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The value of “block chain traceability” is not only in terms of technological innovation, but more in terms of bringing new ideas to thinking and business models.


Today, block chain technology is increasingly affecting people’s lives and becoming inextricably linked. The unique features of block chain technology, such as decentralization, inflexibility, distributional storage, are well suited to the needs of the traceability system.


Commodity traceability has been a popular field of technology in block chains that giants compete for. As early as 2017, Skycat International launched a global traceability program, using block chain technology and big data to track information on imported goods, using the “retrace” function for each cross-border imported commodity.


The block chain simply goes back to the full life-cycle tracking of products using block chain technology, understanding the entire chain of products in front of manufacturers, consumers and distributors, achieving bridges of communication, completing marketing activities and data collection analysis to ensure data accuracy.


Using the unique and non-modifiable feature of distributed book recording of block chains, the construction of bottom communication nodes, distributed cloud storage services, the resolution of the back-to-back sources of information of enterprises in the procurement, production, warehousing, flow, distribution, door shop, end-use consumption of commodity raw materials, the prevention of forgery, the challenge of interactive marketing, the resolution of “trustable” problems for branding enterprises and consumers, and the resulting construction of a brand-new installation chain ecosystem that allows the quality of circulating commodities to operate safely in the sun.



initial landing of food back from the block chain

2018年在新加坡成立的Wine Chain,是全球首个基于区块链和物联网技术的红酒公有链去中心化溯源追溯体系。借助区块链技术进行红酒产品溯源,每瓶葡萄酒都有一个“身份证”,证上包含各红酒的生产原料名称、原料批次、成品批次、所有包装箱及每个箱内对应的酒瓶ID 号等信息,并且人人都能查看到。

Wine Chain, founded in Singapore in 2018, is the world's first global system of retraced red wine public chains based on block-chain and item-networked technologies. The block-chain technology is used to trace red wine products, each bottle of wine with an “identity card” containing information such as the name of the raw material for each wine production, the batch of raw materials, the batch of finished products, all boxes and the corresponding bottle ID in each box, and is accessible to everyone.


Compared to the past, various anti-false techniques have been used in the area of commodity traceability, including new Internet technologies, artificial intelligence etc., or regulated and regulated through strict laws and regulations, the results have always been unsatisfactory.


The application of block chain technologies has increased the traceability, safety and performance of commodities through a profound combination of areas such as logistics management, commodity forgery, commodity traceability and manufacturing management.


Fragmentation from the chain of blocks


According to the above-mentioned technical concept of block chain traceability, if people have their own IDs around them, they can easily trace it and significantly reduce the “food safety” problems caused by commodities such as fake eggs, fake skinny meat, fake wine, which are often pushed to the top of their mouths. This is excellent for consumers, producers, and regulators alike. But the reality is that traceability is one of the more difficult applications of block chain technology.


According to industry sources, there is some doubt about the traceability of block chain-based technologies, that if a manufacturer in the chain uploads false information, it loses its meaning.


In particular, he explained:


First, the sector-based food traceability system, which regulates production, circulation and consumption only, as well as the certification and traceability of these acts and time nodes, does not guarantee the authenticity and quality of the meat and vegetables themselves, and should be subject to an accompanying fast-tracking system;


Second, the creation of the Smart Pharmacy Monitoring Platform uses a management concept of “a full-scale, global retrospective”, based on inter-city border management, which does not guarantee industry-wide or national traceability.


Third, it should not be based solely on block chain technology, but also on the combination of artificial intelligence visual technology and large data collection and analysis technology in order to build a complete traceability capability.


A typical example is that of a commodity with a high degree of traceability, such as the Lake Solver gate crab. The Internet has repeatedly revealed that the Lake Solver gate can be faked by a certificate of ownership, with even more investigative data showing that less than 20% of the lake's crabs are actually produced. And, for example, the pork that consumers buy in supermarkets, sweep down two-dimensional codes, and can trace detailed information about the origin of the commodity supply, product testing reports, etc. But in many cases, the source address may reach only a processing plant in a village or town, and there is no guarantee that it will be delivered to the plant, but all pork is safe.


At its root, the lack of uniformity in the management of and access to information among key players in the traceability chain — regulators, producers and consumers — has contributed to the prevailing unworkable and untrustworthy situation in the field of traceability management.


Where's the retrospective breakthrough in the block chain at


So it is not easy for the current block chain technology to achieve real traceability in the sense of the word! How then should the true value of the block chain be understood?


Block chains, rather than technological innovations, bring new ideas to ideas and business models. They transform management thinking through the use of technology, using lower costs to achieve what was not possible with the technical tools that were scattered in the past, and manage the entire chain in a holistic manner.


“Most importantly, the chain of blocks represents a real upgrading and transformation from passive regulation to active credit regulation, which is the real disruption to the industry caused by block chain technology.” Leung Xiaodong further explains. Building credit mechanisms in the regulatory and commercial spheres is the most economical and efficient regulatory mechanism.


Currently, Chinese society is entering the credit society's management phase, so the use of block chains for credit regulation in the area of traceability is imperative.


At the same time, industry must recognize that block chains can only solve the problem of electronic data-level traceability and the construction of trust mechanisms, and do not guarantee the identification of physical world goods. For example, in the diamond jewellery industry, where there is a huge confidence crisis, commodity traceability must involve all parties in the industrial chain, from mining sites, factories, jewellery processors, jewellery identification agencies, door-to-doors, etc., to record and share information throughout the chain.


The next step would be to trace the boundary of capability that would be challenged by the chain of blocks.


With regard to technology, while block chain technology quickly gained high priority at the top of the State and in all sectors of society in 2019, it was at this point that a clearer understanding of the capability boundaries of block chain technology was achieved.


The block chain technology has the following areas to be broken:


First, the structure of the entire block chain should guarantee the security and stability of the data, both conceptually and physically, generally speaking, and robustly.


Second, the computing efficiency of the block chain, such as the “trading volume per second” still needs to be improved, otherwise it cannot meet the needs of the application scenario.


Thirdly, “cross-chain technology” breakthroughs are needed to support the sharing and interchange of block-chain data in a broader range of areas, break the boundaries of the industry chain and support the construction of a socialized credit system.


With regard to the area of traceability itself, Tung Liang stressed that in the future, in a world where everything is interconnected, the problem of data interconnection of everything itself must be resolved before the chain of blocks can be truly powerful.


“We have the incentive to promote new technologies and the confidence to go beyond the curve, so I believe that the future of our country's area of traceability will be full of flowers.” The Liang doctrine.




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