现货交易所 免费编辑 添加义项名

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The entry point for market entry for spot transactions is e-commerce, participation in the operation of large commodities of primary raw materials (including agricultural products, domestic products, metals, construction materials, etc.) and the development of a specialized B-to-B business model.


1- Current transactions provide buyers and sellers with financial online clearing services, avoiding the issue of &quat; triangular debt&quat;


, consolidated by the trading market target= "_blank" financial settlement , guaranteeing openness, fairness and fairness in spot transactions. After the transaction is concluded, the market makes a payment, in-kind delivery, cash entry for buyers and sellers, guaranteeing the mutual interests of both buyers and sellers, thereby avoiding the more serious & quot; triangular debt & & quot; problems.


2 the standardization of spot warehouse statements has eliminated &quat; counterfeiting & quot; commodities.


3. A perfect logistics distribution system that meets the demand of different traders for .


4. The formation of the spot trade industry has played an irreplaceable role in the development of the country's current trade flows.


The spot trade, which is an emerging phenomenon in the field of spot traffic in our country, is still at an early stage in the economic life of the country, with its advanced modus operandi and unique functions that have attracted the general attention of society as a whole.


Agricultural products are also called medium-range electronic trading is introduced by the State to support agriculture and promote the flow of agricultural products > > electronic spot trading transaction > > > medium-range trading units > .


and regulatory documents related to the management of spot exchanges


Special Provisions on spot-market transactions for


Ministry of Commerce Order No. 3 of 2013

颁布日期:20131108 实施日期:20140101 颁布单位:商务部中国人民银行中国证券监督管理委员会

Promulgation: 20131108 Implementation: 20140101 Promulgator: Ministry of Commerce: People's Bank of China

第一章 总则

Chapter I General provisions

第二章 交易对象和交易方式

Chapter II Object of transaction and mode of dealing

第三章 商品现货市场经营规范

Chapter III. Norms for the operation of spot markets for commodities

第四章 监督管理

Chapter IV Oversight management

第五章 法律责任

Chapter V Legal liability

第六章 附则



was considered and adopted by the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the Ministry of Commerce on 15 August 2013 and issued with the agreement of the People's Bank of China, CVM, with effect from 1 January 2014.


8 November 2013

第一章 总则

Chapter I General provisions

第一条 为规范商品现货市场交易活动,维护市场秩序,防范市场风险,保护交易各方的合法权益,促进商品现货市场健康发展,加快推行现代流通方式,根据国家有关法律法规以及《国务院关于清理整顿各类交易场所切实防范金融风险的决定》(国发[2011]38号),制定本规定。

First, in order to regulate commodity spot market trading activities, protect market order, protect market risks, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the transaction, promote the healthy development of the commodity spot market, and speed up the introduction of modern modes of circulation, this provision is based on the relevant national laws and regulations and the State Council's Decision (NDAC [2011] 38).

第二条 中华人民共和国境内的商品现货市场交易活动,应当遵守本规定。国家另有规定的,依照其规定。

Article II. The operation of the spot market for goods in the People's Republic of China shall comply with this provision. If the State provides otherwise, it shall do so.

第三条 本规定所称商品现货市场,是指依法设立的,由买卖双方进行公开的、经常性的或定期性的商品现货交易活动,具有信息、物流等配套服务功能的场所或互联网交易平台。

Article III. The spot market for goods referred to in this provision means a place or Internet trading platform established by law, where the seller or seller engages in an open, regular or regular spot trading activity for goods, with the function of supporting services such as information, logistics, etc.


An operator of the spot market for goods referred to in this provision (hereinafter referred to as the market operator) is a legal person, other economic organization or person that establishes a spot market for goods, establishes the relevant rules and regulations of the market and provides a place for the spot trading of goods and the related supporting services.

第四条 从事商品现货市场交易活动,应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。

Article 4. The conduct of trade in spot markets for commodities shall be guided by the principles of openness, fairness, fairness and honesty of credit.

第五条 商务部负责全国商品现货市场的规划、信息、统计等行业管理工作,促进商品现货市场健康发展。

Article 5. The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for the planning, information, statistics and other industrial management of the national commodity spot market to promote the healthy development of the commodity spot market.


The People's Bank of China is responsible for the financial supervision involved in spot-market transactions for commodities and the regulation of non-financial institutions' payments.

第六条 商品现货市场行业协会应当制定行业规范和行业标准,加强行业自律,组织业务培训,建立高管诚信档案,受理投诉和调解纠纷等。

Article 6 Trade associations in commodity spot markets should develop industry norms and industry standards, strengthen industry self-regulation, organize business training, establish high-level integrity files, receive complaints and mediate disputes, etc.

第二章 交易对象和交易方式

Chapter II Object of transaction and mode of dealing

第七条 商品现货市场交易对象包括:

Article 7. Goods traded in the spot market include:


(i) Goods in kind;


(ii) Bills of lading, such as warehouse receipts, negotiable bills of lading, which are marked by goods in kind;


(iii) Other subjects of transactions specified by the provincial people's governments in accordance with the law.

第八条 商品现货市场交易的实物商品,应当执行国家有关质量担保责任的法律法规,并符合现行有效的质量标准。

Article 8 Goods in kind traded on the spot market for commodities shall be subject to national laws and regulations on responsibility for quality guarantees and to existing effective quality standards.

第九条 商品现货市场交易可以采用下列方式:

Article 9 Trades in spot markets for commodities may be made by:


(i) Agreed transactions;


(ii) One-way competing transactions;


(iii) Other forms of transaction established by the provincial people's governments in accordance with the law.


An agreed transaction referred to in this provision is the manner in which the parties to a sale or sale agree, for the purpose of the receipt of goods in kind, by agreement, by negotiation or by agreement, on the manner in which the transaction is to be received immediately or within a certain period of time.


A single-way bid transaction referred to in this provision is a transaction in which a buyer (seller) makes an application to the market, the market announces in advance the subject of the transaction, and multiple sellers (buyers) reach agreement and deal within the agreed time.

第十条 市场经营者不得开展法律法规以及《国务院关于清理整顿各类交易场所切实防范金融风险的决定》禁止的交易活动,不得以集中交易方式进行标准化合约交易。

Article 10 Market operators are prohibited from carrying out transactions prohibited by laws and regulations and by the State Council's Decision , and from conducting standardized contract transactions in the form of centralized transactions.


The assignment or modification of a spot contract shall be effected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law and regulations.

第三章 商品现货市场经营规范

Chapter III. Norms for the operation of spot markets for commodities

第十一条 市场经营者应当履行下列职责:

Article 11 Market operators shall perform the following duties:


(i) Provide premises, facilities and related services for transactions;


(ii) Establish sound business rules and regulations, such as transactions, receipts, settlements, warehousing, information dissemination, risk control, market management, etc., in accordance with the modalities and subjects of transactions defined in this provision;


(iii) Other duties under laws and regulations.

第十二条 市场经营者应当公开业务规则和规章制度。制定、修改和变更业务规则和规章制度,应当在合理时间内提前公示。

Article 12 Market operators should make their rules and regulations publicly available.

第十三条 商品现货市场应当制定应急预案。出现异常情况时,应当及时采取有效措施,防止出现市场风险。

Article 13 The commodity spot market should have contingency plans. In the event of an anomaly, effective and timely measures should be taken to prevent market risk.

第十四条 市场经营者应当采取合同约束、系统控制、强化内部管理等措施,加强资金管理力度。

Article 14 Market operators should strengthen the management of funds through such measures as contractual constraints, system controls and strengthened internal controls.


Market operators are not allowed to appropriate or divert the funds of traders in any form.

第十五条 鼓励商品现货市场创新流通方式,降低交易成本;建设节能环保、绿色低碳市场。

Article 15 encourages innovative modes of circulation of commodity spot markets to reduce transaction costs and to build energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and green low-carbon markets.

第十六条 鼓励商品现货市场采用现代信息化技术,建立互联网交易平台,开展电子商务。

Article 16 encourages the adoption of modern information technologies in commodity spot markets, the establishment of Internet trading platforms and electronic commerce.

第十七条 市场经营者应当建立完善商品信息发布制度,公布交易商品的名称、数量、质量、规格、产地等相关信息,保证信息的真实、准确,不得发布虚假信息。

Article 17 Market operators should establish a well-developed system for the dissemination of commodity information, publish relevant information such as the name, quantity, quality, specifications and origin of the traded goods, ensure that the information is true and accurate, and refrain from publishing false information.

第十八条 采用现代信息化技术开展交易活动的,市场经营者应当实时记录商品仓储、交易、交收、结算、支付等相关信息,采取措施保证相关信息的完整和安全,并保存五年以上。

Article XVIII. In conducting transactions using modern information technologies, market operators should record in real time relevant information on commodity storage, transactions, receipt, settlement, payment, etc., and take measures to ensure the integrity and security of relevant information and preserve it for more than five years.

第十九条 市场经营者不得擅自篡改、销毁相关信息和资料。

Article 19 Market operators are not permitted to tamper with and destroy relevant information.

第四章 监督管理

Chapter IV Oversight management

第二十条 县级以上人民政府商务主管部门负责本行政区域内的商品现货市场的行业管理,并按照要求及时报送行业发展规划和其他具体措施。

Article 20 The business authorities of the People's Government at and above the county level are responsible for the management of the industry in the commodity spot market in their respective regions and for the timely submission of industrial development plans and other specific measures, as required.


The branch of the People's Bank of China is responsible for the supervision and management of financial institutions and payment agencies involved in spot market transactions for commodities in the jurisdiction.


The Futures Supervisory Authority of the State Council sends agencies responsible for, inter alia, the identification of illegal futures trading activities on the commodity spot market.

第二十一条 市场经营者应当根据相关部门的要求报送有关经营信息与资料。

Article 21 Market operators should submit business information and information in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sector.

第二十二条 县级以上人民政府商务主管部门应当根据本地实际情况,建立完善各项工作制度。必要时应及时将有关情况报告上级商务主管部门和本级人民政府。

The business authorities of the People’s Government at and above the county level shall establish working systems in accordance with local realities.

第五章 法律责任

Chapter V Legal liability

第二十三条 市场经营者违反第十一条、第十二条、第十三条、第十四条、第十七条、第十八条、第十九条、第二十一条规定,由县级以上商务主管部门会同有关部门责令改正。逾期不改的,处一万元以上三万元以下罚款。

If you are late, you will be fined up to $10,000 and 30,000 yuan.

第二十四条 市场经营者违反第八条、第十条规定和《期货交易管理条例》的,依法予以处理。

Article 24 Market operators who violate the provisions of articles 8 and 10 and the regulations governing futures transactions are dealt with in accordance with the law.

第二十五条 有关行政管理部门工作人员在市场监督管理工作中,玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 25 Personnel of the administration concerned who, in the exercise of their duties in the supervision and management of the market, are negligent, abusive or fraudulent are subject to administrative penalties in accordance with the law; they are guilty of a crime and are held criminally liable under the law.

第六章 附则


第二十六条 本规定自2014年1月1日起施行。

This provision shall enter into force on 1 January 2014.




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