69468482

Department of Responsibility: District Treasury Administration Procurement and Administration Department 69468482

  區經信局中小企業服務中心 69444365

Regional Information Agency Small and Medium Enterprises Services, 69444365.

  區住建委工程招投標管理中心 69442261

District Residential Commission Engineering Admissions Management Centre 69442261

  區發展改革委法規科 69439832

District Development Reform Commission Law and Rules 69439832

  區總工會財務部 81497281

Department of Finance of the District Chamber of Commerce. 81497281.


15. Full promotion of electronic subscriptions and random extraction during the epidemic makes it difficult to identify a rating expert. It is legally possible for a candidate to identify an expert.


Department of Responsibility: Department of Directors of Associated Industries

  區政務服務局公共資源交易中心 61426473

Regional Council Services Public Resource Trading Center 61426473


II. Striving through key points to facilitate the safe and stable supply chain


(i) Efficient management and management of the epidemic


There is a great deal of stability and orderly progress in the rehabilitation process, and it is difficult to insist on a “movement-free” matrix, with a view to achieving social-level control measures in the subsectors. The sub-locations are updated in time to update, monitor and control the epidemic, and city-based networks are active in addressing the impact of the disease on employees who have been recommenced as a result of the outbreak.

  責任部門:區復工復産防控組 69441363

Department of Responsibility: District Reconstruction Control Unit 69441363


The “White List” system, which is the focus of sound classification and dynamic management of businesses, seeks to increase the number of local priority businesses and upstream and downstream firms entering the city, and the scope of the “White List” of the national chain supply chain, and to increase the number of local firms entering the “White List” of recognition, communication, supply, mutual protection of businesses in Kyoto.

  責任部門:區復工復産防控組 69441363

Department of Responsibility: District Reconstruction Control Unit 69441363

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區發展改革委區域合作科 89452208

RCRC Regional Cooperation Section 89452208

  區經信局經濟運作科 69443676

Economics Section of the Regional Bureau of Information and Communications, 69443676.


The executive department of the relevant industry.


(ii) Full security


The system of “white lists” and the “i.e., follow-up” closed-end management model of the personnel of the Department of Trucks and Trucks provides precision to the green belts* of the communications route.

  責任部門:市公安局順義分局 69440212

Department responsible: Municipal Public Security Bureau 6940212

  區交通局運輸管理所 69424298

District Transport Authority, 69424298.

  區衛生健康委辦公室 89453150

District Health Commission. 89453150.

  區經信局經濟運作科 69443676

Economics Section of the Regional Bureau of Information and Communications, 69443676.

  區財政局政府和社會資本合作科 69468458

District Financial Administration and Social Capital Cooperation Section 69468458

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區商務局産業發展科 61490134

Department of Business Development, 61490134.

  區住建委建材中心 69469984

Building materials centre of the District Commission 69469984


19. Implementation of the 2022 fiscal compensation policy for domestic passenger flights. A smooth and orderly recovery of international air passenger flights within the city, in line with the city’s deployment, was vigorously pursued to expand the city’s international shipping lines. As soon as it became available, the number of international (local) shipments under the Measures to Promote the Development of Air Transport in the Subsistence Zone had increased by the same amount as in the capital airport, the number of international (local) arrivals and departures in and out of the port had increased by the same amount as in the current year’s increase in the volume of incoming and outgoing international air traffic flights; the number of international (local) shipments under the Air Transport Company’s multiplicity in the capital, such as the exercise of its fifth shipping rights, had increased by the same amount as in the current period; the number of international (continent) shipments under the capital, the amount of international (local) shipments under the Measures to Facilitate the Development of Air Transport through the capital airport, the amount of international (real-time) and the amount of international (in-time) shipments under the International Shipping Line, the export of the capital’s, the export of international (int) and export of international (in-to-line) and the capital’s, and exports, the export of new (in-to-ships, the export of inter-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-road, the regional technologies, the region’-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-lo-to-road, the region, the regional-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-road, the regional, and export, and export, and export, and export, the international-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-the-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to-to

  責任部門:北京首都國際機場臨空經濟區管委會 80479871

Department of Responsibility: Economic District Commission of the International Airport in Beijing, 80479871

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


The executive department of the relevant industry.


(iii) Active integration into Kyoto and focus on the chain of domain ownership


20. In line with the city-level deployment of the high-precision industrial chain-up operation, China has helped to secure municipal support by raising the capacity of leading companies to deliver the chain around Kyoto. A number of new innovative projects, such as new energy vehicles, biomedical drugs, new-generation information technology, and industrial networking, have been launched in the region.

  責任部門:區經信局經濟運作科 69443676

Department of Responsibility: Economic Operations Division of the District Communications Bureau 69443676

  區科委科技項目促進科 69442114

Regional Science and Technology Promotion Division 69442114

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區發展改革委區域合作科 89452208

RCRC Regional Cooperation Section 89452208

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


III. Full exercise of the power of corporate initiative and continuous upgrading of high-precision industrial development capabilities


(i) Promoting the continued development of corporate health


Support for the development of technology and technology in areas such as smart city construction, intelligent business circles, intelligent neighborhoods, and intelligent family applications. Support for the transformation of technological and technological aspects of flat point enterprises, support for companies and national laboratories, national focus laboratories, new research and development institutions, universities, etc., to speed up the development of technology and technology in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, grid chains, work systems, processors, etc., and support for the development of new computing systems. Support for the promotion of digital retail, social power, online fitness, online diagnostics, cloud trips, cloud fairs, cloud shows, and other digital economic models.

  責任部門:區經信局大數據建設管理科 69442890

Department of Responsibility: Department of Regional Communications Major Data Establishment Management, 69442890

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區科委科技項目促進科 69442114

Regional Science and Technology Promotion Division 69442114

  區商務局消費促進科 69443979

Department of Commerce, Consumer Promotion, 69443979.

  區衛生健康委醫政醫管科 89451378

District Health Commission Medical Department 89451378

  區文化和旅遊局行業管理科 69429968

Department of Regional Culture and Travel Administration 69429968

  區金融辦資本市場科 60406061

District Financial Services Market 60406061.


(ii) Support for innovative business development


To step up support for innovative business ventures, and to support financial institutions to work more closely with external investment agencies, in accordance with the law, to actively explore multiple models of financial services, and to direct private equity funds, start-ups, and investment agencies to increase their financial support for start-ups. In conjunction with the EMPs, the application process and conditions for the use of the special article “Kyoyoto” have been published.

  責任部門:區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

Department of Responsibility: Department of District Financial Services 60417120.

  區經信局規劃科 69445592

Department of Regional Communications Planning, 69445592.

  區科委科技項目促進科 69442114

Regional Science and Technology Promotion Division 69442114


China and the Central African Republic have developed a series of innovative and innovative financial support policies, implemented the “first set” of “first series” and other applications, and increased their support for the development, transformation and conceptualization of entrepreneurship and technology.

  責任部門:區科委創新創業科技科 69442523

Department of Responsibility: District Commission for Creative Science and Technology 69442523

  區經信局規劃科 69445592

Department of Regional Communications Planning, 69445592.

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區財政局教科文科 69468054

District Treasury teaching science, 69468054.

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


Motivate a group of intelligent green digitized technology adaptation projects, and positive alliances between the “New Ideas 100” and green low-carbon projects that meet the requirements for municipal allocation of no more than 30 per cent of total investment, as well as the “Specially New” digitized digitized capability project for small and medium-sized enterprises, which competes for no more than 20 per cent of the contract value.

  責任部門:區經信局創新發展科 69442663

Department of Responsibility: District Information and Communication Agency for New Development, 69442663

  區經信局中小企業服務中心 69444365

Regional Information Agency Small and Medium Enterprises Services, 69444365.

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


25. To apply to our sector's firms for listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange and for listing on the national stock transfer system, a tailor-made service has been implemented.

  責任部門:區金融辦資本市場科 60406061

Department of Responsibility: District Financial Office, Market 60406061


(iii) Development of external trade through the construction of “two zones”


Support high-technology enterprises such as “specially new” and state-owned high-tech enterprises, and foreign-trade enterprises registered in their own trade zones to open up international markets. Provide foreign-trade enterprises with high-risk services, use China Export Credit Insurance and short-term export credit insurance instruments, increase the focus on small and medium-sized foreign and commercial enterprises, and use export credit insurance policies to secure 50% of their trade-lending and foreign-trade-insurance services.


Department of Responsibility: Division 61490251 of the Policy Section of the District Business Office “Two Zones”

  區商務局對外經濟貿易科 69445305

Department of Commerce and Foreign Economics, 69445305.

  區投促中心項目促進科  89498361

Regional Investment Promotion Center project & nbsp; 89498361

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085

  區科委科創中心 69442134

District Science Center 69442134

  區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

The District Financial Services Department, 60417120.

  區財政局市場環境科 69460822

District Treasury Market Environmentals, 69460822.

  市公安局順義分局人口和基層工作大隊 61400929

The Municipal Public Security Bureau is in compliance with the Population and Base Force 61400929


IV. Advance major project development to scale up effective investment


(i) Greater emphasis on investment in the domain


27. To expand the investment base and accelerate the development of priority projects, a number of new energy vehicles, bulk circuits, and medical and health fields such as Beijing's Binz vehicle manufacturing upgrades, and the ideal bus production base are important projects.

  責任部門:區經信局規劃科 69445592

Department of Responsibility: Department of District Communications Planning, 69445592.

  區科委創新創業科技科 69442523

The District Science Council created the Creative Science and Technology Section, 69442523.

  區發展改革委産業發展科 89430850

District Development and Reform Department 8943085


28. Urban renewal of investments is being stimulated by the Beijing City Renewal Act, which establishes a system of cross-cutting planning and implementation that will lead to a reasonable mix of residential functions, land compatibility and building conversion. The stock is based on a policy of land incentives, such as the use of land for construction and a mix of functions.

  責任部門:區住建委城建服務中心 81487781

Department of Responsibility: District Residential Commission (RCC) Construction Services Centre 8148781

  區住建委建材中心 69469984

Building materials centre of the District Commission 69469984

  市規自委順義分局實施科 69446684

City Council Self-Dependency Division 69446684.

  市規自委順義分局權益科 69445722

The City Council's Self-Dependency Division 69445722.


City Council Land Use Centre 69449702


The City Council's own sub-directorate plans to compile the City Design Section, 69442132.

  區發展改革委投資科 89430480

DRRC Investment Section 89430480

  區財政局城建科 69461794

District Treasury Capital Department, 69461794.


29. The city-wide roll-out programme for the development of modern infrastructure systems has led to substantial progress on the R4-line, the Kyoto Highway II, and the New Nation-Capital Airway.

  責任部門:區發展改革委基礎設施科 69443152

Department of Responsibility: District Development Reforms Foundation, Schco, 69443152

  區城市管理委重點辦 81497893

The District Urban Management Committee is focusing on 814978993.

  市規自委順義分局市政交通科 69424142

Municipal Commission for Self-Dependency, Municipal Transport Section, 69424142

  區交通局客運管理所 69469878

Department of Regional Transport, Passenger Service, 69469878.

  市交通委順義公路分局計劃科 69441941

The City Traffic Commission's Submissive Road Subdirectorate Planning Section, 69441941.


(ii) Sustained mobilization of private investment


In cooperation with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission (CDC), it has launched and reported on a series of projects that focus on civil resources in the field.

  責任部門:區發展改革委投資科 89430480

Responsibility Department: DRRC Investment Section 89430480

  區國資委規劃改革科 89442803

The District Commission's Planning Reform Section, 89442803.

  國資公司投融資事業部 69468554

National Investment Department, 69468554.


(iii) Increased efficiency of investment projects


In conjunction with the approval process for government investment projects, which involves temporary forest land and green land occupation, the greening of the park sector has been prioritized for securing a balance between land restoration and the application of municipal regulations. In the second half of the year, two more offers have been made, guaranteed housing projects have been expanded to promote the start-up and construction of major investment projects.

  責任部門:區發展改革委投資科 89430480

Responsibility Department: DRRC Investment Section 89430480

  市規自委順義分局綜合審批科 69444830

Municipal Self-Dependency Division 69444830.

  市規自委順義分局保護科 69449535

City Control Department Protection Section, 69449535.

  區園林綠化局資源管理科 81492241

District Forest Greening Authority Resource Management Section 81492241

  區生態環境局行政審批科 69423605

District Environmental Administration Review Division 69423605

  區水務局水利用管理科 69439411

Department of Water Affairs Water Use Management Section 69439411

  區水務局節水事務中心 89444309

Department of Water Affairs Water Center 89444309

  區水務局水利工程科 69444924

Department of Water Affairs Water Engineering Section 69444924

  區住建委綜合審批科 69422070

District Residential Board Review Division 69422070.

  區住建委開發辦 69441338

District Residential Commission Development. 69441338.

  區財政局政府和社會資本合作科 69468458

District Financial Administration and Social Capital Cooperation Section 69468458

  區財政局城建科 69461794

District Treasury Capital Department, 69461794.

  區金融辦産融合作科 60417120

The District Financial Services Department, 60417120.


The strengthening of major projects has led to the planning of a reserve that combines the collection of major investment items over the course of the “14th Five” Plan year, the preparation of advanced work, the implementation of elements guarantees, the early start of a series of major projects in the period of review and approval, and the creation of a rolling cycle of “implementation, storage and planning”.

  責任部門:區發展改革委投資科 89430480

Responsibility Department: DRRC Investment Section 89430480


The executive department of the relevant industry.


V. Accelerating the recovery of bulk and new forms of consumption and building on the potential of consumption


(i) Big push for bulk costs such as cars


33. The purchase of 2.0 litres of single-car prices (excluding value added tax) of less than $300,000 between 1 June and 31 December 2022 and the following by car, reducing the tax on half-loading of cars. The introduction of a number of measures to facilitate the circulation of used cars has improved the policy of phasing out old motor vehicles. By the end of 2022, the purchase of new vehicles in the city by companies selling cars and buying new energy without value-added taxes, and the payment of no more than 10,000 yuan/dollar supplements by individual consumers on the market, with 50 per cent of the amount required by the city's two tiers of finance.

  責任部門:區商務局消費促進科 69443979

Department of Responsibility: District Department of Commerce, Consumer Promotion Department, 69443979.

  區稅務局貨物和勞務稅科  69462214

District Tax Administration Goods and Taxes Department & nbsp; 6946214

  區生態環境局綜合執法大隊 81483703

The Environmental Department of the District is cooperating with the law. 81483703.

  區經信局工業發展科 69445772

District Information Bureau, Industrial Development Division, 69445772.

  區財政局市場環境科 69460822

District Treasury Market Environmentals, 69460822.


In keeping with its intellectual information system, it is necessary to set up a “white list” system for home-dressing and home-dressing businesses and employees, and to implement the “one-on-three-on-one” requirement of an employee to “disperse” his or her home, home-based and home-based electricity and consumption.

  責任部門:區住建委物業科 69448360

Department of Responsibility: District Housing Commission Property Section, 69448360.

  區住建委市場科 69444974

District Commission Markets, 69444974.

  區住建委房源籌集科 61490506

District Residential Committee Housing Resource Mobilization Section 61490506

  市規自委順義分局土地儲備中心 69465363

City Council's Land Storage Center 69465363.

  區國資委産權管理科 89447997

The District Commission for the Administration of Justice 89447997.

  區商務局消費促進科 69443979

Department of Commerce, Consumer Promotion, 69443979.


(ii) New consumption of positive growth numbers


35. A market-driven digital energy upgrading programme is being implemented that combines practical research in our region to provide rent supplements or financial incentives to high-quality live television service providers that meet the requirements.

  責任部門:區經信局軟體和資訊産業科 69428976

Department of Responsibility: Department of Regional Communications Software and Information Technology, 69428976

  區商務局規劃建設科 69446405

District Department of Business Planning. 69446405.

  區財政局經濟發展科 69468461

Department of Economic Development of the Regional Financial Administration 69468461


(iii) Promotion of food and cultural recreation


36. To promote the revival of the catering industry, a city-wide policy has been put in place to provide up to 50% of the actual investment in the catering industry that is covered by the city’s life-services development programme and support.

  責任部門:區商務局生活性服務業科 61490389

Department of Responsibility: Department of Life Services, Department of Commerce, 61490389

  區財政局市場環境科 69460822

District Treasury Market Environmentals, 69460822.


To promote tourism, travel agencies have launched such projects as summer outdoor sports for young people, science, culture, etc. To create a “summer on the outskirts of Kyoto” guide for village trips. To support the development of people’s living and living conditions.


Department of Responsibility: Department of Regional Cultural and Travel Administration, 69429968

  區文化和旅遊局市場推廣科 69488676

Regional Department of Culture and Tourism marketing 69488676

  區文化和旅遊局産業發展科 69488675

District Department of Culture and Tourism, Industrial Development Section, 69488675.

  區委宣傳部文促中心 69420441

Ministry of Information and Promotion of the District Council 69420441

  區體育局體彩中心 69466361

District Sports Agency, Lottery Center 69466361

  區財政局教科文科 69468054

District Treasury teaching science, 69468054.

  區商務局消費促進科 69443979

Department of Commerce, Consumer Promotion, 69443979.


Six, take measures and open up wide access to employment, hold on to the bottom of social life .


(i) Strengthened focus group employment services


38. Over the past two years, the region has seen a certain increase in the number of university graduates recruited by companies and a steady increase in the number of university graduates enrolled in the sector.

  責任部門:區人力社保局事業單位人事科 69441379

Department of Responsibility: Department of Personnel of the District Human Resources Social Security Department 69441379

  區人力社保局公服中心 81496137

District Human Resources Social Security Public Service Centre 81496137

  區國資委人事教育科 89447727

Department of Personnel Education of the District Commission for National Resources 89447727

  區科委黨建辦 69442043

District Council Party. 69442043.

  區教委幹部人事科 69440571

Personnel Section, Department of District Councils, 69440571

  區衛生健康委組織人事科 89452519

Department of Personnel of the District Health Board 89452519

  區民政局社會組織服務管理中心 61426205

Regional Civil Administration Social Organization Services Management Center 61426205

  區民政局社區建設科 89442487

District Civil Administration Community Construction. 89442487.

  區民政局社會福利管理科 69447183

Social Welfare Management Section of the District Civil Administration 69447183

  區財政局社保科 69468497

District Treasury Social Security. 69468497.


39. Applying the policy at the municipal level, enrolling students at the municipal high school level during the year of graduation, signing a labour contract and participating in unemployment insurance, and providing a one-time extension of $1,500 per student until the end of 2022.

  責任部門:區人力社保局勞服中心 69427714

Department of Responsibility: Labour Services Centre of the DHSS 69427714

  區教委幹部人事科 69440571

Personnel Section, Department of District Councils, 69440571


40. More than 5,900 new rural workers have been enrolled in town-town labour insurance during the year.


Department of Responsibility: DHSS 89444923

  區人力社保局勞服中心 69427714

DHSS Labour Services Center 69427714

  區農業農村局經濟管理科 81481087

Economic Management Section of the Regional Agriculture and Villages Bureau 81481087

  區商務局規劃建設科 69446405

District Department of Business Planning. 69446405.

  區園林綠化局規劃發展科 69423387

District Forest Greening Agency Planning Development Section 69423387

  區國資委考核評價科 89447767

The District Commission's evaluation department, 89447767.


41. To expand the community’s capacity to recruit workers from the off-the-shelf industries such as boarding drinks, cultural entertainment, travel fairs, educational training and retailing, as well as to participate as part of the community’s work on disease prevention and control, and to provide appropriate supplements.

  責任部門:區人力社保局公服中心 89444590

Department of Responsibility: DHSS Public Service Centre 89444590


89447356 at the DHSS Research Center.

  區民政局社區建設科 89442487

District Civil Administration Community Construction. 89442487.


District Information Agency software and information technology, 69428976.

  區商務局規劃建設科 69446405

District Department of Business Planning. 69446405.


(ii) Improvement of urban safety practices


A three-year plan of action has been put in place to strengthen the Public Health Emergency Management System in the capital city, and to improve the system of emergency public health response to “school-to-school-to-school-to-war” emergencies.

  責任部門:區衛生健康委公共衛生科 89453157

Department of Responsibility: Department of Public Health of the District Health Commission 89453157

  市規自委順義分局規劃編制科 69442132

The City Council's self-serving sub-directorate's programming division, 69442132.

  市規自委順義分局實施科 69446684

City Council Self-Dependency Division 69446684.

  區住建委房源籌集科 61490506

District Residential Committee Housing Resource Mobilization Section 61490506

  區發展改革委投資科 89430480

DRRC Investment Section 89430480

  區財政局社保科 69468497

District Treasury Social Security. 69468497.

  區文化和旅遊局防疫辦 69441832

District Department of Culture and Travel Control. 69441832.

  區教委體衛藝中心 69449704

District Board Health Center 69449704


43. Work to secure the cost of living goods such as rice oil, vegetables, and meat and egg milk.

  責任部門:區商務局生活性服務業科 61490389

Department of Responsibility: Department of Life Services, Department of Commerce, 61490389

  區財政局社保科 69468497

District Treasury Social Security. 69468497.


The District Civil Administration has been in trouble at the community support centre of 69424201.

  區退役軍人局優撫科 69422804

District Veterans' Division, 69422804.

  區人力社保局就業促進科 89444923

The District Human Resources Social Security Department has an employment promotion section. 89444923.

  區發展改革委價管科 69443274

District Development Reform Board Price Management Section 69443274


To ensure food security, energy security, and the timely release of a one-time subsidy for real-time farmers, the market situation has enabled food purchases to start, ensuring that the distribution of food, soybeans, vegetables and vegetables in the sub-regions reaches more than 1901 million acres, 0.38 million acres, and 10.45 million acres.

  責任部門:區商務局糧食和物資儲備科 69445224

Department of Responsibility: Department of Commerce, Food and Material Storage, 69445224

  區農業農村局農業科 69441684

Regional Agriculture and Villages Department, Department of Agriculture, 69441684.

  區城市管理委能源科 81490584

Regional Urban Management Committee Energy Section 81490584

  區發展改革委能源科 69445152

CIDA Energy Section 69445152

  區財政局城建科 69468475

District Treasury Capital Division 69468475.

  區財政局農林生態科 69468470

The Regional Financial Administration's Agro-Forestry Department, 69468470.


45. Intensive security operations have been carried out in order to ensure the safety and security of the entire region, to prevent traffic, construction, gas, etc., and to ensure the safety and security of the entire population.

  責任部門:區應急局綜合協調科 60416296

Department of Responsibility: Department of Regional Emergency Response Coordination 60416296


The city's Public Security Bureau is responsible for the security supervision of the traffic division of the city's 6944646th squadron.

  區住建委安監站 69425915

District Residential Commission security station 69425915.

  區住建委村鎮建設科  69440762

District Residential Commission Village Construction Section & nbsp; 69440762

  區城市管理委安全應急科 81495737

District Urban Management Committee Security Emergency Section 81495737

  區消防支隊監督四科 80485419

District Fire Squad supervising Section Four, 80485419.


This practical guidance will be in force from the date of its issuance until 31 December 2022 (the relevant national regulations, or specific measures, if any, to give effect to them).






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