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? 你好,我是数字货币交易所的客服,还要做合约吗?我想邀请你进群,如果你是加密市场的参与者,一定接到过类似这样的电话,摸爬滚打过币圈的老韭菜,多半会选择无视直接挂断,某种的小白,很可能会试探性的询问要不要收费啊?有什么好处呢?在察觉到对方的口气松动之后,客服才会合适的抛出诱惑,不收费的,跟上群里的老师们做单带你赚钱的,这样的好事会降临在你头上吗?你心里没点数吗?

♪ Hello, I'm a customer on the digital money exchange, and I want to make a contract. I'd like to invite you in. If you're a participant in the encryption market, you'll get a call like this, you'll probably choose to ignore the hang-up, some kind of white, and you'll probably test the charge. What good is it? When you see each other's breath loose, you'll be tempted, free of charge, keep up with the teachers in the group to make a single profit. Is that good going to happen to you? Have you no idea what you've got in mind?

? 当你拿出自己的家底,抱着这些钱即将十倍百倍的梦想,充值到交易所的那一刻,很可能你的剧本已经写好了,你的钱已经转入了他人的口袋,只是那时的你却还不知道,接下来的一出大戏,耐心的客服,神准的带单老师粉墨登场,在环环套路中,你不自觉的配合着他们的演出,直到赔光了全部身家,最后只叹一句,哎!运气不好呀,如今数字货币合约已经正值风口巨大利润诱惑的背后是巨大的风险和巨大的潜在利润,比起曾经卷款跑路,如今的山寨交易所已经高明了许多,他们设置好层层的陷阱,只等用户自己踏入,血本无归,投诉无门。

♪ When you come out with your own family, with the money coming a hundred times the size of the exchange, it is likely that your script has been written. Your money has been transferred into the other's pocket, but you don't know it. The next big show, the patient customer's service, the guided teacher's pink ink, in the ring ring, you don't feel like you're playing with them until you've lost your whole family and, finally, you're sighing, you're not lucky. Now that the digital money contract is worth a huge risk and a huge potential profit, it's a lot better than the roll, today's mountain exchange, they're setting traps on the ground, they're just waiting for the user to step in, there's no blood, there's no complaints.

? ?合约小白进入跟单群一般是两种途径,一是被动的接到电话邀请你进群跟单,二是主动加入社群KOL的行情分析群跟着做单,实际上两种方式可能是走向吃人不吐骨头的结局,我们先说第一种邀请你进群的客服,通常自称是一些知名的公司或者是三大交易所工作的人员来增加用户的信任感,然而进群以后你就会发现这些交易所挂羊头卖狗肉跟知名品牌毫无关联,都是名不见经传的小交易所冒充的是火币、OK、币安等交易所,而进去后就会发现管理员来自此前已经跑路的各种小交易所,死灰复燃或者是换壳继续进行行骗,此时你可能产生疑问,这些小交易所客服是如何知道你的电话便坚信的知道你在关注数字货币呢?

♪ There are usually two ways that contract whites get into the list, either by being invited by phone, or by actively joining the community KOL's kinetic analysis group to do the list, which may actually be the end to eating people's bones. First, let's say you're invited to the group, usually calling yourself a well-known company or a member of the three major exchanges, to increase users' confidence, but when you go in, you find that these exchanges have nothing to do with the famous brands, and that they're all undiscovered small exchanges posing for fire money, OK, currency, etc.

? ?答案是灰产的数据买卖,这些山寨交易所,通过灰产购买曾经在其他数字货币交易所以加密相关应用中注册手机号来获取用户,至于数据提供方则是一些已经倒闭或者跑路的交易所内部人员,值得注意的是这类交易所基本是以合约交易为主,当客户询问你是否正在进行或者有意进行合约交易的时候,答如果获得的是否定答案时,便不再会纠缠,如果获得的是肯定答案,则会卖力地邀请你进入他们的社群,这样也正式宣告了用户进入到小交易所代客名单当中,而你的数据隐私只值一毛钱,如果你上钩了,恭喜你现在价值5块了,而你是如何被套路的?

♪ ♪ The answer is ash-origin data trading, which buys users in other digital money exchanges who have registered mobile phone numbers in encryption-related applications. As for data providers, who are inside exchanges that have closed down or run, it is worth noting that such exchanges are essentially contract-based, and when clients ask if you are in the process of, or are interested in, contractual transactions, the answer is no longer entangled if the answer is negative. If the answer is yes, they will try to invite you into their community, and then officially announce the user's entry into the small exchange's proxy list, and your data privacy is worth only a dime, and if you're hooked up, congratulate you on the value of five pieces and how you're being set aside.

? 入群是第一步,接下来自然是引导用户进行充值交易,这里的连环套路更是层出不穷,充值才能进入示范群,一开始客服宣称交易群会免费提供交易策略,但实际上并非如此,在用户进群后,群内交易工作人员会立即添加用户成为好友,并鼓动用户在该交易所进行充值,随后交易所的工作人员会暗示你充值,以获取更快更好的交易之道,你现在所在的就是最低级的社区,但咱老师的策略更新可能会不及时,必须充值才能进入我们的实盘群,实际上在这个初级群里,你基本就是被大量兼职客服所包围的,他们会不断的发出一些赚钱的好消息吸引眼球,为了增加实盘对散户的吸引力,工作人员会分享大家老师在示范群中的点位策略,以及其他用户收益截图,跟着老师做已经赚钱了。

# Joining the group is the first step, and then, naturally, leading the users to do the full-scale trading, where the chain of entanglement can enter the demonstration, starting with a call to say that the group will provide free trading strategies, but not so. When the user enters the group, the intra-group trading staff will immediately add the user as a good friend and encourage the user to do it on the exchange, and then the exchange staff will hint that you will do it in order to get a faster and better deal. You are now in the lowest community, but our teacher's strategy may not be up-to-date and must be up-to-date in order to enter our real class, and in fact, in this primary group, you are basically surrounded by a large number of part-time suits, and they will continue to give good news about making money, and in order to increase the volume's attractiveness to the open household, the staff will share the teacher's location strategy in the demonstration, as well as other user earnings cut-off maps, and the teacher has already made the money.

? 这样的刺激下,不少散户开始向该交易所充值如果充值金额低,该交易所工作人员会继续引诱用户进行充值更多的资金,以及进更高等级的VIP社群,对于VIP用户老师会提供1对1的指导点位策略,也会比其他群员更有效,这些用户可能会持观望态度,不立刻充值,工作人员就会进行轮番信息轰炸,发出大量的盈利截图,因为交易所内部人士透露,也有些冥顽不灵的顽固分子始终不充值,最后放弃踢掉就好了,有点类似于传销1对1拉人进来,这样外面对于交易所内部交易情况就很难了解,一些内部人员表示这样的交易所从一开始就不是面向所有投资者开放的,你也可以称之为杀猪盘,用户进入实盘群,可能以为自己口袋里的钱即将翻十倍百倍,而实际上充值的那一刻,你的钱就已经进入了山寨交易所团队的口袋,后面的所有大戏,只是为了让你心服口服。

• As a result of this stimulus, a number of displacing households begin to fill the exchange with a low charge, the exchange staff will continue to induce users to replenish more money, as well as to enter higher levels of the VIP community, and it will be more effective than others to provide a one-to-one orientation strategy for VIP user teachers, which may be expected to be viewed by those users and, if not immediately, the staff will make a round of information bombardments, send a large profit cut, because insiders of the exchange reveal that some obstinate obstinate elements will remain unvalued and eventually give up their kicks, a little like one-to-one, so that it will be difficult for some insiders to know about the exchange' internal transactions, which may not be open to all investors from the outset, you can also call it a hog-killer, and the users will enter the real plate in order to get ten times the money in their pockets, and your money will actually be worth the moment you get into the mountain team's pocket pocket, just to put on your head.

? ?为了让合约用户信任带单老师跟着点位操作,一般会选择将其包装成为无往不利的交易大神,然而这些交易社群中所谓的带单老师其实不过是交易所普通的工作人员,常见的套路就是晒收益率,星球日报调查发现,无论是微博还是社群当中,绝大多数带单老师晒出的都只有收益率,而非收益数据,在100倍杠杆的加持下230%的收益,实际上只需要比特币波动2.3%就可以实现了,老师们一般会同时开多单和空单,只要提供盈利的截图就可以了,而失败的那个往往闭口不谈,之所以不敢晒出实际收益额,是因为其仓位特别的小,用几十块钱开一个100倍的杠杆晒一下收益率,你也可以成为带单老师,所谓的带单老师,很多时候也就是做个示范效应,这些山寨交易所的所谓的当老师绝对是不会在aicoin以及合约帝,这样需要接入交易所API展示真实交易数据的网站展示,也从不展示其真实收益金额,所谓大神就是被刻意营造出来,忽悠小白用户的。

# In order for contract users to trust the single teacher to follow the dots, it is generally chosen to package them as an undesired trade god, yet the so-called single teacher in these trading communities is simply an ordinary exchange worker, and the usual routing is the tangent rate. The Daily Planet survey found that the vast majority of single teachers, whether in microblogging or in the community, tanned with only a rate of return, rather than income data, with a gain of 230 per cent on 100-fold leverage, can actually be achieved with only 2.3 per cent of the Bitcoin fluctuation, and teachers usually write up more singles and blanks at the same time, as long as they provide a profit cut-off, and those who fail often do not talk about real exchange API data, because of the unique size of their warehouse, the amount of leverage they use for a hundred-fold leverage, and you can bring one-teacher, so-called one-way teacher, and many times, a demonstration, and the so-called teachers of these mountain exchanges will never be able to show their real trade data on a website, and it will be created.

? ?带单老师都是交易所的,交易所还出策略,你当这是做慈善吗?第一次玩合约的老李表示,我一般开20倍的杠杆,群里面基本都是开50倍100倍的,但是它显然还是没有风控意识,直到亏损才发现意识所在,其实群里就是有捧哏的托,那个老师一开始也没有提醒,后来大家都亏损了才开始抱怨才说要控制风险,实际上老李所在的主流交易所还是可以选择10倍以下的低杠杆的倍数的,而另外一些交易所就是故意开设高杠杆,用户根本无法选择例如,BThot,只能开全仓50倍以及100倍的杠杆,还有这个鬼名字都读不出来的交易所,只能开全仓100倍的杠杆,柠檬交易所也只能开50倍100倍以及150倍的杠杆,就像这样全仓100倍意味着如果开了100%的仓位,行情下跌1%,整个仓位就会全部爆仓,你会亏得一无所有,开的倍数越高收益越高,是啊,带单老师的策略也会提到止盈价以及止损价,但实际操作中止盈和止损并不容易。

♪ ♪ The teacher with the bill is on the exchange, the exchange is on the strategy, do you think it's charity? The first-time manager Lee said that I usually had a 20-fold leverage, basically 50-100-fold leverage in the group, but apparently it had no wind awareness until it was lost, but it didn't find consciousness in the group, and the teacher didn't warn me at first. Then everybody started complaining about risk control, and actually the main exchange with Lee was able to choose less than 10 times less leverage, while other exchanges were deliberately high leverage, and the user could not choose, for example, BThot, 50-fold and 100-fold leverage in the pantry, and the damning exchange, 100-fold levers in the pantry, 50-fold and 150-fold leverage in the lemon exchange, and 100-fold leverage in the same way, meaning that if you open a 100-per-cent warehouse, it's down by 1-per-cent, it's going down, you're going to lose everything, you'll run a 100-fold-high profit, and you's cutting, and you'refail, and you's, and they's, and they's, and they's, and they's, they's, and they's, they's, and they's, and they's, they's, and they's, and they's, and they's, they's, and they's, and they's, and they's, and they's, they., they's., they's, they's, they's, they's up., they's, they's, they's, they's, they's, they's up. up and they's, and they's up. them up and they's up.

? 不少小交易所根本没有计划委托止盈止损的功能,只能人工的盯盘,但高杠杆倍数下人工寻找点位挂单很容易来不及,他们深度又差,即便有止盈止损的功能,也经常失灵,爆仓,这是必然的,交易所其实也特别现实,你亏完了,带单老师也就不搭理你了,为什么这些籍籍无名的山寨交易所只有高倍数的杠杆呢?一是为了获得高额的交易手续费,假设合约交易手续费了100倍杠杆,那么开仓以及平仓的手续费就是2‰×10,082=40%,换言之,用户即便是按照开仓价格进行平仓,也会亏损40%交易所稳赚不赔,另外这些山寨交易所对于开仓也是有限制的,用户交易一手最低100usdt以上,而币安等主流交易所合约一张最低其实不到1usdt,柠檬交易所交易一手需要116美元,仓位价值的上涨可以为山寨交易所带来丰厚的手续费带单老师也可以获得更高的返佣回报,赚得盆满钵满,更可怕的是现在还有一种客损模式,就是你亏了多少,交易所会赚多少,而这部分钱会有一部分返还给带单的老师,想想带单老师赚的钱就是你亏的钱,你能从带单老师下面赚到钱吗?

Many small exchanges have no plans to stop loss and loss and can only be watched manually, but it is easy to lose their depths by artificially searching for point listings with high leverage multipliers, and their depth is poor, even if they have capacity to stop loss and damage, which is inevitable, the exchange is particularly realistic, you lose a single teacher, you lose it, you lose it, you lose it. Why is there a lot of leverage in these unnamed mountain exchanges? First, in order to get a high transaction fee, assuming that the contract transaction costs 100 times more leverage, then the opening and silos cost 2 x 10,082 = 40 %. In other words, even if the silos are levelled in line with the price of the silo, they will lose 40 % of the exchange’s value, and there's more money in the market than 100 usdt, while the mainstream exchange contracts such as the currency deals cost less than 1 usdt, the lemon exchange costs 116 dollars.

? ? 另外交易所还会在社群中让用户把合约的止盈止损设置好,把自己的单发到群里,一次计算盈亏比进行定点爆破,同时交易所在那社群还规定禁止私下添加好友,举报有奖,其实这也是为最大限度营造出赌场的氛围,使得每个受害者成为信息的孤岛,不能够相互的通信而干扰用户的判断能力,当用户亏损时,交易所人员会劝导用户再次进行控制,争取下次赢回来,在交易所的一套组合拳之下,绝大部分散户自然也难以招架,乖乖地上缴本金,但是也不乏个别运气爆棚的用户,也许正好就100个杠杆压对了方向,赚到了钱还准备全部离线提现,但是这部分用户很有可能就是交易所自己的托哦,即使你不是托,这些山寨交易所会放过幸运的你吗?

♪ And the exchange will also allow users to set up their contract stop-and-run losses in the community, send their own singles to the group, calculate their gain/loss at once, and make a targeted explosion at the same time, and the exchange will also provide for a ban on the private addition of friends, report awards, which is also intended to create a casino atmosphere where every victim becomes an island of information and cannot communicate with each other to interfere with the user's judgment. When the user loses, the exchange people will persuade the user to take control again, try to win back the next time.

? ?最后如果你所在的社群分析师符合以下特征,你就需要特别注意了,指定用户去不知名的交易所开单,这个交易所只有超高倍数杠杆,这个交易所充币门槛特别高,手续费也特别高,晒出高倍的盈利收益率,但不敢提供币COIN、合约帝等实盘的收益,频繁给出点位让用户开单,并要求用户将自己的仓位提供给他,最后还是要说希望广大投资者理性投资,这些看上去太美的操作往往就是骗局,该配合他们演出的时候,希望你们能视而不见。最后如果你还不知道从何开始学习区块链,如果你想要通俗易懂的了解区块链的介绍,欢迎关注我,并通过我的连载由浅入深的学习区块链,希望你在看到这里可以给我点个赞,点赞越多,下一期继续分享干货,另外你有任何有关区块链投资的问题都可以评论区给我留言或者私信,我们一起学习交流。

♪ Finally, if your social analyst meets the following characteristics, you need to pay particular attention to the appointment of users to open bills on an unknown exchange, which has only super-multiple leverage, which has a particularly high threshold for currency charging, which has a particularly high fee, which has a very high rate of profit, but is afraid to offer me the benefits of the coin coin, contract lords, etc., and often to give the user a spot and ask the user to give him his own seat, and finally to say that it would be desirable for investors to invest rationally, which often seems too good for them to do, and if you do not know how to start learning the chain, and if you want to understand it easily, welcome me, and, through my chain of shallow, deep learning areas, you can look at me here and you can give me a little credit, a lot more approval, and you can continue to share the dry goods in the next session, and you can comment on any of the chain, or you can write a personal letter.




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