一周速读 ▏国内外区块链最新资讯(第十五期)

资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:29 评论:0



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The Central Network Information Office has issued regulations for the management of block chain information services; the National Financial Science and Technology Platform is located in Huangzhou, Guangzhou, to assist in the development of aggressive private enterprises; and HSBC completed its business of $250 billion in foreign exchange through block chains in 2018.




1 Central Network Information Office to introduce Block Chain Information Services Regulation


On 10 January, the National Internet Information Office introduced the Regulation on the Management of Block Chain Information Services (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulation”), which will be implemented as of 15 February. The purpose of the Regulation is to clarify the responsibility of block chain information service providers for information security management, to regulate and promote the healthy development of block chain technology and related services, to circumvent the security risks of block chain information services and to provide an effective legal basis for the provision, use and management of block chain information services.


The Regulation states that “block chain information services are those that provide information services to the public, based on block chain technology or systems, through Internet sites, applications, etc.” It has been clarified that block chain information service providers are “the bodies or organizations that provide the public with block chain information services, or nodes, as well as those that provide technical support for block chain information services; the users of block chain information services referred to in this provision are organizations or individuals that use block chain information services”.


The Regulations also specify the primary responsibilities of block chain information service providers, including the following six points: first, the implementation of responsibility for the security management of information content; second, the existence of technical conditions appropriate to their services; third, the development and public management of rules and platform conventions; fourth, the implementation of a system for authentic identity information certification; fifth, the non-use of block chain information services for activities prohibited by law or administrative regulations or for the production, reproduction, publication, dissemination and disposal of information prohibited by law or administrative regulations; and sixth, the use of block chain information services for violations of laws, administrative regulations and service agreements, and the adoption of disposal measures in accordance with the law.


Correspondingly, the Regulation requires “block chain information service providers” to comply with the filing obligation. Specifically, service providers should file information through the National Internet Information Office block chain information service filing system within 10 working days of the date of the service, change service lines, platform web sites, etc., or terminate the service, and change or cancellation procedures should be processed; service providers should develop new online products, new applications, new functionality, and should report security assessments to the national and provincial, autonomous and municipal Internet information offices in accordance with the relevant regulations.


2. The national financial science and technology platform is located in Huangzhou, Guangzhou, and the chain “helps” with the development of private enterprises .


On 9 January, the “Digital Finance Platform of the National Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Platform” (hereinafter referred to as the “Golden Platform”) was located in the Guangzhou Development Area of Huang Po District, where a strategic cooperation agreement was signed with the China-Economic and Financial Intelligence (Beijing) Ltd., which is mandated to build, manage and operate the Public Service Platform.


Under the direction of the Ministry of Industry and Informatization of the State, it was reported that it was working to bring together resources such as industry, finance, science and technology and talent to transform financial science and technology into innovative, upgraded infrastructure and pathways for entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises, to expand access to finance for the real economy, to reduce the risk of financing, and to help small and medium-sized enterprises to upgrade and accelerate their development.


The parties will aim to build a financial science and technology platform centre for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Australasia Bay region in Hong Kong, making full use of the platform's strengths and experience in terms of access to resources, service operations, and credibility. The platform, using a “block chain” application, will promote financial science and technology innovation in areas such as credit finance, settlement, risk management, insurance claims, supply chain financing, and a variety of “block chain plus niche finance” applications in the Guangzhou Development Area.


3, electronic evidence platform for the online block chain at the first court in Anhui Province


On 8 January, the People's Court of Sakamoto City went on line to launch the “Platform of Electronic Evidence in Block Chains”, which created a prelude to the use of block chain technology by Anhui Province to document and document electronic evidence.


It was stated that electronic evidence documentation, combined with block chain technology, would allow summary information of electronic evidence to be stored through block chain distribution, which could not be increased, deleted, modified and retrospective in nature and could replicate the extraction process.


Users can record electronic evidence such as electronic contract submissions, rights-based processes, service lines, etc. in block chains, agencies'nodes follow the entire process, judges can omit the test of the reliability of evidentiary procedures and improve the efficiency, efficiency and quality of trials.


4; Invoices for the block chain of a commercial bank are extended to the fund removal area


In recent days, Xinhuanet journalists have been informed by the recruiting bank, the South China Branch, that Xinhua Exchange Bank, in its role as a service provider of the Shenzhen City Revenue Authority's block chain electronic invoice platform, a proxy fund, a network of two consumer finance firms with access to the block chain electronic invoice platform and the first block chain electronic invoice for the fund industry, and the consumer finance industry, respectively.


The block chain electronic invoice is an in-depth integration product of the Internet+tax. Under the guidance of the State Tax Administration, the Seine City Revenue Authority of the State Tax Administration leads the bottom-line technology support for landing and self-researching block chain technology. It is the result of a nationwide study on the application of the block chain+invoice ecosystem.


As the first agency to access the “block chain plus invoice” ecosystem, the Bank of Merchants successfully issued the first electronic invoice for the banking block chain on 1 November.


5 Model Base for the Construction of Block Chain Services Industry in conjunction with the China Technology Exchange


In recent days, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed in Beijing between GOS State King China's Public Chain (hereinafter referred to as the “National Golden Public Chain”) and the China Technical Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the “China Institute”), which co-sponsored the “GOS State Kim China's Company 100 Million Company Up Chain Project”.


Under the plan, the two sides will consolidate resources to be supported by low-level technology through the design and landing of the territorial chain industry applications, the establishment of sector chain industry development centres in 100 priority cities throughout the country, the construction of the “China Technology Exchange-China Gold China Public Chain Block Chain Technical Service Entity Industrial Demonstration Base” and the “China Technology Exchange-China Public Chain Sector Development Innovative Services Platform” and the acceleration of the development of the public chain industry through the promotion of sector chain technology transactions and results transformation and the development of sector innovators in the sector.


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6 US$ 250 billion in foreign exchange transactions through block chains in 2018


In recent days, HSBC sources have indicated that they completed $250 billion in foreign exchange transactions in 2018 through block chain technology.


According to the British Financial Times and Reuters, since February last year, HSBC has applied block chain technology to more than 150,000 payments and traded more than 3 million. HSBC does not reveal the scale of traditional foreign exchange transactions, but suggests that the transactions completed through block chain technology are only “a fraction”.


As a bottom-line technology for virtual currencies such as bitcoin, block chains have always been relatively limited in applications other than virtual currencies, and the practice of abundance has further promoted the application of block chain technology in mainstream settings. As noted, block chain technology automates manual processes, reducing reliance on CLS settlement services, while reducing the risk of error and delay, and reducing costs.


HSBC has been a positive experiment in the application of block chains, and last May HSBC completed its first global trade finance programme based on block chain technologies, when the Bank mentioned that traditional transactions would take 5-10 days, while block chain-based transactions would be completed within 24 hours.


7, IBM uses block chain technology to track the metal industry supply chain

  据外媒近日报道,IBM又宣布了两个独立的项目,旨在使用Hyperledger Fabric区块链平台跟踪金属行业的供应链。

According to recent external media reports, IBM announced two separate projects aimed at tracking the supply chain of the metal industry using the Hyperledger Fabric block chain platform.


One of the projects was used to track the transport of cobalt from a mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to a Ford Automotive factory and the other to monitor the transport of metals from a Mexican mine.

  在第一个项目中,IBM全球工业产品总经理曼尼什?舒拉(Manish Chawla)告诉CoinDesk,其目的是确保在供应链的每一站,参与者都能检查材料的来源是否符合经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的标准。Chawla表示:“区块链是最有效的技术,可以实时访问所有调查过程,为从矿商到市场的供应链提供可见性。我们在IBM的角色是,我们正在为这个项目召集人员,开发这个平台。”

In the first project, IBM Global Industrial Product Manager Manish Chawla told CoinDesk that the purpose was to ensure that at every point in the supply chain, participants were able to check whether the source of the material met the criteria of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Chawla said: “The block chain is the most effective technology to access all investigative processes in real time and to provide visibility to the supply chain from the mineer to the market. Our role in IBM is to bring together personnel for this project to develop this platform.”

  另一个金属项目中,IBM正与加拿大一家名为MineHub Technologies的科技初创公司合作,计划在Hyperledger Fabric上建立一个平台,追踪来自墨西哥Goldcorp Penasquito Mine的金属精矿。根据IBM的说法,该系统将允许这家矿业公司上传有关其开采的矿石的数据,包括证明这些材料是以可持续和合乎道德的方式生产的。随着材料的运输,新的信息片段可以作为交易添加到系统中,以便监管机构能够验证数据,以及最终用户。

In another metal project, IBM is working with a Canadian technology start-up company, MineHub Technologies, to set up a platform on Hyperledger Fabric to track metal concentrates from Goldcorp Penasquito Mine, Mexico. According to IBM, the system will allow the mining company to upload data on the ore it exploits, including proof that they are produced in a sustainable and ethical manner. As materials are transported, new segments of information can be added to the system as transactions to enable regulators to validate data, as well as end users.


8, NASA: Focusing on block chain technology to ensure the safety of aircraft flight data

  据Coindesk 1月11日报道,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)正在研究确保飞机飞行数据隐私和安全的区块链技术。

On 11 January Coindisk reported that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States was studying block chain technology to ensure the privacy and safety of aircraft flight data.

  美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的航空计算机工程师Ronald Reisman于近日发表了一篇论文,该论文指出区块链网络和智能合约可以帮助缓解飞行数据的安全问题。Reisman在论文中写道,民用飞机公司更愿意将一些数据进行保密,比如为了防止企业间谍活动的发生而对一些重要信息进行保密。

Ronald Reisman, an aeronautical computer engineer at the Ames Research Center of NASA, recently published a paper that noted that block-chain networks and smart contracts could help to mitigate the safety of flight data. Reisman wrote that civil aircraft companies were more willing to keep certain data confidential, for example, in order to prevent business espionage.


At the same time, the United States Department of Defense defines traffic data for military aircraft as “information, which, if disclosed, would expose a weakness in the Department's critical infrastructure of DoD (extraction depth), which may also result in significant impact, damage or damage to Department of Defense DoD operations, property or facilities”.


In order to address these problems, the researchers presented a prototype, known as the Air Block Chain Infrastructure (ABI), which would be based on overbook structures and smart contracts and would allow authorized entities to control which data would be shared publicly or privately.


Reisman said that we suggested using the `lightly licensed' block chain framework to enable ADS-B systems to reach or exceed the level of privacy and security provided by the current radar-based system in NAS (National Space Area System).


9; Space Chain Pilot Project for Insurance, Vermont, United States


The United States Government of Vermont recently announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Office of the State Secretary of State and the financial regulatory authorities to launch a block chain pilot project to examine the potential of block chain technology in digital record-keeping and registration and regulatory procedures.


The pilot scheme will be open to exclusive insurance companies — licensed insurance companies comprising one or more self-insured parent companies — which may choose to use private block chain technology to submit registration and reporting documents in the state, where the state government currently keeps only paper and digital copies of the submitted documents.

  佛蒙特州旨在通过区块链创建“透明且经过验证”的交易记录,并与传统的记录保存方法相比降低成本。州务卿吉姆·康多斯(Jim Condos)在一份声明中说道:“这项试点计划,将使我们能够检查区块链技术在数字记录保存中的应用,以及这是否可以改善州监管程序的各个方面。”

Vermont aims to create “transparent and certified” records of transactions through block chains and to reduce costs in comparison with traditional record-keeping methods. In a statement, the Secretary of State, Jim Condos, said: “This pilot scheme will enable us to examine the application of block chain technology in digital record-keeping and whether this will improve all aspects of state regulatory procedures.”


It was stated that the Government had begun to identify suppliers with technical and advisory expertise for the pilot project through the request for information (RFI) process.


10, Open Block Chain Platform for Israel's Top Cargo Company


The global shipping press, TradeWinds, reported on 14 January that the largest Israeli freight company, Zim, had opened its electronic bill of lading (eB/Ls) block chain platform to all customers in the selected industry.


Following the successful piloting of its block chain-based eB/Ls platform for more than a year, the company stated that the block chain could not only replace existing paper-based processes, but also improve the workflow through e-mail, fax and other channels.


According to TradeWinds, two recent transactions on the platform, through electronic bills of lading provided through block chain-based systems, were successfully completed in less than two hours, rather than the often required days or weeks.


As part of Zim's new plan, block chain-based transactions will be open to all clients and will focus on Asia, South Africa, North America and Mediterranean countries in the first quarter.


(Data watching Sun Yong-hye)




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