Autumn delivery record for mechanical professions xff08; 9.6 updatexff09;
Postal Savings Bank of China Audit #43; 2nd
Audit status of the Postal Savings Bank of China 43; 2nd
written test xff1a; two-digits only 65%
腾讯一面面试官笑的很温柔,笑的这么温柔怎么这么爱问场景题啊?!! 求求大佬 我爱腾讯,跪求二面[牛泪 问个问题,在币圈的你,你的币在哪里?在交易所里?在自己的钱包里?在中心化钱包里?在某样理财钱包里?在DeFi里借贷?在挖矿?还是在哪呢。我们好好聊聊这事儿,分不 Ask a question: xff0c; you xff0c in the currency ring; where your currency is xff1f; in the exchange xff1f; in your wallet xff1f; in a central wallet xff1f; in a wallet of some kind xff1f; in a DeFi loan xff1f; in a mine xff1f; or where it is. Let's talk about it. ? --主要是对学校和性别进行分组 ,使用 group by 注意:多个分组用 英文 , 隔开,统计用 count(),平均计算用 avg()select gend - mainly grouping schools and gender & #xff0c; using group by & #xff1a; multiple groups in English, separated & #xff0c; statistical count () with an average of avg(select gend) ? #include<stdio.h>int main(){ int i,j; int a; int b=0; for(i=10 ? # select cust_name,order_num# from Customers,Orders# where Customers.cust_id=Ord ? select cust_name,Orders.order_num,quantity*item_price as OrderTotalfrom Ordersle ? import java.util.*;public class Solution { /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改, ; class name, method name, parameter name has been specified in the code xff0c; do not change xff0c; ? #include <stdio.h>int main() { int a, b; for(a = 1;a<10;a++) { ? `timescale 1ns/1nsmodule top_module( input [4:0] in, output out_and, o ? n=int(input())ls=[]for i in range(n+1): a=str(i**2) if i == int(a[-len(str ? 电话面之后就是笔试吗?这可是我今年第一次面试😂说好的晚上8点,结果8点半才面,心扑通扑通的,哈哈哈,估计拿不了offer,就当练练手。 #xff1f; this is my first interview this year x1f602; agreed 8:30 p.m. xff0c; result 8:30 p.m. ? with Beijing-controlled Naofferxff0c; C+ #43; direction 面试几轮呢 How many rounds? ? ## 高质量回答中属于各级别的数量SELECt (CASE WHEN author_level in (5,6) THEN '5-6级' # The quantity of SELECT (CASE WEN above_level in (5,6) THEN & #39; Level 5-6 & #39 in high-quality responses; ? import java.util.*;public class Solution { public int maxProfit (int[] prices ? 由于机缘巧合,投递的岗位是算是跨专业的,与我一直投的不是一个方向。8.28上午找到经纬恒润的朋友帮我直接投的简历(PS简历当时写的也是别的方向的,没改,也没想到 Because of the coincidence #xff0c; the delivery position is a multi-professional xff0c; it's not the same direction as I've been doing. 8.28 A résumé from my long-latitude friend was found in the morning #xff08; the PS résumé was written in another direction xff0c; no change xff0c; and no change was expected. ?
秋招学历不限,三年工作经验?合着大一就得开始工作是吧 #xff0c; three years of work experience #xff1f; you have to start work in freshman year, right? ? xff0c; see interviewer when you introduce yourself 恶心的腾讯一面,当你自我介绍时看到面试官在摇头晃脑,你就应该明白这场面试得摆烂了 #xff0c; when you introduce yourself, you see the interviewer shaking his head #xff0c; you should understand that this interview is a mess. ? Dr. vivo recruitedxff01; welcome Dr. Doctors vivo2024秋招面向博士的岗位已放出,欢迎**********内推投递,博士待遇职级优厚!欢迎大佬们! #博士# #博士招聘# Vivo 2024 has been released for Ph.D. positions xff0c; welcome ****/published xff0c; doctoral treatment xff01; welcome xff01 doctoral recruitment# ? 日常招聘目前HC最多的地方是西安-深圳-南京-武汉,其次是北京-上海-东莞,后续是杭州-成都等(除去管道人选)个人最近发出的offer是上海-深圳-杭州-南京, The largest current HC recruitments are in Xian Shenzhen, Nanking, Wuhan #xff0c; followed by Beijing, Shanghai, East China, #xff0c; followed by Hangzhou, Chengdu and #xff08; excluded from the pipeline xff09; and recently sent by individuals from Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing #xff0c; ? 2024 rounds of bipolar dust through #xff0c; continuously updated 西安--诺瓦星云 C++软件开发一面C++一面:1.多态2.防止头文件包含3.深浅拷贝4.笔试问题5.虚函数表6.STL容器--map、主要是排序容器,问底层实 Xian-Nova nebula C & #43; #43; software development side C & #43; & #43; one side & #xff1a; 1. Polymeric 2. Prevent head documents from containing 3. Deep shallow copy 4. Factual Table 6.STL - Map, Mainly Sorting Packaging & #xff0c; ask bottom truth ? 24th Street Fall show #43; 23 years of interview experience 万兴科技秋招已经正式开启投递链接:内推码:NTAXC4U体会的 The release link has been officially opened at NTAXC4U ? 大伙都变成offer评估了,我怎么又变成共享中了前两天还收到邮件说通过面试进入offer评估来着 Everyone went off to evaluate #xff0c; how did I end up sharing a message two days ago that I had access to the offer's evaluation through an interview? ? HI ? Standards #xff0c; can the big guys take a look at the résumé 二本勇闯秋招,大佬们能不能帮帮看看简历还有没有什么问题🥲这个简历能去到什么中厂啊 求求 #我的实习求职记录# #实习,投递多份简历没人回复怎么办# #你的 Can you help me with the resume? #x1f972; what kind of Chinese can this resume go to? # My internship job record # # internship # #xff0c; I don't know what to do if I don't get back from multiple resumes? ? #牛客在线求职答疑中心#德赛西威雷达算法岗怎么样 How's the Dixiewig Radar Algorithmic? ? 面完京东科技hr面,两天后转推荐,立刻被同部门同岗位重新捞起来面试,是不是侮辱人?拿我刷kpi吗 #xff0c: two days later, recommended #xff0c; immediately returned to the same department for interview #xff0c; was it insulting #xff1f; did you brush kpi? ? 招商银行信用卡中心内推码:GKC8来找一找喵友 #23届找工作求助阵地# #你的秋招进展怎么样了# #你的秋招进行到哪一步了# #秋招开了,你想投哪些公司呢# ♪ How's your fall move going ♪ ♪ where's your fall move going ♪ #xff0c; what companies do you want to vote for ♪ ? 本硕目标院校,26岁,base深圳、杭州、上海,机考235,非科班,有能捞的吗? xff0c; 26-year-old xff0c; Base Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai xff0c; machine test 235xff0c; non-studies xff0c; available xff1f; ?
什么时候能约面啊 #美团# When can we meet? ? Yunji R & D started recruiting for the 23rd Spring campus xff01; 云智研发公司23届春季校园招聘启动啦!?腾讯旗下子公司,六大类岗位,五大城市全面开放!在喜欢的城市,做喜欢的工作!?期待正能量、共担当、实干家的你加入云智大家庭 #xff01; #xff0c; #xff0c; six main jobs; #xff01 in five big cities; #xff0c in a favorite city; doing what you like #xff01; #xff01;? looking forward to you joining the Yunji family with the right energy, the right hands, the right hands, the right hands. ? Yunji R & D launched 23 spring spring campus recruitment xff01; 云智研发公司23届春季校园招聘启动啦!?腾讯旗下子公司,六大类岗位,五大城市全面开放!在喜欢的城市,做喜欢的工作!?期待正能量、共担当、实干家的你加入云智大家庭 #xff01; #xff0c; #xff0c; six main jobs; #xff01 in five big cities; #xff0c in a favorite city; doing what you like #xff01; #xff01;? looking forward to you joining the Yunji family with the right energy, the right hands, the right hands, the right hands. ?
字节下面懂车帝可能有一个实习机会,但是现在九月了,还要不要去,感觉他们转正渺茫。 Bytes understand that the driver may have an internship; but it's September & #xff0c; whether or not to go & #xff0c; feel like they're going nowhere. ?
蔚来专业限制那么严格吗,虽然我是生物医学工程,但是我真的是做硬件的啊啊啊啊啊,一志愿投递硬件秒挂,二志愿三志愿也是挂 #xff0c; although I'm a biomedical engineer #xff0c; but I'm really a hardware worker #xff0c; a voluntary delivery of hardware seconds #xff0c; volunteer volunteers #xff0c ? a three-face of the sky would have told xff0c; 许愿一个淘天三面本来告知二面过了,约了三面。结果说大老板最近没时间后面再安排…求求了 Wishing that a three-faced man would've told the two of them that he was past #xff0c; that he had a three-faced appointment, and saying that the big boss had no time to arrange it later. ? zj的面试官人真的太好太好了,我发誓我要是能进zj我要做zj的狗 #xff0c; I swear to God, I'll be a dog to zj. ? xdm 杭州扁鹊健康这家公司大家有了解吗 这边拿offer了 240/天 本人情况双非二本 面试官说之前的实习生拿到毕业证就能转正 大家有啥建议吗 有对扁鹊健康 Does anyone know about this company, Xdm Hangzhou Blank Health? ? Finally my turn xff0c; two non-rats have a way out 还愿,美团OC了 May it be #xff0c; it's OC of the United States of America. ? algorithm profile is aggregated 包括阿里,腾讯,字节,商汤,华为等十几家互联网和AI公司的面经以及平时我的学习经验。本人在阿里担任高级算法工程师,经历了实习,秋招和社招面试。4年前我通过实习面 This includes Ali & #xff0c; xff0c; bytes & #xff0c; commercial soup & #xff0c; Hwa waiting for dozens of Internet and AI companies and my learning experience in general. I was a senior algorithm engineer & #xff0c in Ali; I had an internship xff0c; a fall job and a social interview four years ago. ? 拿了长鑫的模拟电路设计岗offer(合肥)想问一下前辈长鑫电路设计这边的工作压力,加班时长,福利,前景等情况如何呢?有听说模拟这边有点劝退。欢迎大家指教 #晒一 xff09; xff09; working pressure xff0c; overtime xff0c; welfare fff0c; outlook xff1f; I've heard the simulation is a little dissipated. ?
身边没有一个人想秋招,就我一个人在准备感觉好慌,专升本又没有实习经历投了也没有水花,来校宣讲的基本都是车企,想找工作是不是得通过进小厂实习再转正啊 😫😫#无 There's not a single person around who wants to play #xff0c; I'm the only one who's ready to be scared #xff0c; I've never had an internship to throw #xff0c; I'm here to tell you that it's basically a car company #xff0c; I'm looking for a job that needs to be corrected by going to a small factory internship & #x1f62b; x1f62b;#none ? Kiens 2 p.m. What's the assessment for the evening 基恩士中午二面 晚上收到测评是什么个情况?看大家不应该是三面过了才测评?? Keynes gets a review of what's going on at night #xff1f; it's not supposed to be three-sided #xff1f; #xff1f; #xff1f; ? 想问一下大家美团测开的hr面都被问了什么,好紧张啊比技术面还紧张呜呜呜 I'd like to ask you what you've all been asked about, and I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous. ? 和芯星通射频硬件,之前人才库了,这几天由显示业务初试进行中,有人知道啥意思么😅。 xff0c; previous pool of talent xff0c; these days are under way by displaying initial tests of operations xff0c; know what it means x1f605; ? non-java backend interview xff0c; written tests are rare [) 双非java后端面试没有,笔试都少 No double-non-java backend interview xff0c; fewer written examinations ? 腾讯一个岗位流程结束,是不是就告别腾讯秋招了 #xff0c Ends a job flow; is it goodbye? ? 只会算法不会开发,好奇算法岗hc是不是比开发少没看到算法岗流程推进得很快的,问结果就是没hc了,已经不知道还要不要继续冲互联网算法了 #美团信息集散地# #你的 Only algorithms don't develop xff0c; wonders if the algorithm post hc is less advanced than the development xff0c; asks if there's no hc xff0c; wonders if there's any more Internet algorithms going on. ? A Rio is finished without face #xff1f; #阿里国际数字商业集团#前天约今天下午面,今天去官网查看进度,发现流程结束了?? 怪不得是电话约,连个邮件都没有噻 The day before yesterday, Ali International Digital Business Group #roughly this afternoon #xff0c; went to the official network today to check on progress #xff0c; found that the process was over #xff1f; #xff1f; no wonder the phone is about #xff0c; not even a single e-mail. ? offer compares #xff0c; 28 is today's last day 好的不学净学坏,这份24届求职黑名单快收藏,不要再重蹈覆辙! good not learning bad #xff0c; 24-year blacklist collection #xff0c; do not repeat #xff01; I'm going to open #xff0c; begging field & #xff1a; synopsis #xff1f; handheld #xff1f;
团队愿景:构筑无人值守的自动化数据中心团队职责:1、负责将机器人自动化技术引入到华为云数据中心,实现高效、智能、低成本的数据中心自动化解决方案2、负责机器人的软 Team vision & #xff1a; team responsibility for constructing unattended automated data centres & #xff1a; 1 responsible for introducing robotic automation technology into cloud data centres & #xff0c; achieving efficient, intelligent, low-cost data centre automation solution 2 and soft robotics ? 好消息!好消息!!牛客app上线新功能啦!!![锦鲤牛开心][锦鲤牛期待]为了帮助大家在【秋招季】及时掌握校招信息,快速投递心仪岗位,我们对于产品功能进行了升级 Good news & #xff01; Good news #xff01; #xff01; New function of #xff01; #xff01; #xff01; & #ff01; [Camble Cow Happy] [Camble Cow Expects] to help people get access to information on the school campaign in time for the autumn season & #xff0c; #xff0c for Quick Deliverer Job & #xff0c; we upgraded the product function ? 阿哈时刻:1、output:用StringBuffer,和,String结果不一样,因为没有回溯的机制,所以,必须用 String,每次保持当前递归的值不变。2 Aha Moments #xff1a; 1, output: StringBuffer and String results are different xff0c; xff0c; String, String_xff0c must be used; the value of current returns is constant at each time. ? multidata analysis interview - got 首先,说下背景我是22年毕业,所以是社招面的拼多多并不是我主动投递,是拼多多的人主动在boss直聘联系我,邀请我进行的面试在这之前,boss上拼多多已经有多个岗 First of all, #xff0c; in the background I graduated 22 years xff0c; so it wasn't me who offered to deliver xff0c; it was a lot of people who offered to contact me directly at Boss & #xff0c; the interview I was invited to do before xff0c; and there were a lot of jobs on Boss. ? 地域可聊-目标院校60所-java-机考300-综面因为沟通口吃挂了,有部门可捞吗 Geographical chat -- 60 -- Java -- EQUIPMENT 300 -- overall xff0c due to communication; do departments have access? ? import java.util.*;/* * public class TreeNode { * int val = 0; * TreeNode le ? passwds = []while 1: try: passwd = input() passwds.append(passw ? package mainimport . "nc_tools"/* * type ListNode struct{ * Val int ? /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param target int整型 * @param ar /** * Class name, method name, parameter name specified in the code xff0c; do not change xff0c; directly return the values specified in the method * * & #64; param target integer * & #64; paraam ar ? 题解|复习同时在线max三步走#牛客直播各科目同时在线人数#
### attend_tb### and what### 每个科目最大同时在线人数,需要对时间进行排序,记录各个时间的状态时进入还是离开# (SELECT a. ##attend_tb## and what## the largest number of people online per subject #xff0c; need to sort time #xff0c; enter or leave # when recording the status of each time # (SELECT a.) ? import*;import java.util.*;/*参考ChinLong1.若对数组进行排序且要求当数组元素一致时按照输入先后顺序排序, * Refer to ChinLong1. If the arrays are sorted and required to be sorted in order of input #xff0c when the elements of the array are consistent; ? select emp_no ,birth_date ,first_name ,last_name ,gender ,hir ? 解题思路先向前寻找,直至找到根节点;中序遍历数;在遍历后的结果内查找是否有目标节点,如果有则返回其下一个节点;否则,返回空。复杂度时间复杂度为O(n);空间复杂 The solution first looks forward to xff0c; until the root node xff1b is found; the number of xff1b in the middle sequence; if there is a target node xff0c; if there is a return to its next node xff1b; xff0c; returns empty. The complexity of the time is Off08; nxff09; xff1b; space complex. ? tpinkpunction optical engineer 提前批6.13投递简历6.25测评7.12一面7.18二面8.15三面目前还没有座谈会[牛泪]有没有同岗位的大佬拿到offer了的[废了][废了] 6.13 P.D. 6.25 in advance for 7.12, 7.18, 2 and 8.15. ?
本人产品经理~满帮内推码:NTAXSEe满帮内推码:NTAXSEe 满帮内推码:NTAXSEe 欢迎来投~~ My product manager ~ #xff1a; NTAXSEE ~ #xff1a; NTAXSEE ~ #xff1a; NTAXSEE ~ Welcome to ~ ? select if (age < 25 or age is null, '25岁以下','25岁及以上') as age_cut, coun Subject if (age & lt; 25 or age is net, & #39; under 25 & #39; & #39; as age_cut, count ? select cust_id,sum(item_price*quantity) as total_orderedfrom Orders,OrderItemswh ? `timescale 1ns/1nsmodule top_module( input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [2:0 ? 2024 Long Lake School of Education 【龙湖校招开始啦】#龙湖集团数科智能引擎24届校园招聘焕燃开启? ?💙 ♪ The 24-year Rejuvenation of the Dragon Lake Group Digital Smart Engine ♪ #x1f499 ♪ ? The Light Embedding Side of Obi-Obi 不知道为啥没问简历上的内容,全程都是八股文,答的有点语无伦次问了十几分钟,最后问我有啥要问的。坐等感谢信了~ I don't know why I didn't ask you about the resume; it was all eight pieces & #xff0c; it was a bit of an inexplicable question for 10 minutes #xff0c; and finally I asked what I wanted to ask. Sit down and wait for the letter of thanks. ? solve # length of last word of the string/a> import java.util.Scanner;// 注意类名必须为 Main, 不要有任何 package xxx 信息public class Main port java.util.Scanner;// note that the class name must be Main, do not have any package xx information public class Main ? 个人情况在上一篇博客已经有介绍了,个人面试的岗位是嵌入式软件工程师,工作地点:合肥、武汉。一面:HR面,时间:8月29,时长:大概25分钟先做一个自我介绍,然后 Personal circumstances have been described in the previous blog on xff0c; the position for personal interviews is embedded software engineer xff0c; duty station xff1a; fatty, Wuhan. On one side xff1a; HR face xff0c; time xff1a; August 29xff0c; duration xff1a; approximately 25 minutes to do a self-introduction xff0c; then ? sea-based convergence-calculation engineerxff08; 3D computer visualxff09; 工作职责1.负责三维视觉/图形算法开发相关工作;2.负责跟踪基于大模型的人体/物体重建方向前沿论文,复现论文算法并加以改进;3.负责算法的性能优化及部署;4.负 Work responsibilities 1. Responsible for work related to the development of 3D visual/ graphic algorithms & #xff1b; 2. Responsible for follow-up of front-line human/object reconstruction directions based on large models & #xff0c; recovery and improvement of dissertation algorithms; 3. Responsible performance optimization and deployment of algorithms; 4. Negative ? who said that Master's grades were not importantxff1f; 好多企业投简历都要有成绩单,要是擦线过的话可不太好看啊。还有的企业需要本科成绩单和gpa。 There's a lot of corporate résumés that have a report card xff0c; it doesn't look good if you cross the line. There's also firms that need a master's report card and gpa. ? #龙湖集团数科智能引擎24届校园招聘焕燃开启? 💙 穿越周期 未来不凡 💙 ? 产业互联网 数字化驱动 ? 🆙 仕不可挡 一起向上 � #Long Lake Group Digital Smart Envelope 24th School Rejuvenation? & #x1f499; Cross-cycle & #x1f499; #Industrial Internet Digital Driver? & #x1f199; Unstoppable Together & #xffffffd; ? Five Day Pool of American Flying Talents 麻了 It's mahjong. ? 有没有2号二面完得物一直是面试流程中状态的朋友吗?这种算是已经挂了吗? #xff1f; this is already dead? #xff1f; ?
把岗位设成“专业不限”的代价 The cost of establishing a position as “professional open-ended” ? 阿里巴巴银泰百货2024校招启动!技术非技术技术岗位:银泰星——前端,测试,Java,C++,数据开发,算法,base杭州非技术岗位:银泰星-店总管培生,门店营 Launching xff01; Technically untechnical position xff1a; Silver Star xff0c; Testing xff0c; Javaxff0c; C43; 43; xff0c; Data Development xff0c; Algorithm xff0c; Basehang State non-technical position xff1a; Silverstar xff0c; Restaurant Apprentice xff0c; Restaurant Camp ? 技术面45分钟英文自我介绍+提问:在上一家公司做了什么?是哪里的人?实习的时候做了什么?有没有给你实习所在的公司提过什么意见来更好地推进项目?到目前为止让你压力 45 minutes of self-introduction in English; question xff1a; what the previous company did xff1f; where is xff1f; what you did during your internship xff1f; have you given your firm any ideas to better advance the project xff1f; so far you've been under pressure ? Wasn't there a disease #xff1f; 之前暑期投递过携程,做完测评就进人才池了。现在发邮件说“留下了深刻的印象”,一时之间不知道是赞扬,还是嘲讽!程子啊,还得是你 Before the summer, they sent a portable & #xff0c; after the evaluation, they entered the pool. Now they're e-mailing, "Impressed" & #xff0c; then I don't know if it's a compliment #xff0c; #xff01; #xff0c; or it's you. ?
面完莉莉丝加上腾讯字节两个kpi面,就直接开摆等泡池子结果😡😡😭 Two kpi & #xff0c bytes after Lilith is finished; and a bubble pool results x1f621; x1f621; x1f62d; x1f62d; ? 家人们,我想问一下,海投后如何知道自己通过还是被挂啊已经投了70+了 Family #xff0c; I'd like to ask #xff0c; how do you know if you passed or were hung up after the drop? ? #牛客在线求职答疑中心# 快手的面试挂了还能报同一个岗位吗 Can a fast-track interview go to the same position? ? 9.4 Interviews under testyard. 9.4试飞院线下面试。女面试官: 不到五分钟就问了一个问题,假设不让你做软件岗怎么办,我:目前不打算从事跟机械相关岗位。面试官:那我就没什么要问的了。9.5淘天 9.4 Interviews under the test-flying yard. Female interviewer: #xff0c in less than five minutes; assuming you're not allowed to perform software duties #xff0c; I: I don't intend to be in machine-related positions at this time. Interviewer: I don't have anything to ask. ? 三分钟,三个话题自我介绍兴趣爱好个人优缺点 Three minutes #xff0c; three topics for self-introduction of personal advantages and disadvantages ? 自动驾驶独角兽企业-文远知行WeRide 招人啦24届校招火热进行中,中美两地开放大量hc,base北上广深,核心研发算法岗位随心选,欢迎大家投递!!【专属内推 Auto-Driving Unicorn Enterprises — WeRide has attracted 24 years of school heat & #xff0c; China and the United States have opened a large number of hc, Base North is wide & #xff0c; core R & D algorithms are selected & #xff0c; welcome to drop #xff01; xff01; xff01; [exclusively pushed] ? 鉴定为开发能力不足😅😭开发做完测评挂,结果测试还给了个笔试,没绷住。 #互联网没坑了,还能去哪里?# #现在还是0offer,延毕还是备考# #0offer #The Internet is empty #xff0c; where to go #xff1f;##0offer #Yen Beep or ready #0offer #0offer ? 大佬们已经都拿大厂offer了,菜狗的秋招强度才慢慢提升,应该会推掉其中一个 #你的秋招进行到哪一步了# #秋招开了,你想投哪些公司呢# #你的秋招进展怎么样了 The big boys are already taking over the big factory #xff0c; #xff0c is slowly increasing the strength of the dog's fall moves; one of them should be pushed away # where your fall moves go # #xff0c; what companies do you want to put in? # How's your fall moves going? ? 有没有8.15的座谈会友友们接到电话的,base 深圳,语音算法。听说有人已经收到邮件了 Are there 8.15 friends of the symposium called #xff0c; base Shenzhen #xff0c; voice algorithms? ? 有没有三一的校园大使啊,能不能帮忙查下进度,官网上显示已结束但是又发过来面试。有点迷 Is there a Trinity ambassador? #xff0c? Can you help us check the progress? #xff0c? ? this is the failure of two non-graduates 😂有几个是秒挂。不知道是因为简历原因还是说学历因素。 & #x1f602; several seconds to hang up. ? 0offer,0意向,真的就到了光脚不怕穿鞋的地步! 0offer & #xff0c; 0intentions & #xff0c; true to the point where barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes #xff01; ? 23 offices of Ali Yunkabenko this year 有没有本科非23所或者非985的同学简历筛选通过的 Are there 23 or 985 CVs from undergraduates? ? sisters and sisters #xff0c; is everyone caught in the fall? 哥哥姐姐们,大家都是秋招实习两手抓吗。小弟有点疑惑,因为学校也是要求11月下点实习同时也是有在准备秋招的相关投递工作,然后有一些实习生岗位也是小弟本人比较感兴趣 My brothers and sisters #xff0c; are we all in the middle of the year? I'm a little confused, because the school is also asking for an internship in November and a delivery job in preparation for the fall. #xff0c; then some of the internships are more interesting to me. ?
本人20年校招的时候面了中信银行总行的软件开发中心,最后签约我没去(体检背调都完事了,因为不保证户口)。现在我已经工作三年了,仍想去中信银行,请问还有中信社招的 I've been working for three years now xff0c; I still want to go to the Chinese bank xff0c; I didn't sign up for xff08; the medical check was done xff0c; I don't guarantee the account xff09; I've been working for three years xff0c; I still want to go to the Chinese bank xff0c; please ask me about the Chinese news agency. ? USG thanks for my intern record (3494) 美团感谢信 #我的实习求职记录# # My internship record # ? 随便记录下,感觉水水的,30min,没啥干货1.介绍一个项目和收获之类吧(有点绷不住,问我大家怎么都是web,没想到我也被问这个了2.线程池 与 m #xff0c, #xff0c, #xff0c, 30min, #xff0c, #1 Nothing, #xff08, #xff08, #xff0c. Ask me how everybody's web, but I didn't know I was asked about this 2-line pool and m ? the two-faced front of the United States Recommended by low-intensity hardware companies and military workers #xff01; Quickhand Java #xff08;1h20min #xff09; Arian Cloud Specialized Team Launch 面向:2023年11月-2024年10月毕业的硕博 希望:工程开发,Java、Golang、Python、C++均可 地点:杭州、北京 联系:jiasen.xj For xff1a; xff1a; xff1a; engineering development xff0c; Java, Golang, Python, C43; 43; all locations xff1a; Hangzhou, Beijing Contact xff1a; jiasen.xj ? 数字ic验证加设计投了200家,3笔试2面试,许多公司问来都不招应届生,有大厂实习经验也没用,hc真就这么少吗! Digital validation plus design for 200 & #xff0c; 3 test 2 interviews & #xff0c; many companies asking about non-recruiting & #xff0c; #xff0c with large factory internships; is there really so few & #xff01; ? import java.util.Scanner;// 注意类名必须为 Main, 不要有任何 package xxx 信息public class Main port java.util.Scanner;// note that the class name must be Main, do not have any package xx information public class Main ? class Solution {public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * class solution {public: / *** class name, method name, parameter name specified in the code & #xff0c; do not change xff0c; direct return the value specified in the method * ? /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param numbers int整型一维数组 * @p /** * Class name, method name, parameter name specified in the code xff0c; do not change xff0c; directly return the values specified in the method * * *#64; param nubers integer one-dimensional array * #64;p ? Naughty Group-Technology-Operational-Basic Platform-SRE java Development 淘天集团-技术线-业务技术-基础平台-SRE 秋招java开发工程师 岗位职责 负责淘天集团,资金安全的开发,主要涉及业务 Surgical Group-Technology-Operational Technology-Fundamental Platform-SRE Autumn Janva Development Engineer Responsibilities for Surgical Group & #xff0c; Financial Security Development & #xff0c; mainly Business ? 24 should be considered for fall xff0c; change curriculum vitae(s)xff01;xff01;xff01; 24届应届生,经过暑假实习后,又修改了一份新的简历,准备海投秋招了,麻烦各位帮忙看看,顺便提一些秋招的建议呗,有点迷茫不太会投了。谢谢各位,虚心接受所有评价!! 24-year-olds xff0c; after summer internships xff0c; revised a new curriculum vitae xff0c; prepared xff0c; asked you to take a look at xff0c; by the way, suggested xff0c; a little confused. Thank you all xff0c; accepted all evaluations xff01; xff01; fff01; ? select device_id, gender, age, gpafrom user_profilewhere unive ? the official launch of 2024 campus recruitment xff01; 平安产险招聘区分产险总部,科技中心以及下辖机构产险总部招聘岗位:核保经营,产品规划,平台运营,精算定价,数据建模,职能支持,查勘作业,理赔核赔,诉讼管理,风控管 Safety insurance recruitment separates production risk headquarters & #xff0c; CST and sub-agency production risk headquarters recruitment post & #xff1a; Nuclear insurance operations & #xff0c; product planning & #xff0c; platform operations & #xff0c; actuarial pricing & #xff0c; data modelling & #xff0c; functional support #xff0c; survey operations & #xff0c; claims settlement & #xff0c; litigation management & #xff0c; wind control ? 加油! Come on #xff01; ? The curriculum vitae is locked by starlight xff0c; how do you want to volunteer 华为简历被星光锁了,想换志愿怎么搞 #xff0c. What do you want to do if you want to volunteer? ? 美团优选二面挂了…一开始没选都喜欢的话还有机会被捞嘛 #美团信息集散地# There's a chance of getting caught if you don't like it at first. ? 有收到面试的友友吗 我流程图那里还是笔试中 Did you get an interview with any of your friends? ?
就是我投简历🤜来个公司收了我吧😭 That's my CV. #x1f91c; take me in a company #x1f62d; ? 已经面晕了,只记得智力题是水杯问题,http也问了不少。 #xff0c already fainted; only the intellectual question is the water cup #xff0c; http also asked a lot. ? #基恩士(#二面的选择题,有需要的xd可以参考下 #Kiens #xff08; #2Selection #xff0c; needed xd can be consulted ?
#长鑫存储#鑫子昨天下午还是签核-用人部门评估中,今上午又变回了签核-录用评估, base合肥😭友友们知道这啥情况嘛,焦虑ing #Photo storage yesterday afternoon was signed - user department assessment #xff0c; this morning it was changed back to signing-requirement #xff0c; base compost #x1f62d; friends know what's going on #xff0c; anxiousing ? 已经第二批笔试了,还有要投的吗?再不投没机会了。9月15日前注册简历:还能赶上9日、16日笔试的筛选,后面就看简历够不够再确定筛不筛选安不安排笔试了内推码ndn Second written examination xff0c; any more xff1f; no more chances. RV xff1a by September 15; screening xff0c on September 9th and 16th; then it's enough to see if the CV is enough to determine that no screening is scheduled to be done without an internal extension ndn ? Iowcon visual algorithm technical face 9.5 #机械制造2024笔面经# #机械制造公司求职体验# 投机器视觉岗位 2D方向时长35min自我介绍1min问本科、硕士、考研成绩排名问项目,了解的比较细,比 # Mechanical manufacturing 2024 faces # # Mechanical manufacturing company job-seeking experience # invests in machine visuals 2D long 35min to introduce themselves to 1-min for undergraduates, masters, academic grades #xff0c; more detailed understanding #xff0c; ? 问了很多简历方面的事情,深挖我科研项目,我是5G相关的他也挖,应该是想看项目的真实性和解决的问题的能力吧。最后再撕个代码,八股只问了tcp和深拷贝浅拷贝 Asked a lot about my curriculum vitae #xff0c; digged about my research project xff0c; I'm 5G-related and he dug xff0c; I think he wanted to see the trueness of the project and the ability to solve the problem. And then tore up the code xff0c; eight units asked only tcp and deep copies. ? 0901投递,0906邮件通知第二天九点到十点测评,不支持自选时间,可填问卷调整时间。测评时长:一小时测评题目:涵盖内容广,本科专业课基本都有涉及,比如机原,机 0901 delivery & #xff0c; 0906 e-mail notification after 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. evaluation & #xff0c; unsupportable self-selection time & #xff0c; able to fill in the questionnaire adjustment time. Time length & #xff1a; one-hour evaluation topic & #xff1a; wide coverage xff0c; undergraduate courses generally involve xff0c; e.g. machine #xff0c; ? 携程刚开,只有两轮技术面,很简单,携程内推码:NTAN4mJ 今天发笔试!!!官方投递地址: 欢迎投递, xff0c; only two rounds of technical face xff0c; simple xff0c; xff1a; NTAN4mJ to deliver the written test today xff01; xff01; xff01; official delivery address xff1a; delivery xff0c; ?
啊,为什么这次约面只有半个小时面试时间呢?有大佬知道情况吗? Ah #xff0c; why is this interview only half an hour? ?
差最后一步排序挂谁懂啊家人们 #我的实习求职记录# #字节# # Who knows when I'm the last step away # # my internship job record # # bytes # ? 深信服24届秋招启动,offer等你拿!研发类、市场类、技术服务类、博士专项等你投递!本科22万起,硕士25万起!研发sp ssp 优招计划,不设上限!!详情可 xff0c;offer waits for your xff01; R & D, market, technical services, PhD waits for your delivery xff01; undergraduate 220,000 xff0c; M.A. 250,000 xff01; R & D sp & xff0c; no ceiling xff01; xff01; details available ? 有没有今天基恩士二面结束的友友啊,请教请教经验 Do you have any friends who ended up on the other side of Keith today? #xff0c; please ask for experience. ? 2024 Redio Autumn call for advance approval #机械制造公司求职体验#他们家的业务比较吸引我,给的薪资也算合理,boss和官网上都投了后来邀请我面技术支持的岗位,hr人挺好有事没事唠唠嗑,一面问了很多兴趣爱 # Mechanical manufacturing company experience # their business is more attractive to me #xff0c; pay is reasonable #xff0c; boss and official online have placed a post for which I was invited to face technical support #xff0c; hr people are fine to talk #xff0c; and a lot of love is asked ? 情景题英雄联盟喜欢玩什么游戏,vn,说一下测试vn的流程。呃呃然后我就说....然后问苹果问题和两个代码题然后问一些八股,测试的八股好像都还挺浅,基本不会深问 So what game does the case hero league like to play? #xff0c; vn, talk about the process of testing vn. Uh, and then I'll say.....and ask Apple questions and two code questions and then ask eight #xff0cs; the eight parts of the test seem to be shallow #xff0c; they're hardly going to ask. ? What Chinese telecommunications tests are for camera sharing 有么有同学知道中国电信测试考啥啊😂 #x1f602 ? Small hr with an easy supervisor behind /a> 满帮二面hr面 后面还有主管面很轻松 主要就是针对简历和履历问一些常见的综合考察问题 大概30分钟 加上反问 30分钟出头聊的很开心 希望能突破二面 至今没有突 It's easy to ask a couple of common questions about résumés and résumés, about 30 minutes, plus counter-questions, 30 minutes of fun talking, hoping to break through the two sides, and there's no surprise so far. ? 武汉中船701、719、712、717、722、709、航天科工四院九部有哪些是要双211的?#牛客在线求职答疑中心##701##709##719##712## 701, 719, 712, 717, 722, 709, 9 Space Industries 4 Colleges #211 #xff1f ; # cower online #701 #709 #719 #712 # ? 欢迎大家投递!内推码:IVKE2R或者私信**可以帮忙看进度! Welcome to xff01; intropolation xff1a; IVKE2R or personal letter** to help see progress xff01; ? According Recruitment in the Beet Buying Department in the Fall 同学们,大家好!淘天集团-超市业务发展中心-淘宝买菜-用户运营技术部正在热招应届毕业生!现在就扫码投递简历吧!hc多多,流程迅速。如果有任何问题,欢迎私聊咨询。 Classmates & #xff0c; #xff01; Surgical Group - Supermarket Business Development Center - Booty Buying - User Operations Technical Department is in the process of recruiting graduates & #xff01; drop the curriculum vitae now & #xff01; hc to #xff0c; speed of the process. If there are any questions & #xff0c; welcome private chat consultation. ? Text-decoration:non; >Resumed curriculum vitae 楼主双非本9硕,材料非科班无实习(debuff叠满)。 自学了一年多c++,家在湖北想在武汉找个合适的公司,云智是我的首选,投的后端,今天看一眼简历挂了,好难受 The owner of the building did not have a nine-shot #xff0c; materials did not have an internship xff08; debuff folded xff09; self-studyed for more than a year; 43; xff0c; family wanted to find a suitable company in Wuhan North xff0c; Yunji was my first choice xff0c; pitched back xfff0c; took a look at curriculum vitae today xff0c; it was painful. ? 笑死了,投完半分钟进人才库😅另外那个个人生活照和成绩单没弄有关系吗 #xff0c; drop half a minute into the talent pool #x1f605; and the other personal life photo doesn't have anything to do with the report card? ? Golden-Technology-Operational-Basic Platform 淘天集团-技术线-业务技术-基础平台-SRE 秋招java开发工程师岗位职责负责淘天集团,资金安全的开发,主要涉及业务有交易、营销、商品。岗位要求2024届本科 The position of Development Engineer is responsible for the Surgical Development Group & #xff0c; the development of secure funds & #xff0c; mainly deals, marketing, and commodities. ? 23 unserved Social Security sessions have an opportunity to participate in 24 school calls 由于我是八月份毕业的,公司刚刚通知了裁掉业务线。正好没有交社保。求前辈指点这种情况该怎么投简历。有相同经历的兄弟也可以一起讨论讨论#秋招##裁员##23届试用期 Because I graduated xff0c in August; the company has just notified the cut-off line. There's no social security. ? 24届应届生,经过暑假实习后,又修改了一份新的简历,准备海投秋招了,麻烦各位帮忙看看,顺便提一些秋招的建议呗,有点迷茫不太会投了。谢谢各位,虚心接受所有评价!! 24-year-olds xff0c; after summer internships xff0c; revised a new curriculum vitae xff0c; prepared xff0c; asked you to take a look at xff0c; by the way, suggested xff0c; a little confused. Thank you all xff0c; accepted all evaluations xff01; xff01; fff01; ? Centre for Rapid Strategic Recruitment and Industrial Research - Daily Internship 干货与福利满满的高招HR实习机会,欢迎同学们投递哦~【关于团队】 战略招聘与行业研究中心,帮助公司核心管理团队全方面地去研究全球一流公司的最佳实践,研究这些领先 High-profile HR internships full of dry goods and benefits & #xff0c; welcome to students and students. Center for Strategic Recruitment and Industry Studies & #xff0c; help the corporate core management team to study the best practices of first-class companies around the world & #xff0c; study these leaders. ? 八月开始投了五十多家,都石沉大海了,一点消息没有 #嵌入式# In August, more than 50 #xff0c have been dropped; all have been sunk by the sea #xff0c; there's no news #Embedded# ? 有uu知道考什么吗 Does uu know anything about the exam? ? Mary Medical Signal Processing 9.7一面 约35min1.自我介绍2.对着ppt讲硕士科研项目+实习内容3.工作地偏向,家庭偏向,其他offer等。4.反问 9.7 On the one hand, about 35min1. Self-presentation 2. Talk to ppt about master's scientific research projects 43; intern 3. Work in preference to xff0c; family in preference to xff0c; other offer, etc. 4. ?
[庆祝]玄武云2024届秋季校园招聘火热开启(9月20日网申截止)【公司简介】玄武云科技控股有限公司(简称玄武云,官网是中国最大 [Celebrating] Open xff08 for the 2024 Autumn Campus; 20 September deadline xff09; xff08 & xff08 & xff08 & xfff0c ; website largest in China ?
求助兄弟们之前不知道在哪看的8月1号就投递了 投的也不是提前批 结果现在正式批开了也没筛我也没给我测评 这种情况怎么办啊 #中兴求职进展汇总# I don't know where to look, but I don't know where to look, and I don't know where to look, and now I'm officially cleared, and I'm not sifting. ? base:武汉深挖项目,问期望薪资,期望工作地点整个项目就在挖我的项目,面试官还是很有水平的,我做的分布式存储系统,面试官不是做这个的,还能挖出问题(主要确实很 Base & #xff1a; Wuhan Deep Digging Project & #xff0c; Questions about expected pay & #xff0c; Expectations that the entire project at the duty station is digging for my project & #xff0c; Interviewers are still very good at #xff0c; I do distributed storage systems & #xff0c; Interviewers are not doing this #xff0c; #xff08 is also able to dig questions #xff08; it's mostly very good. ? Basic knowledge for data analysis — machine learning xff08; 4xff09;
AI simulated interview face is aggregated - including banking, manufacturing, fast digesting, etc. select ? ? t.dept_no? ? ,t.emp_no? ? ,t.salaryfrom(select? ? ? ? a.dept_no? ? ? ? select ? ? t.dept_no? ? ,t.emp_no? ? ,t.salaryfrom(select? ? ? ? a.dept_no? ? ? ? #include <ctype.h>#include <stdbool.h>#include <stdio.h>#inclu ? what is the meaning of #xff1f; 真的心累,选择题很简单,两道算法也都A了,还是被暂不匹配。 这些公司到底是什么标准 Really tired #xff0c; the choice is simple #xff0c; both algorithms are a #xff0c; or are they not matched. ? 一.综合面无技术(八分钟)1.户籍问题2.对潍柴加班理念怎么看3.未来五年计划,是否有考公考编,去互联网的计划4.家人对自己的工作地期望5.展示形体,是否有疾病 i. Aggregation of unskilled (eight minutes) 1. Household Question 2. How do you see the concept of overtime work in the Quessa for the next five years, whether there are public examinations for the next five years, whether there are plans to go to the Internet 4. Families expect 5 shapes of their work and whether they are ill? ? top2 the science complex was hung with a golden second 昨天投研发管培生之后发了测评,一开始测评还只做了性格部分,限时计算题直接被跳过了,发邮件问了之后才做了后面的部分,做完测评就秒发了感谢信今天又投了供应链管培生, Yesterday, following the launch of the R & D pedagogic evaluation xff0c; from the beginning, only the character section xff0c was evaluated xff0c; the time-limited calculation question was skipped directly xff0c; the latter part xff0c was done after the e-mail had been sent; after the evaluation, thanks were sent to the supply chain pedagogic xff0c today; ? Voice 2024 full launch xff01;xff01;xff01; #秋招##校招#【公司介绍】创意软件A股上市公司万兴科技(300624.SZ),在长沙拿深圳的工资!!!!!!!!!!是中国政府认定的“国家规划布局内重点软件企 #Autumn #Academy #Agents#("Introduction") Creative Software A Listed Company xff08; 300624.SZ) xff0c; Wages at Shenzhen in Changsha xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; identified by the Government of China as “Key Software Enterprises in National Planning Layouts” ? 23 sessions with only internships #xff0c; 24 autumns without formal entry into office 23届只有实习,没正式入职可以投24届秋招嘛😔 Twenty-three internships only xff0c; 24 autumn calls without formal entry on duty x1f614; ? 华为od审批20多天,是不是凉了😔 China approved od for more than 20 days xff0c; was it cold x1f614; ?
正式批东北区的面试结果出来了吗,大家有收到offer吗?没收到是不是g了 Did you get the results of the official interview for the Northeast? ? Mary Medical #xff08; Soft #xff09; one side 本来预约的9.30,我没想到不到9点签了个到就直接开始了,一个不苟言笑的面试官,但是人超级好,聊得很开心。16分钟左右1. 没有自我介绍,直接看简历提问的2. I didn't think I'd have signed by 9 o'clock and started directly xff0c; a funny interviewer xff0c; but super nice xff0c; chatting very well. 16 minutes or so 1. No self-introduction xff0c; direct examination of résumé questions. ?
【金秋起航🌟中建科工央企招聘】【公司介绍】 中建科工集团有限公司是中国建筑二级单位,中国钢结构行业竞争力榜首企业、国家高新技术企业、国资委百户“科 China Construction Industries Group Ltd. is China's second-tier building unit & #xff0c; China's top competitive steel industry firm, the National High Technology Enterprise, and the National Investment Commission's department of science. ? to commemorate the end of the internship xff06; 这周末实习结束就结束了,我七月份开始投递,实习和oppo提前批同时间投的,完全没有想到,实习都结束了你oppo提前批居然还没结束。连续剧镇楼提前批我经历了什么? The end of the weekend ended with xff0c; I started delivering xff0c in July; xff0c of the internship and pppo in advance of the same time; xff0c; xff0c in no way; and your opo in advance of the end of the internship. ? # cattle-based online job-and-answer centre (35799)#C #牛客在线求职答疑中心#C#牛,以下关于方法重载和方法里写描述正确的是《( )方法重载和方法的重写实现的功能相同方法重载出现在父子关系中,方法重写是在同一类中方 #C#C#Cow #xff0c; The method reloading and the method rewrited is correctly described below as the same functional means of reloading in parent relationships #xff0c; the method rewrites in the same category ? 保定人(女朋友在川师)1. OPPO多媒体开发 base成都 月底谈薪资2. 离家近的研究所 睡前22找人问了这两个强度都不低,都属于牛马。#OPPO求职进展汇 #xff08; girlfriend in Kawakami #xff09; 1. OPPO multimedia development Chengdu talks about pay at the end of the month. ?
#晒一晒我的offer# # Let's get my offer in the sun # ? # cattle-based online job search and question centre (35799)/a> #牛客在线求职答疑中心# 中国航天科技集团811研究所 Chinese Space Technology Group 811 Institute ? #牛客在线求职答疑中心#启迪数字城市科技 # Cowman Online Searching for Questions #Initiating Digital City Technology # ? 不在人才库的都是废材#美团HR##你收到了团子的OC了吗# Not in the talent pool, it's all junk. ? #Center for Questions on Bulls Online (35799)#ch #牛客在线求职答疑中心#奇安星城网络安全运营服务(长沙)有限公司有大神做过奇安星城的交付工程师笔试题吗 #Cowman's Online Job Questions Center #KianSing City Network Security Service ##xff08; Changsha #xff09; Does the Great God do a written test on Chiansing City's delivery engineer? ? 9.3号HR面后就一直没消息了,当时面完后HR说一周内联系,今天看官网进度显示面试已结束,这是g了吗,一面和二面大概都是50分钟左右,HR面20分钟就结束了,是 9.3 No. xff0c since the end of the interview; HR said contact within a week xff0c; today's visit to the network shows that the interview is over xff0c; this is gff0c; one and both are probably about 50 minutes ff0c; HR 20 minutes after the end of the interview xff0c; yes ? f ? *****,我大四没课还让我回去**,还最多请一周,一周你能实习个**,老子保研都放弃了,你还纠缠**,你**天天汇报领导,领导是你**,**fdy,**学院, ** xff0c; I don't have class to send me back** xff0c; a week at most; you can intern ** xff0c; I've given up xff0c; you've got ** xff0c; you've got xff0c; you've got xff0c; you've got xff0c; you're leading xff0c;**fdyxff0c;** college xff0c; ? hungryxff0c; long known not to pick the front 有跟我比残的哥们吗,哈哈双非一本,学校没名,妈妈的,还是个本科,本科就算了还是半个科班出身,半个科班就算了,有实习offer学校还不让去,不让去我也没意见,大四 xff0c; xff0c; unnamed school xff0c; mother xff0c; or undergraduate xff0c; half class xff0c; half class xff0c; intern xff0c; not allowed to go to school xff0c; not allowed to go to school xfff0c; senior xff0c; ? 本人211本科23届,在上家公司干了2个月,由于不喜欢工作内容给辞了。现在有两个offer,华为od12+3,另一个是中规模自研金融互联网公司,直接就是16,都 I'm 211 in 23 xff0c; I worked for the last company for 2 months xff0c; I quit because I didn't like the content of the job. Now there are two clients xff0c; China is od1243; 3xff0c; the other is the medium-sized self-researching financial Internet company xff0c; directly 16xff0c; ?
谁需要一个稳定的蓝灯呢 Who needs a stable blue light? ? I'm getting more and more upset at the moment of the fall call 秋招关键时刻我却越来越泄气了 I'm getting more and more depressed at the moment of the fall. ? 🔥大华股份2024秋季校园招聘启动!?关于大华股份:浙江大华技术股份有限公司是全球领先的以视频为核心的智慧物联解决方案提供商和运营服务商,现拥有23000多名 x1f525; xff01; xff01; ? how do you know that I have a fair company's offer? 坐标到家,timeline如下:投递:2023/07/31笔试:2023/08/121面:2023/08/232面:2023/08/29hr面:2023/09/ Coordinates at home xff0c;timeline as xff1a; delivery xff1a; 2023/07/31 test xff1a; 2023/08/121 face xff1a; 2023/08/232 face ff1a; 2023/08/29hr face xff1a; 2023/09/ ?
不会在排队挂吧许愿一个offer!贼啦想去! Not in line to make a wish for an offer #xff01; thieves want to go to #xff01; ?
Long-term process engineering development two sides
The first question of the U.N.A.A.I. 23th Autumn-Mary Medical Face-RD04 Hardware Development Engineer
4399 Guangzhou Recruitment School Rush Rushing Progress 🗣4399游戏2024届秋招正式启动!!!?【关于4399】全球领先的中文娱乐平台之一,连续九年中国互联网企业40强 ,拥有《文明与征服》等多款亿级 x1f5e3; xff01;xff01;xff01;xff01;xff01;?[On 4399] One of the world's leading Chinese entertainment platforms ? 想问一下牛友们,如何评价地方国企的信息数智化相关工作。 I'd like to ask the cattle friends & #xff0c; how to evaluate the intellectual work of local state corporations. ? 4399 Guangzhou Recruitment School Rush Rushing Progress 🗣4399游戏2024届秋招正式启动!!!?【关于4399】全球领先的中文娱乐平台之一,连续九年中国互联网企业40强 ,拥有《文明与征服》等多款亿级 x1f5e3; xff01;xff01;xff01;xff01;xff01;?[On 4399] One of the world's leading Chinese entertainment platforms ? import java.util.*;public class Solution { public String LeftRotateString (St ? 100 degree test development post one-sided 之前另一个部门已经二面挂了,又被其他部门捞起来了。先是自我介绍,然后问实习,然后问项目,然后是八股和算法题,我简单记录下问题,答案是面试完整理的,仅供参考。1. xff0c. The other department is already on the other side. First it introduces itself xff0c; then it asks internship xff0c; then it asks item xff0c; then it's eight shares and arithmetic xff0c; I simply record the question xff0c; the answer is xff0c; for information only 1. ? import java.util.Scanner;// 注意类名必须为 Main, 不要有任何 package xxx 信息public class Main port java.util.Scanner;// note that the class name must be Main, do not have any package xx information public class Main ?
长鑫北京器件研发有变状态的嘛 There's been a change in the development of Chang Xing Beijing equipment. ? 🗣4399游戏2024届秋招正式启动!!! 【关于4399】全球领先的中文娱乐平台之一,连续九年中国互联网企业40强 ,拥有《文明与征服》等多款亿级流水,百万 x1f5e3; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff0c; One of the world's leading Chinese entertainment platforms xff0c; 40% xff0c of China's Internet Enterprise for nine consecutive years; multi-billion-level currents, such as Civilization and Conquerion xff0c; millions ? Affordable formal recruitment has begun xff01;xff01;xff01; 内推码:NTAWuq5。越早投递机会越多。公司待遇很好,公司氛围很好,公司发展前景很好。欢迎投递!!! NTAWuq5. The sooner the chances of delivery become greater. The company is well treated xff0c; the atmosphere is good xff0c; the prospects for company development are good. Welcome to xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; ? 0offer finds work: on competition 找工作越发让我认为这是一个竞争与博弈的事情..这个过程里是与更高阶层的同学进行竞争, 比如作为一个双非研究生从提前批开始就一直需要面对与985/211的大佬一起 Looking for a job makes me think it's a competition and a game. ? 🗣4399游戏2024届秋招正式启动!!! 【关于4399】全球领先的中文娱乐平台之一,连续九年中国互联网企业40强 ,拥有《文明与征服》等多款亿级流水,百万 x1f5e3; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff01; xff0c; One of the world's leading Chinese entertainment platforms xff0c; 40% xff0c of China's Internet Enterprise for nine consecutive years; multi-billion-level currents, such as Civilization and Conquerion xff0c; millions ? 22届毕业,走的日本院校3+2专升本,专业是日语,怪自己没有好好努力拿到N1,目前只有N2证书。一年半的空窗期都在考公考编,也没考出个所以然,期间断断续续在小城 Twenty-two graduations xff0c; walking Japanese colleges 343; two promotions xff0c; specialisation xff0c; blameing yourself for not working hard to get N1xff0c; currently only N2 certificates. ? 牛客上怎么感觉都是校招的啊,都要求应届生,有没有哪里可以更多查看社招相关的信息呢 #社招# #跳槽# #赛道# #xff0c; they're all asking students #xff0c; if there's anything more to read about it # #troupe # #jump # # racetrack # ? 近期窗口开了,符合条件速进 Recent window opened #xff0c; eligible speed ? 一、集团介绍奇安信科技集团股份有限公司(以下简称奇安信,股票代码688561)成立于2014年,专注于网络空间安全市场,向政府、企业用户提供新一代企业级网络安全 I. Introduction by the Group to Qianshin Technology Group Inc. xff08; hereinafter xff0c; stock code 688561xff09; established in 2014 xff0c; focused on cyberspace security market xff0c; and providing a new generation of enterprise-level cybersecurity to Governments and business users ? 原来压垮我的不是找工作,而是导师的中期换题(毕设也做的差不多了,实验还差一个对比,就因为她想发vis方向就直接换,遇到这种情况算我倒霉)🙃。 It wasn't looking for a job xff0c; it was a mid-term change of subject xff08 by the mentor; it was almost as much as xff0c; the experiment was short of a comparison xff0c; it was just because she wanted to turn her direction xff0c; it was my bad luck xff09; x1f643; ? 面试官很好是我太菜 只能回忆这么多 被拷打的忘了一些很看重知识体系 对语言不太在意 全程根据你说的提问 没有c++八股文30分钟自我介绍项目介绍有没有写过 ma The interviewer's great, and I can only remember so much, that some of the people who were tortured forgot to value the knowledge system were not very careful about language, based on the questions you asked, no c+ #43; eight pieces of self-introduction for 30 minutes, ma. ? #牛客在线求职答疑中心#国家电力投资集团 # The Bulls' Online Searching and Question Center #National Power Investment Group ? 我的内推码 NJXBHXN 投递地址:任何岗位都可使用本人22届,前端,如果是投递的前端那么可以交流 My internal code NJXBHXN delivery address xff1a; can use my 22th session xff0c; front end xff0c; if it is the front end of the delivery then communicate ? 23 sessions can find matching jobs 待业三个月在家画画打基础 已经彻底放弃原画了 离职业水平太远 又不死心想在找个对口的 以下是角色设计 个人画着玩的 和 小素描 #视觉/交互/设计百问百答# After three months of drawing at home and laying the foundation, we've completely abandoned the original, far from our professional level, and we're not desperate to find a counterpart: role design, personal drawings, and sketches #visual/interactive/design # ?
又挂一个,一天就挂了,不养🐟 Another xff0c; xff0c in one day; x1f41f in one day; ?
快手2面旷视2面美团2面米哈游2面字节3面京东1面小马1面小红书1面咋都没消息了啊 There's no sign of the two-faced, two-faced Miha, two-spaced, three-by-section, one-step pony in Kyoto. ?
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