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The ETH currency is what we know about Ether, believing that investors familiar with the currency circle are no stranger to Ether, a public block chain platform that functions as a smart contract, and the second largest global digital currency after Bitcoin. It provides users with a decentralised virtual machine to better handle point-to-point contracts. Compared to other crypto-currency or block-chain technologies, there are more applications in the community and, generally, there are three types of financial applications, semi-financial applications, and non-financial applications.

以太坊最初由Vitalik Buterin在2013年提出。Vitalik本是一名参与比特币社群的程序员,曾向比特币核心开发人员主张比特币平台应该要有个更完善的编程语言让人开发程序,但未得到他们的同意,因此决定开发一个新的平台作此用途。

It was originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. Vitalik was a programmer involved in the Bitcoin community who argued to the Bitcoin core developers that the Bitcoin platform should have a better programming language for development, but did not receive their consent, and decided to develop a new platform for this purpose.


Buterin believes that many programs can be developed further by using bitcoin-like principles. Buterin wrote the Etherpa White Paper in 2013 setting out the goals of the decentralisation process.

以太坊(英语:Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,又称“以太币”)提供去中心化的虚拟机(称为“以太虚拟机”Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。

Ethereum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts. It handles point-to-point contracts in Chinese currency (Ether, also known as &ldquao; &rdquao;) through its special encryption currency, provides a decentralised virtual machine (known as &ldquao; &rdquao; & & &rdquao; Etherum Virtual Machine).


For the first time in the period from 2013 to 2014, the concept was proposed by the programmer Vitalik · Butrin, inspired by Bitcoin, to the effect that & ldquo; the next generation of encrypted currency and decentralized application platforms & & rdquao; and that it began to develop in 2014 through ICO crowds. As of June 2018, it was the second-highest-market encrypted currency, also known as &ldquao; the second-generation block chain platform & & rdquao; and after Bitco.


Ether is a platform that provides various modules for users to build applications, and if building applications are compared to building houses, then Ether provides modules such as walls, roofs, floors, etc., and users simply build houses like building blocks, so the costs and speed of building applications in Ether have improved considerably.

具体来说,以太坊通过一套图灵完备的脚本语言(Ethereum Virtual Machinecode,简称EVM语言)来建立应用,它类似于汇编语言。我们知道,直接用汇编语言编程是非常痛苦的,但以太坊里的编程并不需要直接使用EVM语言,而是类似C语言、Python、Lisp等高级语言,再通过编译器转成EVM语言。

Specifically, the application was created by the Tails through a fully engineered script language (Etherium Virtual Machinecode, or EVM). It is similar to the compilation language. We know that direct programming in compiled languages is very painful, but programming in the Tails does not require direct use of EVM languages, but rather advanced languages such as C, Python, Lisp, etc., which are translated into EVM languages.


The application on the platform described above is actually the contract, which is the heart of Etheria. The contract is an automatic agent living in the Etheria system, he has his own e-mail address, and when the user sends a transaction to the address of the contract, the contract is activated and, depending on the additional information in the transaction, the contract runs its own code and returns the result, which may be another transaction from the address of the contract.


It is important to note that the Etherton deal is not only sent in Chinese currency, but it can be embedded in a considerable amount of additional information. If a transaction is sent to a contract, that information is important, because the contract will perform its business logic on the basis of that information.


The business that a contract can offer is almost endless, and its boundaries are your imagination, because the perfect language of Turing provides a full degree of freedom for users to build applications. The white paper gives a few examples, such as savings accounts, user-defined sub-currencys, etc.


It is hoped that this post will provide an overview of the ETH-Etheria articles that will help investors to understand the ETH quickly. The Ether-Teams represent the future of the block chain, because it can move from a single currency application to a single application in each block-chain application, or even to an enterprise-level application. Starting in 2020, he has taken on new concepts such as DeFi, so that we can see a better future for Ether-Team. Now it seems that the Ether-Team has been developing along its own course, and that the new year is coming, and that it will be followed by a major upgrade, from Po-W to Po-S.


That's what the ETH is for? The details in ETH is comprehensive. More information about the future of the ETH is available at the Script House.

Tag:区块链   比特币  



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