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Buffett daily luncheon was hot and many people questioned him about the job. Sun Woo said, "I don't think so."


Photo from microblog


The first prize in the New Concepts essay competition, a Bachelor of History from Beijing University, a post-90 entrepreneurship leader, Rigo and accompanying my Chairman and CEO, Mauun , founder of TRON... after having a series of dazzling titles, Sun Woo-moo has a new label: 31 million men and Buffet have had lunch.


The new label was given considerable attention in Sun Woo's morning, for which he made high-profile and detailed marketing arrangements: on 1 June, Sun Woo Weibo called “a big job, announced three days later.” The same day, the Internet commented, “Don't forget three days later, you took Buffett's lunch.” On 2 June, it called “Let the bullet fly for a while”.


On 4 June, at the official announcement of a record $4,568.88 million (approximately $31 million equivalent to RMB) for the successful filming of Buffett's 20th anniversary charity luncheon, Sun Woo-jin added a topic label entitled “Sun-woo's daily lunches”, and when the topic was really hot, he posted a microblog.


This is in line with the image of Sun Woo-ming in the media, trying to seize every opportunity to draw attention to himself, to change the track frequently, to chase the wind, and even to be described by an investor as a “successful entrepreneur”.


A number of sharp comments can also be found in the comments on Twitter, such as “cooking vegetables”, “dealing money”, and even online friends who are upset by Buffett: “The old man is truly miserable”.


This is the true image of Sun Woo morning in the eyes of the public: a mixed reputation. On the other side of a series of bright labels: the questions surrounding his “run-off”, “roll-off” and “air currency” were persistent, and he was even crowned with the title “a href=http://renwu.hexun.com/file_5588.shtml' target='_blank' >Jajonjin.


At the same time, Buffett's aversion to digital money is well known, and he said, “Digital money is worthless”, so how do we eat this meal?

  名下关联企业17家 担任13家公司法定代表人

17 affiliated companies under the name of act as legal representatives for 13 companies


Sun Woo was born on 30 July 1990, 90 years later. According to the data, Sun Woo's morning was Davos Forum of outstanding global youth, and was on the cover of the weekly Asia magazine.


In the list of 30 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 in Forbes, Sun Woo-mun was presented as follows:

  宇晨的“狂妄”在于,他想重构全球金融清算体系。Ripple清算体系和价值网的研究原来仅仅存在于学术的讨论中,而随着互联网金融的兴起,这种思想似乎有了成为现实的可能。在美国,Ripple Labs已经A轮融资3000万美元。

The pretentiousness of the morning is that he wants to reshape the global system of financial clearing. Research on the Ripple system of liquidation and value networks was originally confined to academic discussions, and with the rise of , the idea seems to be real. In USA, Riple Labs has already made a rotation of $30 million.


According to the data, Sun Woo's 17 affiliated enterprises, of which as many as 13 are legal representatives, are concentrated in the areas of software and services, science and technology extension and applications services, and business services.


The fourth Chinese in history to have lunch with a concubine

  根据报道,赢得竞拍之后,获胜者可以与巴菲特本人以及7位朋友在纽约一家名为Smith & Wollensky的餐厅共进午餐。这家餐厅起源于1977年,是Smith & Wollensky在纽约的第一家牛排店。此前的几年拍卖,巴菲特也都是选择在这家牛排店用餐。

According to reports, the winner was able to have lunch with Buffett himself and seven friends at a restaurant called Smith & Wollensky in New York. The restaurant originated in 1977, the first steak shop in New York for Smith & Wollensky.


Looking back at the winners who had previously been identified, there were three Chinese.


In 2006, (), the founder of prominent brands such as qualified for lunch with Buffet at a cost of $62.01 million and thus became the first Chinese to have lunch with Buffett.


In 2008, private fund-raising Zhao Danyang contributed $211.01 million to lunch with Buffett.


In 2015, ( (002354), the Chairman of Chu was able to raise his head in the auction at a price of $23456.8 million.


Source: Visual China (000681)


On this occasion, Sun Woo's charity luncheon was officially taken by Buffett, and he himself will be the fourth Chinese to have lunch with the Equinox, as well as the youngest contestant in the history of Buffett's charity luncheon.


However, when comparing the three Chinese people who had had lunch with Buffett before, there was a wide gap in their development, with some flying and others being investigated at the regulatory level.


In the early years of Shun Yongping, China's famous brands, such as high-paced and small kings, have been transformed into investors in recent years, as shareholders in a number of well-known enterprises, including OPPO, VIVO, Oscillation, Internet access, etc.


During lunch with Buffett, Zhao Danyang recommended to him the Hong Kong share of the listed company


In addition, Chu, who is the chairman of a listed company, was investigated by the SEC in 2018, and he resigned as chairman-general and director-general. Moreover, Chu’s share of the angels’ entertainment was pledged and judicially frozen.


claims to convince Buffett to invest in encrypted currency .


Buffett's lunch at a price. It's Sun Woo's high light.


On the certification microblogging, Sun Woo wrote in the morning:


I officially announce to you that, with a record of $4,567,888, I successfully filmed the 20th anniversary charity luncheon in Wallenbaffert. I have always been a long-standing believer in the Buffett concept of value investment, and I would like to invite prominent members of the block chain industry to interact with Buffett in order to enhance understanding and friendship between top traditional investors and digital money to the benefit of the industry as a whole.


At the same time, he issued an open letter to the community (the community of exchange of investors holding wave currency) stating that it was his conviction that, through proper understanding and communication, Buffett would transform his general position on encrypted currency and block chains and integrate this new investment strategy into his portfolio.


Buffet's aversion is well known and has been shelled on many occasions. In an interview with cnbc last February, Buffett said that encryption money had no unique value at all, that it was essentially an illusion, and that Bitcoin attracted liars.


Buffett argues that, while the chain of technological blocks behind Bitcoin is important, the success of this technology does not depend on encrypted digital currencies, saying that virtual currencies are not value-added assets as compared to land or company shares, and that the value of virtual currencies depends on the presence of more people. Thus, investors’ demand for virtual currencies is the only price determinant that makes digital money a convenient tool for “swindlers.”

  孙宇晨则称,参加巴菲特慈善午宴,不仅是他个人生涯的亮点,波场TRON和bittorrent 公司重大的一天,更象征着整个区块链社区的胜利。

Sun Woo-morning stated that attending the Buffett charity luncheon was not only a highlight of his personal career, but also a big day for Tron and Bittorrent, a symbol of the victory of the entire block chain community.

  否认自己是“币圈贾跃亭” 否认午餐会拍卖是“炒作”

denies that it's a currency ring & nbsp; denies that luncheon auctions are


The reference to Sun Woo's morning and digital currency dates back to 2013.

  2013年底,孙宇晨加入位于硅谷的互联网金融公司 Ripple Labs,一个多月后回国,获得IDG投资成立了锐波,投身创业大潮。

At the end of 2013, Sun Woo joined Internet finance company Ripple Labs, who returned home more than a month later to create a sharp wave of IDG investments and become involved in the entrepreneurial boom.


Then he joined me in a social networking platform with the same uncle, and went to the Lakeside University hosted by Maun. As “Maun's youngest disciple”, he was very proud to say that he was “late to meet with Ma Yun”.


Image by Sun Woo Weibo.


During the second half of 2017, Sun Woo-moo created the second project, “Tron,” which is also an investor in the project, Li Fung and Xue Manson. The project, entitled “The use of block chain technology to build a global decentralized free content entertainment system,” is based on the commercial model of currency, popularly known as Aisio, and has a large collection of curry for its platform and endorsement.


As a result of the constant pressure on the ICO, the ICO was completed one week ahead of schedule, and the next day the ICO Circular was issued to protect against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, calling for the suspension of all kinds of ICO activities and asking for the refund of the currencies. Sun Woo has raised more than 400 million funds at this time, and the money collected has been returned for safety reasons.


Sun Woo immediately left for the United States and continued his campaign in the United States. At the same time, the market landed overseas to open the exchange and prices continued to rise at short notice.


In an interview with the media, however, Sun Woo denied the claim that 12 billion dollars were available, stating that the waves were the first team in the industry to choose the lock-up, “The lock-up was completely non-existent until 2020.” He added that during the course of the Lakeside University, Ma Yun was also “principally concerned about our project”.


Trends in the prices of the waves


He told the media that he was completely different from Jia Joo-Tin. The two people's homes, although they were in the United States, were different from the internationalization of the project; Jia Joo-Tin married a star's wife and he didn't; and Jia Jun-Tin owed a lot of money, and he didn't owe anyone any money.


Starting on 1 June, Sun Woo-moo “stamped power” on Twitter for this matter, which was questioned by many.


"I'll turn my luncheon into a trade fair, and I hope Buffett can understand this field." Sun Woo morning explains.


He also said, "I've been working in the block chain business for a long time, and I think this lunch with Buffett is not just for me and Buffett, but also for business people and Buffett, so I think I have to invite not only my friends, but also industry representatives to this luncheon. For example, Wu Tyu, Li Lin, V and others will be invited."

  李笑来揭露币圈骗术黑幕 孙宇晨微博戏称“躺枪”

Sun Woo Weibo plays "Little Gun"


What do you think of Sun Woo-mun and the Bounty?


In the July 2018 leaking “bitcoin's richest” Li laughter, Li laughed and said, “You don't have to go to Sun Woo-jin, he must be a fool.” As the market market was as high as 14 billion, “Who looks at whom, to what extent?


At that time, Sun Woo Weibo said, "I've heard I've been shot again." And the popular commenter, Dr. Dr. Block Chain, replied, "It's all right. Everyone knows you're a liar. Lee laughs and gives you a name."


Sun Woo did not hide his desire for “success” either. Sun Woo wrote in the 2015 GQ magazine that a young boy in a small town had made a series of leaps in his life with a strong desire for fame. The description of a “successful entrepreneurial actor” by an investment agency was also widely cited. “For example, he was 100 points, carefully packaged to 1,000 points, so as long as this 1,000-point bubble does not burst, he can find 1000 shares of capital and industry on the market.


Daily Economic News ( blog , ) journalists noted that in the dictation of “Sun Woo Morning” in the 100th encyclopedia, there are 60 references to their personal propaganda articles. It is not unquestionable whether Sun Woo himself has carefully packaged this phrase.


In this open letter, he wrote that, as an entrepreneur, men, women and children, all available and effective tools should be used to succeed.

  担任陪我APP董事长 投资电影被评价值观极其扭曲

As Chairman of my APP, the value of the investment film is highly distorted


In addition to digital money, Sun Woo-moo is in the social field. He's with me, he's a phone chat app for strangers, and he's with me as a purely voice-sensitive platform, setting out an unprecedented concept of “sound-value socialization” based on phone calls for strangers' emotional socialization software.


In combing the material, Daily Economic News found that in 2015 my APP sponsored the same film, " Stay with me ", and that my APP was accompanied by social software on a number of occasions in the film.


The bean petals score only 3.8 points, and from the commentary there is a review of a film that says that “values are extremely distorted”.


Integrated Daily Economic News, New Kyoto, etc.



The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:王治强 HF013)



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