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The development of meta-cosm is a complex process involving multiple technologies and tools designed to create a immersed, interactive virtual world. The following is a detailed analysis of the development of meta-cosm games:

根据QY Research的统计及预测,2023年全球元宇宙游戏市场销售额达到了1.3亿美元,预计到2030年将达到20亿美元,年复合增长率(CAGR)为48.5%。这表明元宇宙游戏市场具有巨大的发展潜力。

According to the statistics and projections of QY Research, in 2023, the market for the global meta-cosm game reached US$ 130 million, and is expected to reach US$ 2 billion by 2030, with an annual composite growth rate of 48.5 per cent. This shows that the market for the meta-cosmade game has great potential for development.


The development of meta-cosm games relies on a variety of core technologies, including virtual reality technology (VR), enhanced reality technology (AR), hybrid reality technology (MR), hologram technology, brain interactive technology and sensor technology. Together, these technologies form the basis of meta-cosm, enabling users to experience high levels of interaction and immersion in the virtual world.


Developers need to use specific tools to build meta-cosm games. Common tools include game engines such as illusion engines, Unity and Cryengine, which provide a framework that allows developers to avoid starting physical codes from scratch. In addition, there are other tools for 3D environment construction, modelling and animation.


The meta-cosm technology can be divided into five layers, including data sharing, computational sharing, bandwidth sharing, fixed communications and mobile communications. These technologies support the meta-cosm operating environment and provide users with a rich experience of interaction.


Woncosm games are not just entertainment products; they can also be used to construct social platforms, economic systems, and cultural symbols circles. For example, the original God has enhanced the immersion experience and cultural identity of players through the cultural symbols circles in its subjective virtual world.


With the rapid development of technology in areas such as block chains, XRs, etc., the meta-cosm game will further enhance authenticity and interaction. In addition, hardware equipment, such as VR head displays and tactile devices, is progressing, providing more possibilities for the development of meta-cosm games.


Roblox, as a successful meta-cosm game case, provides valuable lessons for other developers in graphic technology and user interactive design. In addition, MMO games such as Second Life, My World and Robles are widely analysed as prototypes of the meta-cosm.


In summary, the development of meta-cosmos is a highly integrated project involving a variety of technologies and tools. As technology progresses and market demand increases, meta-cosm games will continue to grow rapidly.


What are the latest developments in the technologies of virtual reality (/strang>), enhanced reality (AR) and hybrid reality (>MR) in the development of the metaspace game?


In the development of meta-cosm games, the latest advances in virtual reality (VR), enhanced reality (AR) and hybrid reality (MR) technologies are as follows:

  • 虚拟现实(VR)

    Virtual Reality (VR)


    /span> 5G integration : Aridam has introduced new advances in “5G+VR” that have succeeded in achieving easy, manageable, high-performance, high-reliable bottom-scale technology validation and the introduction of the “Cloud 5G Network+VR” solution, providing new options for virtual reality to scale down.


    Real Shadows and High Lights: Meta developed new features that give real shadows and high light to virtual objects, thus bringing virtual reality closer to simulated reality.


    Device optimization: The future virtual reality equipment will be lighter, intelligent, and the continuous optimization of core technology will make the equipment more durable and user-friendly. In 2024, the equipment will improve image quality and updating rates as new technologies such as chips, display screens, batteries etc. are developed.

  • 增强现实(AR)

    enhances reality (AR)

全息技术:全息NED(近眼显示)技术在AR领域取得了显著进展,其优势使其 对AR应用具有吸引力。

Holomatic technology: Allocular NED (near-eye) technology has made significant progress in the AR field and its advantages make it attractive for AR applications.

  • 混合现实(MR)

    Mixed Reality (MR)


key technologies: Mixed reality has made recent advances in key technologies such as 3D registration, 3D perception, real-time rendering, and human interaction. Examples of hybrid reality applications, such as those in the indoor and outdoor environments, are also presented.

Meta Horizon OS和开放硬件生态系统:Meta Quest博客宣布了混合现实领域的重大发展,重点介绍了Meta Horizon OS和开放硬件生态系统的推出。这一举措涉及与知名行业参与者如ASUS的合作。

Meta Horizon OS and Open Hardware Ecosystem: Meta Quest blog announced significant developments in the field of hybrid reality, highlighting the introduction of Meta Horizon OS and Open Hardware Ecosystems. This initiative involves collaboration with prominent industry actors such as ASUS.


How do you assess the performance and applicability of different games engines in the development of metaspace games?


Assessment of the performance and applicability of different games engines in the development of meta-cosm games requires a combination of multiple aspects. The following is a detailed assessment method:


Cross-platform support is a very important aspect in the development of meta-cosm games, because they need to be run on a variety of devices, including PCs, mobile phones, AR/VR devices, etc. Unity engines are colorful in terms of cross-platform support and compatible with all mainstream game platforms.

渲染效果直接影响游戏的视觉体验。Unreal Engine(UE)以其高质量的渲染效果而闻名,特别是在复杂场景和高级图形效果方面表现优异。Unity虽然在渲染效果上不如UE,但其易用性和灵活性使其在快速开发中占有一席之地。

Unreal Engineering (UE) is well known for its high-quality rendering, especially for its excellent performance in complex scenarios and advanced graphic effects. Unity is less effective than UE, but its ease of use and flexibility allows it to have a place in rapid development.

物理引擎的性能直接影响游戏的真实感和互动性。Unreal Engine提供了强大的物理引擎,能够处理复杂的物理交互和碰撞检测。Unity也提供了一个功能齐全的物理引擎,但在某些高级特性上可能不如Unreal Engine。

The performance of physical engines directly influences the real and interactive nature of the game. Unreal Engineering provides a powerful physical engine capable of handling complex physical interactions and collision detections. Unity also provides a fully functional physical engine, but may not be as good as Unreal Engineering in some advanced properties.

开发难度是决定项目进度和成本的一个重要因素。Unity引擎以其易用性著称,学习门槛较低,适合初学者和小型团队使用。Unreal Engine则更适合有经验的开发者和大型项目,因为其功能更加强大且复杂。

Unreal Engineering is more suitable for experienced developers and large projects, as its functions are stronger and more complex.

强大的社区支持可以帮助开发者解决开发过程中遇到的问题,并获取最新的资源和工具。Unity拥有一个庞大的开发者社区,提供了大量的学习资源和第三方插件。Unreal Engine也有一个活跃的社区,但相比之下,Unity的社区可能更加丰富和多样化。

Strong community support can help developers to solve development problems and access the latest resources and tools. Unity has a large community of developers, providing a large amount of learning resources and third-party plugs. Unreal Engineering also has an active community, but, by contrast, Unity communities may be richer and more diverse.

游戏引擎的商业模式也会影响开发者的选择。Unity采用的是免费版和付费版并存的模式,适合各种规模的项目。Unreal Engine则主要面向高端市场,提供了更多的高级功能,但通常需要购买许可证。

Unity uses a combination of free and fee-paying versions that suit projects of all sizes. Unreal Engineering provides more advanced functions, mainly in high-end markets, but usually requires a licence.

元宇宙游戏开发需要支持AR/VR技术、数字人创建等高级功能。Unreal Engine在这些领域提供了丰富的工具和资源,特别是其蓝图系统和编辑器功能,使得开发复杂的元宇宙应用变得更加容易。

The development of meta-cosm games requires support for advanced functions such as AR/VR technology, digital creation, etc. Unreal Engineering provides a wealth of tools and resources in these areas, especially its blueprint system and editor function, making it easier to develop complex meta-cosm applications.


In assessing the performance and suitability of different games engines in the development of meta-cosm games, a combination of cross-platform support, rendering effects, physical engines, development difficulties, community support, business models and specific technical support needs to be considered.


How does the metaspace game use block chain technology to enhance the real and interactive nature of the game?


The meta-cosm game can use block chain technology in a variety of ways to enhance the authenticity and interaction of the game. The following are some of the specific methods:

  • 智能合约的应用:智能合约是区块链技术的核心组成部分,它们可以在没有中介的情况下自动执行合同条款。这使得游戏中的交易和资产管理更加高效和透明。例如,玩家可以使用智能合约来购买、出售或赠送虚拟物品,这些操作都可以在区块链上无需第三方介入,从而提高了游戏的真实感和安全性。

    The application of smart contracts : Smart contracts are a core part of block chain technology that can automatically enforce the terms of the contract without an intermediary. This makes the transactions and asset management in the game more efficient and transparent. For example, players can use smart contracts to purchase, sell or present virtual items, which can be performed without third party intervention on the block chain, thereby enhancing the authenticity and security of the game.

  • Play-to-EarnP2E)模式:P2E模式允许玩家在享受游戏乐趣的同时,通过参与游戏内活动获得具有真实价值的加密资产。这种模式不仅增加了游戏的吸引力,还为玩家提供了实际的经济回报,使得游戏体验更加丰富和有意义。

    (>P2E) Mode : P2E allows players to acquire real-value encrypted assets through their participation in game activities while enjoying fun. This mode not only increases the attractiveness of games, but also provides real economic returns to players and enriches and makes the experience of games more meaningful.

  • 去中心化特性:区块链技术的去中心化特性确保了游戏数据的不可篡改性和透明性。玩家可以看到所有交易记录和资产流动情况,这增加了游戏的信任度和透明度,从而提升了玩家的真实感。

    decentralisation : Decentralization of block chain technology ensures the immutable and transparent nature of the game data. Players can see all transaction records and asset flows, which enhances the confidence and transparency of the game and thus enhances the real sense of the player.

  • 虚拟资产和NFT:通过区块链技术,游戏中的虚拟资产和非同质化代币(NFT)可以被创建和交易。这些资产不仅可以作为游戏内的货币或装备,还可以在不同的平台之间转移,增加了游戏的互动性和市场活跃度。

    Virtual assets and NFT: Through block chain technology, virtual assets and non-symmetrical tokens (NFTs) in the game can be created and traded. These assets can not only be used as money or equipment in the game, but can also be transferred between different platforms, increasing the interactive and market dynamics of the game.

  • 增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)技术的结合:元宇宙游戏可以结合AR和VR技术,提供更加沉浸式的游戏体验。通过这些技术,游戏可以模拟现实世界的物理特性,使得角色的运动和环境变化更加真实,从而大幅提升游戏的沉浸感和真实感。

    enhances the combination of VR and virtual reality techniques : The meta-cosm game can provide a more immersed experience of games in combination with AR and VR technologies. Through these technologies, games can simulate the physical properties of the real world, making the movement and environmental changes of roles more real and thus significantly enhance the immersion and authenticity of games.

  • 经济循环的透明度:区块链技术可以提高游戏内资产和经济循环的透明度。所有的交易都可以在区块链上公开查看,确保了经济系统的公平性和透明性。这不仅增加了玩家的信任感,还促进了一个健康和可持续的游戏生态系统。

    Transparency in the economic cycle : Block chain technology can enhance transparency in the assets and economic cycles of the game. All transactions can be viewed openly on the block chain, ensuring fairness and transparency in the economic system. Not only does it increase the confidence of players, but it also promotes a healthy and sustainable game ecosystem.


Which hardware devices are currently best suited to meta-cosm games and how do they affect the player's experience?


The hardware that is now most suitable for meta-cosm games consists mainly of virtual reality helmets and enhanced reality lenses. By providing immersion experiences, these devices greatly influence the player’s play experience.

  1. 虚拟现实头盔

    Virtual reality helmet


    : Virtual reality helmets usually include monitors, audio drives and head trackers that work together to enable users to feel their presence in the virtual world.

    技术进步:随着技术的不断进步,VR头盔的刷新率也在提升。例如,Oculus Rift的刷新率从72hz提升到90hz,并且通过Oculus Link连接到游戏PC时,可以达到120hz。

    Technological advances : As technology progresses, the rate of retreading of VR helmets increases. For example, the rate of retreading of Oculus Rift has increased from 72hz to 90hz and can reach 120hz when it connects to the game PC via Oculus Link.


    Market performance : According to data from VR gyroscopes, the total volume of AR/VR head displays in 2021 is expected to reach 1,167,000, an increase of 64.4 per cent over 2020 .

  2. 增强现实眼镜

    enhances reality glasses


    application : AR glasses allow users to see virtual objects directly in the real world, thus achieving a more natural and seamless interactive experience.


    User experience: Although AR glasses still have limitations in some respects, they provide users with a new perspective and interaction that further enriches the experience of meta-cosm games.

  3. 脑机接口

    brain interface


    Future development : Although the brain interface is not yet widely applied to meta-cosm games, it is considered to be one of the important entry points to the meta-cosm. Through brain interfaces, players can directly use their mind to control the virtual environment and further enhance their soaking and interaction.

  4. 其他影响因素

    Other factors of influence :


    The performance and experience of meta-cosm hardware equipment is also strongly supported by the network and computing capabilities: : : : < > > > : the spread of the 5G network and the development of cloud computing technology.


    Prices and portability : Despite the high price and volume of VR helmets, these problems are being addressed gradually as technology advances and costs decrease.

基纳链--Web3、数字藏品与元宇宙一站式基础设施与服务提供商 区块链开发斯

-- Web3, digital collections and meta-cosmos one-stop infrastructure and service providers


VR helmets and AR glasses are currently the most suitable hardware for meta-cosm games, and by providing immersion experiences, they greatly influence the players'experience of games.


What are the success stories of Roblox and other meta-cosmos platforms and the key factors for their success?


The success stories of Roblox and other meta-cosmos platforms and their key success factors can be analysed from multiple angles.



Roblox, as a user-generated content (UGC) game platform, is an important element of its success in building up the economic system within the platform. This model not only stimulates the creativity of players, but also commercializes through payment mechanisms.


Through its meta-cosmology strategy, Nike reconfigures the interaction between brands and users in combination with the virtual commodity NFT and the immersed Nikeland community. This innovative approach not only expands new growth points for brands, but also enhances user experience.


In future development, the meta-cosmos needs to adapt to user needs and preferences, actively embrace innovative economic models, and provide a more diverse virtual experience. These factors will play a key role in determining the long-term success of the meta-cosmos.



A key driver of the emergence of the meta-cosm concept is the acceleration of technological maturity. Achieving meta-cosm functions requires a wide range of cutting-edge technologies to be developed and applied.

网易瑶台联合佳沃蓝莓打造的「佳沃蓝莓元宇宙养眼乐园」成功入选《全球元宇宙创新示范 100 强案例集》,成为元宇宙技术落地应用的示范性成果。

The "Gavo Blueberry Cosmos Eye-Assisting Park", which was built by the U.N. Javo Blueberries, was successfully selected as a demonstration of the application of meta-cosmology technology.


The meta-cosmos must be centralized, and only a decentralised clearing platform and a value transfer mechanism can guarantee the attribution and flow of values and achieve stability, efficiency and transparency in the operation of the meta-cosmos system.


Many enterprises are building VR environments, such as the meta-cosm experience game “Modern Mobile Adventures” introduced by modern cars on a game platform, Roblox, whose virtual players can experience the future mobile projects and available technologies.


The first steel furnace, the So Real Dollar Cosmos, is a national meta-cosm project, "The Model." The project provides a rich experience of interaction, based on the maximum preservation of the original structure and functions of the furnace.


The success stories of Roblox and other meta-cosmos platforms demonstrated a number of key factors, including technological maturity, user-generated content, diverse virtual experiences, decentralization and the construction of the VR environment.




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