
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:29 评论:0



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华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)


As half of the price of Bitcoin approaches, prices have begun to fluctuate frequently in the near future.


The week began with a strong start in Bitcoin, which surged to over $72,000 in the morning trade on 8 April, but continued its downward trend after it hit high, with Bitcoin prices once falling to a low of $68,000 in the early hours of 10 April and then hovering around $690 million. As of the date of the release, Bitcoin’s latest transaction price was $694.68.4, a 2 per cent decline in the day.


According to Alternative data, only 10 days are left to halve Bitcoin, and emotions in encrypted ecosystems are still in a state of “extreme greed”.

伴随比特币价格的回调,山寨币也遭受严重打击。其中,Arkham (ARKM) 跌幅最大,下跌17.8%。过去24小时,在市值排名前200的代币中只有不足10%的代币上涨,其中仅有11个代币涨幅超过2%。

The return of bitcoin prices was accompanied by a severe blow to the mountain coins. Of these, Arkham (ARKM) experienced the largest fall, by 17.8 per cent, with less than 10 per cent of the top 200 in the last 24 hours, with only 11 of them rising by more than 2 per cent.


Policy factor stirs currency prices

今年以来,比特币涨势凶猛。Messari公司最新发布的报告显示,比特币在今年第一季度实现了69%的涨幅,现货比特币ETF是推动价格上涨的驱动因素,第一季度资金流入超过120亿美元。现货比特币ETF目前持有83.1万个比特币,价值约590亿美元。在此背景下,加密货币相关概念股Coinbase、MicroStrategy和Galaxy Digital的股价在第一季度也实现了大幅上涨。

The latest report released by Messari shows that Bitcoin increased by 69% in the first quarter of the year, and that the current Bitcoin ETF was the driving force behind the increase in prices, with an inflow of more than $12 billion in the first quarter. The spot Bitcoin ETF currently holds 831,000 bitcoins worth about $59 billion.


Industry is generally of the view that the halving of Bitcoin will be a critical time in 2024 and will have a major impact on the crypto-currency market. Bitcoin has experienced three cuts in its history, with significant increases in Bitcoin prices one year after halving in November 2012, July 2016, and May 2020, respectively.

商业银行Corestone Capital创始人Will McDonough表示,现货比特币ETF已经降低了许多人进入该资产类别的门槛。随着主要经纪公司开始允许配置此类产品,这一趋势将会扩大,进入这一领域的高净值投资者的新群体将与几周后比特币减半同时发生。

According to Will McDonough, founder of commercial bank Corestone Capital, the spot Bitcoin ETF has lowered the threshold for many people to enter the asset class. As major brokerage companies begin to allow such products to be configured, this trend will widen, and new groups of high net investors in this area will halve Bitcoin in a few weeks.

尽管如此,近期比特币的价格却在减半前频繁震荡波动。4月2日,比特币遭遇大规模抛售,价格迅速走低。其中一个原因或是由于美国政府抛售了部分所持比特币。美国政府从Bitfinex黑客案、丝绸之路等相关案件中,没收了大量的比特币,目前是全球第六大的比特币巨鲸,持有超过21万枚比特币,现价约139.7亿美元。而根据Arkham Intelligence的数据显示,4月2日,美国政府执行了一项涉及近20亿美元的比特币转账。该消息传出后,比特币进一步下跌,跌破6.5万美元,此后略有反弹。而在4月8日,比特币价格在迅速走高之后又再次回落。

One reason is that the US government sold some of the bitcoin held by it. The US government confiscated a large amount of bitcoin from cases related to the Bitfinex hacker case, the Silk Road, etc., and is now the sixth largest Bitcoin whale in the world, holding more than 210,000 bitcoins, with a current price of about $1.37 billion.


It is worth noting that some long-term holders began to choose to hedge after Bitcoin prices broke through historical highs. Glasnode data show that long-term holders (more than 155 days in the chain) have continued to fall, while short-term holders have continued to rise. During this period, the “old man” sold about 900,000 bitcoins.


“In the face of bitcoin price volatility, investors first need to remain calm and analyse market dynamics rationally.” Wu Goobin, Vice-President of the Integration Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, stated to the Washington Times that the halving of bitcoin is an important market event, but investors need to note that halving is not the only driver of prices, and that other factors, such as market demand, regulatory policies and so on, have an impact on prices.

4月9日,美国财政部副部长Wally Adeyemo表示,越来越多的恶意行为者使用虚拟货币规避经济制裁,财政部需要扩大权力来有效打击非法加密融资。他表示,主要问题是加密货币和去中心化金融(DeFi)的使用让不良行为者隐藏自己的身份并使用虚拟货币转移资源,尽管财政部尽了最大努力,但恶意行为者仍然在寻求新的方式来转移资源,比如加密混币器或者场外数字资产交易所。

On 9 April, the US Vice-Minister of Finance, Wally Adeyemo, stated that more and more malicious actors were using virtual currency to circumvent economic sanctions, and that the Treasury needed to expand its powers to effectively combat illegal financial encryption. He said that the main problem was the use of encrypted money and decentralized finance (DeFi) to allow undesirable actors to hide their identities and use virtual currency to transfer resources. Despite the Treasury’s best efforts, malicious actors were still seeking new ways to transfer resources, such as encrypted currency blenders or off-site digital asset exchanges.

为此,Wally Adeyemo呼吁建立一个能够防止这种活动的执法制度,因为越来越多的恐怖分子、跨国犯罪分子和流氓国家转向数字资产。该言论发布后,加密市场跌势扩大。

To that end, Wally Adeyemo called for the establishment of a law enforcement system that would prevent such activities, as more and more terrorists, transnational criminals and rogue states turned to digital assets. After that statement, the crypto market was on the rise.


The Under-Secretary-General of the South China Chief Economists Forum, Li Xiaomei, told the Washington Times journalist that historical data showed that the halving of Bitcoin was often accompanied by medium- to long-term price increases, but that this was not an absolute pattern, and that the market could be volatile in the short term. Thus, investors needed to be psychologically prepared to invest in the long term, and to make decisions based on their own risk tolerance and market research.


How do miners respond to the halving of incidents?


The halving of events will have a more direct impact on the development of the Bitcoin mining industry than changes in currency prices.


Bitcoin miners’ revenues rose to $2.01 billion in March, reaching an all-time high of 44.9%, and CryptoQuant data show that on 7 March, miners earned $78.6 million a day, surpassing their peak in April 2021 during the last round of encrypted cattle. Despite good harvests, Bitcoin miners have been selling their assets in anticipation of the imminent halving of the Bitcoin incentives.


Ivan Jillo’s chief investment officer, Cao Cao, told the Washington Times reporter that the reason why miners sold Bitcoins collectively before halving was probably to deal with increased production costs and market uncertainty. Miners’ profitability was reduced by half, and they needed to find other sources of income to cover the reduced income.


Statistics show that since February 2023, 13 top mining companies have placed orders worth more than $1 billion. As miners’ revenues fall, Cao’s view is that many small-scale ponds may withdraw from the encrypted money mining industry, while large ponds may adopt a more professional and scaled business model.


According to the Arithmetic Index, the average hosting rate in the United States is just under US$0.08/kWh, and many American miners may face cash flow challenges after halving, forcing large-scale equipment upgrades. According to CoinMetrics, most industries are currently using relatively inefficient machines, and these miners require US$ 0.05/kWh or less to maintain a healthy Maori rate after halving.


It is noteworthy that the consumption of energy by bitcoin mining is accelerating dramatically. In March this year, Bitcoin miners consumed a record 19.6 gigawatts of electricity, up from 12.1 gigawatts in the same period in 2023. Bitcoin mining consumed 121 watt-hours of electricity in 2023, similar to that used in Argentina.


For its part, the United States Government estimates that up to 2.3 per cent of the country’s electricity was consumed by 137 encrypted currency mines in 2023. At the same time, the increase in electricity costs for residents of Texas by 5 per cent is also considered to be directly linked to the increase in electricity demand caused by encrypted money miners.


President Biden’s budget proposal for 2025 proposes a 30% tax on the total energy costs of encrypted money diggers, applicable to electricity supplied by the grid and to electricity delivered by the diggers themselves. The programme will be implemented in a phased manner, starting with 10% from 2025, 20% from 2025, and finally 30% from 2027. In addition, the United States regulators have held numerous hearings on electricity consumption by miners to discuss a 30% punitive tax plan to reduce the significant environmental impact of the industry.

目前,美国占据了全球算力的很大一部分,约占40%,但在对成本效率的追求下,该行业正在逐渐转向更加全球分散的模式。加密挖矿服务提供商Luxor Technology首席运营官Ethan Vera预计,约60万台S19系列计算机,正在移出美国,前往非洲和南美等地,这些地区的能源更便宜。

Currently, the United States accounts for a large share of global numeracy, about 40%, but, in pursuit of cost efficiency, the industry is moving towards a more globally dispersed model. Ethan Vera, chief operator of encryption mining provider Luxor Technology, estimates that about 600,000 S19 series computers are being moved out of the United States to places such as Africa and South America, where energy is cheaper.


As miners prepare for the imminent reduction of half, many miners are exploring emerging mining markets in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where electricity is extremely cheap. For example, Bitfarms is working in Argentina and Paraguay; Bitdeer is expanding its capacity in Bhutan; Marathon is entering the United Arab Emirates and Paraguay; and Hashrabs is offering hosting solutions in Ethiopia.


In the long run, the development of the Bitcoin mine will move in the direction of more efficient and greener mining. This will lead to the withdrawal of a number of miners from the market, an increase in the rate of renewal of mining equipment, and an increase in the efficiency and environmental protection of the entire Bitcoin mine.


As the difficulty and cost of mining increases, only miners with a strong numeric and efficient operational capacity will be able to take their place in the market. This could lead to a change in the pattern of competition in the Bitcoin mining industry, with large ponds and specialized mining agencies gradually taking the lead.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳


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