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This should be the simplest application of the block chain, i.e. information sharing.


1, the pain of traditional information sharing


Either there is a single centre for information dissemination and distribution, or a regular batch reconciliation (typically once a day) between them, which is difficult to share in real time for information-sharing that is subject to time-bound requirements.


There is a lack of mutual trust between the parties sharing information to determine whether the information received was sent by the other party.

2、区块链 + 信息共享

2, block chain > + information sharing


First, the block chain itself needs to maintain data consistency across nodes, which can be described as a self-contained information-sharing function; secondly, real-time issues can be achieved through P2P technology in the block chain; and finally, a secure information-sharing channel can be constructed using the inexorable alteration and consensus mechanism of the block chain.


But since block chain technology can solve these problems and it is convenient to add nodes, why not use block chain technology until you have a secure and reliable information-sharing system in place?


3, application


By drawing on our own application, the public interest search chain, and using a good map, we can see the value of the block chain in information-sharing.


1, the pain of traditional forensic evidence


Complex processes: In the case of copyright protection, existing methods of forensic certification, long registration times and high cost.


Credibility is inadequate: in the case of forensic evidence, there is the possibility of tampering with data by individuals or centralized institutions, and credibility is difficult to guarantee.

2、区块链 + 鉴证证明

2, block chain >


Process simplification: Once the block chain has been applied to forensic certificates, both registration and searching are very easy and do not need to travel between departments.


Safe and reliable: Decentralized storage of block chains ensures that no agency can tamper with data at will.


3, application


The blocks chain is applied in the field of recognition of rights in the form of copyright protection, legal documentation, etc. For example, copyright protection is used to describe briefly how the blocks chain achieves copyright registration and search.


(1) Electronic ID card: “ applicant + time of issue + release & & rdquo; copyright information is uploaded after encryption, copyright information is used for the only block chain ID, and an electronic identity card is fairly available.


(2) Time stamp protection: when copyrighted information is stored, it is added to time stamp information, which can be used to demonstrate priority if the right type is the same.


(3) Assurance of reliability: Decentralized storage of block chains, private key signatures, non-alterable features enhance the reliability of forensic information.


In August 2016, several institutions, such as Onchain, Microsoft (China) and Ljuana, established the Electronic Recording Block Chain Alliance & ldquo; the French chain & rdquo in Beijing.


In December 2017, a chain of arbitration alliances was launched by the Microbanks, the Arbitration Commission (Huangzhou Arbitration Commission) and Hangzhou and Technology Ltd., for use as evidence in the judicial scene; in March 2018, the first & ldquo in Guangzhou; in the arbitration chain & rdquo; and in the judgement.


From producer to consumer, goods need to go through multiple links (the process may be as shown in the figure above), and cross-border shopping is more complex; the middle is often problematic, and consumers can easily buy fake goods. And the problem of counterfeits is precisely what plagues major businesses and platforms, and so far it has not been solved.


1, traditional means of protection against forgery

以一直受假冒伪劣产品困扰的茅台酒的防伪技术为例,2000年起,其酒盖里有一个唯一的RFID标签,可通过手机等设备以NFC方式读出,然后通过茅台的APP进行校验,以此防止伪造产品。 咋一看,这种防伪效果非常可靠。但2016年还是引爆了茅台酒防伪造假,虽然通过NFC方式验证OK,但经茅台专业人士鉴定为假酒。后来,在“国酒茅台防伪溯源系统”数据库审计中发现80万条假的防伪标签记录,系防伪技术公司人员参与伪造;随后,茅台改用安全芯片防伪标签。

For example, since 2000, there has been a single RFID label in the wine cap, which can be read in the form of NFCs and other devices, such as mobile phones, which can then be verified through APPs in the huts, in order to prevent counterfeiting of products. This security is reliable. In 2016, however, it was detonated, although it was verified through NFC, but was identified as fake by a professional. Later, in “ in the National Counterfeiting System & rdquo; in database audits, 800,000 false security tags were recorded, with the involvement of security company personnel; and subsequently, it was replaced with a security chip.


But the pain revealed here has not been resolved, i.e., the security information is in the center of a central institution, and the right person can modify it at will. (Note: this pseudo-proof approach in the hut is also derived from the recycling of old bottles, the industry of old bogus bottles, and the road to prevention is a long way to go.)


In May 2017, at the Guiyang Expo, Little Pago proposed that the pseudo-use of block chains should be prevented; what would be the advantages of a combination of block chains and logistics chains?


2, block chain > logistics chain


Block chains do not have centralized nodes, nodes are equal, individual nodes are not capable of modifying data; sufficient nodes need to be controlled to make it possible to falsify data and significantly increase the cost of counterfeiting data.


The inherent openness and transparency of the block chain allows public access to anyone and the probability of counterfeiting data being detected increases significantly.


The data in the block chain cannot be tampered with and also ensures that the information on the products sold is permanently recorded and that secondary sales cannot be achieved by simply copying the information against forgery.


After all the nodes of the logistics chain are connected, the goods are traceable from producer to consumer, forming a complete chain; the more missing the goods are, the more likely they will be exposed to hypocrisy.


3, application

目前,入局物流链的玩家较多,包括腾讯、阿里、京东、沃尔玛等。 据说,阿里的菜鸟在海淘进口应用区块链上,走在了前面,已经初步实现海外商品溯源,国际物流及进口申报溯源、境内物流溯源;下一步就是生产企业溯源了。下图是网上流传的关于阿里的菜鸟在海淘场景运用区块链的示意图。

At present, there are more players in the logistics chain, including tweets, Ali, Kyundong, Wal-Mart, and so on. Ali’s rookies are said to be on the sea-drawn-in-the-sea-import application chain, leading to an initial back-up of overseas commodities, an international logistics and import declaration, and an internal back-up of logistics; the next step is the back-up of production enterprises.


Also, at the third Global Conference on Logistics Technologies, in March, Tetsu formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese Federation of Logistics and Procurement (hereinafter & ldquao; Sino-China & & rdquao;) and launched a block chain logistics platform. There is much room for imagination.


1, traditional supply chain single-point financing


In general supply chain trade, the costs and revenues of the funds are involved between enterprises from the purchase, processing, assembly to sale of raw materials, while the time difference in the expenses and revenues of the enterprise creates a gap in financing, most of which requires production. We look first at a simple supply chain (a complex one I don't know), as follows:


Let's look at the financing of the various players in the map: .


Core enterprises or large enterprises: large, well-credited and highly bargaining power, which transmits financial pressure to subsequent suppliers by extending the period for payment after taking delivery; in addition, it has the strongest financing capacity.


First-tier suppliers: bank financing is available through the assignment of claims from core enterprises.


Other suppliers (mostly MSMEs): small, unstable development, low credit, high risk and difficulty in obtaining bank loans; unable to expect the same long term as the core business; the smaller the business, the shorter it is, the smaller the micro-enterprise needs cash. This contrasts with the fact that MSMEs have no interest in lending money to large businesses to do business.


2, block chains > supply chain finance


Faced with the difficulty of financing MSMEs in the above-mentioned supply chain, this is mainly due to the lack of an effective trust mechanism between banks and SMEs.


If all nodes of the supply chain are chained, the reliability of data such as the core business is ensured through the private key signature technology of the block chain, while contracts, notes, etc., are digitized to facilitate the flow of assets and the transfer of value.


As shown in the figure above, financial institutions, such as banks, are no longer subject to a separate assessment of SME financing when the block chain addresses data reliability and value flows; rather, they stand at the top of the entire supply chain and, by trusting the willingness of core firms to pay, carry out a full analysis and assessment of transactional information on the chain, such as instruments, contracts, etc.


3, application


The more mature ones haven't seen it yet, and they're in the game now.


1, traditional cross-border payments


Cross-border payments involve multiple currencies, exchange rate problems, traditional cross-border payments are heavily dependent on third-party institutions, and there are two problems with the general simplified model, as shown in the figure above;


The process is cumbersome and the settlement cycle is long: traditional cross-border payments are mostly non-real-time, banks conduct bulk processing of transactions at the end of the day, usually taking more than 24 hours for a transaction to be completed; cross-border payments by some banks appear to be real-time, but in practice it is the receiving bank that makes a certain advance based on the credit of the remittance bank, then settles and reconciles funds at the end of the day, and the processing of operations is slow.


High fees: The high level of manual reconciliation of traditional cross-border payment patterns, combined with reliance on third-party institutions, has resulted in high fees, and McKinsey's Global Payments 2016 report data show that the average cost of completing a cross-border payment through the agency model is between $25 and $35.


2, block chain+ cross-border payments


The existence of these problems is largely due to asymmetrical information and the lack of effective trust mechanisms.


The introduction of block chains, as shown in the figure above, addresses the asymmetry of information on cross-border payments and establishes a degree of trust mechanism; it brings with it two benefits.


Efficiency gains and lower costs: access to block chain technology, reliability of data through public-private key technology and access to centres to achieve the goal of data inescapability, and, finally, point-to-point settlement through P2P technology; efficiency gains and reduced costs by removing traditional centre relays (also looking forward to the possibility of universal access to small cross-border payments).


Retroactivity, in line with regulatory needs: traditional point-to-point settlements cannot be applied on a scale-less basis and, in addition to trust issues, there are regulatory loopholes (point-to-point private transactions, risk of money laundering), while sector chain transactions are transparent, information is open, and the permanent preservation of transaction records is traceable and meets regulatory requirements.


3, application


Status of application: Ripple, Circle, Merchant Bank, etc. are in place.


1 ; physical assets


Physical assets are often difficult to separate and not easy to circulate


The flow of physical assets is difficult to monitor and there is a risk of money laundering, etc.


2, digitizing assets in block chains


digitized assets, easily divided, easily circulating and with low transaction costs


When assets are digitized using block chain technology, all asset transaction records are open, transparent, permanently stored, traceable and fully meet regulatory requirements


3, application


Or, for example, the micro-golding application, which continues to borrow pictures from the tweaksql.qq.com, shows that, after the digitization of assets, it is easier to circulate and no longer depends on the issuing agency; and that the purchase of 0.001 g gold is possible, lowering the participation threshold.


It would not have been like adding a token, but when it comes to the block chain, there is always no way to circumvent it; since the block chain is born in bitcoin, it has a natural intergenerational character, and it is bitcoin that is the most successful application of the block chain at the present time.


1, problems with traditional currencies


Traditional currency issuance rights are in the hands of the State and there is a risk of currency abuse


Since its establishment in 1271, the Yuan dynasty has continued to wage war, consume a great deal of money and food, cause chronic currency and cause serious inflation, and the majority of the population has been living in hot and hot water, leading to the displacement of people. In 1368, the undying dynasty became a quick-life ghost of only 97 years.


The 1980 independence of Zimbabwe, followed by the collapse of the economy as a result of land transformation, the government began printing banknotes; the 2001 exchange rate of RM100 was about US$ 1; and in January 2009, the Central Bank of Zimbabwe accelerated the currency collapse with the release of SNZ 100 trillion in face value (see figure below), which was eventually abandoned and replaced with “ dollarized & RDquo; and monetary policy. President Mugabe was removed from office following a coup d'état in Zimbabwe in 2017.


Traditional recording authority is in the hands of a centralized intermediary, with the risk of a breakdown of the intermediary system, breach of the intermediary's authority, fraud by the intermediary, and even fraud by the intermediary.

2013年3月,塞浦路斯为获得救助,对银行储户进行一次性征税约58亿欧元, 向不低于10万欧元的存款一次性征税9.9%,向低于10万欧元的一次性征税6.75%。

In March 2013, Cyprus imposed a one-time tax of approximately Euro5.8 billion on bank depositors and a one-time tax of 9.9 per cent on deposits of not less than Euro100,000, and 6.75 per cent on deposits of less than Euro100,000.


In April 2017, the 3 billion pseudo-finance incident at the Bank was exposed as a result of the falsification by a governor of the preservation of the property, and more than 150 investors were set up.


2, how the block chain addresses these issues


Bitcoin solves the problem of trust in the issuance and recording of money, and we see how bitcoin solves the two above.

滥发问题:比特币的获取只能通过挖矿获得,且比特币总量为2100万个,在发行环节解决了货币滥发的问题; 账本修改问题:比特币的交易记录通过链式存储和去中心化的全球节点构成网络来解决账本修改问题。

(a) Misdirectional problems: Bitcoin acquisition can only be obtained through mining, with a total of 21 million bitcoins, which solves the problem of currency abuses in the distribution chain;


Chain storage can be understood simply to mean that the blocks in which the records are stored are contiguous and form a chain; that all blocks except the first contain the verification information of the previous block, and that changing the information of any block will lead to errors in the subsequent block. Because of this correlation, no other blocks can be inserted in the middle, it is difficult to change the existing records.

而去中心化节点可以简单理解为:全球的中心节点都是平等的,都拥有一模一样的账本,所以,任一节点出问题都不影响账本记录。而要修改账本,必须修改超过全球一半的节点才能完成;而这在目前看来几乎不可能。 既然账本无法修改,那要是记账的时候作弊呢? 首先,比特币的每条交易记录是有私钥签名的,别人伪造不了这个记录。你能修改的仅仅自己发起的交易记录。

Decentralizing nodes can simply be understood as: the central nodes of the world are equal and have the exact same books of accounts, so any one-point problem does not affect the records of the accounts. To change the books, more than half of the world’s nodes have to be changed; this is almost impossible at present.


Secondly, on the issue of rights to bookkeeping: Bitcoin's rights, obtained through workload proof, can be understood simply as: by determining the same moment through algorithms, only one node across the globe is given rights to bookkeeping. The more the basic rule is who owns more computing resources, the more likely it is that who gets rights to bookkeeping, the more likely it will be that only half the computing power of the whole network will make it possible to achieve double flowers.


Note: The Bitcoin model is not replicable, and Bitcoin has attracted the vast majority of global computing power, thereby reducing problems such as 51 per cent of attacks; other replicas are largely unable to secure the corresponding weight.


At present, there are still problems of 51 per cent and inefficiency in Bitcoin, and trust in the transaction itself is a social problem that cannot be solved by Bitcoin.


3, application


The most representative of all, of course, is Bitcoin.


Note: The currency is really bad. Bitcoin currently attracts most of the world's computing power, has a unique amount of numeracy to support it a bit better, and other currencies lack State and force to back them up with credit endorsements, and captures the benefits (e.g. macro-regulations) of a country's currency.




There must be a lot of scenes for block chain applications, but many of them are not yet clear. For the time being, the seven scenes are sorted out and summarized by way of example.


Block chains are so hot, but there have been few examples of actual applications; I believe that it is not the current problem of block chain technology that hinders their wider application, nor are there very few scenes in which they can be applied, and that they are commercially relevant to the interests of all parties, and that the greatest challenge is likely to be far from technology.


These are the details of the seven applications of the block chain, and more information on the sharing of knowledge about the site of the block chain application. Please pay attention to other relevant articles from the Script House!

Tag:区块链   应用场景  



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