
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:27 评论:0



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加密货币从投机性投资发展成为一种新的资产类别,这促使世界各国政府探索监管加密货币的方法。截至 2024 年 1 月,一些政府已经制定了框架来为用户提供保护,而另一些政府则在等待时机。

  • 随着加密货币成为全球投资格局中越来越重要的因素,各国采取了不同的方法来监管这一资产类别


  • 美国正在慢慢接近监管,但用户、发行人、企业和监管机构正忙于在法庭上斗争。


    In other countries, encrypted currencies have different classifications and tax treatments.

美国于 2022 年宣布了一项新框架,为进一步监管打开了大门。新指令将权力移交给现有的市场监管机构,例如美国证券交易委员会 (SEC)和商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC)。

SEC 已开始对该行业进行监管,其针对以加密货币为中心的企业和项目提起的一系列诉讼就证明了这一点,例如针对 Ripple、Coinbase (COIN)、币安 (BNB) 等许多公司的加密产品和服务提起的诉讼和投诉。

SEC has begun to regulate the industry, as evidenced by a series of lawsuits against companies and projects centred on crypto-currency, such as those against a number of companies such as Ripple, Coinbase (COIN), BNB, etc.

但在 2023 年,一家地区上诉法院裁定,Ripple 出售的 XRP 只有在向机构出售时才属于证券发行,而在交易所出售时则不属于证券发行。这是加密行业的一次部分胜利——随后 11 月的另一项裁决撤销了委员会对 Grayscal 将其比特币 ETF 信托转换为持有比特币的 ETF 的申请的拒绝。法院下令委员会重新审查该申请,最终导致首批比特币现货 ETF 在 2024 年 1 月获得批准。

style="collor: #00000; --tt-darkmode-collor: #A3A3A3" > But in 2023, a District Court of Appeal ruled that the XRP sold by Ripple was only issued when sold to an institution, and not when sold on an exchange. This was a partial victory in the encryption industry - and another decision in November subsequently quashed the Commission's rejection of Grayscal' application to convert its Bitcoin ETF trust to an ETF holding Bitcoin. The Court ordered the Commission to re-examine the application, which eventually led to the first batch of Bitcoin current ETFs being approved in January 2024.


The ongoing struggle between regulators, brokers, investors and the encryption industry suggests that the United States is still developing regardless of the framework introduced and the powers given to regulators.

如美国证券交易委员会主席 Gary Gensler 所说,这场斗争可能会持续下去,“它(批准)绝不应表明委员会愿意批准加密资产证券的上市标准。该批准也不表明委员会对联邦证券法下其他加密资产的地位或某些加密资产市场参与者目前不遵守联邦证券法的看法。正如过去所说的那样,在不对任何一种加密资产进行预先判断的情况下,绝大多数加密资产都是投资合约,因此受联邦证券法的约束……

style="color: #000; -- tt-darkmode-collor: #A3A3" > As stated by the Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Gary Gensler, “it should never (approval) indicate that the Commission is willing to approve listing standards for encrypted asset securities. That approval does not reflect the Commission's view that the status of other encrypted assets under the Federal Securities Act or the current non-compliance of certain participants in the market for encrypted assets with the Federal Securities Act.

虽然截止到目前批准了某些现货比特币 ETP 股票的上市和交易,但并没有批准或支持比特币。”



, in addition, since Bitcoin was banned from mining in May 2021, many of those engaged in this activity have completely closed their business or moved to jurisdictions where the regulatory environment is more favourable.

虽然加密货币在加拿大不被视为法定货币,但该国在加密货币监管方面比其他国家更为积极主动。加拿大成为第一个批准比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 的国家,其中几只在多伦多证券交易所交易。



2022 年 10 月,英国议会下院将加密资产认定为受监管的金融工具。《金融服务和市场法案》于 2023 年 6 月成为一项法案(法律),并扩展了有关所有加密资产、服务和提供商的现有法律。

2022 October 2022, the House of Commons of the British Parliament identified encrypted assets as a regulated financial instrument. The Financial Services and Markets Act became a bill (law) in June 2023 and extended existing laws on all encrypted assets, services and providers.



, so the UK also prohibits transactions in encrypted derivatives of money.

加密货币交易所和托管钱包提供商必须遵守金融制裁实施办公室 (OFSI) 的报告义务。如果加密货币公司知道或有合理理由怀疑某人受到制裁或犯有金融制裁罪行,则必须尽快通知 OFSI。

Encrypted Currency Exchange and Host Wallet Providers must comply with the reporting obligations of the Financial Sanctions Enforcement Office (OFSI).


日本于 2020 年成立了日本虚拟货币交易所协会(JVCEA),所有加密货币交易所都是其成员。日本将加密货币产生的交易收益视为杂项收入,并据此向投资者征税。

日本一直在努力完善监管,包括税收。2022 年 9 月,政府宣布最早将于 2023 年 5 月推出汇款规则,以防止犯罪分子利用加密货币交易所洗钱。《防止犯罪收益转移法》将进行修订,以允许收集客户信息。


2019 年,澳大利亚证券和投资委员会 (ASIC)出台了首次代币发行 (ICO)的监管要求。它禁止交易所提供隐私币,即通过隐藏其网络中的资金流动来保持匿名的加密货币。

2019, the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) introduced a regulatory requirement for the first currency issuance (ICO). It prohibits exchanges from providing privacy currency, i.e. keeping anonymous encrypted currency by concealing financial flows in their networks.

2021 年,澳大利亚宣布计划围绕加密货币建立许可框架,并可能推出中央银行数字货币 (CBDC)。

2021, Australia announced plans to establish a licensing framework around encrypted currencies, with the possibility of introducing a central bank digital currency (CBDC).


October 2023, the Australian Treasury announced plans to introduce a regulatory framework, which will be published sometime in 2024. If approved and implemented, there will be a 12-month transition period.

与英国一样,新加坡把加密货币归类为财产,而不是法定货币。新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 按照《支付服务法》(PSA) 的规定对交易所进行许可和监管。

新加坡于 2022 年发布指导意见,警告数字支付代币 (DPT) 提供商避免向公众宣传其服务。

2023 年 8 月,新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 宣布了一项框架,该框架将规范该国的稳定币发行,要求任何发行人都符合特定标准。稳定币必须获得 MAS 的批准,才能使用“MAS 监管的稳定币”标签,以区别于非监管的稳定币。

2023 August 2023, the Singapore Financial Services Authority (MAS) announced a framework that will regulate the issuance of stable currencies in the country and require any issuer to meet specific criteria. Stable currencies must be authorized by MAS to use the MAS-regulated Stable Currency label to distinguish them from non-regulated Stable Currency.


在韩国,加密货币交易所和其他虚拟资产服务提供商必须在金融服务委员会 (FSC) 下属的韩国金融情报部门 (KFIU) 注册。韩国还在 2021 年禁止交易所发行所有加密货币。


2023, the Korean Government's Virtual Assets User Protection Act came into force. The Act formally appoints the Financial Services Commission as the regulator for virtual assets and outlines the legal and illegal use of virtual assets. In addition, the Act requires issuers or service providers to comply with certain practices to ensure user protection.

印度在加密货币监管方面仍持观望态度,既不将其合法化,也不对其使用进行惩罚。目前有一项法案正在流传,该法案禁止印度所有私人加密货币,但尚未进行投票。所有加密货币投资均需缴纳 30% 的税,加密货币交易则可享受 1% 的预扣税 (TDS)。

总体而言,印度仍在犹豫是否彻底禁止加密货币或对其进行监管。印度从2022 年财政法案将虚拟数字资产定义为财产,并概述了对其收入征税的税收要求。

比特币在巴西不是法定货币,但该国通过了一项法律,将加密货币合法化为全国范围内的支付方式,从而推动了数字货币的采用。2022 年 11 月 29 日,巴西众议院批准了一项监管框架,使加密货币作为该国支付手段的使用合法化。

bitcoin is not a statutory currency in Brazil, but the adoption of a law to legalize encrypted currency as a nationwide method of payment has facilitated the adoption of digital currency. /strang> 2022 November, the House of Representatives of Brazil approved a regulatory framework to legalize the use of encrypted currency as a means of payment in the country. /span>

该法案已颁布为法律,并于 2023 年 6 月 20 日作为第 14,478 号法律“虚拟资产法律框架”生效。根据 2023 年 6 月 13 日第 11,563 号法令,巴西中央银行被指定为监管、授权和监督加密货币交易所运营的主管当局。



2020 年 9 月,欧盟委员会提出了加密资产市场监管(MiCA),加强消费者保护、明确制定加密行业行为并引入新的许可要求的框架。

2023 年 4 月,议会批准了允许立法要求某些加密服务提供商申请经营许可的措施。MiCA 于 2022 年获得临时批准,并于 2023 年 7 月生效。该立法旨在为监管机构提供追踪用于洗钱和恐怖主义融资的加密货币所需的工具,同时为用户提供保护。

2023 April 2023, Parliament approved measures allowing legislation to require certain encryption service providers to apply for business licences. MiCA was provisionally approved in 2022 and came into force in July 2023. The legislation is designed to provide regulators with the tools needed to trace encrypted money used for money-laundering and terrorist financing, while protecting users.


Globally, encrypt currency regulatory regulations are still under study and development, many countries are in the process of developing policies and legislation, while others are lagging behind for various reasons.



In the United States, who regulates encrypted currency depends on how and where it is used. The United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the Chicago Commodity Exchange, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority are all involved in the regulation. Encrypted currency transactions (private to private wallets) between private users are not regulated.

尽管加密货币自 2009 年就已存在,但全球各国政府和监管机构仍在研究如何管理其使用。必须保护消费者和企业免受欺诈活动的侵害,并采取预防措施打击非法加密货币的使用。许多国家都在取得进展,但这是一个缓慢且充满争议的过程。

Despite the existence of encrypted currencies since 2009, governments and regulators around the world are still studying how to regulate their use. Consumers and businesses must be protected from fraudulent activities and preventive measures taken to combat the use of illegal encrypted currencies. Many countries are making progress, but this is a slow and controversial process.


views and analyses are presented for information only.




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