Up to 2019.8.23 at Tai Mai prices: 24h at highest prices 1,922.07°0.0365 BTC, 24h at lowest prices 1,876.36°0.0356 BTC, 10,047.070.1906 BTC at highest historical prices, 2.95°0.0001 BTC at lowest prices.
Exchange turnover: 46,1025,000 ETH.
Exchange turnover: $5.944 billion, 0.62 per cent, 24h up/down.
3. Market value in circulation: $21,441 million.
4.总市值:$214.41亿、2.38%、24h振幅。 4. Total market value: $21,441 million, 238 per cent, 24h amplitude. 注意事项: Attention: 1.以太坊的联合创始人认为,竞争将是积极的,世界绝对需要看到个人自由受到尊重,并且可以自由访问全球IT工具,这些工具的数据不受公司或能够利用数字化转型来增加数据的公司控制他们的力量。 1. In the view of the co-founders of the Taikus, competition will be positive and the world absolutely needs to see that individual freedoms are respected and that it has free access to global IT tools whose data are not controlled by companies or by companies that can use digital transformations to increase data. 2.与纸片或磅金不同,代码行允许人们以数字方式转移价值。但是,它们与传统货币的区别在于来源,制造者和主人。这些由计算机科学家设计并以数学和密码学为基础的新型货币,并非由政府伪造,控制或支持的。 Unlike paper pieces or pounds of gold, codes allow people to transfer values digitally. However, the difference between them and traditional currencies is between the source, the manufacturer and the owner. These new currencies, designed by computer scientists and based on mathematics and cryptology, are not forged, controlled or supported by the government.
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