& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Block Chain (Blockshain) is a model for innovative applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms in the Internet age. In recent years, block chain development and application have been very important for technological innovation and industrial revolution.
Block chain source
(1) Bitcoin,
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency because it is not dependent on central government institutions, and Bitcoin is a “short asset” created by the “digital mining” process. Bitcoin can be used for collection and trading, and because of limited resources, its value increased several hundredfold on the United States Exchange in 2013 alone.
(2)区块链是为了启用伟新近比特币而创建的。它是一种点对点的电子现金系统,基于密码学原理而不基于信用,使得任何达成一致的双方能够直接进行支付,比特币的交易根本不需要通过银行等第三方中介的参与。如果用此技术进行境外转账,可以节省一够耕大批汇款费用 。
(2) The block chain was created to enable the operation of the Great New Bitcoin. It is a point-to-point electronic cash system, based on cryptography and not on credit, which enables any agreed party to pay directly, and transactions in Bitcoin do not require the involvement of third-party intermediaries, such as banks. If this technology is used to transfer funds abroad, it saves enough money to farm large amounts of remittances.
Technical principles of block chains
(1) 区块链是一种按照时间顺序将数据区块以顺序相连的方式组合成的一 种链式数据结构, 并以密码学方式保证的不可篡改和不可伪造的分布式账本。
(1) The block chain is a chain-based data structure that sequences the data blocks sequentially together, and a non-falseable and non-false distributed account that is guaranteed by cryptography.
The & nbsp;(2) block chain is a historical record of the transaction, very much like a database. The block in the chain corresponds to a page in a book, each of which contains its own message: a title, chapter title, page number, etc.
(3)在区块链中,每个区块都有:包含关于该块的数据的标题:例如 技术信息,对前一个块的引用,以及包含在该块中的数据的数字指纹(又名“散列”)等等。 这个散列对于排序和块验证非常重要。
& nbsp; (3) In the block chain, each block has a title containing data on the block: e.g. technical information, reference to the previous block, digital fingerprints of the data contained in the block (also known as a “vessel”), which is important for sorting and block validation.
Features of block chains
& nbsp; & nbsp; In order to achieve the above transactions, block chains need to meet decentralised features such as traceability
(1)去中心化 :用户之间用点对点(P2P)的方式交易,地址由参与者本人管理,余额由全局共享的分布式账本进行管理,安全依赖于所有参加者,由大家共同判断某个成员是否值得信任。
(1) Decentralization: transactions between users are conducted by point-to-point (P2P) and addresses are managed by the participants themselves, balances are managed by distributed accounts shared across the board, security is dependent on all participants, and a member is jointly judged as trustworthy.
(2) Transparency: The records in the database are permanent, chronological, and all other nodes on the network are accessible. Each user can see the transaction.
(3) Irreversibility of records: Since the records are interrelated, the records cannot be changed once the transactions have been entered into the database and the accounts have been updated.
Deficiencies in block chains:
(1) Irrevocable
In the & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; block chain, the loss will be irreversible if it is misoperated or if the password is lost.
(2) Privacy
& nbsp; & nbsp; as the block chain is distributed, the transaction book must be open and transparent and there is no privacy.
(3) Storage space
& nbsp; & nbsp; When transactions are large, performance is affected by the need to have all historical records.
(4) Delayability
& nbsp; & nbsp; Distribution features that require authentication and therefore there is a delay in the transaction.
Block Chain Application
& nbsp; & nbsp; Except for Bitcoin, the block chain has a number of applications, mainly:
(1)智能合约:数字化法律; 合同文书,自动执行商业交易和协议
(1) Smart contracts: digital laws; contractual instruments, automatic execution of commercial transactions and agreements
(2) Smart assets: trade finance, supply chains, workflows, rich data
(3) Liquidation and settlement: higher transaction accuracy and shorter settlement process correspondence with real cost savings in the short term
(4) Payments: reducing current framework weaknesses, saving time and costs, accelerating and simplifying cross-border payments
(5)数字身份:注册身份; 为其他服务重新使用该标识,
(5) Digital identity: registered identity; re-use of the logo for other services,
(6)物联网中的应用:MoIP运行; 机器对机器的通信
(6) Applications in object networking: MoIP running; machine-to-machine communication
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Block chain is a distributed account book that can include financial and/or non-financial transactions, which can be replicated (distributed) almost in real time through a reciprocal network over multiple systems, each participant “owns” the same ledger copy and is updated when adding any transaction, each participant helps to determine that all existing records are “non-transformable”, using cryptography and digital signatures to prove identity, authenticity and compulsory reading/writing access, with mechanisms that make it difficult to change historical records, and can easily detect attempts to change it.
- 任何技术都是一枚又刃剑,区块链为产生革命带来了曙光,也要充分认识其缺点。
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