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On 7 July 2018, No. 106, founder of aelf, founder of the Beijing Sodom Information Technology Ltd. and founder of the CEOMAPO Brock Science Time Dialogue, shared its rich investment, entrepreneurial experience and original intentions and vision for the creation of aelf, provided a detailed technical description of multi-layered technologies and expressed some of its views on the issue of Ether's congestion.




Mr. Hubbard, how did you get into the block chain earlier? What charms of the block chain attract you? You have done a lot of business around the block chain to describe your entrepreneurial experience and the inspiration for creating aelf.


MAG: When I graduated from the block chain business in 13 years, I learned on the news that bitcoins were good and invested, bought some bitcoins on the exchange, and then studied some other Tokens, such as the hot Leitcoons, dogcoins, and a variety of coins, NXT, Ripple, and so on. I also worked on how to dig mines and buy some visible GPU machines to dig up all kinds of digital money.


I think the charm of the block chain is that it does things with a network to replace a real company, such as a central payment company, and the whole process is transparent and automated. I think the block chain is about removing intermediaries, making them more efficient. We sometimes feel that bitcoin digs consumes a lot of electricity and waste a lot of resources. But instead of a banking system that does the same transfer, storage, the entire system spends much more than bitcoin, for example, at the edge of the Huangpo River, they see a lot of banks, they spend a lot of money on a day-to-day basis, they have a lot of manual costs, IT system support costs, money truck costs, and so on, they end up finding that a network can automate these things, and the costs are relatively low.

  2013年底我用区块链写了一些类似于支付系统的东西,14年我在北京,当时小蚁的发起人来找我去做他们的CTO,那个时候对区块链来说各种各样的币比较多,我觉得应该围绕着一些基础设施来做。当时做比特币支付公司很多,比如国外有家公司叫Bitpay,那时我已经做了一套支付网关系统,所以我把小蚁的发起人拉到一起做了GemPay这家公司,做比特币支付的业务,基于这个业务又做了一个中心化的钱包,是在IOS和安卓上都可以用的软件。现在大家看到各种各样的钱包,但那个时候手机钱包真的特别少,当时我们做出来的时候OKLINK刚刚开始做钱包,还有国内做钱包的比如HaoBTC是币信的前身,所以我们是很早引入钱包的概念, 14年的时候我们就能在微信群里发比特币和元宝币的红包。14、15年行业低迷, VC也看不懂行情,我们上一家公司融资额有限,业务难以支撑,所以当时元宝网邓迪来找我们聊公司合并,于是我帮着老邓去搞allcoin交易所平台,当时我带着整个团队从无到有花了一个多月的时间写了一套交易所,直到现在那个交易所还在运行。

At the end of 2013, I wrote something similar to a payment system in the block chain, when I was in Beijing, when I was approached by an ant sponsor to do their CTO, which was a variety of coins for the block chain, and I thought it should be around some infrastructure. There were a lot of bitcoin payment companies, like a foreign company called Bitpay, when I made a payment gateway system, so I pulled an an ant sponsor into a Gempay company, did a bitco-paying business, made a central wallet based on this business, which was available on IOS and Andre. Now you see a variety of wallets, but at that time there were really very few mobile wallets, which we didn't understand at the time when we made it, which we had a company like HaoBTC, which was the predecessor of the currency, so we introduced the concept of an early wallet, and in 14 years we were able to hand out a bag of bitcoats and coins, which I've spent the entire exchange's time with.

  16年底, 当时FBG的创始人周硕基在看有关Token投资的项目,对于我们来说Token行为很常见,比如历史久远的BTS的故事,BM他搞PTS,PTS搞完了又搞了一个AGS,最后拿着AGS再去换BTS,也就BM才能每次都搞出一些创新的玩法。以太坊在当时也是众筹行为,包括比较早期的一个项目叫NXT也是一种众筹。这个期间我们看了大量的项目和白皮书,而事情发展的速度超乎我们的想象,吸引的资金规模也翻了很多倍。在这个过程中我们发现现有的区块链网络支撑不了很大的业务量,现有的底层区块链系统都会存在三个问题,一是性能太差,二是资源不隔离,三是治理有问题。

At the end of 16th year, when FBG’s founder, Chuge, was looking at projects related to Token’s investments, it was common for us to see token’s behavior, such as the story of the long-standing BTS, BM’s PTS, PTS, another AGS, and finally AGS, to replace BTS with BTS, and BM’s innovative ways of playing it every time. At that time, Ether was also popular, including an earlier project called NXT, which was also popular. During this period we saw a lot of projects and white papers, and things went faster than we thought, and attracted a lot of money. In this process, we found that the existing network of block chains could not sustain much business, and that there were three problems in the existing bottom chain system, one too bad for sex, two for resources, and three for governance.

  在性能方面比如比特币的TPS峰值大概只有九笔每秒,这个性能相对于传统的互联网来说实在是太低了,以太坊可能只有二十几的TPS,性能也是很低的,这是相当大的问题。另一方面是我们所谓的资源隔离网上现有的区块链网络都是把所有的各种类型的交易都放到一条区块链上来处理,比如说以太坊的养猫和去中心化交易所都放在一条链上,当大家都去养猫的时候网络就会阻塞,还有前两天Fcoin的空投上币,在这个过程中有大量的以太坊交易发起把整个以太坊网络阻塞了,以太坊上其他的应用比如去中心化交易所都会受到特别严重的影响。所以我们觉得去中心化应用之间相互的影响是一个很大的问题,急需解决。另外一方面我们发现区块链网络不属于任何公司或个人,这种情况下谁能拥有更新代码的权利是一个很大的问题,这个问题是决定了一个区块链网络的发展方向,所以区块链网络的治理也是一个很大的问题。当年DAO事件出来的时候,Vitalik说我们需要回滚,但社区里的人说不要回滚,因为code is law事情是按照写好的规则发生的,那就不应该回滚。双方出现了分歧之后,以太坊基金会提交了回滚代码,但是另外一部分社区分叉了出来做了ETC网络。我觉得任何一个东西如果初期分裂对整个业务的发展会有很大影响,而且那个时候以太坊上还没有太多ERC20,如果搞分叉一个ERC20的合约在原有的以太坊网络和新的ETC网络上都有,那么整个世界就会变得很混乱。

In terms of performance, the TPS peak of Bitcoin, for example, is probably only nine seconds away from the traditional Internet, and it's quite a problem that in the process there may be only 20 TPSs in the Pacific, which are very low. On the other hand, the network of blocks that we call the resource-segregated Internet is being dealt with by all types of transactions in a chain. So we think that the interaction between the centralization applications is a big problem, and it is urgent to solve it. On the other hand, we find that the network of ETs does not belong to any company or individual, and that the right to update the code is a big problem, and the problem that determines the development of a network is too much, so the network is too much to govern.


So we aelf hopes to be able to solve these three problems well, for example, by introducing parallel calculations, which we are the first to use server-level technology for single nodes programming, using high-performance databases, redis, and using better distributional frameworks, such as Akka.net, which has led to great performance enhancement, parallelization of our transactions, and verification of each transaction not only on a server, for example, 10,000 transactions that may be evenly distributed on a server cluster, which is a means of enhancing our performance. In terms of resource segregation, we have introduced multi-level side chains that allow each chain to deal with only one thing, such as a cat chain with one, and a chain to a central exchange with one, so that even if the cat chain is blocked, it will not affect the logic of a central exchange.


I would like to add to the question of performance that the solution to the existing performance problem is to do Shalding, which may be considered powerful, but it is essentially to be a partition, but the central question is that in the original database area we do not put all the data in a table, and then to do it, we should start by separating them from business logic, for example, by saying that New Wave Weibo does not put microblogs, user bill data and comment data in the same table and then sort them out in the same table. It is certainly microblogging, commenting on data, and order data, each of which has its own form. We think that a network, if it is to be good governance, is essentially representative of the user's interests, and where the user's interests are directly reflected. It is simple to say that users with Token are most concerned about the value of the network, so we want to create a proxy system for the Token holders, so that they can elect members, use the Commission for better governance, and when there are some important issues that we might vote on all the currencyholders.



Aelf is a major deep-cultivating bottom-chain technology, and there are many problems with this technology, which is difficult to develop, and what bottlenecks have been encountered in the development of aelf? How can it be solved?


Maeubert: We chose to use relatively stable technology, and the biggest problem with the bottom public chain was how to work, using engineers' thinking to do the system. Some of the problems we see at the bottom of the block chain are that they don't do well with software engineering thinking, so the architecture is certainly not very good. And we put a lot of effort into architecture design, and the whole community started questioning our team for money, and there was no code submission. These are important things when we were doing a lot of architecture design, like how to stratification, how to modularize, how to integrate. But because first of these things cannot be coded, and then a lot of rating agencies don't look at the project cycle just at the number of code submissions, then the pressure of the whole community is bigger. As we get clear, the process of development is getting better and the number of code submissions is coming up, and it is only then that the outside world thinks that we are actually doing real things.


In the process of development, we found that it was important to optimize performance in parallel computing counter-sequence, and that it was important to group the transactions. We now use the original data tag algorithm to divide the different transactions into parallel implementable groups, and then distribute them. We spend a lot of effort in parallel implementation, for example, by communicating with professors in parallel laboratories, to solve the problems of parallel execution. Another difficulty is the design of data structures that are stored at the bottom, which we have experienced in several versions, because they are essentially log-type, and if there is an action that is hanging up in the data implementation process, there is a mistake that may involve a rollback operation or another time frame from before, so we're going to debug and find specific reasons in the process. In many clusters, we're going to deploy an alf, it's important to fine-tune Akka's parameters after the cluster, and we're going to do this debuug work at the parallel calculation, and we're going to find more of the power of the CP, and we're going to find more of the CP.



Aelf wants to create a world of block chains & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; what kind of ecology? You have publicly stated that aelf will achieve large-scale commercialization in the first quarter of 2019, and how sure is this possible in terms of current R & D progress?


Maeubert: We want to create a very open environment, initially we may be contributing to the code ourselves, but when the code is really valuable, we see Linux doing more than just a few Linux companies, and it actually has a number of big manufacturers, including Microsoft, Google, all of them in the code. I hope that aelf belongs to you, because all the codes are open, and the whole network is open. I hope that we're just one company in the aelf ecology, and that we're now doing a lot of support for aelf, and then more companies are coming in to support the development of aelf. We hope that the aelf network is able to meet some of the business needs when it is on the main line, because we see that most of the public chains are not good, that it is hard for us as a commercial subjects to accept, that it is hard for us to sell the ticket network, that it is difficult for users to board, that it is difficult for us, that it is not for us, that it is not for us, that it is not for us, that it is not for us, that it is not for us, and that it is not for us, that it is not for us, and that it is not for us, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is not for us, and that it is not for us, and that it is not for us, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is not for us, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is, that it is,



Fancy times: Some enterprises are currently working on the development of bottom-line public chain technologies, such as the ink-link technology, the concept of synergetic matrix was advanced by yesterday's dialogue guest process, while aelf uses multi-level side chains. What are the relative differences and linkages between the two? What are the future technological improvements in multi-level side chains?

  马昊伯:目前主要精力在我们自身的研发上,所以并没有去关注您提到的这两个链,那我就简单的说一下我们自己的思路。我们的整个多级侧链实现方式耦合性很低,我们的主链只对侧链进行一个收录工作,也就是相当于主链是一个观察者,会观察到侧链发生的事情。比如我们有十条侧链,那么主链就会把这十条侧链的变化做Merkle Tree Root。每个区块链的状态变化是随着一个区块的高度变化而变化,主链收录各个侧链区块的哈希值,建立一个Merkle Tree,再把Merkle Tree存到主链上,这个事情就算完成了,这就是我们的收录工作。

Maruber: The main focus is on our own research and development, so we don't pay attention to the two chains to which you have referred. So let me just say our own thinking. Our entire multi-level side chain is being achieved with very low coupling, and our main chain is only doing a recording of the side chain, which is the equivalent of the main chain being an observer and seeing what happens in the side chain. For example, if we have 10 side chains, then the main chain is going to be Merkle Tre Root. The shape of each block is changing with the height of one block, the primary chain is taking the Hashi value of each side chain, building a Merkle Tree, and then storing Merkle Tre into the main chain, and that's what we're doing, and that's what we're doing.

  在第三方的时候怎么用?比如我在侧链A上怎么证明侧链B上已经发生的事情?这时候就需要主链的Merkle Tree Root,侧链A就需要知道主链上的Merkle Tree Root,再通过侧链B上的Merkle Tree的证明,以这样的逻辑让A确认,的确有一些事情在B上发生,这笔交易的确出现在B上,A再去解析B上发生的交易,知道原来侧链B上发生的一些交易,A来进行一些处理。比如A是一个去中心化交易所,B是另外一条资产链,B上资产发生了转移则A上就能读到数据,我们是用这样的一种方式来做的。大家可能看到主链做了相当多的工作,为了降低主链的工作,我们可以去改变数据结构。主链侧链这是两级的,把任何一条侧链当做主链,侧链下面再接侧链,那上面的侧链其实已经变成了主链,那它也可以收录下面的侧链。这样的话最上层的主链只需要读取侧链已经收录的数据就可以了。

What do I do when I'm a third party? How do I prove on the side chain A that something has happened on the side chain B? That's when I need a Merkle Tree Root on the side chain, where the side chain A needs to know Merkle Tree Root on the main chain, and by proof of Merkle Tree on the side chain B, which makes it possible to read data in one way or another. You can see that there is a lot of work on the main chain, and we can change the structure of the data in order to lower the main chain. The main chain is a two-tiered one, and there's a chain on the side, and there's a chain on the side, and there's a chain on the side, and there's a chain on the other side, and there's a chain on the other side.



In the current market, where the majority of Dapps are immature and difficult to produce phenomenon-based products, the bottlenecks in determining Dapp should be bottom-chain technology or market demand and application. What are the differences between Dapp and traditional apps? What are the requirements in the choice of the public chain?


The point of Dapp is that it's simple enough to do this and business models are simple enough, but it's particularly transparent to operate. For example, it's a piece of treasure that makes money asymmetrical information between buyers and sellers, to make middle profits. But how does the profit distribute when the network is profitable? We don't see it. By way of a bitcoin, we're using the Bitcoin network to transfer money instead of spending money to the Bitcoin network to pay transaction fees. We find that the Bitcoin network itself, after it has its own profitability, distributes profits to those involved in the network, that is to say, the district chains are machines that distribute profits autonomously.


Our conventional machine is one that increases productivity, such as cars, that can make you walk faster. Block chains are a machine that upgrades production relationships, allowing all profit distributions to be particularly open, and we can see the network’s profit models very simply. Different Dapps require different public chains at the bottom, which is why we want to do multi-layer chains, and we want Dapp to define the bottom. Because a decentralized exchange is inherently very time-consuming, for example, a decentralized microblogging may require more data volume storage and bottom-level demands. So what we want to offer is what parameters we can customize, and what kind of environment Dapp needs to customize.



You once said & ldquao; the next 80% of Internet platforms will be replaced by block chains & & rdquao; you can say this in detail. Many people compare the development of block chains to the Internet.


Maruber: The essence of the block chain is based on the Internet, and we have retail before Internet electricians come out, except for our retail industry, which is less developed, where manufacturers, general agents, and 123-grade distributors go to retail shops and then to ordinary users. Internet electricians come out and take out all these intermediates, increasing efficiency and reducing the profit margin of intermediaries. We see that most of the Internet platforms available are serving as a setup, for example, that the treasures are picking up buyers and sellers, but it seems that there is no way to make this business model any better and more efficient, because sometimes you need competitors to compete with you, and you have to use the logic of that year to improve your efficiency, but they're not doing this because the treasures are big enough.


Block chains can make the whole business logic out of boundaries, like a company with a certain difference between shareholders and non-shareholders, and users do not get a bonus from the exploitation of treasures. But I see that they blur the boundaries and that any commercial extension is marginal. For example, your business is good in big cities, probably bad in two or three-line cities, but the Internet protocol layer can spread across the globe. If there is a block chain agreement in two or three-line cities, it could well be added to the deal to land the business, which is the value of the block chain, a new way of distributing profits.



Aelf vs. Ether and EOS, which in the recent past has led to further congestion in Ether because of Fcoin's upper currency mechanism. What are the technical challenges of technology implementation? What are the kinds of techniques that can be used to solve the problem?


Mav: Aelf is a multi-chain structure, for example, when Fcoin comes up with 10 coins with 10 chains, which do not affect the other chains itself. The Fcoin upper-currency mechanism is intended to create subjectivity and has no motive for solving the problem. He shuts the house down. It's a marketing act. The hacking of a ticket is a bit too thin for a hacker, because any technician can go in, and it's a very simple matter. To really try to limit a ticket, the new currency comes out with a real address that used to hold the money, it's a real user. For example, a user is an old user in the business, he has his wallet address, and it's a record of transactions that used to go back. The central thing to solve the problem is to increase the cost of a ticket, but it's probably not very easy to avoid it, and it's more a marketing strategy than a technical one.


The problem of solving congestion is that performance certainly needs to be enhanced, because there are only 20 TPSs in the Etherm, and one in Fcoin's upper currency has 100,000 addresses, which take how long Ether's office is occupied. So essentially, the network is going to be upgraded, and only when the pipe is big will it be OK for a lot of water to flow.


Mr. Hubbard, as a senior member of the block chain industry, you should have reached out to a lot of people in your circle. Are there any of them who you admire and admire? Why?


Marub: I am particularly impressed and admired by old friends who have persisted in this industry, because the whole industry has moved from being ununderstood to being a concerned industry, where everyone has insisted on the value of what is being done and has kept others aware of the value of the industry. These old friends have made me particularly admired and admired. Our own project was supported by many old friends, who started six while we were on the line, which was related to our technological strength and to the fact that some Token were taken over by other exchanges, but we managed the rhythm very well. I think Brock technology provides a very good channel for people to communicate, and I can recommend many of our classmates and friends to talk to you.


So what do you think of this technology and the time node?


MP: I think the split must be a good direction, as I said earlier, and the feasibility of this landing is great, but I think it would be better to separate specific operations, such as a separate chain of decentralized exchanges, and then when this chain becomes a bottleneck.


Time is bright: is Bit-Z's announcement today to stop trading in mining and roll into the splitting mechanism an indirect proof that the deal is not going to last? What do you think about this?


Maruber: I have previously had a circle of friends about this: transactional mining is essentially a game of redistribution of assets, buying platform money by spending a daily amount of paperwork (where the exchange coins obtained from mining are referred to as platform money). 80% of the profits received by the platform go to platform money holders. Because of the amount of money that can be brushed up, and the amount of money that can be split with the amount of money held, the price of the platform money in the secondary market is particularly critical. Because of the scarcity of early platform money supply, when the price of the platform money is split, there will be a lot of direct purchase of platform currency and higher prices, because the efficiency of the direct purchase is five times that of the transaction fee (the transaction fee is only 20 per cent in exchange). When prices are pushed up, the purchase cost increases rather than the fee.


This cycle usually takes place quickly, and in this very short cycle, because the transactions on the exchange are false (the essence of the transaction is a value exchange between different users) and the value of a new exchange does not depend only on the volume of the transaction, but also on the number of users, the amount of funds deposited and the stickyness of the user, and the bargaining power of the project party (the small platform project party would not be willing to spend a large price). So, in the platform currency (which must be valuable, but not so big, it must be far from the three platforms) collapses after it is of high value. The logic of the project is that the project will evolve in the future, and the value of the project is a process that will grow slowly as the team's work falls.



B: Deal.


Don't take the money you're in, there's one thing you're looking at: interest, you're looking at your principal. Hackers come when they want to come, especially the new platform.


I see that most of the platform money is now exactly what I say, and some of it may last a day or two or three or four days, and most of it collapses. I think the game is not sustainable, it is based on the value of the platform currency, but it is important that a new platform user be sticky, and I think that some of the old exchanges have some sort of sedimentation and accumulation.



Aelf is a decentralised cloud computing platform, with nodes (full node) able to operate above the server cluster to enhance the performance of the entire block chain network, depending on the type of line; “ main chain + multi-section chain & rdquao; structure that effectively achieves resource segregation, & & ldquao; a chain of scenes & & rdquo; and a system of commissioning for currency holders that guarantees efficient governance and benign development of the network. Compared to the current block chain system, aelf is known as the next generation chain system that goes beyond the eos.


Next generation's bottom public chainaelf

  目前可在bitfinex、binance、okex、Huobi. pro、cex、bcex、bibox、gate、kkex、bigone、otcbtc、hypex、Gopax、Radar Relay、Bancor Network、Kucoin、Vebitcoin、btcdo、cointiger、coinomi、Bithumb、coinbene上交易。

At present, transactions can be made in bitfinex, binance, okex, Huobi.pro, cex, bcex, bibox, gate, kkex, bigone, otcbtc, hypex, Gopax, Radar Relay, Bancor Network, Kucoin, Vebitcoin, btcdo, cointiger, coinomi, Bittumb, coinbene.




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  • 12年怎么购买比特币?比特币投资,轻松掌控

    12年怎么购买比特币?买卖比特币可以通过以下交易所进行购买,分别是:欧易官网平台、ZG交易所、艾戴克斯交易所、C2CX交易软件、BaseFEX交易APP、波网交易平台、安银交易所、BitMart交易软件、紫牛币交所交易APP和澳网(AOMEX)交易平台等等十大平台下载,高效安全的数字货币交易平台。How do you buy bitcoins in 12 years? Bitcoins can be purchased through ten major platforms...
  • 0.00015693个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...