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Authors, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons.




Don't make me talk.


Looking back


♪ There's a real thing ♪ ♪ There's a real thing to do ♪ ♪ There's a real thing to do ♪ ♪ There's a real thing to do ♪ ♪ There's a real thing to do ♪ ♪ There's a real thing to do ♪


Let's see three figures:


The block chain's own mechanism is secure $1.25 billion ;


Eco-safety $1.42 billion United States dollars;


User security US$56 million ;


Taken together, these three figures account for $2.7 billion in economic losses.


That's how the block chain industry has suffered over the years.


This figure is derived from the first half of 2018 block chain security report, which has just been released in recent days, and is jointly issued by Soshio and Tseng.


These three numbers, they hit the chain of blocks, the industry, and people's faces.


The loss of these three figures, in summary, comes from three sources: the block chain itself, ecological security, user safety.


These three types of security are described below. The following is mainly based on the reading of the first half of the 2018 block chain security report.


Three types of security incidents


First, the block chain itself.


When it comes to its own mechanisms, it has to be mentioned that there are loopholes in the design of the block chain smart contracts, which are represented by it, and the resulting economic losses are significant.

举个例子,2016年6月,以太坊最大众筹项目The DAO被攻击,黑客获得超过350万个以太币,最终导致以太坊分叉为ETH和ETC。

By way of example, in June 2016, the DAO, the most popular project in Tai Ho, was attacked, and hackers received more than 3.5 million Ethers, which eventually led to the division of the Tai Po into ETH and ETC.


At the same time, because the real block chain network is free and open, if hackers control the vast majority of computer resources, it will be possible to redecorate the shared books and eventually achieve 51% of the `double flower attack'.


The consequences are serious.


Second, eco-safety.


The block chain ecology, that's what it's all about:


These include mines and ponds under the PoW mechanism, equity nodes under the PoS mechanism, an encrypted digital currency exchange, soft and hard wallets, data tracking browsers, Dapp applications, and block chain gateway systems for future Dapp applications.


Of all these ecosystems, exchange-type security incidents are most severe: exchange theft, exchange fishing, insider theft, wallet theft, disclosure and tampering of information data, exchange account theft, etc. The richest place is the most dangerous.


In general, attacks on ecological security, whether in terms of amounts lost or in terms of type of attack, rank first in the attacks.


When you say eco-safety, let's say user safety. Figures show that the least damage is caused by user safety, but it is also up to US$56 million.


third, user safety.


Generally, it is not easy for users to understand the use of tools such as wallets, because it requires a little computer, a little encryption, and a better understanding of cybersecurity.


However, many people don't have the ability to do it at all, so it's their own bad luck. One user named ImToken found out that more than 100 ETHs from his account had been stolen, and it was actually someone close to him who did it. It was stupid...


I've finished reading this report with a limited amount of information, and that's all I've got for you, so you can learn.


Next, my little sister at the camp pulled up the little brother who knew the security company, so that they could take a lot of the information they had on it, so that we could make a lot of contributions to the reader. It was nice to have a good time and share it with the readers. And it was worth learning about it, except for the ads on the back, for example, "strong" and "strong" and know what you can do about it. And what you can do. And what you can do. I'm sorry, I need to delete /strong" and something else.


OK, so let's give you two more learning materials.


First, let's see in detail what the risks of the block chain industry come from.


Answer, six ways.


six major risks


1. Smart contract security risks

智能合约(Smart Contract)是“执行合约条款的计算机交易协议”。因为区块链公链以及智能合约的开源属性,所以智能合约一经发布,在区块链上的所有用户都可以看到该智能合约,同时这会导致包括安全漏洞在内的所有漏洞都可见,并且可能无法迅速修复。

The Smart Contract is a “computer exchange agreement to implement the terms of the contract.” , because of the open-source properties of the block chain and the intelligent contract, once issued, can be seen by all users in the block chain, which can lead to all loopholes, including security loopholes, that may not be quickly repaired.


2. Application platform security risks


Applied platforms (exchanges, ponds) are central nodes for external service delivery, and a large number of encrypted digital currencies are deposited in the application platform, providing a suitable target for malicious hackers. Attacks and infiltration of the platform’s Web sites, APP, API interfaces, etc., through DDoS attacks, CC attacks, security gap audits, Web security attacks, etc., pose a threat to the normal and stable operation of the application platform and affect the community and reputation of the application platform.


The malicious hackers and blacks use the registered accounts of the cat pool, the docking platform, and use these accounts to “take candy” in the various channels of the application platform or the project party to “drizzle” the funds used by the application platform and the project party to promote the recipients.


3. Mine machines, mine safety risks


Miners, mines and mines “mining” of encrypted digital currency through the accumulation of computing power allow for relatively stable and continuous accumulation of encrypted digital monetary assets in the mines, and malicious hackers can achieve the objective of “stealing of arithmetic mining” by permeating control of the management of the mine machines and even the mines, causing considerable economic loss to individual miners and mines, while malicious hackers also achieve “mining” by remote control of the normal resources of equipment exposed to the Internet through malicious codes such as backdoor procedures, viruses, wooden horses, etc.


4. Digital wallet security risk


Digital wallets, as vehicles for the preservation of encrypted digital money, are recognized by a wide range of users and organizations to provide safer protection while facilitating the use of encrypted digital money through the storage of “hot wallets” and “cold wallets.” “hot wallets” and “cold wallets” are also the focus of malicious hackers, stealing encrypted digital currencies from users and institutions by tampering with wallet addresses, restoring letters of credit and stealing “root keys”.


5. Social engineering safety risks


malicious hackers attempt to obtain user accounts and passwords by fishing websites, fishing e-mails, password violence, etc., and by collecting account codes to steal users’ digital currency from the application platform or buy low-value digital money in a short time, using digital money trading platforms for price differentials and even digital currency futures, to profit illicitly. While it is generally difficult for ordinary users to recognize the security threats posed by fishing websites, fishing e-mails, and when they visit fishing websites, they often denounce normal application platforms in public opinion, causing huge losses to their integrity.


6. Office environment security risks


As a result of the rapid development of the block chain industry, project parties are running at the same time to allow public chains, platforms, projects to operate online at the shortest possible time, thus neglecting staff information security awareness development and security risks in the internal office environment. Based on observations and statistics from the Clearinghouse, which knows the threat of creating and sensitive information leaks, there are significant numbers of sensitive information leaks from core source codes and account names and passwords on the site and platform of internationally recognized developers such as GitHub, GitLab, CSDN, which are used by malicious hackers to infiltrate the office environment.


"Strong" said six big risks, and look, there's eight typical security incidents that hit your face hard over the years.


1. .


In the course of its research, the Block Chain Security Research Team, aware of the “404” Safety Laboratory, found that smart contracts based on the ‘strong’ honey can is likely to be more relevant and targeted because of the higher threshold of smart contracts for honey cans and the need to understand smart contracts.


There are several kinds of deceptions that have been found in the nectar contracts:


It's ancient deception.


It's a magical logical flaw.


A brand-new gambling game


The hacker's bug.


For space reasons, for a description of the “hone can smart contract”, see PaperSmart, web link: https://paper.seebug.org/631/.


2. Beauty Chain Smart Contract Leak

2018年4月25日,美图公司声明,即日起公司旗下海外产品BeautyPlus终止与Beauty Chain(BEC美链)的海外推广合作。然而在2018年2月美图曾公开表示,BeautyPlus与Beauty Chain(BEC美链)在海外有推广合作,此外美图并不涉及(BEC美链)其他相关业务。合作终止后,美图与Beauty Chain(BEC美链)将无任何合作。同时,美图重申没有、也不会发行任何数字货币。

On April 25, 2018, the company stated that, as of that date, its overseas product BeautyPlus would cease its overseas promotion cooperation with Beauty Chain (the BEC chain). However, in February 2018, the company publicly stated that there was an overseas extension cooperation between BeautyPlus and Beauty Chain (the BEC chain), and that the map did not cover other related business (the BEC chain).

图 1 巴比特资讯,美图官方声明

Figure 1 Babbit Information, Map Official Statement

图 2 BEC美蜜官方公告

Figure 2 BEC Honey Official Bulletin

事件的起因是:在2018年4月23日,有安全研究人员发现在BeautyChain的智能合约中发现了漏洞,并利用该漏洞获得了巨额的BEC代币,数值为:57,896,044,618,658,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.792003956564819968。如此高额的代币数量,引发恐慌,导致市场上海量BEC被抛售,价值直接归零。事件发生时,BEC 官方团队立刻暂停了一切交易和转账,并且和交易所合作将所有交易回滚到黑客攻击之前,以求挽回损失。

The cause of the incident was that, on 23 April 2018, security researchers discovered a gap in the Beauty Chain smart contract and used it to obtain a huge amount of BEC indemnities, amounting to 57,896,044,618,658,100,000,100,000, 200,000, 200,000, 200,000, 200,000, 000 000 000, 79,956564819968. Such a high number of tokens caused panic, leading to the sale of BEC in the market and a direct loss of value. In the event of the incident, the official BEC team immediately suspended all transactions and transfers and worked with the exchange to reverse all transactions until the hackers attacked.

图 3 BEC交易记录查询

Figure 3 BEC transaction log queries


incidence recovery:


(1) In BEC's smart contract, there is a function for bulk transfers: BatchOverFlow

图 4 BEC智能合约批量转账方法

Figure 4 BEC Smart Contract Batch Transfer Method

(2)黑客利用以太坊 ERC-20 智能合约中该函数数据溢出的漏洞攻击BEC的智能合约。

(2) Hackers attack the BEC intelligence contract using a bug in the Ether-ERC-20 smart contract from which data from this function has spilled.


(3) Details and descriptions of the use of the lacuna are available at https://paper.seebug.org/615/Add.1.


3. EXMO > DDoS attack


The British Bitcoin Exchange EXMO issued an official announcement on 28 December 2017 stating that it was under attack by DDoS and was expected to resume operations within half an hour.

图 5 EXMO官方Twitter公告称遭受到DDoS攻击

Figure 5 EXMO official Twitter announcement of assault on DDoS

于此同时,EXMO的CEO Pavel Lerner在位于基辅的办公室外被绑架。EXMO通过BBCNEWS发表声明:“将尽一切努力找到Pavel Lerner,同时向用户保证交易所能够正常运行,并承诺保证用户的个人数据安全和资金安全。”

At the same time, EXMO's CEO Pavel Lerner was abducted outside his office in Kiev. EXMO issued a statement through BBCNEWS: “All efforts will be made to locate Pavel Lerner, while assuring users that the exchange will function properly and that the user's personal data security and financial security will be guaranteed.”

图 6 EXMO官方发言人通过BBCNEWS发表声明

Figure 6 Statement by the official spokesperson of EXMO through BBCNEWS


4. Bithumb was hacked into


On 20 June 2018, the Korean crypto-currency exchange Bithumb claimed that a virtual currency worth $35 billion ($31.5 million) had been stolen by hackers.

图 7 Bithumb官方Twitter公告

Figure 7 Bithumb official Twitter bulletin


According to CoinMarketCap.com, bithumb is one of the largest encrypted currency exchanges in Asia, managing nearly $360 million in assets. Bithimb announced on the website that all transactions had been stopped and that it had previously been ascertained that “encrypted currency valued at about 35 billion won had been stolen in the morning of yesterday night so far”.

bithumb称已将“全部客户资产存在安全的冷钱包(cold wallet)里”,这些钱包的运行平台并未直接与互联网相连。据Coinmarketcap.com,bithumb为全球第六繁忙的加密货币交易所。

Bithumb claims to have “all customer assets in secure cold wallets” whose operating platform is not directly connected to the Internet. According to Coinmarkcap.com, bithumb is the sixth busiest encrypted currency exchange in the world.


5. Coinsecure's "Inner Ghost"


One of India's three major Bitcoin exchanges, which published an announcement on the web in Coinsecure, stated that a digital currency had been stolen on 9 April 2018 and that a total of 438 BTCs had been stolen, valued at approximately $3.3 million at current prices.

该交易所首席执行官(CEO)Mohit Kalra认为Amitabh Saxena(CSO)为首要嫌疑人,并已向新德里警方对其提起指控。该案成为印度最大的数字货币盗窃案。据悉,coinsecure在印度有超过20万用户。根据报警记录,Amitabh Saxena告诉coinsecure团队这笔资金是由于一场外部攻击才从该公司的比特币钱包中失窃的。但是coinsecure的CEO不相信这个说法,他告诉警方,他的合伙人“在编故事试图分散其注意力,他很可能参与了这场失窃事件”。

The CEO of the Exchange, Mohit Kalra, identified Amitabh Saxena (CSO) as the prime suspect and charged him with the New Delhi police. The case became the largest digital currency theft in India. According to the police records, Coinsecure had over 200,000 users in India. According to the police records, Amitabh Saxena told the Coinsecure team that the money had been stolen from the company's Bitcoin wallet as a result of an external attack. But the CEO of Coinsecure did not believe the statement, and he told the police that his partner “was trying to distract his attention and that he was likely to be involved in the theft”.

图 8 coinsecure announcement

Figure 8


6. Nicehash pond invaded


NiceHash, “the world's largest market for cryptographic money mining algorithms”, located in Slovenia, was caught in a nightmare when an official announcement was issued on 6 December 2017 stating that a large number of bitcoins had been stolen.

图 9 NiceHash官方公告被盗事件

Figure 9 The theft of the NiceHash official bulletin


NiceHash and Facebook on 7 December 2017 released an account of events and updates on progress to users in the form of Livestream.

图 10 NiceHash官方Twitter公告

Figure 10 NiceHash official Twitter bulletin


After the incident, the NiceHash platform ceased to operate for more than 14 days and was officially re-established on 20 December 2017 on the NiceHash platform.

图 11 NiceHash官方Twitter公告,平台业务恢复

Figure 11 NiceHash official Twitter announcement, platform business resumption

在本次事件中,NiceHash共计被盗的比特币达到了4000 BTC,后来透露是因为一位内部员工的电脑被攻击,致使攻击者可以获得这个市场的系统的访问权限并将比特币从该公司转走。

In this incident, the total number of stolen Bitcoin in NiceHash reached 4,000 BTC, which was later revealed as a result of an attack on the computer of an in-house employee, which allowed the attackers access to the market system and the transfer of Bitcoin from the company.


NiceHash officially announced the start of the reimbursement project on 5 February 2018, official bulletin link: https://www.nichash.com/news/256

图 12 NiceHash偿还项目官方公告

Figure 12 Official Bulletin of NiceHash Reimbursing Projects


Halfway to 29 June 2018, project reimbursement plan, official bulletin link: https://www.nicehash.com/news/nicehash-repayment-program-more-than-allf-way-through

图 13 NiceHash偿还项目进度官方公告

Figure 13 Official bulletin on the progress of the NiceHash reimbursement project


7. Parity's electronic wallet was stolen

Parity Multi-Sig电子钱包版本1.5+的漏洞被发现,使得攻击者从三个高安全的多重签名合约中窃取到超过15万ETH(约3000万美元)。

Parity Multi-Sig electronic wallet version 1.5+ was detected, allowing the attackers to steal more than 150,000 ETHs (approximately $30 million) from three high-security multiple-signature contracts.

图 14 Security Alert Parity Wallet(Multi-Sig Wallet)

Figure 14 Security Alert Paris Wallet (Multi-Sig Wallet)


A hacker with the name “devops199”, and a user with the name “empty” in Github, at the Taipan collection address “0xae 7168 Deb525862f4FEE37d 987A971b385b969552”.

图 15 黑客“devops199”确认导致了本次事件

Figure 15 Hacker “devops 199” confirmed that this incident was the cause of the incident


incidence recovery:

(1)所有的Parity Multisig Wallets都是使用了一个函数库,地址是:“0x863df6bfa4469f3ead0be8f9f2aae51c91a907b4”;

(1) All Parity Multisig Wallets uses a function library at: “0x863df6bfa4469f3ead0be8f9f9f2aae51c91a907b4);

(2)智能合约的函数库中,初始化产生了一个用户权限的问题,“任何人都可以成为这个合约的所有者,并具备自删除的权限。”(Library contract was not initialized properly. That allowed anyone to become its owner and self-destruct it.)

(2) In the functions library of an intelligent contract, initialization raises the question of user permission, "


(3) devops199 claims that, when calling the “init Wallet()” method, the unexpected discovery could modify the owner of the intelligent contract;


(4) An attempt was made to implement the “kill()” method, which led to the failure of the intelligent contract, the failure of all versions of Parity and the inability to recover all encrypted digital currencies stored therein.


8. Binance encounter fishing website


On 7 March 2018, at 22:58-22:59, within two minutes, the trading wind control system of the digital currency exchange Binance monitored the “VIA/BTC transaction versus” movement, triggered the trading wind control strategy of Binance and automatically stopped the currency withdrawal. According to the announcement of the Binance official network: “All funds are safe, no funds are safe.” The official bulletin links:


图 16 Binance官方公告

Figure 16 Binance Official Bulletin

但是由于黑客在Binance交易所使用10000个BTC拉升小众币种VIA市值,导致VIA从市值0.000225 美元直接拉升 100 倍到 0.025 美元,同时黑客通过全世界各个数字货币交易所上挂出的【数字货币和代币做空单】,大赚10亿美元。

However, the use by hackers of 10,000 BTCs on the Binance Exchange to raise the market value of the local currency VIA in small currencies has led to a direct rise of VIA from a market value of US$ 0000225 to US$0.025, while hackers make a significant $1 billion through their presence on various digital currency exchanges around the world.


incidence recovery:


(1) Since February 2018, hackers have prepared a fishing website [binanceweb.com] for Binance Euro-American users and have posted messages on social networks to mislead users into accessing the fishing site.

图 17 仿冒Binance钓鱼网站

Figure 17 Simulation of the Binance fishing website


(2) When users access the fishing website and enter a user name, password, the hacker controls part of Binance's account privileges and applies for API “to create an automated transaction”;


(3) In the 22:58-22:59 two minutes on 7 March, the automatic billing through API increased the market value of VIA currencies by nearly 110 times ;


(4) Although the wind control mechanism in Binance freezes unusual accounts without financial loss, hackers make their exits by “vacanting” on other exchanges.


So many risks, so many typical safety incidents, it's too bad if you don't give us a solution. That's all you've got to do. Please forgive me.




Let's focus here on applying the platform's security solutions.


The application platform can enhance the overall external risk resistance of the application platform through the SaaS cloud security defence platform and ensure the stable and efficient operation of the application platform.


Safe CDN


The application platform can use safe CDN technology to hide the source IP address and reduce the accessibility on the basis of node acceleration for Web systems and APPs.


Applied DDoS and CC Attack Protection

针对DNS flood、放射性DDoS攻击、SYN flood、UDP flood、CC攻击及各类复合型DDoS攻击进行安全防护。

Security protection against DNS food, radiological DDos attack, SYN food attack, UDP food attack, CC attack and various complex DDoS attacks.


Web Attack Protection

使用云WAF(Web- Application-Firewall)提供对WEB协议的加密和深度监测,防止包括SQL注入、XSS跨站攻击、CRSF跨站请求伪造、Webshell文件上传、恶意采集及利于Web漏洞进行的各类攻击。

Use of cloud WAF (Web-Application-Firewall) to provide encryption and in-depth monitoring of WEB protocols to prevent various types of attacks, including SQL injections, XSS overstation attacks, CRSF overstation requests for forgery, Webshell file uploading, malicious collection and profiting from Web holes.


Web performance monitor


To monitor the global availability and performance of the application platform using real-time monitoring of the availability of Web services and to monitor the way DNS pollution attacks are conducted.


Web secure access


Through SSL protocol encryption, HTTPS access is used for Web application platform systems and SSH encryption is used for Web-based access to core systems.


Web page hardened


On the basis of the page code and configuration audit, the chain of theft or tampering is avoided by locking key Web pages.


All right, let's get this over with for the safe part of the day.


If you don't want to advertise, you can share it.


Here are some of the blogs that have been updated from time to time, and you may wish to see them at https://paper.seebug.org.


"Strong" and I'll give you a compliment to my little sister in the camp.


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Please contact Weibo:


Hehe757892 (Remark: Block Chain Base Camp + Content Cooperation)


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Fengyan-1101 (Remark: Block Chain Camp + Business Cooperation)


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