
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:32 评论:0



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The electronic recording of block chains is a new technological route in the field of electronic forensics, and the market developed rapidly in 2020, as follows: (i) users of the electronic recording of block chains began to expand from the area of copyright to the Internet shopping industry, the online financial industry and other areas of livelihood; (ii) the digital evidence collection scenes of block chains were rich, including online forensics (micro-credit, small programs, web sites, diskettes, electric dealers, live broadcasts, etc.), offline forensics (doors, office space, entertainment areas); and (iii) the acceptance of electronic evidence of block chains by entity courts and their increased confidence in the jurisprudence of the western and central district courts of Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Nemon, etc.


On 29 January 2021, the Supreme Court, in its Regulation on Certain Questions Concerning the Online Handling of Cases by the People's Courts (Application Draft), referred on several occasions to “the validity of evidence in the chain of blocks, the rules of review, the examination of the authenticity of data before the chain, and the strengthening of evidence in the chain of blocks.” Block chain technology reduced the cost of obtaining evidence, increased efficiency led to the upgrading of traditional methods of evidence, and continued to develop at a high pace over the next three to five years. As a market participant, China Haiishin Information Technology Ltd., Beijing summarized the typical case of electronic record in the chain of blocks in 2020, as follows.


Case I: Shanghai Lighten Internet Technology Co. Ltd. in dispute with Song's purchase and purchase contract


tag: Supreme Court Judicial Union chain/net shopping dispute/data record/electronic contract record


case and sentence: Song rented a television set on a sub-procedure for payment of the treasure and contracted the leased platform in a sub-procedure by means of an electronic contract. The original, the defendant's contract, the performance, etc. have been documented through the People's Court's judicial block chain platform.


In the first instance, the Shanghai Putu Court ruled that the electronic data submitted by the platform party using the block chain to document transactions and data generated during the contract, the performance process and stored simultaneously in the judicial block chain platform should be considered as electronic data in the form of evidence. Through an analysis of the reliability of the judicial block chain platform, the reliability of the results of the validation of the platform and the confirmation of the facts using the results of the validation, the court accepted the authenticity of the evidence in the block chain in question and, on the basis of the fact that the block chain evidence and the content of the other electronic data evidence contained in the platform were cross-substantiated, found that the evidence was sufficient to substantiate the facts claimed by the platform and supported the platform party’s claim.



During the trial, the plaintiff performed a demonstration of the validation of the recorded data, which was carried out as follows:

1)打开 “司法区块链平台”页面,展示其 ICP备案号;

1) Opening of the “Judicial Block Chain Platform” page and displaying its ICC filing number;


2) Select the option of “Judicial chain data verification” and enter the electronic evidence verification interface;


3) Opening of e-evidence kits and displaying upper-chain documents: record of contract information, order information, first-stage rental, logistics information, which corresponds to different filing times, record contents and uniform evidentiary numbers, respectively;


4) Select " Text " in the certificate type of the verification interface, which will integrate the evidence number and the contents of the certificate into the verification page;


5) the results of the verification results are “verification passed and the data has not been tampered with”;


(6) The evidence contained in the electronic evidence package is, mutatis mutandis, consistent with the information contained in the evidence provided by the plaintiff.


Case II: a dispute between the New Orient Communications Network, Science and Technology Inc. and Wang over the right to disseminate information about works


tag: Beijing Internet Court Sky Chain/Certificate Chain/Online Course Advocacy/Video Evidence/Mechanism Platform Evidence


case and sentence: New Orient Science & Technology commissioned the Shanghai Sunn Business Advisory Centre and Han Yoo-yung Online Network Course, which found that the “Assi Little Language” shop run by the defendant Wang had disseminated the works to the public, thereby violating the right to information network dissemination of the course.


The court ruled in the first instance that the defendant, without the permission of the plaintiff, had sold the instructional video of the course at the shop where he was operating, in a small shop in Yassi language, and had sent it through a 100-degree disk, enabling others to obtain the instructional video at the time and place they chose, violating the right of the plaintiff to disseminate the information network on the video, and was liable under the law for a cessation of the violation and compensation for the loss of the amount of USD 1580.



The plaintiff submitted a pageshot of the course's sales on the treasures, showing the shop as a “Yash's small-language shop”, selling the merchandise as a “New Orient's” course at a price of $69, with the shop holding “234wj87846/***”, and the plaintiff submitted a text message and mail from the defendant, which revealed that the real name of D”234wj87846/*** was “King*” and that the identity card number was identical to the defendant's home. The plaintiff electronically recorded the search for the mail through the electronic record-keeping platform of the chain of rights and submitted the video document and the certificate of record.


Case III: a dispute between Aichi Arts and Technology and a hotel that infringes the right to disseminate information about a work network


tag: Beijing Internet Court SkyLink/List of Rights/Video Defense/Video Recording/Hotel Evidence


case and judgement: Aichit Corporation has exclusive rights of dissemination of the film 'x'exclusive information network, and a hotel provides online broadcasting of the above-mentioned films in its guest room via local area network link television without permission from Aichit Inc., which brings a claim for economic compensation in the amount of xx million yuan. Each of the parties will testify separately and the hotel company will use the chain of title to take evidence on the recording of the television backstage of the guest's room. The court ruled that the plaintiff had failed to prove the actual damage suffered or the defendant's unlawful gains, so the court, taking into account the sum of the financial loss, as appropriate, and the hotel company will pay compensation for the economic loss in the amount of X thousand yuan to Aichit Science and Technology Ltd.


The Notary has settled in the hotel and issued an invoice for accommodation costs.




Case IV: A dispute between Beijing Panorama Visual Network Technology and Guiyang Real Estate Development Corporation over infringement of the right to disseminate information about their work network

标签:广州互联网法院司法联盟链 / 易保全/ 图片维权/ 微信公众号

tag: Guangzhou Internet Court Judicial Union chain / easy to preserve/ photo rights/ micro-public


case and sentence: Beijing Panorama Technology found that the copyrighted picture of the article in question was not authorized to be used, and the account number was a real estate company. By contrast, the picture used in the article was consistent with the plaintiff's claim to rights. The court ruled that the High People's Court of Guizhou decided in first instance that the real estate company should compensate the landscape for economic losses and reasonable expenses of $1,200 to stop the violation.

区块链取证:全景视觉就微信公众号文章向易保全公司申请电子数据证据保全, 易保全出具电子数据取证证书。一审法院当庭使用电脑登陆易保全官方网站对涉案电子数据取证证书的内容进行核验:输入证书号码,对与该证书对应的电子数据进行提取。经比对,存储在易保全网站上电子数据内容与原告提交的证据一致,本案电子数据同步存储于广州互联网法院。

The court of first instance uses computer access to the official website to verify the content of the electronic data evidence certificate in question: enter the certificate number and extract the electronic data corresponding to the certificate. By contrast, the electronic data content stored on the electronic security website is consistent with the evidence submitted by the plaintiff, and the electronic data in this case is stored simultaneously in the Guangzhou Internet Court.


Case V: a dispute between the Hangzhou Bank Compost branch and Hawthau on a financial borrowing contract


tag: Hangzhou Internet Court Judicial Union chain/preserve network/online financial dispute/data record/electronic contract record


Ho, through Hangzhou Bank's Cellular Bank, entered into a loan contract with the Hangzhou Bank Limited, the Hangzhou Bank carries out a block chaining of contracts and documents arising from the contracting process, and Huo, who failed to pay interest on the plaintiff's loan on time as agreed in the contract, filed an action before the court. The court ruled: with respect to the evidence submitted by the plaintiff, the court confirmed that Ho, in the first instance, was liable to repay the loan's principal amount of $117,000 and pay interest.


block chain certificates: Hangbank submitted online loan documents, log-in information, block chain evidence, which were shown in court as “The web site is × and http://explorer.baoquan.com/browser/“The authenticity of the certificate of evidence using block chain technology. The documentation data include: 1; the loan contract; 2; the application for and custody of the personal customer certificate of Hangzhou Bank; the certificate of general agreement; and the fact that the defendant entered into a loan contract with Hangzhou Bank's mobile phone bank.


Case No. 6: A dispute between the Press of Economic Science and an educational company, etc. regarding infringement of the right to issue works

标签:legalXchain/IP360 /录屏取证/ 微信聊天记录

tag: legalXchain/IP360/ ScreenScreen/ Micromail Chat Record


Cases and Judgments: The Economic Science Press found that the Educational Science and Technology Corporation had given students copies of its copyrighted “Fundamentals of Economic Law” pirated books and sold them separately in the circle of friends by training teachers’ micro-letters. The Economic Science Press took evidence through notary offices, time stampes, block chains, etc. The Educational Science and Technology Corporation considered the teaching materials in question to be a personal act of the employees and not to be liable for torts. The judge ruled: the Intermediate People's Court of the Commissariat had ruled in the first instance that the plaintiff should submit evidence, that the employee's receipt of the deposit and the delivery of the teaching materials should be recognized as an official act, that the education company should pay $10,000 to stop the abuse and pay damages, and that the evidentiary fee of $175 (the fee of $150 plus the fee for the filing of the fee, $10 for the recording fee) and the public certificate fee of $1,500.


notarized evidence: , under the supervision of the notary, enrols in courses and pays a down payment and receives teaching materials from the defendant.


Time stamp evidence: by punctuating the public article of the fixed education company;


block chain: fixed video of a chat with the defendant's staff on the sale of pirated books of the educational material in question through their staff's micro-letters.


Case VII: Leung Hsiang v. Zhang Xing Network tort liability


tag: legalXchain/IP360/star rights/screen evidence/ microblogging evidence

案情及判决:梁某在“新浪微博”平台中持续以明指或通过侮辱之义的绰号或表情符号暗指的方式发布针对张艺兴侮辱、诽谤言论。明星张艺兴将梁某、微梦公司诉至法院。其后,梁某开通“打赏”的方式吸纳社会公众资金。北京互联网法院一审判决梁某公开赔礼道歉,赔偿张艺兴精神损害抚慰金及维权成本113000元及收缴打赏金。梁某向北京市第四中级人民法院提起上诉,二审法院 “驳回上诉、维持原判”。

Cases and Judgments: Leung has continued to make insulting and defamatory statements against Zhang Xing explicitly or by means of insult nicknames or emoticons on the platform . Star Zhang Xing has brought Liang and Micro-Dreams to court. Liang has since “rewarded” the funds of the public. The Beijing Internet Court of First Instance has issued an apology for Liang's public clemency, and has compensated Zhang Xing for the moral damages and the costs of defending his rights in the amount of $113,000 and collected the reward. Liang filed an appeal with the Beijing 4th Intermediate People's Court, which rejected the appeal and upheld the sentence.


section chain of evidence: Jang > argues that Leung has violated his right to honour and publicly insulted and defamed 27 tweets published in the context of Sina Weibo. Liang agrees to publish the tweets in question. Zhang Xing submitted a reply to the investigation, an IP360 certificate of data preservation, a video and a screenshot of the evidence, and an invoice for the evidentiary fee in the amount of $3,000, which the judge supports for the cost of the evidence.


Case VIII: dispute over infringement of trademark rights by a food company in Henan

标签: legalXchain/北京方正公证处区块链取证平台/商标权纠纷/录像取证/电商平台取证

tag: legalXchain/Beijing Justice Department block chain evidence platform/Market Rights dispute/Video evidence/Mechanical platform evidence

案情及判决:上海冠生园拥有第30类202241号 “大白兔”驰名商标;河南某食品公司被控侵权标识使用在第30类的糕点上,且在实体店和网络店铺进行销售,让公众误认为被诉侵权商品来源于冠生园公司,故被诉侵权商品系侵犯202241号商标专用权的商品。

case and judgement: Shanghai Crown Garden has a 30th class of trademark No. 202241, the Great White Rabbit; a food company in Henan is accused of violating the label on a 30th class bakery and selling it in real and network shops, leading the public to mistakenly believe that the substance of the infringement was derived from the Crown Garden Company, and is therefore a commodity violating the exclusive rights of trademark No. 202241.


The Court ruled that the Second Trial of the Intermediate People's Court of the city of Sha, the Governor of Hunan , had upheld the decision and that Henan Food had stopped producing and selling white rabbits that violated the plaintiff's exclusive right to the trademark of food products in the Garden and had compensated the plaintiff for the economic loss of $250,000.

证据保全:案涉商品不断下架,冠生园向一审法院申请证据保全。保全经过:对食品公司网店上的销售行为通过 “北京市方正公证处区块链取证平台”进行了上链存证(legalXchain)。方正公证处出具数据保全证据证书,证书上载明“本证书由司法联盟链legalXchain区块链系统签发,证明文件(电子数据)自申请时间起已经存在且内容保持完整,未被篡改。”点击取证内容,通过直接观看该取证MP4内容,可分别查看到淘宝大腿零食店、拼多多APP上有多店售卖涉案小曲家白兔卷。经验证,涉案证据自上链存证后,没有被篡改过。

case involved the continued fall of the merchandise and the crown garden applied to the court of first instance for the preservation of the evidence.


Case 9: A dispute over the infringement of trademark rights at a day's convenience store in East China City's Sugar and Wine Group

标签:蚂蚁区块链 / 风语者科技/商标权纠纷/录像取证/门店取证

tag: ant block chain / wind-speaker technology/mark rights dispute/video evidence/door evidence


case and sentence: Miseja is the owner of the registered trademarks Nos. 5585** and 1357**, and the markings used in the sign and light box of one day’s stores and the previously registered trademarks of Mieja are confusing the public concerned. Mieja sued her for infringement of the exclusive rights of the trademarks. The court ruled that the Intermediate People’s Court of Dong Ying City had decided in its second instance to adjust the amount of the first-instance compensation, and that the daily supply shop had reduced the economic loss of Mieja from $27,000 to $12,000.


commissioned the notary to photograph and issue a public certificate on the situation inside, at and around the Japanese stores.


Supply Shop Block Chain Obtaining Evidence: Supply Shop Submission of Electronic Data Recording Certificates by Windman Science (Beijing) Inc. For example: The Supply Shop uses mobile phone number 137*****979 to access the mobile notarized electronic forensics system by calling the “Video Evidence” functional module of the software to collect evidentiary documents; The Video Document is generated in real time by the “Moveed Notar” Electronic Evidence System; The Mobile Notary ensures that no unit or individual, including the user, can edit or alter the content of the video.


Case 10: a dispute between Shanghai Illustrative Cultural Corporation and a network company over infringement of the right to disseminate information about works

标签:原本链 /七印公司 /文字作品侵权/网站取证

tag: original chain / 7 printing companies / text-writing torts / website evidence



Network Inc. has taken evidence of the website involved via the Shanghai Seven Indian Information Technology Company (SIGIT) for time stamping, block chains (the original chain), showing that the website published an article entitled "Advanced Prices Close to Ten Million? The Beijing Mansion Market ran the “Spring Down” on 19 February 2019. By contrast, the content of the article is essentially the same as that of the article in question.




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