据英国《每日电讯》和《金融时报》近日报道,英国比特币交易所EXMO的CEO勒纳(Pavel Lerner)于12月26日离开乌克兰首都基辅的办公室后遭遇绑架,绑匪在收到价值100多万美元的比特币后,于28日将勒纳释放。
According to the United Kingdom Daily Telegraph and the Financial Times, recently, Pavel Lerner of the British Bitcoin Exchange EXMO was kidnapped after leaving his office in Kiev, Ukraine, on 26 December, and the kidnappers released Lena on 28 December after receiving more than $1 million worth of bitcoins.
但目前尚不清楚是赎金究竟是由谁所支付的,乌克兰警方正在对此案进行调查。乌内政部长顾问格拉斯申科(Anton Gerashchenko)将此事定性为一起“敲诈勒索比特币”的事件。
However, it is not clear who paid the ransom, and the Ukrainian police are investigating the case. Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the U.S. Interior Minister, characterized the matter as “the extortion of bitcoin.”
According to public information, Lena, aged 40, is a Russian citizen and, in addition to being an EXMO CEO, has opened a number of start-up companies in Ukraine related to digital money mining and block chain technology.
Pavel Lerner
According to the EXMO network, there were more than 900,000 users of the platform, and during the captivity of Lena, EXMO declared that its operations were running as usual and that the funds of all users were absolutely safe; however, on 28th, the day Renah was released, EXMO on Twitter stated that it had been attacked by a DDoS (distributed denial of services) with the intention of disrupting the platform's trade.
The abduction was brought to an end, but there was no “stop” from the tone of the foreign network.
"Strong" wears a suit with bitcoinlogo as well.
“Before you get a bitcoin license, or before you wear a suit with a bitcoin pattern... um... there's something you need to think about...”
It has been argued that “it's not true whether the clothes logo is bitcoin to judge whether this man has any money, just as you committed a bunch of felonies in the street to rob a man in a suit penknife, and it turns out that he has only 300 dollars in savings, and that's right, that's the financial worker”.
may attract many imitators:
"This guy is about to disappear once a week after the demand for a bitcoin as a ransom method has been announced."
“This is exactly what I'm worried about – traditional kidnappings, kidnappings are hard to get out of, because ransoms always need a specific place. By trading the address of Bitcoin, the kidnappers can easily escape the day of their birth.”
Who knows best how hot bitcoin is right now?
"Obstruction of self-inflicted theft"
"A ransom paid by the EXMO platform, a ransom paid under the pretext of the boss's abduction, a creative excuse for the blackout of the site."
How do you know who has bitcoin? Watch under the post:
"In the comments below the post, it is clear who's got bitcoin."
What's the use of bitcoin? From this point of view, bitcoin is very useful:
"Beware, Blacky, there's still a payout in Bitcoin."
In fact, this was not the first kidnapping in which a ransom was paid in Bitcoin, nor was it the first time that the Bitcoin platform was hacked.
The Chinese daily had reported that 38 days after the abduction in Taiwan of Huang Qun (also known as Huang Quan), then Chairman of the Eastern Pearl Oil Company, a Hong Kong businessman suspected of fraud and money-laundering, it was surprising that the kidnappers, who had no scientific or technological background, demanded that his family pay a ransom of HK$ 70 million in bitcoin.
The network of observers previously reported that in May of this year, hundreds of thousands of computers were infected with the WannaCry virus, and that the only channel through which users wanted to unlock was to pay $300 in bitcoins.
In addition, the payment system of NiceHash, the world's largest digital mining platform, had been hacked and as many as 4736 bitcoins worth over $62 million had been stolen from the user's wallet.
12月19日,韩国比特币交易所Youbit因被黑客攻击宣告破产;3年前,同样宣称因“黑客攻击”破产的当时世界最大比特币交易平台Mt Gox,破产后投资者无处索赔,该公司前CEO却仍挥金如土。
On 19 December, the North Korean Bitcoin Exchange, Youbit, was declared bankrupt by hacking; three years ago, Mt Gox, the world's largest trading platform in Bitcoin, similarly declared bankrupt by “hacking”, had no place for investors to claim after bankruptcy, and the company's former CEO was still throwing gold at the ground.
On 4 September of this year, China called for an urgent halt to the issuance of the initial currency, followed by reports that regulation had concluded that the domestic Bitcoin trading platform was “all shut down and exited the market in the near future”.
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