
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:29 评论:0



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华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)


More recently, Shanghai has continued to strengthen the management of the virtual currency “mining” activities. On 15 June, the Shanghai Commission for the Reform of the Shanghai Development Commission issued the Shanghai Market's Priority Work Programme for Carbon-Effecting and Energy-Conserving Emissions Reductions in 2022, which states that energy efficiency reviews and environmental impact assessments should be strictly enforced, and that the blind development of energy-intensive, high-emission, low-level projects should be firmly curbed, the virtual currency “mining” activities should be seriously addressed and law enforcement should be strengthened.


On 13 June, the Shanghai Municipal Government Network issued a circular on the signing of a “Credit of Credit Commitments for Non-Participation in Virtual Currency Mining” by the Shanghai Municipal Economic Information Commission and the Municipal Development Reform Commission. The circular indicates that the Shanghai City is in the process of overhauling, verifying and overhauling virtual currency “mining” operations. In order to facilitate self-censorship and legal compliance by the data centres, the circular requires enterprises to immediately conduct a self-censorship of the data centres operated by their enterprises and their subsidiaries, with a virtual currency “mining” and trading activities, or where users are found to be engaged in related activities, and that the virtual currency “mining” and trading activities should be modified in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant notification requirements.


“At the beginning of the past year, our country’s reform of virtual currency mining has shown that it is highly risky and unconvinced by mainstream sources, and that it is not in keeping with the mainstream trend in the ‘circumstance’ of the various policies of bitcoin, and that it poses a great risk to its own funds. As the central bank’s digital renminbi project progresses, the path to official digital currency development becomes clearer, and the space for other ‘demonstration’ ‘virtual’ developments becomes more narrow.


fixes the virtual currency “mining” campaign to


On the occasion of the National Energy Conservation Week, the Washington Times journalist noted that, in recent days, in addition to overseas, the Guangdong Province Energy Agency and the Guangdong Province Communications Authority have also indicated that they will intensify their efforts to bring the virtual currency “mining” to a close, to maintain a healthy and safe Internet environment and to promote high-quality economic and social development.


Until now, CDRC has issued a circular on matters related to differential pricing of electricity for the virtual currency “mining” and has decided to implement a differential price policy for electricity for the virtual currency “mining” as of 10 May. In this case, the CDRC has decided to increase the price of electricity per kilowatt hour for the virtual currency “mining” and to adjust it dynamically in the light of the correction.


Moreover, “mining” would increase the risk of cyber-security to a certain extent, and in a society that is becoming increasingly important for personal information data, an act that would even increase social instability beyond economic development and affect social stability, given the enormous energy consumption of virtual currency mining and the current demands of society for energy-saving reductions. At the same time, it would be detrimental to the socio-economic stability of the country’s recent provinces, given the many derivative risks associated with the production and trade of virtual currency in this area.


It is worth noting that the virtual currency “mining” campaign, which was included in the Industrial Structural Adjustment Directory (2019 edition) in January of this year, falls under the category of “deteriorating production process equipment.” The virtual currency “mining” activity is in violation of laws and regulations such as the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Law on the Promotion of the Revolving Economy of the People's Republic of China (amended 2018), and the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China.


With regard to the risks of the “mining” of the virtual currency, the Sun Yi stated, firstly, that, in terms of administrative liability, the mining of the virtual currency had been included in the category of phase-out of the Industrial Structural Adjustment Directory, and that under article 50 of the Act on the Promotion of the Recycled Economy and article 71 of the Act on Energy Conservation, the use of technologies, processes, equipment and materials included in the list could constitute a crime of money-laundering and the concealment and concealment of proceeds of crime under articles 191 and 312 of the Criminal Code.


Sun Yi stressed that because of the high volatility in the value of the virtual currency itself, ordinary investors are vulnerable to greater losses and investment risks if they are misoperated or encounter particular periods of volatility; secondly, anonymous transactions in virtual currency normalization leave investors unaware of the relevant information about the subject of the transaction and, in addition to the risk of false perceptions of fraud, are vulnerable to a greater criminal risk in related criminal cases such as money-laundering, illegal operations, etc.; furthermore, investors need to be aware of their information security-related risks to prevent the leakage of personal and related data, such as virus-related infections, in the “mining” process, affecting the personal property security of investors themselves.




Since 2021, the country has severely regulated the “mining” of virtual currency.


On 25 May 2021, the Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission (NAMRC) issued the Eight Measures (Advisory Drafts) on the Resolute Fight against the Punishment of Virtual Currency Mining, which severely restricted the operation of Inner Mongolia's mines. On 9 June 2021, the Ministry of Qinghai Department of Industry and Informatization issued a circular on the clean-up of the Virtual Currency Mining Project, which called for the clean-up of the virtual currency “mining” in all areas of Qinghai Province. According to the circular on the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Sichuan Province Energy Authority's closure of the Virtual Currency “Drawing” project, the operation of all mining sites in Sichuan will have to be suspended by 20 June 2021.

在此之前,我国曾是比特币等加密货币的挖矿产业主要聚集地,根据英国剑桥大学的数据显示,中国一度占据比特币65.08%的算力。在我国全面禁止挖矿产业之后,美国在此领域取代中国成为了挖矿产业聚集地。来自Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance(CCAF)的数据显示,自中国全面禁止挖矿产业之后,主要来自美国的矿工已经逐渐接管了比特币的全球采矿业务。截至2021年9月底,美国占全球算力的35.4%,是2020年9月的四倍多。

Prior to that, we were the main conglomerates of the mining industry for encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, where, according to data from the University of Cambridge in England, China once occupied 65.08% of Bitcoin. After our total ban on mining, the United States replaced China as a conglomerator. Data from Cambridge Center for International Mining (CCAF) show that, since China’s total ban on mining, miners from the United States have gradually taken over Bitcoin’s global mining operations. As of the end of September 2021, the United States accounted for 35.4 per cent of global capacity, more than four times that of September 2020.


值得注意的是,本周比特币等加密货币价格集体“跳水”,6月17日,比特币价格再次跌破2.1万美元,与历史峰值相比以下跌近70%。与此同时,比特币矿商也正在缩减产量,加密货币价格下跌和能源成本上升挤压了其利润,导致其股价暴跌。数据显示,在过去一个月,全球最大的上市比特币矿企之一的马拉松数字的股价下跌了约40%,另一家知名矿企Argo Blockchain的股价下跌了35%。

It is worth noting that this week, the price of encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, has collectively “dived” and again, on 17 June, bitcoin prices fell by almost 70%, compared with historical peaks. At the same time, Bitcoin miners are cutting production, and the price of encoded currency prices and energy costs have squeezed their profits, leading to a sharp fall in their stock prices.


According to the British Financial Times in Chinese, the spokesman for Marathon Digitals, Charlie Schumacher, said: “There are many miners in this industry who are affected by energy price fluctuations. So they are feeling pressure from two different directions: high costs plus lower income from bitcoins.”


Schumacher also stated that companies that had sought funds from banks or markets in the past were now finding it more difficult; the stock market had fallen, the demand for financing had diminished, and interest rates had risen. This could force other companies to close their operations or abandon their plans to buy more computers, “in some cases, owing to financial constraints and shrinking profits, some have begun to cancel orders.”


Chen Jia, a researcher at the Chinese People’s University’s International Monetary Institute, said to reporters in the newspaper that the price of the encryption asset industry had a severe impact on mining. In Bitcoin, for example, the latest price of Bitcoin is close to the threshold of $20,000, while the total cost of mining remains high, making many miners vulnerable.


“Although it is likely that later on we will see another recession in the mining industry, from a regulatory point of view, regulation of the mining industry will be as long-term as that of financial counter-fraud, anti-money-laundering.” Chen Jianxian, for example.


In this regard, Su Nyari argues that, as Bitcoin is widely characterized as speculative assets, the bitcoin mining industry, which is dependent on speculative assets, is also speculative in nature. For institutional follow-up, it is recommended that market uncertainties be identified and risk spread as far as possible, diversified products be expanded and external shocks from single business risks avoided.


Su Nai stressed that it was recommended that participating institutions and investors should be aware of the situation and stay away from the current market for encrypted currency, which was complex and exposed to policy risks, and that this week's sharp fall in encrypted currency had renewed market confidence in virtual currency-related issues, thereby creating a degree of volatility in the demand for mining industries.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳


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