
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:27 评论:0



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On 30 November, the Bitcoin News and Information Network Coindisk price showed that Bitcoin prices had exceeded the site’s historical maximum price of US$ 19665. As at the time of publication, Coindesk data showed that Bitcoin prices were approximately US$ 19766, with a 9.17 per cent increase in 24 hours, and that Bitcoin was traded at US$ 26,690 million within 24 hours, with a market value of US$ 36,6.8 billion, exceeding the market value of Morgan Chase.

比特币一日价格走势与历史极值 图片来源:coindesk

比特币一日价格走势与历史极值 图片来源:coindesk

摩根大通市值 图片来源:wind

  摩根大通市值 图片来源:wind另据合约帝行情统计报告显示,过去1小时比特币全网总计爆仓9422万美元,24小时比特币全网爆仓1.98亿美元,爆仓人数10975人。

Morgan Chase Market Values: According to a separate report by the Under-Secretary-General, during the past one hour, the entire Bitcoin was in a total of $9.422 million, while Bitcoin was in a total of $198 million and its number was 10975.

  对此,多位业内专家此前对澎湃新闻记者表示,这波行情市场主要的驱动因素是机构资金的入场。11月23日外媒CNBC援引投资组合经理兼Quantum Economics创始人Mati Greenspan的话表示:“现在和2017年的反弹不同之处在于,当时市场是由散户投机推动的,现在是由企业和亿万富翁推动的。”

In response, a number of industry experts previously told journalists that the main driver of the market was the entry of institutional funds. On November 23, the foreign media, CNBC, quoted Mati Greenspan, a portfolio manager and founder of Quantum Economics, as saying: “What's different is the rebound from 2017, when the market was driven by speculatory speculation and now by businesses and billionaires.”

  区块链行业投资者、Axia8 Ventures 创始人林维浩也认为,这轮的上涨和2017年、2018年是不同的,在几年内行业有快速的迭代,从底层基础设施发展,优质资产和项目的留存,到全球共识的加深和理智化、并不像过往缺乏底层价值的过热。尤其这次的上涨和大量的海外机构入场有关,从较早布局的灰度大量增持各类资产到更多的金融机构申请进行比特币等资产的交易许可已经有一定程度的机构fomo(唯恐错过情绪),因此可以理解为有较多的主力资金已进入,可以合理理解为比特币或者加密资产总市值的绝对低点已经大幅抬高。

The investors in the block chain industry, Axia8 Ventures’ founder, Lin Weiho, also argued that the boom was different from 2017 and 2018, and that there had been rapid shifts in the industry over a number of years, ranging from infrastructure development at the bottom, the retention of quality assets and projects, to the deepening and intellectualization of the global consensus, which was not as hot as the past lack of bottom value. This rise was particularly related to the arrival of a large number of overseas institutions, and that there was already a certain amount of institutional fomo (so afraid to miss the mood) to apply for trading permits for assets such as Bitcoin from the earlier layout, and it was therefore understandable that the absolute low value of Bitcoin or the total market value of encrypted assets, which could reasonably be understood, had risen significantly.


What do you think of the city after the strong?


In fact, a number of people in the industry have spoken back about the news, the shock will occur, and the long lines are looking up.


According to Lin Wee Ho, large-scale retrenchments are bound to happen, but it may start before 20,000 or after 20,000, so that more speculation is not made, and it is more certain that there is no quantitative ceiling for looking at space on a long line.


Bing, the investor, Wang Xiaobing, the early investor at the Bicc Exchange, said earlier: “In general, this year’s prices are on the rise, they are high before the shock, and they are likely to go into a tremor zone in the near future. This year’s price, with an opportunity to hit $20,000, will be a new high in the short term, but for next year’s bull, they will be just the beginning.”


“In the long run, it's going up for 10 years.” Some investors think. He said that the gains might be a little weaker in the near future, but that they could be used as a hedge asset, but there would be a huge drop in the way.

  CNBC援引投资公司Galaxy Digital首席执行官Mike Novogratz则给出了具体的判断,认为比特币到今年年底可能达到5.5万至6万美元,不过Novogratz在2018年也曾表示到2018年底比特币可能“轻松”触及4万美元。

CNBC quotes Mike Novogratz, Chief Executive Officer of the investment company Galaxy Digital, who gave a specific judgement that Bitcoin could reach $55,000 to $60,000 by the end of the year, although Novogratz also indicated in 2018 that Bitcoin might have reached $40,000 “lightly” by the end of 2018.


Greed Index is high

  OKEx Research首席研究员William则指出了当前市场存在的风险。

William, Chief Research Fellow, OKEx Research, pointed out the risks in the current market.


He said that Bitcoin was a strong financial attribute and that speculative demand could be said to be an important factor affecting the price of bitcoin. Bitcoin, as a special asset class, unlike equities or bonds, would not produce any predictable cash flow, and the only way investors would earn returns was by increasing bitcoin prices and, like all risky assets, its price was characterized by changes in investor sentiment and risk attitudes.


William argues that since mid-October, the price of Bitcoin has jumped from about $10,000 to $19,000. Many people in the market are very optimistic about Bitcoin, believing that Bitcoin could hit $80,000 or $100,000 at the end of the year; on the other hand, when looking at the market, it has been found that a number of investors have started to use credit cards or invest in bitcoin through loans, which is a very dangerous act. According to the Bitcoin Greed Index, it is now 94, and the market is in a state of extreme greed.


“Therefore, with regard to future trends in the Bitcoin market, it is recommended that market investments be prudent not to be actively leveraged or invested in excess of money at one time.” He said.



  2009年1月3日,化名为中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的比特币创始人建立比特币创世区块,标志着比特币的诞生。按照中本聪的设计,比特币具有2100万枚的总量上限,每四年产出减半,以及去中心化、公开透明、可以溯源、难以篡改等特性。

On January 3, 2009, the founder of Bitcoin, known as Satoshi Nakamoto, established the Bitcoin inventive block, marking the birth of Bitcoin. In its design, Bitcoin has a total ceiling of 21 million pieces, reducing output by half every four years, and decentralized, transparent, traceable, difficult to tamper with.


After its birth, Bitcoin passed through a multi-wheeled cattle bear.


In August 2010, the Bitcoin Exchange, Mt. Gox, was established in Japan, and Bitcoin began to have real market offers. And on 20 November 2012, Bitcoin halved for the first time.


In late March 2013, as a result of the financial crisis in Cyprus, the depositors of Cyprus chose to use bitcoin as a hedge tool, and Bitcoin came to the attention of the world for the first time. In October, the United States Senate discussed the impact and opportunities of bitcoin.


In December of the same year, five Chinese ministries issued a joint Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, clarifying the non-monetary nature of bitcoin and prohibiting financial institutions and payment agencies from doing business related to bitcoin. Bitcoin began to fall. On 25 February 2014, the Bitcoin Exchange, Mt. Gox, declared bankrupt for the theft of bitcoin, and Bitcoin prices continued to decline.


Bitcoin was halved for the second time on 10 July 2016.


In the spring of 2017, the model of the first collection and distribution of coins (ICOs) began to rise, and the price of Bitcoins stagnated, reaching a record high of 19783, before September, when the Chinese government urgently shut down the ICO. At the end of January 2018, the price of Bitcoins began to collapse and fell to $3,500 in December 2018.


In June 2019 and February 2020, Bitcoin climbed twice to over $10,000, but it did not last much longer. On March 12, 2020, Bitcoin also suffered a fall in the waterfall and a beheading in less than a month.


After that, however, Bitcoin prices rose steadily. By 13 May 2020, Bitcoins had been halved for the third time. By the end of July, Bitcoin prices had exceeded $10,000 and quickly broke $11,000 and $12,000 over a half-month period. Bitcoins prices had also fallen sharply to $10,000 in early September, again showing an upward trend in volatility.




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