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Web3.0 to provide banking, employment


One of the reasons for the Web 3.0 explosion in South-East Asia may be the lack of banking, as Wu, the founder of the White Matrix, said in a technical interview, “Although financial development is excellent in places like China, Europe and the United States, and banking visits are rare for us, there are many uneven places where people are difficult to open bank accounts, people in South-East Asia can have no accounts and no bank accounts, but with Web3.0 they can collect money whenever they want.”


According to a report published in 2019 by the consulting firm Bain, about 70 per cent of users in South-East Asia “have no bank accounts.” According to the firm, while South-East Asia has made significant progress in the area of finance over the past decade, particularly with regard to the inclusion of more dollars in development, it still cannot escape the general problem facing developing countries — a contradiction between the size of the population and the limited access to banking services.


Decentralized finance (DeFi) has flourished in the region, using distributed book-book technology that allows users to receive direct benefits and funds when they do not need cumbersome financial intermediation. Chainalysis, a block-chain data-tracking company, found that Viet Nam and Thailand were second only to the US in 2021 in terms of DeFi’s usage.

原因之二则是,以区块链游戏为代表,Web3.0在东南亚创造了大量就业岗位。刘怿斯表示,东南亚最出名的项目是“幻想生物(Axie Infinity)”,由越南初创公司Sky Mavis创建,是一款以太坊区块链上的去中心化游戏。

The reason for this is that Web3.0 created a large number of jobs in South-East Asia, represented by block-chain games. Liu Xinz said that the most famous project in South-East Asia was “Axie Infinity”, created by Sky Mavis, a start-up company in Viet Nam, was a decentralized game on the Taipan block chain.


In the game, players can buy their pets (Axie). The pets themselves have NFT properties that can be used for trading and collecting. However, these pets can also be nurtured and combated compared to early NFT products such as cryptocats. Thus, pets are assets and are rewarded for fighting, and can be upgraded, added value, and traded on chains. Like the real world, pets can breed.


According to the market analysis platform NonFungible, in 2021 the fantasy creature took over half of the market for block-chain games on its own, with more than 2 million daily active users (DAUs). Given the high unemployment rate in many countries of South-East Asia during the epidemic, it is known that the fantasy creature has become an important income-generating tool for many unemployed people, especially those with low educational qualifications, and has attracted many digital Travellers to work.

东南亚最出名的Web3.0项目区块链游戏“幻想生物(Axie Infinity)”。


Countries are developing in diversity


The Web3.0 ecology has expanded across South-East Asia, with each country in the region having its own advantages and characteristics. Viet Nam is now largely known for its block-chain games, while practitioners have indicated that Singapore's “ambitious” is greater and has joined the battle against the “Global Web 3.0 Center” in Hong Kong, China, and that the Singapore Financial Authority (MAS) is the driving force for its development, with a long-standing relatively open and friendly position on the development of the block-chain and encrypted currency.

早在2017年,新加坡金融管理局就发布了《加密货币发行指南》,确立了新加坡政府对于ICO(首次代币发行)的基本立场与政策,对于通过ICO募资的发行者及相关平台,确立适用其《证券暨期货法》监管。到了2021年1月,《支付服务法案”(Payment Service Act,简称PSA)》相应推出,监管新加坡境内所有的加密货币、交易所以及数字化支付等业务。2022年5月5日,新加坡副总理王瑞杰明确表示要将新加坡打造成“去中心化金融中心”。

As early as 2017, the Monetary Authority of Singapore issued the Secured Currency Distribution Guide, which establishes Singapore’s Government’s basic position and policy with regard to ICO (first currency issuance) and the regulation of its Securities and Futures Act with respect to issuers and related platforms that raise funds through ICO. By January 2021, the Payments Services Act (Payment Service Act, or PSA) was introduced to regulate all encrypted money, exchange and digitalized payments in Singapore. On May 5, 2022, Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Wang Riedger made a clear offer to “go to a central financial centre” for Singapore.


Liu Xinz believes that Thailand and Viet Nam, with the exception of Singapore, should be the two best developed countries in the South-East Asian region, Web3.0. “Viet Nam has benefited from a high level of local Internet penetration, which, together with the emphasis placed by the Government and universities on computer and block-chain education, has resulted in the emergence of a very good number of young engineers and the development of well-known national and international projects. Thailand's policy, although not so friendly, has continued to impose heavy taxes on block chains at the national level, but has also developed a very large number of national developers and participants. More importantly, a large number of overseas developers, practitioners, or Web3.0 travellers from Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Island, as a result of convenient visa policies, has made Thailand's Web3.0 development extremely promising.”


Liu Jianz pointed out that Bali also attracts many overseas practitioners because of visa facilities and a relatively favourable environment, “but because of the poor local infrastructure, the potential of the Web3.0 centre is still much worse than in the other two countries”.

一位业内人士指出,泰国是在东南亚诸国中,继新加坡之后,第二个积极拥抱虚拟货币及区块链的国家。虽然整体产业仍在发展早期,但泰国整体Web3.0发展速度很快。2021年6月,完成E轮融资的电商物流供货商Flash Express才正式成为泰国第一只独角兽,而现在已经可以看到更成熟、更进阶的Web3.0应用出现,例如开发跨链资料预言机(Oracle)的Band Protocol,以及元宇宙游戏公会GuildFi,还有像Knowhere.art这样的NFT应用。

One industrialist pointed out that Thailand was the second country in South-East Asia to embrace virtual money and block chains after Singapore. Although the industry as a whole was still developing at an early stage, Thailand’s entire Web3.0 was growing at a very rapid pace. In June 2021, Flash Express, the supplier of electricity logistics to complete E-wheel financing, officially became the first unicorn in Thailand, and more mature and advanced Web3.0 applications, such as the development of the Trans-chain Information Protocol and the GuildFi, and NFT applications such as Knowhere.art, were now visible.


Behind the freedom policy is the danger.


However, just last year, Cambodia and Thailand issued successive declarations prohibiting cryptographic currency transactions. The Singapore Monetary Authority has stated that, because of the high risk of transactions involving digital payment of tokens or encrypted currencies, it should not be promoted by the public.


In contrast to other countries, Indonesia is relatively open to encrypted currencies.


During the epidemic, in order to attract foreign tourists, the Indonesian government announced in 2021 a policy that foreign digital Travellers with a certain source of income would be granted a five-year digital Traveller visa, without tax in Indonesia. Indonesia’s digital Traveller visa is the longest-serving visa period ever compared to other countries that provide it.

自2018年9月以来,印度尼西亚政府陆续制定了一系列相关法律,包括加密货币、资产在该国具有合法地位,可被视为商品(Commodity)来交易,由商品期货交易监管机构(The Futures Exchange Supervisory Board,简称BAPPEBTI)作为主要监管单位,交易所需取得合法执照,可合法交易共229种加密资产。种种独特的条件,让印度尼西亚在交易所、钱包、资产管理以及其他DeFi领域上,发展快速。

Since September 2018, the Government of Indonesia has enacted a series of relevant laws, including cryptographic currency, the legal status of assets in the country, which can be considered a commodity (Commodity) to be traded, with The Futures Exchange Supervisory Board, or BAPPEBTI, acting as the main regulatory unit to obtain legal licences for transactions involving 229 encrypted assets. Unique conditions allow Indonesia to develop rapidly in the areas of exchanges, wallets, asset management, and other deFi.

例如,2014年成立的Indodax是印度尼西亚领先的交易所,用户规模超过470万。根据印度尼西亚贸易部(Ministry of Trade)的统计,在2021年前5个月,该国共有超过650万人交易过加密货币,远远超过交易股票的220万人。加密货币交易量从2020年的44亿美元,增长至2021年前5个月的250亿美元,增长率达470%,加密货币已成为最受印度尼西亚民众欢迎的投资类别。

According to the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia, in the first five months of 2021, more than 6.5 million people in the country traded encrypted money, far exceeding 2.2 million of the stock traded. The volume of encrypted currency transactions increased from $4.4 billion in 2020 to $25 billion in the first five months of 2021, with a growth rate of 470%.


Bali conveys the feeling of “freedom”, where a large number of digital Travellers can be seen on social media platforms to share their daily work on this tropical island, often including such elements as beautiful beaches, relaxed mindsets and looks, as well as many netizens who have expressed their desire to become digital Travellers in Bali.


但追逐自由的过程中,也有隐藏的危险。今年3月,一位名叫尤里·博伊佐夫(Yuri Boytsov)的投资者、博主在社交平台上发帖称,他在巴厘岛遭到“比特币抢劫”。四名袭击者闯入他的住所,要求使用他的加密货币钱包转账,还恐吓、殴打他和他的女朋友。

But there is also a hidden risk of pursuing freedom. In March this year, an investor named Yuri Boytsov, the blogger, posted on social platforms that he had been “bitcoin robbed” in Bali. Four assailants broke into his home, asked to use his encrypted money wallet to transfer, and threatened and beat him and his girlfriend.


A digital Traveller living in Bali has also said that in Bali people often talk about how they make money on encrypted money, “I knew an Indian man who claims to have made money through bitcoin, and when we first met, he was very boastful and brazen about his money.” Promising, discussing encoded money, seems to be everywhere in Bali.




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