原Diem一些核心成员继续组建团队基于 Diem 的开源代码开发了 Aptos 公链。
Some of the original Diem core members continued to form teams to develop the Aptos public chain based on the open source code of Diam.
随后,Aptos 获得了 a16 z、FTX Ventures、Coinbase Ventures 以及 Binance Labs 等顶级机构的投资。这样的豪华投资阵容,让Aptos一跃成为了加密市场上的新星。
As a result, Aptos acquired investments in top institutions such as a16 z, FTX Ventures, Coinbase Ventures, and Binance Labs. This luxury investment array made Aptos a new star in the encryption market.
Aptos 与 Sui 等新公链,是被a16z、 FTX Ventures和 Jump Crypto等国外机构抱团把估值抬高的独角兽方舟,是资本们造势捧起下一轮周期新公链叙事及生态野心的选择,是交易所与做市机构投资试图明牌复制下一个Solana的筹码押注。
The new public chains, such as Aptos and Sui, are the unicorn ark, which is valued up by foreign institutions such as a16z, FTX Ventures and Jump Crypto, the choice of capitalists to build up new public chain narratives and ecological ambitions for the next cycle, and the opportunity of exchanges and market-based investment to attempt to copy the next Solana's bargaining bet.
- 原文標題:《Ethereum -> Solana -> Aptos: the high-performance competition is on》
- 撰文:The Anti-Ape
- 編譯:0xshushu,7UpDAO
- 我們提出了一個 L1 設計權衡的第一性原理框架:高性能的三難困境。(如上圖)
- 與以太坊相比,Solana 的激進的低冗餘(Redundancy)設計既解釋了它的高性能,也解釋了它的低可靠性。
- Aptos,一個擁有 2 億美元全明星種子輪融資的新 L1,準備挑戰 Solana 在高性能 L1 領域的壟斷地位。與 Solana 相比,Aptos 增加了更多的可靠性,其代價是更高的節點硬體要求。
- 我們相信針對特定應用進行優化才是 L1 的未來。
Solana, Aptos, Ethereum, StarkWare, zkSync, Serum, Meteplex
- 直到目前,Solana 作為唯一的一條高
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