Introduction to Block Chains
Bitcoin based on block chains
Block chains and philanthropy
Cold-chain helper disease prevention and control.
Digital currency issued by DCEP China
IBM Fabric联盟链技术
IBM Fabric Union Chain Technology
As of 1 November 2020, all import cold-chain food production units in the city of Beijing will be required to physically upload back-to-back data on imports of frozen meat, sources of water products, flows, etc., in the “Beijing cold chain”, and to implement electronic retroactive codes, stickers, etc.
The “Beijing Cold Chain” is managed by the “first stop code” for importing frozen meat, water products and imports of cold-chain food production units into Beijing from abroad. The “Beijing Cold Chain” is used as the starting point for uploading retrospective data on product varieties, specifications, batches, provenances, quarantines, etc., in the “Beijing Cold Chain”, and the “Beijing Cold Chain” is used as a batch-by-package electronic trace code for the products concerned. If there is a retroactive code on the packaging of products that meets the GS1 code and retroactive criteria, no additional code is required.
The “Beijing Cold Chain” seeks to be “traceable and detectable” by implementing the management model of “first stop code, access code, one-size-fits-all, clean-up search” for imported frozen meat and water products in Kyoto. It provides additional support for precision control. For products related to which no retroactive data have been uploaded, the city's cold-chain food production units should be non-purchasing, non-marketing and non-use.
When selling to consumers, food operators should attach the “Beijing Cold Chain” to their imported frozen meats, water products packagings, or containers.
The “Beijing Cold Chain” is known to operate online and to provide access to a variety of ways to access the web site (the “Beijing Cold Chain” web site at https://sp.scjgj.beijing.gov.cn/cctp/login) directly, as well as to search for the “Beijing Cold Chain” small program in micro-mails, payment treasures for cellular end-to-end operations.
全称是Digital Currency Electronic Payment,DC指的是数字货币,EP指的电子支付。早在2014年,央行便开始着手DC/EP的研究。今年2020年已在深圳、苏州、雄安、成都试点。从性质上看,DCEP,属于法定货币,是数字化的纸币,和人民币金额是1:1的关系,没有投资和投机价值。
Since it is a digital paper currency, what use is it for? Where can it be used? It can only be used in pilot businesses, specifically in pilot cities. Rumor has it that the pilot businesses in Yu-An-Xin are concentrated in catering and retail. How can we get DC/EP? Downloading the commercial bank's digital wallet and using the bank card to exchange the corresponding amount for DC/EP, which can be used for consumption.
In another case, the agency issues DC/EP directly to digital wallets. There are rumours that some agencies and establishments in Suzhou will pay some of their wages and transport subsidies in the form of DC/EP. DC/EP is currently an internal control phase, open only to white list users, while others are watching.
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