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Dear web users, if you have any doubts about the currency information app, don't worry, I'll give you some information about the currency information app ranking today, and not only about the content of the currency exchange platform app ranking. I hope this article will help you solve the problem. Here we go.



(a) 2017-2019, which has been set up in the second half of the rainy season and, after two years of shuffling, is now presented in three echelons;

1. BNB(币安)OKB(OK)HT(火币)

1. BNB (currency) OKB (OK) HT (signal)

2. Bkex(币客)BikiMXCA网Q网中币Gate.ioK网

2. Bkex, BikiMXCA net Q net, Gate.ioK net


3. Other types of small exchanges


Exchanges in the first echelons are now flourishing, second echelons are following on the basis of constant innovation, and third echelons are looking for new directions.


At present, the basic business of the exchange is similar, mainly in terms of services, user experience and innovation (new play).


Digital money is the form of monetary development in the digital economy. Since the 2020 epidemic, the digital economy, characterized by “new investments, new consumption, new patterns, new business patterns” has become an important force for the smooth development of our economy and society. Digital money, followed by equity futures, has been viewed by a growing number of global investors and has taken the lead.


In terms of volume of transactions, the current larger domestic exchanges, including currency security, currency coins and OkEx, are among the top 10 global transactions, the three exchanges being briefly described below.


i. Currency security


By September 2017, it was also an online platform that was unknown, and on September 4 it became illegal for ICOs at the domestic regulatory level. Three major exchanges – the coin, the OKCoin, and the Bitcoin China – were asked to stop the deal, which gave them the opportunity to take over more than Binance.


Advantages: User funds are the largest


At present, there are 290 digital tokens of currency transactions, which, when viewed on 26 March 2018, exceed RMB 9.8 billion in 24 hours and are ranked first in all exchanges with fees, after BitMEX, which ranks second on all exchanges at 0.1 per cent of transaction fees, with a 24-hour fee earning close to RMB 10 million.


In 2014, Zhao Chang Peng joined OkCoin as co-founder and chief technical officer (CTO). In July 2017, Zhao Chang Peng created a currency platform and conducted an ICO and issued his own block-chain currency, the currency of which is always 200 million, with 40% of the total amount of currency held by the founding team, including Zhao Chang Ping. As of June 12, 2018, the currency was currently used by about 9 million people.


Shortcomings: Domestic user experience is not very good


In September 2017, the Central Bank and seven other ministries issued a Circular on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing, prohibiting ICO from providing services such as transactions, conversions, pricing, and information intermediation for virtual currency. We adopted a high-pressure stance on virtual currency, first banning first-time currency issuance (ICO) and then declaring a total ban on Bitco trading channels. On 26 January, the Chinese Internet Finance Association issued a third ICO-related risk alert, calling on a wide range of investors to identify the risks of offshore ICO and “virtual currency” trading platforms, firmly establishing a risk-prevention awareness and not to participate or organize any activity involving ICO and “virtual currency” transactions.


Although China prohibits Bitcoin transactions, there are many other countries in the world, such as the United States, Japan, Singapore, etc., that allow Bitcoin to be traded. So, in this form, the currency expands its overseas market, as stated in an interview with the “Blue Whale TMT” on 23 January 2018: “The currency has moved out of China as a whole, its users are mostly from abroad.” And, according to its own data, only 3 per cent of the 6 million registered users in China match roughly.


Money theft.


The 19-year-old IEO has also given rise to exchanges, and it can be said that 19-year-old calfs have a good relationship with currency security, but that there have been a number of security flaws, with two consecutive years of theft for 18 to 19 years.




In May 2013, Li Lin created the Treasure Network, which once accounted for more than 50% of the world’s Bitcoin trading market, and currently ranks third. The Co-founders of the Currency Network, including Duyun and Zhu Jia Wei, have now gradually faded out of the Firebill Network, creating a circle of media gold books and investment agency node capital.


Advantages: mature wind control mechanisms, good trade depth


To prevent the malicious manipulation of markets, the tender contract platform limits the opening of different types of contracts and the levelling of warehouse prices. By combining dynamic and rigid price limits, the platform maximizes the prevention of “dippling” to the extent that normal deviations between the contract and the spot market are not affected. At the same time, the platform limits the number of single orders per user and prevents some users from using large amounts of short-term orders to influence normal market prices and prevent operational market behaviour.


Bitcoin and mainstream currency transactions are extremely deep, with a relatively low loss of small transactions at the point of purchase and sale, which can accommodate larger funds for short periods of time.


Disadvantage: Contract start-up late


As far as the size of the users of the contractual transactions is concerned, BitME, OKEx and the tender, as early old-fashioned exchanges, have many leaders, including mature quantitative agencies, large households, ordinary investors and so on.


Low user protection:


The tender was generated through the OTC, which, when it first came up, attracted a wide range of teams to arbitrage and even some fraudulent projects, due in large part to a lack of capacity and user protection at a later stage of the platform to solve problems.




One of the world’s famous digital asset trading platforms is OKEx, which provides currency and derivatives services to global users for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Temas, under the umbrella of OKExTechnologyCompanyLimited. At the time of its creation, OKEx received millions of dollars in angel investment from the world’s leading investor, Tim Draper, who is also an investor in the world’s leading firms, such as Hotmail, Bermuda, Tesla.


Advantages: early creation, good experience of contractual transactions


At the beginning of 2014, OKEx received tens of millions of dollars in investments under the banner of China’s famous venture capital fund initiative and the founder of Hong Kong’s listed company, Metoe. As an overseas exchange under the banner of OKEx, many Chinese users preferred to use the platform.


The OKEx platform has three trading modules: currency transactions, French-currency transactions, and contract transactions, the largest of which are contractual transactions, with BTC, ETH, BCH, EOS, LTC, BTG, and XRP being introduced. The contract cycle has three types of contracts: week after week, week after week, and quarter. In the area of high-leverage contract transactions, it has been BitMEX and OKEx “Zuhan”.


1. Currency ring trading platform app ranks, in descending order, the currency net, OKEX, Chinese currency and MXC International Station.

2.火币网是由北京火币天下网络技术有限公司运营,2013年9月上线,是全球领先的比特币交易平台之一。 2014年3月4日,火币网日交易量超过26万个,交易金额达10亿人民币,创造了全球比特币交易平台里的最高记录,是目前全球交易量最大的比特币交易平台之一。2014年03月19日,火币网上线莱特币现货交易。

2. On 4 March 2014, it traded more than 260,000 items on a daily basis, amounting to RMB 1 billion, creating one of the highest records in the global Bitcoin trading platform, one of the world's largest transactions today. On 19 March 2014, it traded in real currency on its online line.


3. The currency net was created by a group of digital asset lovers led by the former co-founder of Okcoin, Zhao Chang Peng (CZ), who focused on block-chain assets. The founder, Zhao Chang Peng, was in constant dispute with the old boss Okcoin, and was initially less favourable, but later found that the platform performed very well.

OKEX资产3535.06万美元,共有595个交易对,24小时成交额145.75亿美元。 OKEX是全球著名的数字资产国际站之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务,隶属于OKEX Technology Company Limited。 OKEX创立时,获得了世界顶级投资人Tim Draper参与设立的创业工场百万美金的天使投资,Tim Draper先生同时也是Hotmail、百度、特斯拉等世界顶级企业的投资人。

OKEX is one of the world’s well-known digital asset international stations, providing spot and derivative trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Leitecoin, and Temasco, under the umbrella of OKEX Technology Company Limited. At the time of its creation, OKEX received an angel investment of US$ 1 million from the world’s top investor Tim Draper, and Mr. Tim Draper was also an investor in the world’s top businesses, such as Hotmail, Bermuda, and Tesla.


4. Chinese currency assets amount to $300 million, with 147 transactions in total, and $658 million on a 24-hour basis. The Chinese currency (ZB), the world's leading digital asset trading service platform, was established in 2013 to date to provide digital asset trading services to more than 10 million users worldwide and has been operating steadily for seven years, with an average of over $3 billion per day, with BTC, ZB, EOS, XRP and mainstream currency shares permanently at the top.

5.MXC资产5000万美元,共有418个交易对,24小时成交额3.42亿美元。 MXC国际站是由华尔街以及日本欧洲资深量化交易团队联合区块链资深从业者通过去中心化自组织形式创立的一个专注于区块链资产交流和交换的平台。MXC将为用户提供更加安全、便捷、智能的区块链资产流通服务,聚合全球优质区块链资产,融合全球最顶尖的安全技术,致力于打造全球顶级的区块链资产国际站。

5. MXC has assets of $50 million, representing a total of 418 transactions of $342 million made on a 24-hour basis. MXC is a platform dedicated to the exchange and exchange of block chain assets, created by senior practitioners of Wall Street and the joint block chain of the Senior Quantified Trading Team in Europe of Japan through decentralisation. MXC will provide users with safer, more accessible and intelligent asset flow services, consolidate global high-quality block chain assets, integrate the world's top security technologies, and work towards building a global top-level block chain asset international station.


(Operational environment: nova4


The money-circle platform is all downloaded from the web site.

交易所作为数字货币市场中的枢纽,起到了桥梁的作用,让投资者和项目方联系起来。全球币圈有十大常用的交易所,分别是:(1)币安网 Binance;(2)OKEX;(3)火币网;(4)CoinbasePro;(5)Bitfinex;(6)Bittrex;(7)Kraken;(8)BitMEX;(9)Bitflyer;(10)双子星 Gemini。

As a hub in the digital money market, the exchange acts as a bridge between investors and project parties. There are 10 most commonly used exchanges in the global currency circle, namely: (1) Currency Net; (2) OKEX; (3) Currency Net; (4) CoinbasePro; (5) Bitfinex; (6) Bittrex; (7) Kraken; (8) BitMEX; (9) Bitflyer; (10) Twin Star Gemini.


The currency exchange platform is one of the most influential platforms in the current Chinese exchange, based in Tokyo, Japan. Binance is composed of “binary” and “finance” integration deformations intended to integrate digital technology and finance.

2、 OKEX。OKEx是全球著名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,隶属于 ACX Malta Technology Company Limited。

2, OKEX. OKEx is one of the world's famous digital asset trading platforms, which provides currency and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Leitecoin, and Temasco, mainly for global users, under ACX Malta Technology Limited.


Three. The Treasure Global Professional Station, an international station for innovative digital assets under the banner of the Treasure Group serving users of global professional transactions, is dedicated to identifying high-quality opportunities for investment in innovative digital assets and currently provides more than forty digital asset-type transactions and investment services, based in Singapore.

4、 CoinbasePro。CoinbasePro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。

CoinbasePro. CoinbasePro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets.

5、 Bitfinex。Bitfinex是iFinex Inc.公司所有和经营的数字货币交易平台,提供多种数字货币交易服务、保证金融资,以及比特币和莱特币的保证金交易。目前占有全世界数字货币交易平台市场份额的8%左右。

Bitfinex is a digital currency trading platform owned and operated by iFinex Inc., which provides multiple digital money trading services, bond financing, and bonds trading in Bitcoin and Lightcoin. It currently accounts for about 8% of the market share of digital money trading platforms worldwide.

6、 Bittrex。Bittrex成立于2014年,是美国的数字资产交易所,国内用户称其为"B网",提供币币交易、美元OTC交易。

Six, Bittrex. Bittrex was established in 2014 as a digital asset exchange in the United States, with domestic users calling it "net B" for currency transactions and a dollar OTC transaction.

7、 Kraken。Kraken成立于2011年,总部位于旧金山,是欧元交易量最大的比特币国际站。

Kraken, established in 2011 with its headquarters in San Francisco, is the international station in Bitcoin, which has the largest volume of transactions in the euro.

8、 BitMEX。BitMEX建立于塞舌尔共和国,是最先进的比特币衍生品国际站,对于比特币类产品提供高达100倍的杠杆,同时也提供针对其它数字货币产品的高杠杆。BitMEX自内而外采用最新的多重因素安全机制,安全性能高。

BitMEX. BitMEX was established in the Republic of Seychelles as the state-of-the-art Bitcoin Derivatives International Station, which provides up to 100 times leverage for Bitcoin-type products, as well as high leverage for other digital currency products. BitMEX uses the latest multifactor security mechanism from inside to outside, with high safety performance.

9、 Bitflyer。Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,总部在日本。2015年以来,该公司推出了许多新服务,包括bitFlyerLightning、为专业人士设计的比特币国际站、chainflyer区块链浏览器等。

Bitflyer, founded by Goldman Sachs’ former employee and based in Japan. Since 2015, the company has launched a number of new services, including bitFlyerLighting, Bitcoin International Station for professionals, Chainflyer block chain browsers, etc.

10、双子星 Gemini。Gemini双子星是由Winklevoss兄弟创立的比特币和以太坊国际站,是一家数字货币金融投资平台和托管机构,允许客户投资和储存数字资产,直接受纽约州金融服务部门的监管。

Gemini Twin Stars is the Bitcoin and Etheria International Station, founded by the Winklevos brothers, a digital money financial investment platform and hosting agency that allows clients to invest in and store digital assets and is directly regulated by the New York State financial services sector.




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