First, to understand clearly that the TRB is the currency of a powerful comptoir! So how do you identify this kind of strong currency? The best way to do that is through data on the chain, because the dealer would put a large amount of money on the chain rather than on the exchange. According to one data, about 95% of the TRB is in the hands of the dealer.
Compared to the supply of 21 million bitcoins, the total supply of TRBs is only 1.95 million. Given that bitcoins can push up to $40,000, TRBs can push up to $1,000. However, it is not enough to know that TRBs are powerful coins, and we need to use three tools.
接着,庄家通过大幅下跌引发了恐慌和媒体报道,使更多的投资者关注到TRB的价格下跌。这种炒作和宣传导致更多的交易活动,为庄家提供了出货的机会。 The dealer then caused panic and media coverage through a sharp fall, drawing more investors’ attention to the fall in TRB prices. Such speculation and propaganda led to more trading and provided the dealer with an opportunity to deliver. 此时250刀是一个分界点,因为大单数据上显示,过了这个位置之后,主力开始持续在现价下方放了很多买单。因为要吸引做市机器人或者一些高频机器人,依靠OBI(order book imbalance)交易策略的机器人帮他主动买入推动价格上涨,不断地使用大额买单,推动机器人市价买入从而推动行情价格往上走是经典操作手法。 At this point, 250 bucks is a cut-off point, because large-scale data show that after this position, the main force has continued to pay a lot of bills at current prices. It is classic to be attracted to market robots or some high-frequency robots that rely on the OBI trading strategy to help him buy the price increase, to keep using large bills, and to push the market price of robots to push the price up. 昨晚23点,在TRB行情价格回到原本的点位之后,价格横盘,持仓量下跌,LSUR下跌。这意味着大家都觉得TRB涨到顶了,散户开始做空。而这个时候,庄和散的意识已经发生了明显的变化,庄看多,散户看空。主力大单疯狂买入支撑价格,LSUR不断下跌。 Last night, at 23 p.m., after the TRB price returned to its original position, prices went up and down, and LSUR fell. This means that everyone thought the TRB had risen to the top, and the silos began to empty. 庄家通过4000万美元的大额挂单,就完成了把价格从250美元推高到464美元的壮举!庄家控盘基本就是吸洗拉放杀,现在拉盘阶段已经结束,来到了出货阶段。在价格达到600上方后,庄家又给了一波70%的跌幅。这个下跌幅度基本超出了99%的人的预料,不是基本面,技术面可以解释的。 With $40 million in large billings, the dealer has done his job of pushing the price from $250 to $464. The house's control plate is basically a saliva. Now that the zipping phase is over, it has reached the delivery stage. After the price has reached over 600, the house has given a wave of 70 per cent drops. ? 资金费率是合约市场的指标,上下限为正负2%。昨晚TRB的资金费率在-2%左右,这是一个很大的诱惑。资金费率为负意味着合约市场里大部分人都在做空TRB,导致TRB的价格低于现货价格。然而,一般单边交易员很少关注资金费率,通常只有套利交易员才会关注此指标。昨晚的TRB对套利者来说是噩梦,许多人被爆仓。 总结 总之,昨日TRB经历了一场剧烈的市场波动,庄家利用拉高、洗盘等手法来控制币价,并且通过操纵市场情绪和利用资金费率等方式吸引更多的交易活动。现在TRB已经完成了放货和下杀的过程,预计短时间内不会有新行情,即便要有新行情,也需要再经历一波吸筹和洗盘。
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