BlockChain:《Blockchain Gate》听课笔记——比特币BTC白皮书的前世今生+个人理解

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BlockChain:《Blockchain Gate》听课笔记——比特币白皮书的前世今生+个人理解

Block Chain: Blockchain Gate: A note from a former generation of Bitcoin White Paper + Personal Understanding














相关文章BlockChain:【中本聪】历史之作《Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》 《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》—九页中英文对照翻译

related article : Blockchain: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electric Cash System: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System - nine pages in English cross-translation

BlockChain:《Blockchain Gate》听课笔记——比特币BTC白皮书的前世今生+个人理解_区块链



? ? ? 《Bitcoin:A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》,即《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》。这篇技术论文通常称为比特币白皮书,因为它基本就是宣告了比特币的诞生。严格地说,是理论上宣告了比特币的诞生。

♪ Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, a bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system. This technical paper is commonly known as the Bitcoin White Paper, because it basically announces the birth of Bitcoin.

? ? ? ?这份文件是在2008年11月由一个叫Satoshi Nakamoto(中本聪)的人发布的,最初发布于密码朋克。当然了,并不是发布在什么知名论坛或者学术期刊上,而是发布在一个小众的密码学讨论小组
? 1992年,英特尔高级科学家Tim May,发起了密码朋克邮件列表组织。1993年埃里克休斯写了一本书叫做《密码朋克宣言》。

♪ This document was published in November 2008 by a man named Satoshi Nakamoto, originally published in the code punk. Not in a famous forum or academic journal, of course, but in a book The Small Group of cryptography
? In 1992, Senior Intel Scientist Tim May launched the code punk mailing list. In 1993, Eric Hughes wrote a book called the code punk declaration.

? ? ? ? 在这份白皮书发布后的第二年,也就是2009年1月3日,比特币软件就正式启动运行了,也就是在这个时候,世界上第一个区块链数据诞生了,而这个由中本聪构造出来的第一个区块,也称为创世区块或者上帝区块,代表神话中创世元灵的意思。从此以后,比特币以及由比特币技术衍生出来的各种应用就一发不可收拾,开启了互联网应用的一个新纪元。
? ?2011年4月23日,中本聪发出了最后一封邮件,表示把精力转移到其他事情上去了,并把邮件联系方式改成了加文的联系方式。之后,加文变成了BTC的首席科学家。
? ? 2012年加文创立了BTC基金会,以支持BTC的可持续发展,2014年,加文正式参与运作。

♪ The second year after the White Paper was released, on 3 January 2009, it was more than Ten currency software officially started running ? On 23 April 2011, Central Bank sent the last e-mail, indicating that it had shifted its energy to other matters and changed the way of communication to a covert connection.


? ? ? ?有两个关键字:“点对点”和“电子现金”。
? 总结,这份白皮书,介绍的是一种数字货币系统,这个系统的运行不依赖于某些特定服务器,而是通过点对点网络(P2P)结构来运行的。

There are two key words: "point-to-point" and "electronic cash".
1, "point-to-point" means the software . For example, we log in QQQ to connect to a QQ server, and we log in to a treasure-to-charge server that connects Ali Baba, and if these servers close down or have problems with them, then they don't work properly. In May 2015, Hangzhou's telecommunications cables were unwittingly cut off by the construction team, directly resulting in the loss of a payment server connected through these cables, affecting normal operations.

(1) 简介
? ? ? 中本聪提出了一个场景设想:如何不通过一个所谓的权威第三方结构(比如银行),来构建一个可信的交易网络呢?

(1) Introduction
? ♪ Nakamoto put forward a scenario: How can a credible trading network not be built through a so-called authoritative third-party structure (e.g. a bank)?

(2) 交易
? ? ? ?描述了一种通过密钥签名进行交易验证的方式,实际上就是计算机密码学在比特币中的应用。我们在银行转账交易用什么来证明自己呢?是通过账户和密码,必要的时候还可以通过身份证确认。而在比特币系统中没有银行这样一个角色,那靠什么来确定身份呢?只有靠现代计算机密码学技术。当然,密码学技术在比特币中的应用并不只是用来证明身份,是贯穿在各个环节的,可以说,密码学技术就是比特币系统的骨骼。

(2) The transaction
??? describes a way in which hyper-key signatures to verify transactions

(3) 时间戳服务器
? ? ? 这部分提到了区块以及通过时间戳运算连接成一条链的概念,这也是区块链概念的来源,同时在这里也说明了比特币数据的存储方式

(3) Time stamp server
?? this part refers to the concept of blocks and links to a chain through time stamp calculations, which is also the source of the concept of block chains, and here also describes the way bitcoin data are stored .

(4) 工作量证明
? ? ? ?因为这种算法很消耗CPU的算力,等于人们干活一样,是要付出工作劳动的。这部分介绍了一种点对点网络中如何对各自的数据进行一致性确认的算法。为什么叫工作量证呢?

(4) Workload proof

(5) 网络
? ? ? ?比特币软件是一种网络软件,而且是一个不依靠某个服务器来交换数据的网络软件。那么一个个节点之间,如何确认一笔笔交易数据呢?这部分介绍了交易确认的过程,这个实际上就是比特币网络的应用协议,跟日常使用的邮件收发协议、文件传输协议、超文本传输协议等,是一个层面上的。

(5) Network
?? Bitcoin is a network software, and it is a network software that does not depend on a server to exchange data . How can a transaction data be identified between one node? This part describes the process of transaction confirmation, which is actually the Bitcoin network application protocol, which is one level with the regular mail reception and dispatch protocol, file transfer protocol, supertext transfer protocol, etc.

(6) 激励
? ? ? ?激励就是奖励的意思,你干了活,得到一笔奖金,哇,好开心!就会继续努力干活,这就是激励。比特币软件的数据一致性确认是需要耗费CPU算力的,那凭什么有人愿意来耗费这些个算力,白干活吗?当然不是,系统会奖励给你比特币,还有别人交易的手续费

(6) Incentives
? ♪ Incentives are incentives, you work, you get a bonus, wow, happy!

(7) 回收硬盘空间
? ? ? 比特币系统从创世区块开始,大约每10分钟产生一个区块,也意味着区块链账本的“体积”会一直增长。事实上写作本书的时候,已经超过了120GB,只要比特币网络一直存在,数据就会一直增长。实际上,只有运行全功能节点的客户端才会一直保持完整的区块链数据。这里提出了一个思路,删除过老的一些交易数据,同时不破坏区块的随机哈希值,通过这种方法压缩区块数据

(vii) Recovery of hard disk space
?? Bitcoin produces a block about every 10 minutes from the creation block, which means that the volume of block chain books will grow. In fact, when writing this book, it has exceeded 120 GB, and the data will grow as long as the Bitcoin network exists. In fact, only the client that runs the full functional node will maintain complete block chain data. Here is a idea, delete some of the old transaction data 这个模型下实现的比特币支付功能并不需要携带那么庞大的数据,而只需要保留体积相对很小的区块头。

(8) Simplified payments confirm
????? referred to above, the amount of data available at the Bitcoin client level is so large that it is not unconscionable to bring a lot of data, regardless of what is done with the Bitcoin system, and it is limited to the use of other terminals (e.g. mobile phones). This part offers a model, which is mainly for the payment of bitcoins. In bitcoin pays functions 任意多个地址(你到银行去开任意多个户试试!),这使得比特币系统中的交易带有很大的匿名性隐秘性

As a monetary system, confidentiality, i.e. privacy, is undoubtedly everyone's concern. The traditional system relies entirely on the protection of a third party, such as a bank, which is believed to have established various regulatory systems and methods to prevent the leaking of information on accounts and transactions. Unlike the Bitcoin system, which does not depend on anyone, everyone does not have to register any identity card, name, sex, etc. in a bitcoin system, is an address, and no one knows who is behind it, and you can create your own any multiple addresses and

? ? ? ?这部分主要是站在概率统计的角度计算了一下攻击者成功的概率,以及经过多少个区块后还能攻击成功的概率。

(11) Calculate
??? Part of this is a calculation of the probability of success of the attacker from the point of view of probabilities, and how many blocks after which success is possible.


? ?比特币没有特定的发行机构,而是依靠一套去中心化的发行机制,逐步将比特币发行出去。比特币系统相当于一个去中心化大账本,每个区块就是这个账本中的一页,系统自动生成比特币作为奖励激励矿工参与记账。每10分钟,全体矿工一起计算一 道问题,最先算出答案的矿工获得记一页账的权利,记账完成 后,他将自动获得一定量的比特币,这就是新增比特币的发行过程。 ? ? ? ?根据中本聪的设计,最开始每记一次账奖励50个比特币,每记21万页账(注:也就是21万个区块,大约需要4年),记账的奖励就会减少一半,直到大约2140年,比特币将无法继续细分,至此,比特币发行完毕,总量2100万。

One, how is Bitcoin distributed?
?? Bitcoin does not have a specific issuer, but relies on a set of Autonomous generation of bitcoin The first miner to calculate the answer gets a page, gets a book: #3399e; after the bookkeeping is completed, he will automatically get a certain amount of bit of bitcoin, which is the distribution of bitcoin?

? ? ? ?加文安德烈森,是中本聪消失匿迹之前,保持邮件联系的少数人之一。
? 加文安德烈森是比特币核心开发团队的成员之一,中本聪 从互联网上销声匿迹之前用邮件保持联系的少数几个人之一。 2010年,加文开始接触比特币,并开始向中本聪提交代码,以优化比特币的核心系统,中本聪逐渐对加文的代码有了信赖。最终 有一天,中本聪问加文是否可以把他的邮箱放在比特币的主页 上,加文同意了。从此,中本聪退到了幕后,加文变成了比特币 的领导者。
? ?加文安德烈森组建了比特币核心开发团队,致力于修复比特币代码的安全漏洞,提升比特币软件的樵定性使其更易用。2012 年,加文创建了非盈利性的比特币基金会。比特币的发展壮大, 加文及其组建的比特币核心开发团队功不可没。?

Gavin Anderson was one of the few people who kept in touch with the mail before it disappeared. In 2010, Gavin started contact with Bitcoin, and started Presenting the code to Central Ben,
to optimize the central system of Bitcoin, which was gradually trusted in Gavin’s code. One day, he asked Gavin whether his mailbox could be placed on the main page of Bitcoin, and Gavin agreed. After he withdrew from the scene, Gavin became the leader of Bitcoin.
To optimize the central system of Bitcoin.

比特币最初诞生的时候,很便宜,并且非常容易获得。 2010年年底,为了让更多人知道并尝试使用比特币,程序员加文安德烈森花50美元买入10000个比特币,并创建了名为比特币水龙头的网站,向所有访问网站的人无偿赠送5个比特币,当时大 约价值5美分,此举对人们接受比特币有显著的效果。
? ?后来,有人 模仿加文,建立类似比特币水龙头的网站,一方面给访问网站的 用户派送小额比特币,另一方面,由于这些网站往往可以获得了 大量的浏览量,因此比特币水龙头网站可以通过给主要比特币网 站导流赚取广告费。比特币水龙头网站甚至形成一种新型商业模 式,早期有约50%的比特币网站靠其导流。?

At the end of 2010, in order to get more people to know and try to use bitcoin, the programmer Gavin Andresen spent $50 on buying 10,000 bitcoins and created a website called Bitcoin tap, offering five bitcoins free of charge to all visitors, which was about five cents large, and which had a significant effect on the acceptance of bitcoins.

比特币系统靠调节难度系数保证比特币不被太决挖完。每 10分钟,全网矿工共同计算一道难题,竞争记账权及比特币奖 励。如果全网算力不断增长,比特币将很决被挖矿。为了保证比 特币稳定在约10分钟挖出一个区块,中本聪设计矿工挖矿获得比 特币的难度每过2016个区块(约2周时间)动态调整一次,令调整后的难度使得每生成一个区块的预期时间为10分钟。现在的难度系数约为480PH/s,大约是创世区块的680亿倍,也就是说,以现 在的算力,全网矿工需要经过约3000万亿亿次哈希运算才能找到一个符合条件的答案,生成新的区块。?

In order to ensure that Bitcoin remains stable at about 10 minutes, the Bitcoins system ensures that bitcoins are not over-excavated by a reconciliation difficulty factor. Every 10 minutes, the entire network computes a difficult question, and competes for bookkeeping and bitcoins. If the whole network is growing, bitcoins will be dug up. In order to ensure that Bitcoins stabilizes in about 10 minutes a block, the entire net miners will need to get a bit of bitcoins at about 2016 blocks (about two weeks) dynamically adjusted by bitcoins, making the adjustment difficult 10 minutes for each block generated. The difficulty factor is about 480 pH/s, which is about 68 billion times the size of the area created, that is, in order for Bitcoins to remain stable at about 10 minutes, the entire net miners will need to go through about

? ? ? 生活中我们都有自己的银行账户,转账是在银行账户之间 进行的。同徉,比特币转账就是把比特币从一个比特币地址转移 到另一个比特币地址上的过程。
? ?如果你想要转账比特币给别人, 你需要在比特币交易平台比特币钱包或者比特币客户端中,输 入你的比特币地址、接收方地址、转账金额和手续费金额。确定支付后交易信息会在比特币网络进行全网广播。矿工每隔10分钟 会将比特币网络中未被记账的交易打包进一个区块,这就完成了 一次确认,此时比特币已转到对方账户。通常需要经过6次确认,确保交易记录不能被任何人窜改,转账才算真正完成。?

If you want to transfer bitcoin to someone else, you need to put it in or .

? ?比特币转账手续费是交易者付给矿工的一笔费用,用于激 励矿工竞争记账为比特币提供足够的算力从而确保比特币网络的 安全,有的地方也叫做矿工费。用户在比特币网络发起一笔转账时,一般需要支付给记账矿工一定的转账手续费。转账手续费一 般为0.001~0.0015个比特币,由于区块能容纳交易记录的容量有限,矿工会优先打包手续费高的交易,所以多付手续费可以更决 被记账。比特币交易手续费的存在能提高转账门槛,有效防止区 块涟中充斥垃级信息,并且能够保证在比特币被挖完之后矿工仍有动力维护比特币网络。

How much do you charge for the Bitcoin transfer?? The Bitcoin transfer fee is a fee paid to the miners by the traders to encourage the miners to compete for bitcoin
BlockChain:《Blockchain Gate》听课笔记——比特币BTC白皮书的前世今生+个人理解_区块链_03

1, password pontex Cypherpunk?
??????????? says Cypherpunk is an encrypted e-mail system. More than 1400 users discuss topics such as mathematics, cryptography, computer technology, politics, philosophy, including private issues.
, early members have a very large number of IT elites such as WikiLeaks Assanges < < < < < > < /strokes > > < < < < > > < > > > > > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > < < < < < < < < < > > > > >, < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > < > > > < > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > < < < < < < > < < < < < > < > > < > > < < < < > > < < > > > > > > < > > > > < > > > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > < < < < < < > > > > < < < > > < < < < < > < > > > > > > < < < < < < > > < >

BlockChain:《Blockchain Gate》听课笔记——比特币BTC白皮书的前世今生+个人理解_区块链_04BlockChain:《Blockchain Gate》听课笔记——比特币BTC白皮书的前世今生+个人理解_区块链_05

2, ,
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