《腾讯区块链白皮书 2019》发布,币圈再无韭菜可割,链圈思考产业落地

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:28 评论:0



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如果要给区块链技术著书立传的话,那么 2018 年年初前后的数字货币泡沫绝对是浓墨重彩的一笔,这段时间不少投资圈的大佬变成了投机圈的大佬,利用区块链技术发行数字货币「割韭菜」的行为也让很多人认为区块链技术不是正道。

If you want to write a book about block chain technology, then the digital money bubble before and after the beginning of 2018 is definitely a lot of color, when the big man in a lot of investment circles became the big man in a pool of speculations, and the use of block chain technology to distribute digital money, "cuttering", led many to believe that block chain technology was unrighteous.


But unlike a lot of people in the currency circle who send "air coins" for money, there are indeed a lot of people in the chain that think about the industrial landing of block-chain technology, which is not just for money.

今年 6 月 18 日,Facebook 位于瑞士的子公司 Libra Network(天秤座网络)联合全球 26 家企业,发布加密货币项目白皮书,加密货币的正式名称是 Libra(天秤座)。白皮书的第一句话就是:Libra 的使命是建立一套简单的、无国界的货币和为数十亿人服务的金融基础设施。

On June 18 of this year, Facebook, a Swiss subsidiary, Libra Network (the Libra Network), joined 26 companies around the world to issue a white paper on the encrypt currency project, the official name of which is Libra. The first sentence of the white paper is: Libra’s mission is to create a simple, borderless currency and a financial infrastructure that serves billions of people.

Facebook 的入局,再次让业已沉寂的区块链掀起波澜,虽然依旧是数字货币项目,但是有世界最大社交网络公司的背书,Libra 似乎有着美好的未来,不过某种程度上来说,Libra 对抗的,是现实世界的货币体系乃至政治体系,这也使得它阻力重重前路坎坷。

Facebook’s entry has once again triggered the already silent chain of blocks, which is still a digital money project, but with the endorsement of the world’s largest social networking company, Libra seems to have a promising future, although to some extent Libra’s confrontation with the real world’s monetary system and even with the political system has made it difficult.

与币圈浮躁,Facebook 激进不同,国内的 BAT 也在低调入局区块链,毕竟 BAT 等巨头互联网厂商,安身立命还是数字技术和其他产业的耦合,从这个角度看,区块链技术大有价值,这也是《腾讯区块链白皮书 2019》发布的背景。

Unlike currency coils, Facebook, radicalism, BATs in the country are also in the low-inflow bureau block chain, after all, big Internet manufacturers like BAT, whether to live or be coupled with digital technology and other industries, the block chain technology is of great value from this point of view, which is also the background to the release of the White Paper 2019 on the Tseng block chain.

虽然数字货币在国内已经不再火热,但是币圈的清冷反而有助于区块链技术的良性发展,自 2016 年 12 月区块链首次作为战略性前沿技术被写入《国务院关于印发 “十三五” 国家信息化规划的通知》以来,截止 2019 年 6 月,全国已有 25 个省、市、自治区及特别行政区发布了区块链相关政策。

Although the digital currency is no longer hot in the country, the coldness of the currency ring has contributed to the benign development of block-chain technology. Since December 2016, the block-chain was first included as a strategic front-line technology in the State Council Circular on the publication of the 13th Five-Year National Informatization Plan, as of June 2019, 25 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and special administrative regions of the country have issued policies on block-chain-related policies.

《腾讯区块链白皮书 2019》指出,目前区块链产业已经初步形成了含基础设施、行业应用和综合服务三大板块的产业生态雏形。

According to White Paper 2019, the sector chain industry has now begun to form an industrial ecology with three main segments: infrastructure, industrial applications and integrated services.

Facebook 的 Libra 作为区块链产业的标志性项目,具有非常强的象征意义,配合政策上的扶持,也给区块链产业带来了资本和人才。

As a landmark project for the block chain industry, Facebook's Libra has a very symbolic value, coupled with policy support, and brings capital and talent to the block chain industry.

在 2016 年之前,经营区块链相关业务的公司不足 1000 家,且数量增长缓慢。但从 2016 年开始,区块链技术在发展,概念和行情也被炒了起来,区块链公司数量也开始爆发式增长,连续两年增幅均超 250%。

By 2016, there were fewer than 1,000 companies operating sector chain-related operations, and their numbers grew slowly. However, since 2016, block chain technology has been developing, concepts and moves have been fired, and the number of block chain companies has started to grow in an explosive fashion, increasing by more than 250 per cent for the second year in a row.

资本的流向,也反映了区块链产业的一些状况,在早期,这块儿以财务投资为主。从 2015 年开始,战略投资的占比逐渐增加,从低于 10% 增长到 2018 年的 24.38%。

The flow of capital also reflects some of the situation in the block chain industry, which in the early years was dominated by financial investment. Starting in 2015, the share of strategic investment increased gradually, from less than 10 per cent to 24.38 per cent in 2018.

能够反映区块链产业真正发展势头,以及中国在区块链产业里地位的,还有专利数量的变化。《白皮书》显示,从全球专利申请量的变化趋势来看,区块链领域专利申请数量稳步上涨,但增幅逐渐放缓,从 2015 年约 3000% 的涨幅降到 2018 年的 40%。

The White Paper shows that the number of patent applications in the area of block chains has risen steadily, but has slowed down, from about 3000% in 2015 to 40% in 2018.


In many industries, technological innovations in block chains are of practical use. Specifically, they build strong trust relationships and value transfer networks through a variety of technical means, such as point-to-point distribution, multi-node consensus mechanisms, asymmetric encryption and smart contracts, with distributed, detrusted, non-distortable, transferable and programmable features.


As a result, the White Paper states that block chains can be deeply integrated into traditional industries and that the integration of issues such as trust and automation in the process of industrial upgrading greatly enhances traditional industrial upgrading, such as sharing and re-engineering, reshaping trust relationships and improving industrial efficiency.


Many traditional industries face difficulties in digitizing their industries, where the chain of blocks can work: it can bridge the information asymmetry between financial and physical industries, address financial disillusionment, establish efficient value transfer mechanisms, move traditional production values around the digital world, and help business flows, information flows, and financial flows to “triple convergence”, thereby contributing to the digitization of traditional industries and the construction of industrial chain ecology.


The development path of the industrial block chain is now divided into three levels:

  • 第一层是解决中心化系统的弊端,为数据增信。
  • 第二层,在数据可信的基础上,区块链决了多中心合作的问题,结合了智能合约和其他技术解决多方信任的关系。
  • 第三层,也是想象空间最大的一层,是数字资产。通过资产的数字化与数字的资产化的链条建立数字经济的新型价值体系。

为了佐证区块链能够融入到传统产业中去,在白皮书发布的分享会上,不少行业内的从业者进行了案例分享。腾讯虚拟银行区块链负责人蔡弋戈在会上表示,自从 2017 年 4 月份发布第一版《腾讯区块链白皮书》后,腾讯先后在税务、司法、金融等领域不断拓展应用场景。

In support of the integration of the block chain into traditional industries, a number of practitioners in the industry shared their case at the sharing meeting published in the White Paper. At the meeting, Chai Jingo, the head of the virtual banking chain, said that since April 2017, when the first edition of the White Paper on the tether block chain was published, it has been expanding its application in tax, justice, and finance.

▲ 腾讯金融云总经理胡利明

Julimin, Managing Director of Financial Clouds

腾讯金融云总经理胡利明在会上表示,区块链可以在云之上,成为承担跨产业数字生态联动的连接器。他表示,云和区块链的结合将成为更好的一个选择。「用云量」是腾讯 CEO 马化腾提出的一个词,用云量是衡量数字经济、数字时代发展的重要指标。在区块链产业当中逐渐萌芽,非常多试点的情况下,大家已经在不同领域建立分布式商业小小的联盟,是一个一个的局域网,一个个小的信息孤岛,但是已经有非常强烈的连接一起的趋势。相信虽然这个趋势的发展,越来越大的局域网、跨链的连接越来越多,「用链量」会越来越多。云和链联结在一起,BaaS 的量也是衡量数字经济发展创新方面非常重要的维度。

At the conference, Julien, Managing Director of the Teening Financial Clouds, said that a block chain could be built above the cloud and become a connector to the inter-industrial digital ecological connection. He said that the combination of clouds and blocks would be a better option. "Cloud use" was the word proposed by CEO Matro, which was an important indicator of the digital economy and of the development of the digital age.

目前,腾讯内部有两个团队在进行区块链研究,FIT 团队的 TrustSQL 聚焦于底层开发平台的研发和定制化的区块链应用落地;腾讯云的 TBaaS 则致力于降低企业使用区块链的门槛,把区块链服务平台化,探索区块链+各行各业解决方案。

Currently, two teams are working on block chain research, and the FIT team's TrustSQL focuses on developing and customizing block chain applications for the bottom development platform. The TBAAS is working to lower the threshold for companies to use block chain services, and to explore block chain plus industry solutions.


In addition, the Vice-President of the Institute of Digital Assets, Mon Iwai, Dong Feng, General Manager of the former joint trading centre in Hong Kong, Xie Bo Feng, Executive Director of the Electronicization of Finance and Fiscal Research Institute of the People's University of China, and U Pingpingivi, Director of the Centre for Research on Innovation in Law, shared information on the use of block chains in warehouse bill management and the administration of justice.


At present, the tether block chain landing project includes the block chain electronic invoice project, the tax chain, the supply chain finance project, the microbusiness chain, the judicial documentation project, the mail chain, and the municipal comptoir bank billing project.

其中,区块链电子发票上线一周年来,开出电子发票 600 万张,累计开票金额达 39 亿元,覆盖超过 113 个明细行业;「微企链」旨在改善了小微企业融资困境,提高了核心企业的运营效率和竞争力,已获深交所无异议函和储架规模 100 亿元;「致信链」打通了全国唯一的移动端诉讼平台:中国移动微法院,多家高级人民法院加入致信链成为权威节点,当前链上存证数据超过千万条;成商银行汇票共部署 48 个区块链节点,每日开票约 200 张。

Of these, over the past one year, the electronic invoice of the block chain has been posted with 6 million electronic invoices, amounting to $3.9 billion in aggregate and covering more than 113 industries; the Microbusiness Chain has been designed to improve the financial difficulties of micro-enterprises and improve the operational efficiency and competitiveness of the core enterprises, which have received 10 billion yuan in letters of no-objection and shelf size in depth; and the “letter chain” has opened the country's only mobile forum for litigation: China's mobile micro-courts, several high-level people's courts have joined the chain as authoritative nodes, with more than tens of millions of recorded data currently in the chain; and the comptoirs are deployed at 48 block nodes, with around 200 tickets per day.




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