
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:26 评论:0



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□ 吕 欣

□ Lu Xin


In the last two years, the technology and industry of the block chain has entered a period of rapid development, and the economic development of the enabling entities of the block chain has also opened up important historical opportunities. On the basis of the study and analysis of the current state of technological innovation and application of the block chain, the present report analyses the problems and challenges faced and makes recommendations for development.


The app shows an explosive growth.


At present, the country is continuing to make a breakthrough in technological research on the block chain, and its capacity for innovation is becoming apparent. First, the research team is growing, with institutions of higher learning and enterprises focusing on first-line and new-line cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hangzhou. Second, the alliance chain and public-chain systems are constantly improving, the enterprise core technology is emerging and the bottom structure is gradually optimizing. Third, the number of patent applications for the block chain is among the highest in the world. As of the end of August 2019, the number of patent applications for the Chinese block chain was 188, which was 26.3 per cent more than in 2018.


In recent years, the application of block-chain technology has shown an explosive growth trend. At present, its application has covered financial services, supply chains, anti-prostitution sources, social goods, cultural entertainment, judicial documentation, e-government, health care, shared economy, and so on, with varying degrees of progress. Some of the applications have been successful and have served as models and catalysts, such as the BaaS (back-end services) platform service, which combines block chains with cloud computing, which has been actively used by a number of giant enterprises in the areas of finance, logistics, and has led to a growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises and applications in more areas. For pooling advantage resources, there is a better synergy of resources, and the emergence of regional chains and bases has provided good living ground for start-ups, bringing together multiple resources such as block-chain technology, talent, finance, etc.


Since the 13th Five-Year Plan included block chains, quantum calculations, artificial intelligence, etc., among other major promotional projects, 14 programmatic documents have been issued at the national level, covering a number of sectors such as the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the National Network Information Agency, the National Development and Reform Commission and the People's Bank of China. These policies are designed to facilitate the integration of block chain technologies with artificial intelligence, data and other technologies, and to promote the development of the sector.


Security risks remain


At present, many bottom-level technologies associated with block chains are still at the research and development pilot stage, with insufficient performance, data security risks in some cases, and improved performance and security. Standard regulations at the national level in the sector have yet to be introduced, and relevant laws and sectoral regulations are inadequate, constraining the diffusion of block chain technology, and supporting regulatory measures are not yet fully in place.


In practice, the company uses investment funds from investors to pay the price of the popular silver coins, and, when large numbers of investors enter the market, the company “circumcises the vegetables.” For example, in 2018, the Silver Zone Chain Group Ltd. in Shenzhen issued a virtual currency of 10 billion tons of tea as collateral and, through the Internet, social software, among other channels, announced that investors could buy and sell Chinese silver on the Internet. But, in practice, the company used the investment funds of investors to make the price of the popular silver coins, and when large numbers of investors entered the market, the company exploited more than 3,000 people and lost about 30 million yuan, the maximum individual lost about 3 million yuan.


In 2016-2017, hackers stole from the exchange over $1.2 billion of stolen money and digitally encrypted currency, such as incalculable wire and ransom, and laundered money through exchanges, gambling websites, money-laundering service providers, cheap block-link transfers, and formed a variety of money-laundering methods and money-laundering chains. In the first half of 2018, the number of crypto-money crimes increased threefold compared to 2017.


Accelerating legislation to advance integration


To accelerate the development of technology for the integration of the block chain; to accelerate the development of technology for the integration of the block chain with the real economy; to actively explore the application of technology for the integration of the block chain in areas such as government, finance, transport, industry, tourism and social management; to effectively enhance industrial innovation, government credibility and social governance; to further advance technology for the integration of the block chain with big data, artificial intelligence, 5G technology; and to further enhance the role of the block chain in promoting data sharing, optimizing business processes, reducing operating costs, enhancing synergies and building credible systems by promoting the deep integration of the block chain and cutting-edge information technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, physical networking, etc.


In response to industrial disturbances in the financial sector, work has been stepped up on the introduction of measures to regulate digital currency transactions, strict controls on off-site transactions, and severe efforts to combat money-laundering, fraud, distribution, etc.; joint monitoring and joint counter-measure mechanisms have been established to continuously enhance the financial literacy and high-level data-checking capabilities of regulators through multisectoral cooperation, to detect new developments and developments in a timely manner and to strictly regulate the development and application of technology at the institutional level; and to strengthen information security controls in block chains.


To accelerate legislative and normative development. At the legal level, the bottom technologies of the block chain and related applications are guided and regulated, and relevant laws and regulations are put in place in conjunction with the operational features of the whole system of the block chain in a number of areas, including software security, storage security and operational security, to effectively protect against the potential risks posed by new technologies; to strengthen studies on the standardization of the block chain, to accelerate the development of basic standards such as the block chain reference structure, block data formats and, in parallel with the development of national standards, to lead or participate substantively in the development of international standards for the block chain, to intensify efforts to build an internationally advanced system of block chain standards and to disseminate them to the international community; and to actively participate in the work of the International Organization of Standardization Authorities in the area of the block chain, seeking language in international standard-setting.


(The author is a member of the National Information Centre of the National Development and Reform Commission)




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