
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:28 评论:0



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1、以比特币为例,某个时间点一个区块让2个矿工同时挖出来,然后接下来最先产生6个区块的链就是主链 单链/多链 单链指的是一条链上处理所有事物的数据结构。多链结构,其核心本质是公有链+N个子链构成。

In bitcoin, for example, at a point in time, a block allows two miners to dig up at the same time, and then the first chain to produce six blocks is the main chain, the single chain/multi-chain, which refers to the data structure that handles everything in a chain. The core of the multi-chain structure is the public chain + the N sub-chain.


As a leader in the block chain industry, the Golden Economy has created a comprehensive platform that includes industry news, real-time information, intelligence analysis and accurate data, and is dedicated to providing the most professional and accurate services for entrepreneurs and digital money investors. As a cooperative news media for search engines, the Golden Economy works closely with a wide range of financial and scientific media to ensure the timeliness and comprehensiveness of information.


Three, titanium media, and 36K have blocks that are associated with a chain of blocks that, from an academic point of view, are new applications of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc. The block chain is essentially a decentralized database.

4、布比区块链简介 布比区块链自成立以来一直专注于区块链技术与产品的研发与创新,拥有多项核心技术,并在多个方面取得了实质性的创新,形成多项核心技术成果,例如:可数学证明的分布式共识技术、快速的大规模账本存取技术、支持业务形态扩展的多链总账技术、异构区块链间的互联技术等。

4. The Bubi block chain, since its inception, has focused on the development and innovation of block chain technologies and products, with a number of core technologies and substantial innovations that have resulted in a number of core technical outcomes, such as mathematically proven distributed consensus technologies, rapid large-scale account access technologies, multi-chain master record technology to support the expansion of business patterns, and interconnectivity among the hesitological block chains.


The block chain policy has played an important role in guiding the development of our block chain industry, and the development of block chain technology and industry has been recognized as a national strategy. Since 2020, the central and local block chain-related support policies have flourished, and the trend has been further strengthened in 2021. Moreover, while strongly encouraging block chain technology development, the policy’s impact on virtual currency remains high.


The evolution of the block chain is not yet conclusive and should still be a matter of technology, but the country's policy towards it is now becoming increasingly clear, digital currencies may encounter the bottom of a large cycle, and some reference parameters could be used as the bottom, if not the bottom, on 16 December.


With regard to the outlook for the development of the block chain in the second half of the year, Liu Quan, President of the Sedi Block Chain Institute, argued that, in the context of the new infrastructure, the construction of the block chain infrastructure would be accelerated and the trend towards integration with new technologies, such as the industrial Internet, was expected to drive the flow of data elements, the enabling digital economy and deeper integration with the real economy.

.区块链成为多国战略,加密货币政策两级分化 2.区块链支出规模增长,银行业支出领先 区块链和其他分布式账本技术在提高业务运营效率和创造新的价值交付方式方面表现出极大的潜力,各行业和公司正在实施这些技术并将其集成到现有的基础设施和产业规划中。

2. The scale of expenditures in the block chain, the growth of banking spending, and other distributed book technology have shown great potential for improving operational efficiency and creating new modes of value delivery, which industries and companies are implementing and integrating into existing infrastructure and industrial planning.

分布式存储相对传统的中心化存储具有很多优点,分布式存储必将成为未来的技术发展趋势。 分布式存储技术有很多,IPFS(InterPlanetary File System 星际文件系统)是其中的佼佼者。IPFS旨在创建持久且分布式存储和共享文件的网络传输协议,它是一种内容可寻址的对等超媒体分发协议。

Distributed storage has many advantages over traditional centralized storage, and distributed storage is bound to become a future technological development. There are many distributed storage techniques, of which the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a champion.


The chain of fine cattle is based on a subsystem developed by the ETO equity public chain. The ETO public chain is initiated by the non-profit organization The American Eternal Foundation (ETT Foundation) and is dedicated to enabling small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to finance their equity.


It was reported that on 26 August, the block chain concept unit fell sharply after noon, while the share price fell by more than 5 per cent in Tae Yeo (300002), the shares of Heungbao (002104), the shares of the guards (0022668), the technology of Eikang (002610) fell by more than 4 per cent and the shares of the winners (300377), the information of the South (000948), the Broadway (002152), the shares of Roubonton (3000423) fell by more than 3 per cent, as well as the shares of Hirobo (002103), the investment in the sea (000616).


On the afternoon of 6 June, the block chain concept fell significantly, Annie's shares (002235) fell, Zhenya International's shares (300612) fell by more than 5 per cent, Tsien-Technology (3000245), Kwang-Technology (300356) fell by more than 4 per cent, the new countries (30130), the advanced numbers (300541), Silver's (300085) fell by more than 3 per cent, as did the Quartet's elite (300468), New Morning Technology (300542), and the shares of GCC (002537).


In the afternoon of 29 September, the block chain concept collapsed, Tae Yeo (300002), Kwangichi (300356), stock prices fell by more than 7 per cent, storm groups (300431) fell by more than 6 per cent, Singbao (300052), Nanjing (000948), Tsang (300245), Sino-Sang (002177), Far Light (002063), Omar Electric (002668), East Xin Peace (0020717), etc.


It was reported that the block chain concept unit was weakened on 27 May in the afternoon, with a sharp fall in the winning value of over 9 per cent (300377), the share of Hingbao (002104) in over 6 per cent, the far-sighted software (002063), the user network (6000588), the advanced number (300541) in over 3 per cent, the share of Sanya International (300612), and the shares of Viacon (002268), New morning technology (300542), the new (600797), and the visible shares (600093) in more than 2 per cent.


It was reported that the block chain concept unit had fallen in the afternoon, with multiple shares falling in morning technology (002447), storm group (300431), and that over 9 per cent had fallen in Goveida (300377), the GCC (002537), the Shenbao shares (002104), the Gold Certificate shares (600446), Flying Integrity (300386), and Zhenya International (300612).

区块链概念股集体重挫,主要是和比特币暴跌有关系。本轮比特币受到监管消息和突发事故的影响出现了一轮暴跌行情,引发了区块链概念股集体重挫。区块链概念股Coinbase跌超4%、Riot Blockchain跌24%、亿邦国际跌53%。在港股上市的火币当日收盘跌02%、雄岸科技跌7%、美图跌35%。

The block chain concept unit has fallen by over 4%, the block chain concept unit by 24%, the Riot Blockchain by 23%, and the billion states by 53% internationally. On the Hong Kong stock market, the gun coins fell by 0.2% on a day-to-day basis, the technology and technology of the male bank by 7%, and the United States by 35%.


In view of the trends in the development of the block chain in the second half of the year, Liu Quan, President of the Sedi Block Chain Institute, believes that, in the context of the new infrastructure, the construction of the block chain infrastructure will be accelerated and the trend towards the integration of new technologies, such as the industrial Internet, is becoming apparent, with the hope of promoting the flow of data elements, enabling the digital economy and deeper integration with the real economy.


2. The development of the block chain is not yet conclusive and should still be a matter of technology, but the country's policy towards it is now becoming increasingly clear, digital currencies may encounter the bottom of a large cycle, and some reference parameters could be used as the bottom, if not the bottom, on 16 December.


3. The block chain policy has played an important role in guiding the development of the sector chain industry in our country, and the development of block chain technology and industry has been recognized as a national strategy. Since 2020, the central and local block chain-related support policies have been widely applied, a trend that was further strengthened in 2021. Moreover, while the technological development of the block chain is being strongly encouraged, the policy’s impact on virtual currency remains high.


In 2021, the top-level design of the block chain will be further refined, with industry standards gradually being developed and development oriented towards technology-led market penetration; the block-chain integration application will begin to land in a number of areas, such as finance, supply chains, government, etc., and industry will grow at a high rate.




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