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I believe that there are a lot of questions from a friend of : > > people's currency-related issues, and one 比特币2.0版”。 它采用了不同于比特币区块链技术“以太坊”。 它是一个开源的公共区块链平台,拥有智能合约成果和由全球数万台计算机组成的共振网络。

1. 1 in TT = 21090 RMB (1 yuan = 0.000047 TT). The TT is considered to be " >, and it is a public resource > >

2. 开发者需要支付以太坊(ETH)费用来支持应用程序的运行。 与其他数字货币一样,以太坊可以在交易平台上进行交易 。2021年9月24日,中国人民银行印发《关于进一步防范和处置虚拟货币交易投机风险的通知》。 通知指出,虚拟货币不具有与法定货币同等的法律地位。

2. Developers need to pay fees to support the operation of the application with other . The People’s Bank of China issued a Circular on . On 24 September 2021, the People’s Bank of China issued a circular on further protection against and disposal of the risk of speculation in virtual currency transactions.



1. 以太币系统是目前应用最广泛的支持完整应用开发的公链系统。与比特币相比,以太坊的系统以太坊属于区块链2.0的范畴。它是为解决比特币网络的一些问题而重新设计的区块链系统。比特币的设计只适用于加密数字货币的场景,不具备图灵完备性,缺乏保存实时状态的账户概念。另外,还有POW机制带来的效率问题和资源浪费问题。比特币的区块链网络存在可扩展性不足的缺陷。随着比特币受到越来越多的开发者和技术人员的关注,一些用户尝试将比特币网络用于其他数字货币或其他应用程序。但是,随着互联网的发展,区块链应用的独立开发难度很大。用户需要掌握大量的软硬件开发能力和加密算法,这使得区块链应用对于一些用户来说并不那么容易 。

1. In contrast to , the Taipan system is in the range of 2.0 of block chains. It is designed to address

2. 以太坊系统Ethereum的出现,就是为了帮助用户更方便地使用区块链技术进行应用设计[3]。根据 BARTLIN 的说法,以太坊旨在创建一个更通用的区块链平台,该平台允许用户轻松创建基于区块链的应用程序,并避免为了创建新应用程序而必须建立区块链。一般来说,以前的区块链(如比特币)只是一个单一的工具,最多是一个多功能的工具组合,而以太坊则是区块链的智能手机。用户可以使用智能手机建立他们需要的任何“应用”。

2. The advent of the Tails system ereum is intended to help users to use the block chain technology more easily [3]. According to BRRTLIN, the Tails aim to create a more common block chain platform that allows users to easily create applications based on block chains and avoid the need to create block chains in order to create new applications.

3. 因此,BARTLIN 表示,区块链的应用不仅限于加密货币。它具有巨大的潜力,适用于各行各业,可为各种规模的企业和组织带来显着的效益。通过提供这样一个高度通用的平台,以太坊允许用户在不创建自己的区块链的情况下建立广泛使用的应用程序。以太坊的愿景是成为“世界计算机”:用户可以像使用计算机一样轻松快速地建立基于区块链的应用程序,并享受区块链带来的去中心化和安全优势。这使得以太坊具有广阔的应用前景。从理论上讲,以太坊是一个通用平台,可以用于多种应用,但目前大多数应用都与金融相关。但是,除了金融应用之外,任何需要信任、安全和永久存储的环境都可能受到以太坊平台的极大影响,例如资产登记、选举、政府管理和物联网。

BARTLIN therefore states that the application of block chains is not limited to encrypted currencies. It has great potential, applicable to all sectors, and can bring significant benefits to enterprises and organizations of all sizes. By providing such a highly universal platform, the Taiwan allows users to build widely-used applications without creating their own block chains. The vision of the Etherworld is to be a “world computer”: users can create block-based applications as easily as computers and enjoy the decentralisation and security advantages of block chains.

根据中国比特币CHBTC 5月4日的以太币/以太坊ETH价格显示,1个以太币/以太坊ETH约为62人民币。

According to China's Bitcoin CHBTC, on 4 May, the price of ETH in Ether/Etheria is approximately 62 yuan.


By 2019.8.23 at Taicha prices: 24h at a maximum price of 1,922.070.03650 BTC, 24h at a minimum price of 1,876.360.0356 BTC, 10,047.70.1906 BTC at a maximum price of 10,047.07, and 2.950.0001 BTC at a minimum price of 2.9500.


Exchange turnover: 46,1025,000 ETH.


Exchange turnover: $5.944 billion, 0.62 per cent, 24h up/down.


3. Market value in circulation: $21,441 million.


4. Total market value: $21,441 million, 238 per cent, 24h amplitude.




1. In the view of the co-founders of the Taikus, competition will be positive and the world absolutely needs to see that individual freedoms are respected and that it has free access to global IT tools whose data are not controlled by companies or by companies that can use digital transformations to increase data.


Unlike paper pieces or pounds of gold, codes allow people to transfer values digitally. However, the difference between them and traditional currencies is between the source, the manufacturer and the owner. These new currencies, designed by computer scientists and based on mathematics and cryptology, are not forged, controlled or supported by the government.



1. In 2015, $2.83 for an Etherm, equivalent to RMB 19.6512;


2. In 2016, $11.54 for an Ethio, equivalent to 80.1326 yuan;


3.2017 US$ 812.54 an Ethio, equivalent to 5642.1965 yuan;


In 2018, $117.09 was equivalent to 813.0613 yuan;


In 2019, $154.5 an Ethio, equivalent to 1072.83226 yuan;


6. In 2020, 385 US dollars is equivalent to 2673.47 yuan;


Outreach materials:


I. Value and significance of Bitcoin:


Bitcoin is an encrypted digital currency whose main function, unlike traditional cash, is virtual, it can circulate without borders based on a string of characters generated by a particular algorithm, it is decentralized, it is unmanageable, and it ensures security and anonymity through cryptography. It is a major innovation in our central world, because of its properties, it is perfect to compensate for the problems of the length of the cycle, the high cost, and the difficulties of conversion of traditional currencies in international trade. In international trade and in some other transactions, Bitcoin has been chosen as a mode of payment because of its own characteristics and circulation value, it can be said that Bitcoin has reformed a trust carrier and medium.


II. Bitcoin generation principles:


Bitcoin is a system that automatically generates a certain amount of bitcoin as an incentive for miners to complete the distribution process. Here, the miners act as the issuer of the money, and the process by which they get bitcoin is called “mining”. All bitcoin transactions are to be mined by miners and recorded in this book. Miners are actually using a series of algorithms to calculate the desired al-Hash value, thereby gaining rights to account. This process is actually the wrong process by which a computer produces a greater number of random Hashi collisions per second, the greater the probability of calculating the correct Hash value first. The first miners who compute the correct value can pack the bitcoin into a block and then record it on the entire block chain, thereby obtaining a corresponding bitcoin reward. This is the process by which Bitcoins are issued, and it also encourages miners to maintain the safety of the chain and .


Designers set the total number of bitcoins at 21 million at the beginning of the design. Each miner who first acquired the rights to account can receive 50 bitcoins as an incentive and then halve it every four years. It is expected that by 2140, bitcoins will no longer be able to be broken down further, thus completing the distribution of all currencies and not increasing thereafter.

1500左右, 根据巴特林的说法,它的目标是创建一个更通用的区块链平台,让用户可以轻松创建基于区块链的应用,避免为了创建新应用而必须构建区块链。一般来说,之前的区块链(如比特币)只是一个单一的工具,或者充其量是多功能工具的组合,而以太网是一种区块链智能手机,用户可以用他的智能手机来构建他需要的任何“应用”。

Around 1500, according to Bartlins, its objective is to create a more generic block chain platform that allows users to easily create block-based applications and avoid having to build block chains to create new applications. In general, the previous block chain (e.g. Bitcoin) is a single tool or, at best, a combination of multifunctional tools, whereas the Ethernet is a block chain smartphone, and the user can use his smartphone to construct any "application" he needs.


By providing a highly universal platform that allows users to construct widely-used applications without creating their own block chains. The vision of a “world computer” is: users can construct block-based applications as easily and quickly as computers, and enjoy the benefits of decentralisation and security of block chains. This makes it possible to apply as much as possible. In theory, Taipan is a universal platform that can be used for a variety of applications, but most applications have so far been associated with the above-mentioned articles on finance.

②ETH一款具有智能签约能力的开源公共区块链平台。它通过其专用加密货币Ether(也称为以太币)处理点对点合同,该货币提供分散的虚拟机它可以在多种加密货币的外汇市场上交易,也是以太坊支付交易手续费和计算服务的媒介。 与大多数其他加密货币或区块链技术相比,

2ETH is an open-source public block chain platform with the ability to contract intelligently. It provides a decentralized virtual machine that can be traded in the foreign exchange market for multiple encrypted currencies, as well as a medium for paying transaction fees and computing services in Taiwan, in contrast to most other encrypted currency or block chain technologies.


The features of the Ethernet include: 1 Smart Contract: a procedure stored on a block chain, operated by each node, and the person who needs to operate the node pays the fee to the miner or the entitled person for the node.


2. Shorter block chains, which are not integrated into the main chain in a timely manner owing to slow speed.


3. Certificate of entitlement: Compared with the proof of workload, savings can be made in terms of the amount of computer resources wasted in the excavation process and the centralization of the network resulting from special applications of integrated circuits is avoided (not implemented).


4. Lightning networks: can increase the speed of transactions, reduce the burden of block chains and increase scalability (not yet implemented).


5. To develop a stable development of the Community with the courage to use hard fork.


The first answer is what's in Taiku, a programming language and a platform, and the investment/speculator's concern is that it's in Teen, a digital token derived from Etheum.


If there's any investment prospects for Etheria, all we have to do is see its value, which rises from tens to hundreds of dollars, and not to mention the future bubbles, there is room for appreciation at this stage alone.


At this point, I recommend the btctrade platform (bitcoin) as a more robust trading platform in the country! Ether is on the line in 2016, and the price of the currency has risen dramatically!

以太坊(Ethereum)是将比特币中的一些技术和概念运用于计算领域的一项创新。比特币被认为是一个系统,该系统维护了一个安全地记录了所有比特币账单的共享的账簿。以太坊利用了很多跟比特币类似的机制(比如区块链技术和 P2P 网络),来维护一个共享的计算平台,这个平台可以灵活且安全地运行用户想要的任何程序(当然也包括类似比特币的区块链程序)。

Etheeum is an innovation in applying some of the technologies and concepts in Bitcoin to the area of computing. Bitcoin is considered a system that maintains a shared ledger that safely records all bitcoin bills. It uses a number of mechanisms similar to Bitcoin (e.g. block chain technology and P2P network) to maintain a shared computing platform that can operate with flexibility and security any program that users want (and, of course, a bitcoin-like block chain program).


After sharing the amount of RMB for an Etherm, I believe you have an idea of how much an Etherm is worth, and want to know more about the amount of RMB for an Etherm, and focus on the coins, we will continue to share with you!




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