
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:26 评论:0



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How much could Bitcoin rise to the next 2025? In 2025, the virtual currency was the investor’s preferred investment, of which Bitcoin was the most famous virtual currency, and the price trend was impressive. In the future, Bitcoin reached an unprecedented high in 2025, Bitcoin’s prices increased exponentially, and many users did not know how much Bitcoin would rise to the next 2025 round of cattle. The next episode would lead to an analysis of Bitcoin’s price forecasts for the next three years.



2024 Bitcoin price forecast

四个专家预测2024年比特币的交易价格将在4万美元至5.5万美元之间,其中多次预测准确的Carol Alexander教授预测,2024年底之前,比特币的价格很有可能将超过10万美元,那么2024年比特币最高价格是否能达到这个值呢,让我们拭目以待吧。

Four experts predicted that the transaction price in 2024 would be between $40,000 and $55,000, of which Professor Carol Alexander, who had a number of accurate projections, predicted that by the end of 2024, the price in Bitcoin was likely to exceed $100,000, so we would see if the highest price in 2024 could be reached.

1.Bit Mining:比特币2024最高价格预计达到7.5万美元

1. Bit Mining: The highest price of Bitcoin 2024 is expected to reach $75,000

加密货币挖矿公司Bit mining的首席经济学家Youwei Yang认为,到2024年,比特币价格可能将达到7.5万美元的这一历史高点。

According to Youwei Yang, the chief economist of the crypto-currency mining company Bit Mining, by 2024, Bitcoin prices could reach a historic high of $75,000.


Yang attributed the anticipated price increases mainly to the approval of the Bitcoin ETF, which will lead to an increase in institutional investors in Bitcoin, as well as to the significant halving of Bitcoin in May 2024, which may result in significant restrictions on Bitcoin supply.


Yang stated that ETF approval was expected to remain the largest story in the Bitcoin investment community in 2024, although investors should exercise a degree of caution in timing, as the collapse of major encryption companies such as Luna and FTX left a scar, and as this year is an election year, the subject of encryption may become more of a political issue.


& ldquo; market timing is difficult to grasp, but a step-by-step approach & mdash; & mdash; i.e. accumulation in the bear market is profitable in the cattle market, which may be a more effective strategy for those who have not accumulated large assets at an early stage. & rdquo;

2.CoinShares: 比特币2024最高价格预计达到8万美元

CoinShares: The highest price of Bitcoins 2024 is expected to reach $80,000

来自CoinShares的研究主管James Butterfill表示,在美国政府可能批准比特币ETF的推动之下,加密货币资产的前景将在2024年发生“重大变化”。“这一期待已久的发展将扩大加密货币资产的投资者基础,并将其与传统金融市场更紧密地整合在一起,”Butterfill接受媒体采访时表示。

According to James Butterfield, research director from CoinShares, the outlook for encrypted monetary assets will take place in 2024 “ significant changes &rdquao; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & ) & & ) & & & & ) & & & & & ) & & & ) & ) ) & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & ) ) ) ) & & & & & & & & &


& ldquo; predictive data show that an increase of 20% in investment from assets currently managed by asset management agencies (approximately $3 billion) could push the price of bitcoin up to $80,000. & & & rdquao; at the same time, Butterfill added that the expectation of interest cuts by the global central bank could also push the price of bitcoin up & ldquao; play a decisive role & rdquao;


In addition to halving bitcoin, the market will focus on factors that may further influence bitcoin prices. In his view, the factor of halving bitcoin may well be reflected in bitcoin prices.


& ldquo; therefore, while halving is a known event, other factors, particularly the possibility of a significant reduction in interest rates, may have a significant impact on the future prices of the TNT. ” Butterfill added.

3.Carol Alexander:比特币2024最高价格预计达到10万美元

3. Carol Alexander: The highest price of Bitcoin 2024 is expected to reach $100,000

2022年,来自萨塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)的金融学教授Carol Alexander相当成功地预测了比特币的未来价格走势。她曾预测比特币将在2022年跌至1万美元。根据CoinDesk的数据,那一年,比特币一度跌至15480美元左右的阶段性的低点。 Alexander表示,到2023年,比特币将上涨至5万美元。在12月初,比特币一度达到了约44,700美元的年度高点。

In 2022, Carol Alexander, Professor of Finance from the University of Sussex, had been quite successful in predicting the future price of Bitcoin. She had predicted that Bitcoin would fall to $10,000 in 2022. According to CoinDesk, Bitcoin had once fallen to a phase low of $15480 in that year.


In an interview with the media, Alexander stated that in the first quarter of 2024, trade prices in Bitcoin would range from $40,000 to $55,000 due to “ & & & rdquao by professional traders.


Alexander states that the next stage will depend on when the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) resolves the charges against Coinbase and Binance, which may be important requirements prior to the approval of the Bitcoin ETF. The US Securities and Exchange Commission sued Coinbase and Binance in 2023.


Alexander also indicated that these difficulties might be resolved in the second or third quarter, after which it was hoped that the spot ETF in Bitcoin would be approved and that the price in Bitcoin would rise to $70,000 at a time, a historic high.


Subsequent prices depend on the influence of ETF providers (e.g. Belede and Fuda) in various areas, “ not only to equip their marketers with the capacity to create ETFs, but also to justify price manipulation that causes excessive volatility in the exchange. & & rdquo;


Alexander concluded: &ldquao; by the end of 2024, the price of Bitcoin is likely to exceed $100,000, provided that market-based algorithmic transactions such as Belede and Fuda can reduce volatility. & rdquao;

4.Matrixport: 比特币2024最高价格预计达到12.5万美元

4. Matrixport: The highest price of Bitcoins 2024 is expected to reach $125,000


Matirxport, known as Encrypted Financial Services, released a heavy-pound report in November, which is expected to reach $63140 in Bitcoin by April 2024 and $125,000 by the end of 2024.


& ldquo; according to our inflation model, macro-environment easing is expected to remain a strong driving force for encrypted currencies. Inflation is expected to fall again, which may prompt the Fed to start interest-reduction cycles. & rdquo;


& ldquo; plus geopolitics&lsquao; reverse flow’ so this healthy monetary support policy should push bitcoin to a new height in 2024. & rdquao;


Many commentators in the crypto-currency industry argue that easing monetary policy is one of the biggest support for the price of bitcoin, which, after all, is regarded as a risky asset. At the same time, investment agencies like Matirxport see bitcoin as a & ldquao that can be an investor’s option in times of geopolitical conflict; a safe haven & rdquao; and assets, although many disagree with this theory.


2025 Bitcoin price forecast


According to the following expert projections, the price of the bitcoin in 2025 was between $80,000 and $150,000, although the price of the bitcoin was affected by more factors.


1.ncsep: projected Bitcoin prices in 2025 range from $82,000 to $100,000


Based on ncsep's projection of the 2025 Bitcoin price, we expect that the value of this top encrypted currency will rise significantly to a peak of $100,478.70. We estimate its lower price at $82,158.96, or an average expected of $85,177.02. The expected increase in Bitcoin value is due to a number of factors, including, but not limited to, an increase in mainstream adoption rates, positive market sentiment and increasing institutional investment.

2.Youwei Yang:我预计2025年比特币的交易价格将达到4.5万到13万美元

2. Youwei Yang: I expect a transaction price of between $45,000 and $130,000 in 2025 in Bitcoin.

Bit mining公司首席经济专家Youwei Yang在一封电子邮件中表示:“我预计2025年比特币的交易价格将达到4.5万到13万美元。”“虽然高价格是可能的,但由于市场波动和人类的恐惧和贪婪倾向,并非所有投资者都能实现获利。”

In an e-mail, Youwei Yang, the chief economic expert for Bit Mining, said: “ I expect the transaction price for Bitcoin to reach $45,000 to $130,000 in 2025. &rdquao; & &ldquao; while high prices are possible, not all investors are profitable because of market fluctuations and human fear and greed. & & rdquao;


Bernstein: Bitcoin prices are likely to rise to $150,000 in 2025


Bernstein, Wall Street Investments, in a report, indicated that by 2025 the price of Bitcoin might rise to $150,000.


Bernstein’s analysts report that the Bitcoin market is undergoing major changes in industry markets, including the upcoming halving of bitcoin and the approval of the first Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF). These factors, in their view, will have a positive impact on the price of bitcoin and drive its price increase.


Bitcoin, as a digital gold and value-storage tool, has received increasing attention from global investors in recent years. As block-chain technology continues to develop and expand, digital currencies are gradually being accepted as a mainstream mode of payment.


The sharp rise in bitcoin prices not only attests to the potential and value of digital money, but also reflects the growing maturity and widespread application of block chain technology. However, investors still need to be cautious and rational, and to have a comprehensive understanding and analysis of digital currencies, such as bitcoin, in order to make more informed investment decisions.


Despite some volatility and risks in the Bitcoin market, some market observers still believe that, with the recovery of the global economy and the further maturity of the digital currency market, there is room for a rise in Bitcoin prices. They believe that Bitcoin, as a new investment instrument, can provide investors with more opportunities for returns.


2026 Bitcoin price forecast


ncsep: estimated Bitcoin prices of $117,000 to $14.19 million in 2026


According to ncsep's 2026 forecast of bitcoin prices, the Bitcoin (BTC) is likely to be a record high of $141,944.40. Investors in such digital currencies can expect a minimum price of $117,126.20 and an average price of $121,385.05. This growth is likely to be driven by favourable market sentiment and expansionary escalation. These developments are expected to further enhance the value of Bitcoin and establish it as a strong player in the financial community.


Bitcoin price projections for the rest of 2024-2026


This group of agencies is more pessimistic, and according to Bitcoin's own value attributes, Bitcoin may have experienced a sharp rise and drop between 2024 and 2026, reaching a maximum of $100,000 and a low decline of $30,000.




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