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Origin, definition and development of the block chain


Oh Guofang!


(14 December 2020)


On 24 October 2020, the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China studied the chain of blocks. Since the birth of Bitcoin and the block chain in January 2009, the block chain and bitcoin have gradually attracted the attention of the scientific and technological community, the business community and the government around the world. The price of bitcoin has been rising and falling in recent years. On 24 October 2020, the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China studied the chain of blocks. Since then, China has developed the chain of blocks. In order to help people from all walks of life and government officials understand the chain, I have decided to write and publish six papers on the origin, definition, development, classification, structure, technology, application, problems, risks, etc. of the block chain. The titles of these six papers (which may change individually in the future) are as follows:


(1) Origin, definition and development of the block chain;


(2) Classification, structure and technology of the block chain;


(3) The application, problems and risks of the block chain;


(4) Block chains with bitcoin and electronic currency;


(5) Who created the bitcoin and block chain?


(6) Is Bitcoin and block chains a big conspiracy?


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bitcoin and block chains originated in a paper published by Nakamoto on 1 November 2008; they were born in January 2009. Since then, block chains and bitcoins have gained increasing attention. This paper describes the origins of bitcoins and block chains, sets out the definition of block chains and describes their development in foreign countries and China.

关键词:区块链 比特币 中本聪 bitcoin blockchain P2P

Keyword: block chain bitcoin blockchain P2P


The block chain is a term for information technology. The block chain originates in Bitcoin and has a history of only 12 years. In essence, the block chain is a shared database. Data or information stored in the block chain has features such as “unforcable”, “retroactive” and “collective maintenance”.


Origin of the block chain


The block chain originates in bitcoin.

2008年11月1日,一位自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在一个隐秘的电子邮件平台“密码朋克”上发表了一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)的论文。在这篇论文里,作者详细阐述了基于P2P(Peer-to-Peer)网络技术、加密技术、时间戳技术等区块链技术的电子现金系统的理论,创立了去中心化的电子交易体系。这标志着比特币的诞生。

On November 1, 2008, a paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System was published by a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto on a secret e-mail platform, the code punk, creating decentralised electronic trading systems based on P2P (Peer-to-Peer) network technology, encryption technology, time stamp technology, etc.


Six days later, on 9 January 2009, blocks with serial number 1 appeared and were linked to the creation block with serial number 0. This marked the birth of a chain of blocks. Inventive blocks and block No. 1 were created by medium-hearing; and it was made by middle-hearing to link them to the chain of chains.

【注:中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)究竟是谁?请看我将要发表的论文《比特币和区块链的创建者是谁?》】

[Note: Who is Satosh Nakamoto? See the paper I'm about to publish, "Who created the Bitcoin and Block Chains?"]


In recent years, the attitude of the world’s governments has been volatile, and the attitude of the professionals involved has been very different. But the basic technology of Bitcoin, “block chain technology,” is increasingly valued.


Definition of block chains


There is no universally accepted definition of block chains in the world. Here is the definition given by the author.


In a narrow sense, the block chain (blockchain) is a chain, non-frozen and non-falseable distribution book (Ledger) that links the data blocks in chronological order.


Broadly speaking, block chains (blockchain) are a chain, non-centre, non-falseable, non-falseable, group maintenance, full-way footprints, and traceable distribution of transactions (databases). Here, each “data block” records a set of transactional status information; “distribution” refers to communication and coordination of actions by means of equal communication of information between points in a reciprocal (P2P, Peer-to-Peer) network; the “Ledger” is an off-the-shelf database, known as the NoSQL database.


Development of the block chain


(A) Development of block chains in foreign countries


On 1 November 2008, for the first time, the concept and doctrine of the block chain was presented by Nakamoto.


In January 2009, Bitcoin and block chains were born sequentially. In the process of developing the block chain, the block chain was the first-generation block chain, known as the block chain 1.0. The first-generation block chain is the block chain of electronic currency.


In the years that followed, the block chain became the public ledger for electronic currency bitcoin transactions, which gained increasing attention.


In 2014, the block chain 2.0 (second-generation block chain) became a proxy for decentralizing the database. The main feature of the second-generation block chain is the smart protocol for transactions.

2015年10月,英国《经济学人》杂志发表了《信任机器—比特币背后的技术如何改变世界》(The Trust Machine: How the technology behind the bitcoin could change the world)的封面文章。这篇文章是区块链发展的一个里程碑。它使区块链的风暴席卷全球。文章使人们认识到,比特币底层技术区块链比比特币本身价值更大。区块链技术让人们在既没有中心权威机构的监督和管理,又没有金钱和信息仲裁的中介机构,就能够进行可信的交易。从此,世界一些大公司和银行,包括美国高盛公司、花旗银行、美联储、英国央行等,纷纷投资区块链。

In October 2015, the British Journal of Economists published a cover article on "Trust Machine: How the technology behind the world behind the bitcoin could change the world. This article is a milestone in the development of the block chain. It brings a storm of the block chain across the globe.

2016年1月,美国梅兰妮?斯万(Melanie Swan)发表《区块链:新经济蓝图及导读》(Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy)。作者把超越货币、金融范围的区块链应用归结为区块链3.0(第三代区块链)。第三代区块链是分布式人工智能和组织的区块链。

In January 2016, Melanie Swan of the United States published Block Chains: A New Economic Blueprint and Guidance (Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy). The author attributed the monetary and financial block chain application to the block chain of 3.0 (third-generation block chain). The third-generation block chain is a distributed artificial intelligence and organized block chain.


By 2016, a bitcoin had risen to $1,200. By May 2018 and October 2019, a bitcoin had risen to more than $20,000, 26 million more than the first bitcoin. At the peak of Bitcoin, the world’s total Bitcoin was worth more than $3 trillion.


(B) Development of block chains in China


The price of Bitcoin rose sharply, thanks to the participation of Chinese netizens. After the surge, the price of Bitcoin became wave-like.


On 5 December 2013, the five ministries of the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Labour and Communications, the Silver Supervisory Board, the CSRC and the Committee on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin issued a joint circular, which began to strengthen the management and supervision of Bitcoin.


On January 20, 2016, the People's Bank of China seminar on digital currency announced a phased outcome to the digital currency study. The meeting affirmed the value of digital currency in reducing traditional currency distribution, among other things, and stated that central banks were exploring digital currency distribution.


On 20 December 2016, the Digital Monetary Union, the Digital Monetary Union of FinTech, China, and the FinTech Institute were officially established.


On 10 January 2019, the National Internet Information Office issued the Regulation on the Management of Block Chain Information Services, which became effective on 15 February 2019.


On 24 October 2020, the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China conducted its eighteenth collective study on the current state of and trends in the technological development of the block chain. The Secretary-General, Xi Jinping, led the study and stressed that “the block chain is an important entry point for core technological autonomy and innovation”; and “the acceleration of technological and industrial innovation in the block chain.” Since then, the block chain has moved into the eyes of the Chinese public and has become one of the focus of public attention.


However, the technologies of Bitcoin and block chains and their applications have many problems and great risks.




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