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人工智能与未来挑战朱云汉编者按 生产生活的全面数字化在引发社会普遍关注的同时,也激发了诸多带有很大“想象”色彩的对于未来社会形态的基本理论思考。无论是计划经济的重生,还是透明社会的出现,都认为大数据、物联网、人工智能等技术能够推动一个信息更为对称、决策更为精确的新型社会形态的形成;而与此相关的偏向人文关怀的反思,则聚焦于在此前提下的隐私权、劳

The comprehensive digitalization of production life by AI and future challenger Chu Yunhan has generated widespread social concern, as well as much “imaginable” theoretical thinking about the future shape of society. Both the rebirth of the planned economy and the emergence of a transparent society believe that big data, material networking, artificial intelligence, etc., can contribute to the formation of a new social form of information that is more symmetrical and more precise in decision-making; and the related humanistic reflections focus on the right to privacy and labor in this context.


Artificial intelligence and future challenges


Chu Yunhan.


by the editor of


While the full digitalization of productive life has generated widespread concern in society, it has also inspired a number of fundamental theoretical thinking about the future shape of society, in a much “imaginable” sense. Both the rebirth of the planned economy and the emergence of a transparent society believe that large data, material networking, artificial intelligence, etc., can contribute to the formation of a new social shape that is more symmetrical and more precise in terms of decision-making; and the related humanist reflection has focused on issues such as the right to privacy, labour distribution, social welfare, etc., in this context.

上述观点可能都在有意无意中秉持了技术决定论的思维,认为“给定时期内只有唯一一种有效率的技术”(Elster, Explaining Techinical Change, Cambridge University Press, 1983),该技术又必然将导致某种社会形态的形成(计划经济或透明社会自然就可以实现),而我们只能在此社会形态下借助政府来制衡资本力量(因资本掌握了数据、技术和平台)以维护公共利益。但事实上,不仅仅是技术的应用和产生影响的过程是政治性的,技术的形成过程也是政治性的。正如本公号曾经刊发的两篇文章所指出,数控机床有两种可能的程序编制法(鞍钢宪法与后福特主义),而自动化走锭纺纱机也并不必然被工厂主所吸纳并因而作为排挤工人的手段(223期 | 经典译作-产业关系与技术变迁:走锭纺纱机的例子(下))。对于数控机床而言,虽然工程师可以一开始就给机器编制好统一程序并因而实现了管理者对劳动过程的彻底控制,但“录制加重放”的编程方式仍然给予了熟练工人很大的自主性,这两种方式分别被不同的政治环境所采用并因而产生了不同的历史后果;对于自动化走锭纺纱机的应用而言,特定政治环境下成熟男工人在管理生产过程中的不可替代性仍然使得工厂主并不一定采纳自动化工具。与此类似,近年追捧的人工智能技术和区块链技术,其本身都不止一条技术演变路径,而不同的技术路径下所形成的组织形态乃至社会形态自然也就不同。人工智能既可能建立在大规模数据机器学习的基础上,也可能基于现实模型指导的因果推理;区块链既可能推动去中心化治理结构的形成,但也可能是混乱状态的代名词。

All of the above views may be based on deliberate and unwitting thinking that “only one efficient technology is available during the given period” (Elster, Explaining Technology Change, Cambridge University Press, 1983), which, in turn, will inevitably lead to the formation of a social form (which is possible by natural means of planning economy or transparent society), in which we can only rely on government to counter capital forces (with capital mastery of data, technology and platforms) in order to safeguard the public interest. But the fact is that not only the process of application and impact of technology is political, but also the process of forming technology is also political. As noted in the two articles published by this Office, there are two possible programming methods (the Constitution and the post-favourism) of the digital control bed.

如果认识到技术形成过程中的这种政治性,那我们便应该放弃掉历史必然论的思维方式,并有可能在刚开始就推动劳动者自身积极涉入技术演变进程以平衡公共利益,而不是在二次分配中再通过政府代表的方式加以干涉。本期发表台湾“中研院”朱云汉院士在「AI對科技經濟社會政治暨產業之挑戰及影響」研討會,財團法人中技社主辦,2018/2/22 的演讲,以期推动读者更为全面的思考。

In recognition of the political nature of the process of technological formation, we should abandon the way of thinking about historical inevitability and possibly promote the active involvement of workers themselves in the process of technological evolution at the outset in order to balance the public interest, rather than interfering in the process of secondary distribution through government representatives. publishes the current issue of Taiwan’s “Standards of Central Studies” Chu Yunhan in the “AI’s Challenge and Impact on Science and Technology, Political and Industrial Development” conference, sponsored by the Corporate Chamber of Technology, 2018/2/22, , with a view to promoting more comprehensive thinking.


I'm standing on this stage today, and I'm totally pushed up to Liangshan, and I can only say that he probably thinks I can't do anything better on Spring Day, leaving me with a big family job. Of course, I've been thinking about it before, but I've never been prepared to make such a more systematic argument, and I probably thank him for forcing me to sort this out and some of my own thinking on this issue. It may be premature, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to teach you today.


I think that I will be as brief as I can in today's speech because there are only 40 >/span> minutes, and I will speak in front of span' and spandspan'. I will talk about some of the effects that we already see in the political domain, span. I will speak about some of the influences that have been made in the political arena, and this is a very important line of business or business.


But I think it's a big problem, and I think it's a big one, how human society will be wise enough to deal with these big problems, and I think it's going to have a very different effect on our human history, not just on Taiwan, but on us, 70 on Taiwan. Even I have a metaphor that we may be at the crossroads of history, on the road to Utopia closer to the ideal or to slavery, and perhaps in the next few decades, we may be at the crossroads of history, with a serious challenge.

我先講幾個簡單的例子,今天為止,當我談這個問題要有一個範疇,所以我並不能說把所有跟科技發展或是僅限於所謂狹義的AI,這兩個都不是很好的切入點,我認為其實它具體表現在生產、製造各方面來說,智慧機器人是未來的趨勢,大數據我想也是,因為大數據將來有隨著下面我講的萬物聯網,Internet of everything,他將來可以創造的浩瀚,用天文數字這兩個字都不足以描繪它的浩瀚,它的數據複雜跟它的巨大已經超過我們所謂人的智慧跟分析能力,能夠去消化、能夠去整理,所以必然是要依賴AI,它的巨大的算法能夠非常有效率地去處理大量數據。

I'm going to start with a few simple examples, and when I'm talking about it today, I can't say that it's not a good entry for all of the developments in technology or just for the so-called AI, which I think it's not a good entry, but it's not a very good entry, but it's a very big picture, and it's a lot more complicated than our so-called people's intelligence and analysis, and it's much more efficient, and it's bound to be based on

另外就是,AI最值得關注的就是它的深度學習,說不定不久之後它就真的能去模仿人的很多一些重要的基本能力,到今天為止,機器還沒完全替代,特別是包括語言,它不僅是一種辨識,也包含溝通。另外就是說將來它的算法跟它計算的速度要求越來越高,所以量子運算quantum computing將來也是一個重要的突破,因為它會讓AI的潛力可以發揮到更極致,所以這幾個我認為都是相關領域,就是說跟我們今天講的AI革命是不可分割的。

Also, the most interesting thing about a is its in-depth learning, and it may soon be able to imitate some of the most important basic capabilities of a human being. To date, the machine has not yet been fully replaced, especially in language, and it is not just a recognition, but also a communication. And it's going to be calculated at an ever-increasing speed, so quantum operations are going to be an important breakthrough, because it will make the potential of /span'span's AI/span'span's potential even more intense, so I think it's all related to the domain, that's what we're talking about today, so the revolution is going to be indivisible.

在這個範疇裡面,我認為它已經很清楚,對於所謂民主政治運作,已經出現各種正面的,但也帶來很多負面的作用首先呢,就技術上來講,運用AI的技術對於選舉,已經展現出其優越性,在選舉預測方面比傳統的民意調查,在很多次關鍵選舉中,包括英國的脫歐公投,AI的預測都比專家和民意機構更加準確,也包括川普的當選。Sanjiv Rai他就是一位在AI領域裡面非常有創意的工程師,也是一位企業家,他從2004就開發MogIA這套,他也是自己會學習、自我學習一套算法,algorithm,自從他架設以後,他就讓它自己去修正,根據事前跟事後的資料修正,用大數據,用facebook裡面還有其他social media裡面,百萬筆百萬筆的數據去採集裡面各種訊號,然後來看每個候選人在每一個選區的得票的吻合程度,所以它是成功預測川普的當選,打破了所有專家的眼鏡。

In this scheme, I think it has become clear that there are many positive aspects to the so-called democratic political operation, but it also has a lot of negative effects . first of all, technically speaking, using techniques such as AI, technically using techniques such as for the elections, and that it has shown its prognosis, its prognosis in the election, and its own prognosis in the , and in the of the , s, s, spans, s, >s, s, s, s, >s, >s, >s, s, >s, >s, >s, >s, >s, >s, s, s,

也可以說川普的當選裡面也運用了AI的技術,事實上,在競選上來說是一個巨大突破,也就是,他可以跟很多擁有個人資訊的公司去買資訊,所以他對每一個家庭裡面,這個家庭的基本政治傾向,他平常看什麼雜誌、聽什麼收音機,他的基本傾向大概他都可以掌握,然後呢就來為他,就是說他有這種心理特徵、有這種心理傾向,我怎麼刺激他?怕移民的就散播一些移民,有可能小偷、有可能強暴,讓你很恐懼的訊息,讓你更反移民,那麼這裡面的操弄其實已經達到前所未有,而且完全是量身訂做。他派出他的志願工作者去挨家挨戶拜訪時,事實上他的電腦上已經知道這一戶從來都是投民主黨,放棄,不要浪費時間,下一戶是可以爭取的,再下一戶是你要跟他稍微隨便談什麼問題,應該從什麼問題切入,每一個挨家挨戶拜訪的都有這樣一個personality profilepsychological profile。擁有這一種技術的公司,Cambridge Analytica也發了大財,現在很多國家的競選團隊都找他們去運用這樣的一個大數據跟AI所提供的技術,從某種程度來講完全是操弄選民,選擇性的給選民這種特定的刺激,而且通常是運作他們的情緒恐懼或者說一種仇恨。

can also say that the technology of /span /span , which in fact is a big breakthrough in the election, that is, that he can buy information with many companies with personal information, so he can buy information with a lot of companies that have personal information, so that in every family, the basic political orientation of the family, he usually looks at magazines, listens to radios, he can have his basic orientation, and then he comes to him, and then he comes to him, and he comes to him, and he comes to him, and he comes to him, and he says, , items, , >, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, items, etc, etc, etc, etc, items, items, etc, items, items, etc, etc, items, etc, etc, etc, items, items,

所以也有學者針對這樣的趨勢非常憂慮,像這位Harvard畢業的Cathy O'Neil就寫了一本叫Weapon of math destruction,用數學,也就是算法帶來對民主政治的一種極大的摧殘,因為民主它原本是希望每一個選民,或多數選民,或中間選民能夠做獨立判斷,今天很難做獨立判斷,因為你的資訊來源太混淆了,而且真假莫辨,你網路上看到一段影片,你看得義憤填膺,但這影片後來發現是經過加工處理的,所以虛擬跟事實間的界線在網路上可以說是非常模糊,而且大量的假新聞惡意中傷謠言,可以很快在social media跟網路上傳播,等到已經傳播出去了,傳了千里之後你再來消毒是非常困難的,也發現改變了很多一般人使用網路習慣或是閱讀習慣,主流媒體的重要性不斷下降,以前主流媒體都會扮演一個gatekeeper,就是可以過濾,太偏激的、太離譜的不報導,但現在這樣的一個功能已經被社交媒體取代了,結果很多人就變成跟自己屬性、觀念或偏見類似的人相互取暖,整個社會裡面變成對立性更強,我們稱之為社會的數位部落主義,也就是說,每一個對其他群體有偏見的人,彼此之間相互增強,而且跟他仇視的、疑懼的其他團體,基本上完全不交集,也不往來,也沒有共同分享的資訊平台,這些問題都很嚴重。

So there's a great deal of concern about the situation, like span', ,

當然AI的技術跟大數據也帶來一些可能潛在的正面作用,可以把政治過程、政治人物的言行更透明化,而且讓他一舉一動、一言一行都留下紀錄,而且也可以及時查證,像加州已經設立Digital Democracy網站,很多資料跟進,先從州這一級的政治人物的言行舉止開始,然後另外再配一個有很好功能的網站叫做Politifact,這個Politifact就收集各式各樣的基本信息跟數據,而且這些是正確的,政治人物講任何話,裡面有涉及到任何事實陳述的,馬上就用這個網站主動去做查證,他講的是對或是錯,還是完全對、完全錯。比方說Hillary,他在競選期間所有的言論都被AI功能的事實查證的網站公布,他的指標多少,他是完全正確的28%、基本上正確的23%,接下來,當然就是只有一半正確,或是基本上不正確或完全不正確,如果是Trump的話紀錄比這個壞更多,這個的確增加透明度,增加我們糾錯或查證,不過問題是,很多中間選民或一般選民,他們不見得有那麼多時間跟精力去追蹤這個訊息,這些訊息就算舉證出來了,是不是真的會影響到政治人物的言行?還不清楚。

, as California has set up Digital Democracy >/span >, much of the information follows, starting with the speech and actions of politicians at the state level, and allowing him to be more transparent, and to keep track of every move, every move, and also in time, as California has set up Digital Democracy , much of the information follows, starting with the speech and actions of politicians at the state level, and then adding a well-functioning website called Politiact >/span >, much of the information , much of the information >, much of the information , much of the information , much of the information , much of the information , much of the information >, much of the information, much of the information /s > > >, much of the fact, much of the fact , much of the fact , much of the fact /s /s /s /s


What I want to talk about is, furthermore, the advent of artificial intelligence itself, which has been discussed a lot this morning, affecting the whole way of production, business models, corporate organizations, right? The same is true for the country, which is basically a big bureaucracy, so if the technology /span is fully integrated into the government system, when you get out of the building, when you get in the car, when the bus comes down from the station or point of time, when you can leave a trail, even the economic exchanges, transactions in which you are involved, etc.

另外一方面,它帶來前所未有的挑戰,很不幸它也有保家衛國,還有國防功能,將來戰爭形勢會非常可怕,沒有聲音、沒有煙硝的戰爭,第一,本身網路支撐運算能力跟儲存基本資訊的伺服器,它的安全性是一個巨大的考驗,如果所有資訊在這個東西裡,今天可以把這個完全摧毀或是完全癱瘓,整個社會就停擺了。假設,將來所有的地籍資料跟所有的房地產、所有權資料都只有digital沒有hard copy的話,如果資料被駭,這個社會就天下大亂了。

On the other hand, it brings with it an unprecedented challenge, unfortunately it also has a protectorate and a defense function, and the future war will be terrible, with no voice, no smoke, and, first, the security of its own network operations and servers that save basic information, which is a great test. If all information is in this thing today, it can be completely destroyed or crippled, the whole society will stop. Assuming that all land and all property and all rights will be in the future only , digital, , , hard copy, , , >, the society would be in chaos.

我們當然很高興將來可能有自動駕駛汽車,說不定是所有的駕駛是自動化的,但從安全角度來看,如果指揮這些駕駛的AI系統被侵入、被變造,每一部車都可以變成一個自殺客,變成攻擊你這個社會最有殺傷力,而且無所不在的武器。總而言之,我們可以看出,這些都是AI革命帶來國家職能裡面各種不同可能的巨大影響。再舉兩個很直接的例子,也是我自己親自做過考察,在過去2年,中國大陸海關機構已經完成全面智能化,現在基本上,就是線上報關、線上核准,以前所有的海關大家都知道,就跟我們一樣,比如說我們基隆關、高雄關,對岸也是一樣青島關、上海關,然後下面還有再分支,然後都是屬地的,然後由人工來做抽檢,其實照理說,全部都不需要,而且機構的資訊系統對一個,正常或是經常有進出口紀錄、有報關紀錄的企業,它所有的過去記錄幾乎都一清二楚,如果你過去記錄很清楚,每年這個時候大概會進多少鋼料、進多少鋁材,而且今年的數據沒有特別奇怪,一定自動審核過去,事後他可以追蹤你,他可以從你將來的出口紀錄裡面看你進這麼多,怎麼會沒有出,或進這麼多,怎麼會沒有庫存、沒有銷售額,這一定是有問題。何況這個貨櫃其實從長堤港出關時,兩國的海關基本數據已經串聯過來了,重量多少一清二楚,一進關,用電子磅秤一秤,重量有一點變化是可能的,有些東西蒸發掉或怎麼樣,只要偏離正常的,標準差的誤差區間,馬上可以抽查,所有東西都是電腦化的,所以中國海關現在有個最大的困擾,要這麼多公務員幹嗎?沒事做了。第一個派你去甘肅扶貧,下鄉當插隊幹部,或做輔導工作,轉型為資訊服務,既然我們有那麼多數據,我們就是一個經濟數據服務公司,我可以做很多宏觀預測,提供給國務院做參考,也可以給廠商,你需要什麼樣的分析,我可以幫你分析,只要跟進出口有關的數據通通都有。有人說我要預測川普當選,我根本也不需要用追蹤social media,我只要去義烏收集一下,廠商接下的訂單,川普的帽子跟Hillary的帽子哪一個比較多,要是有川普LOGO帽子4倍於Hillary,你就知道川普大概會當選。

Of course we're happy that there may be auto-drive cars, maybe all of which are automatic, but from a security point of view, if the driving systems of AI, , , ,


So, of course, it's a big change, and you can imagine that the problem is that technology is there, and some countries, and some of these institutions are already dealing with a situation like this. For example, this photo, this is the center of the system of smart traffic at Shenzhen Customs, and this is the world's biggest charge.


As I have just mentioned, national institutions will be able to make an all-encompassing dynamic management of society. For example, China's mainland Public Security Department has used the most advanced face recognition technique, together with second-generation IDs, to collect all face features and collect them for /span >13 /span > > > 3 /span > span > seconds to identify the identity, which is more likely than /span > 90% /span < > > /span < span > > in the past.


Xinjiang, in an effort to eliminate the scourge of terrorism from the ground up, used the system the most thoroughly and covered by the system and installed all over the street. They call it a video camera. We call it a closed-circuit television camera. I can tell you that Xinjiang now, let's not say that the terrorist attacks of these years are gone.


The United States does the same thing, and the FBI does the same thing, for example, in the suicide bombing of Boston >, so the FBI is setting up a facial recognition system for more than a billion people. > /span > /span >, which, of course, has caused many other concerns. >


What we've seen today is that AI has brought us some problems in the political arena, but what I'm really going to say today is that the big point is that AI technology and potential potential brings us some problems in the human society, and I'm going to go back to five very big political difficulties, and I'm going to say that the whole society is a supertransparent society, whether the system is good, the rules are good, or the fundamental value options are difficult. First, that a government is likely to have super-intelligent intelligence, the ability to manage the full spectrum of society, and that this is almost unstoppable, especially after the Universal Network, your footprint is there, that the whole society is a super-transparent society, that humans have never entered the society, that may have left the super-transparent society, and that you have done nothing but everyone else.


Let's talk about the traditional liberal and democratic system and the future. In the face of an unmanageable government with a fully operational system like AI, , > /span >


Second, the future is a so-called digital economy in which we talk about the most valuable ingredients of tradition, formerly the land, then the labor, then the physical fixed assets, then some people add the management or other, but the so-called mosaics, especially numbers or digital assets, will be the most critical factor in the whole of society, so what's the nature of this? His copying costs are >, there's no scarcity, there's no scarcity.


The third question I'm going to say next is that the fate of our human race will gradually enter a society called the zero-sum cost, which may move towards sharing the economy, sharing the economy, sort of like a socialist utopia, but it's also possible to go to a deeper poverty gap, bipolar digital capitalism than we see now. Both possibilities lie ahead of us. How do we choose, or what decisions we make today, will affect the path to which we are more likely to transform the social system.


On a more global scale, like American genius entrepreneur Muskeh, he has made some incredible bold experiments, and will also have full grasp of the great potential of AI, but the world may know that half of the human population of 70 /span >span > has no access to the Internet, so there's a new face to the so-called digital divide, which means that some people will be helped by /span >span /span < > AI /span > span >, and that, as they do, they can multiply their output in astronomical numbers.


Fifthly, the potential destruction of nuclear weapons is more than nuclear weapons, and the peaceful use of nuclear weapons, nuclear technology and peaceful use of nuclear weapons, which we have been able to track, has been a huge problem since the release of this demon from the bottle. And the peaceful use of nuclear energy is more difficult than the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Why is it easier to monitor nuclear energy for peace or for human survival, for example, nuclear testing, and the use of nuclear weapons, the use of nuclear power, and the peaceful use of nuclear technology, and the peaceful use of nuclear weapons, which we've been able to trace, and which we've been able to put out of the bottle, is a huge problem. And the peaceful use of nuclear energy of nuclear weapons is more difficult to lead to peaceful use than the peaceful use of nuclear energy?


First, I think we have to accept the fact that I told you that a supertransparent society has arrived and that it will become more transparent and that it will be


If you think about it, a supertransparent society with a super-intelligent government, like AI, we give him a huge tracking and analytical monitoring capability, we call him a house-to-night, a man-to-be, but from another perspective, a powerful society where freedom can disappear completely. It's two sides. I think we can't avoid it. Moreover, many social systems have to be designed together, or at least dramatically changed.


Also, starting with the design regulations of A/span>A/span>A/spanA/span>A/spanA/spanA/span>, there should be some basic rules, that is, all these that involve a lot of basic functions, such as health, physical security, education, etc., in which they start to build inside, self-involve or self-inflicted, for example, the presence of signals that we think are out of line with reasonable legal or moral rules, and self-inflicted. In a highly transparent society, I just said, many of the social systems of the past can't cope with it.

另外,既然每個人一言一行都會有記錄,如果社會又不給多元的包容性,那問題就很嚴重,你將來去應徵工作,human resource director也許會要求你簽一個同意函,同意可以去調出你所有資料,假設,我在高中的時候,用非常粗魯的言語罵我旁邊的女生,這些記錄都在。所以我們本身要去適應這樣一個超級透明化的社會,以及過去很多的紀錄難以竄改,或是什麼方法可以做一種所謂數位更生,就像一個受刑人,給他一個新的身分證一樣,這些問題都會出來,我覺得最大的挑戰是這個地方。

Besides, since everyone's words and deeds are recorded, and if society is not inclusive, the problem is serious. You're going to be asked for a job. human resources director may ask you to sign a letter of consent that allows you to retrieve all your data, assuming that in high school I used very rude language against the girls next to me. So we're going to adapt ourselves to a super-transparent society, and many past histories are difficult to change, or what kind of method can be used to make a so-called number change, just like a torturer, giving him a new identity card. These questions come out, and I think the biggest challenge is this place.


What I have just said is that we have no choice but to face social change, or social system change, because today's technology AI is basically capitalist, partly because it is primarily used in national defense or internal security management, and if we simply allow the digital capital to move forward, not only that the gap within society becomes terrible, but that the gap between the rich and the countries that are left behind will become much bigger than today's technology.

我舉個例,在過去30年的高速全球化,已經出現這樣的一個現象,就是經濟力量或是創造財富能力已高度集中在非常少的企業手上,這個現象是人類歷史上少有的,以前當然也不是說沒有,比方說有Rockefeller等,但是像目前這樣,在全球範圍裡經濟力量如此集中的狀況是前所未有的。由此看來,太多的巨獸力量對我們生活面向的影響是全面性的,如對就業,對經濟福利、社會安全,食品安全等等都是無遠弗屆。如果今天用國家的收入可以作一個跟企業營收作等量齊觀的指標,也就是,政府是一個經濟實體,企業也是一個經濟實體,政府有他的revenue、企業有他的revenue,這樣來比的話,全世界100大經濟體,只有30個是主權國家,70個都是企業。譬如,Walmart的營收全世界排名第4,台灣都被遠遠拋在後面,其營收要超過西班牙政府的收入,澳大利亞、荷蘭等等,所以這已經不是任何一個國家單一的管制措施,或是公平市場規範可以控制的事情,這只有美國、中國、歐盟還有可能,但是如果三邊不合作也很難,不然就要更高層次的國際組織,而且有人說AI會帶來decentralization去中心化,但是,如果說AI因為智慧財產權的保障、因為獨佔性的平台的壟斷,那麼去中心化不一定會發生,相反可能會再高度的中心化,這個可能性都存在。雖然Jeremy Rifkin著作零邊際成本社會已經出版好幾年,這本書也有中文翻譯,大家若關心AI的未來,我是高度推薦。

The rapid globalization of the past years >, a phenomenon that has emerged, namely, that economic power or wealth creation capacity has been highly concentrated in very few businesses, rare in human history, and certainly not before, such as Rockefeller >/span >, but as it is now, the concentration of economic power in the world is unprecedented.

就我剛剛所言,當最重要的生產要素如果是數位的,不管是數據或算法,已經會自動不斷深入學習的算法。比方,AlphaGoAlphaGo Zero可以打敗世界排名第一的棋士,一旦被設計出來,那可以讓它同時變成1,000AlphaGoZero,或是10,000個,只要有一個大電腦跟它配合就好。各位想想,若要產生10,000個像張栩這樣的世界級天才棋士是多不可能的?但是對數位來說,只要一個按鈕就可以複製的。

As I just said, when the most important factors of production are digital, whether data or algorithms, they can be automatically in-depth learning algorithms. For example, AlphaGo or AlphaGo or or < 10,000 /span > >, as long as a large computer matches it. Think about it.


If, in this case, it could be a factor that would cause the marginal cost of the production process to decline constantly and be close to 0 /span > , the price should be constant or close to //span >, many commodities would be near free, and possibly under such technical conditions, the remaining amount of wealth would replace scarcity, so the logic of capitalism would be reversed throughout the past, unless the person in possession of these techniques was subject to exclusion, exclusivity, and especially the use of so-called possessions or patents. /span >.


So the book highlights the fact that if we can release the economic well-being of all people, perhaps in the future we will enter a completely different society, a zero-cost society. This society is a society where most people can meet their basic needs by participating in mutual assistance, swapping and sharing, without relying on a fixed nine-to-five-night job, or having to spend a lot of time in the labour market, but can this happen? I don't know, depending on how we design our system and the law.


As you can imagine, if you think of it in the right direction, the future may not only be a digitally related cost of the factors of production, but also because energy is an expense of daily life, and the possibility of self-sufficiency exists, even if it is available in your own community, in your home, in the basic needs of planting. There may also be fruits and vegetables that are available. There are artificial photos and technologies, and robotics can be taken care of at home.


As for sociologists, political scientists and philosophers, the brightest times have come, with a whole new imagination, perhaps not so fast at all, but it is worth exploring how to use it under a new technical and social condition.

另外,我認為還有一個很重要的課題,稍早有一些學者已經開始討論,但我覺得都還不夠系統化也不夠深入,就是面對一個我們講數位經濟也好,或數位社會也好,需要新的社會契約,甚至要改寫有關基本人權的一些基本規範,我舉最典型的例子,每個人所生成的所有數位資訊,包括我DNA排序到我所有的消費行為數據等等,各種不同的生活足跡,如果只是單筆來看,好像沒什麼價值,反正數據庫裡面1,000萬人,少我一個算什麼;但是反過來講,我一旦能夠收集1,000萬人的時候,這個數據庫就非常有價值,如果1,000萬糖尿病病患的醫療歷史都在這裡,什麼樣的情況、什麼樣的體質、什麼樣的基因,用什麼樣的藥可以產生什麼效果,這裡面再去擷取各種經驗法則,全世界最好的醫生都比不上,而且這種人工智慧的醫療診斷跟判斷,邊際成本是很低的,服務1萬人跟100萬人、1,000萬人,其實成本增加很少。所以,第一,如何樣讓技術不是只讓最高所得的1萬人享受,而是能夠讓1,000萬人都能享受,這是一個難題對不對?第二,既然我們每個人都貢獻這個大數位資料的生成,它的產生過程,我可能貢獻在很多方面,如我的消費行為、人生智慧、交友、政治參與及醫療歷史等都在裡面,一方面,我要知道它收集我什麼東西,而且我要知道它存在哪裡,我自己有權利隨時去取得,另外,既然這個1千萬人也好,1億也好,大家共同貢獻出非常多高附加價值大數據資訊庫,未來這個大數據所衍生的附加價值的淨利應該歸誰?應該有個制度,至少要有相當一部分,或是很大的一部分要平均歸給每一個當初貢獻的人。另一方面,這是一個集體性資產,因為這個資產只有在大規模集體同時貢獻時才有價值,如果只是個人數據,沒有多少交易價值,也沒有分析的價值。所以,如果我們一輩子所生產所有的數位資訊,可以貢獻於幾萬個不同屬性的big data集合,每一個data我在裡面都應該有一個小的股份,儘管那個股份是1,000萬分之1,但因為這生成出來的是有價值的資訊,它所產生的各種的經濟交易的利潤,如果有一套機制可以回饋給每個人,我認為這就是數位時代的基本人權保障,這是目前為止沒有人討論的問題。當然,我們知道googleamazon不希望大家討論,他們希望大家在註冊帳號時就簽了一個同意聲明,接下來就不用管了,這個資訊他們拿去做什麼、賣給誰,跟什麼資訊混合在一起跟你沒關。所以我們來看,這些大企業,其實包括百度和阿里一樣,他們現在變成政治說客,影響政府的很多法律,這些特殊利益集團,並不代表絕大多數人的利益,而這麼重要的基本人權可是很少有一個系統性論述,這是非常大的理論缺失。

Also, I think there's a very important subject that has been discussed earlier, but I think there's not enough systematization and depth, either in the case of a digital economy or in the case of societies that need a new social contract, or even in the case of fundamental human rights. I give the most typical example of all digital information generated by everyone, including what I DNA /span > > span > span > span > span > span > span > span > span > span, spans > span > span, spans > span, spans < > span > >, >, >, >, s >s >s, > >, s >s >s,, > >

最後我要談的一點就是,零邊際成本可以造就共享社會,其實分享經濟已經到來,只不過現在還在很小的範疇裡面,而且我們已經受惠了。人類現在最大的知識儲存庫是什麼?就是維基百科,所有人都可以貢獻,也可以享用,這是一個最典型的數位時代共享經濟,而且沒有人claim這是屬於誰的智慧財產權,因為它不能作各種商業的、盈利的使用,也不能主張copyright,我們把他叫做copyleft;就是一種開放式自由版權或開放版權。所以我認為,將來我們在學校裡面教育下一代,21世紀我們作為人生的奮鬥目標或是典範,不應該是Bill Gates,對不對?他能累積千億美金資產,因為他完全占用、利用了零邊際成本的所有好處。如大家買一台電腦附加microsoft,而附加的邊際成本只需幾分美金,可是因為微軟是獨佔,還有智慧財產權的保護,所以微軟把所有獲利不跟大家分享,而變成他跟他員工與股東的分紅跟股利。我不是說我們不需要激勵這類創業家,但其實不需要激勵到這個程度,照樣可以讓很多人願意去貢獻、願意去投入心血,而現在這個激勵制度完全是徹底扭曲了這個社會的價值分配制度。

The last thing I want to talk about is who's got the smart money to share the society, who's got the share of the economy, and who's got it, and who's got it, and who's got it, and who's got it, and who's got it. What's the biggest repository of knowledge now?

我們講Khan學院創辦人Salman Amin Khan,或是像維基的創辦人,我認為這才是21世紀典範,他們可以很容易地變成一個billionaire,因為這個線上數學教學,以及後來擴充到物理等很多領域,學習效果最好的線上學習互動軟體,免費開放,現在連非洲的小孩只要能上網,都可以透過此網站學習各種微積分、幾何、英文等。美國好多矽谷的人認為,Khan學院將來如果變成是一個完全商業模式的,它的IPO可以價值幾百億美金甚至更高,但Salman Amin Khan拒絕誘惑堅持免費開放學習政策。所以,在數位經濟的零邊際成本條件下,我們面對人類社會的最可能兩種不同情境:是創造比Bill Gates有錢超過10倍、20倍的巨富,還是去鼓勵更多的像Salman Amin Khan這樣的人。

I believe that this is the example of the era where can easily become of , Salman Amin , or like Wiki's creators 21 >/span , where /span >, , , , , , , , , , , > > > > >.


In short, there are a lot of big issues today, and I can talk to you at the round table forum in the afternoon. Finally, I want to talk about democracy itself facing a huge crisis that many people may not even imagine right now. If we look at the political system as a conversion process of numbers or information, for example, government collects the policy needs and preferences of all people, and then converts it into public policy, into a budget allocation and into law, which is the conversion function of information.

今天的代議制度是什麼樣的一種資訊收集跟轉換?我說那叫石器時代的制度,最原始的制度。每4年請你提供最多不到2bitbinary data,也就是投給甲黨、乙黨還是不投票,只要用2binary bit就可以記載下來,收集起來,就憑這點資訊就賦予執政者未來4年就有權力制定所有的法律,有權力通過條例,編預算,在資訊時代我們可以問憑什麼?明明在任何時候都可以利用大數據全面掌握社會多數人在這個問題上的需求或想法,為什麼不依據大數據來制定政策呢?而是讓那113人在立法院內每天吵架、拍桌子,有什麼代表性呢?怎麼知道他們後面不是財團、不是金主?所以代議制這整個邏輯會被大數據、AI整個顛覆掉,這個是一個非常大而嚴峻的挑戰,為什麼柯文哲市長到市議會可以理直氣壯說,你們後面是什麼我都搞清楚了,就是因為大數據。另外,這也是柯市長透過大數據,了解市民希望交通這樣或市民希望衛生那樣,所以科技變化已經帶給代議民主巨大的合法性危機。

What kind of information collection and transformation is today's `span' or span , i.e. span >4 /span > >. For every /span > /span > /span / span , span , span >span, span >span span >span, span span >span, spans >s, , , , s, >, s, >s, >s, >s, s, s, >s, >s, s, >s, >s, >s,, s,,,,.,,.,,,., >s,.,.,.,,,


It was also said that one day it would be possible to choose an A/span president. Why not? How good is this president to say to you that, when you want to idealize it, it can be selfless, selfless, mindless or bribed, designed to listen to the advice of a lot of people, and that it can be read into all the past country's classics and philosophies, from management, Confucius, Aristod, Plato, to learn from the difficulties faced by all the greats, how they decide, to learn, and then to give it a simple task, that is to say, Maximize the basic well-being of most people, and that it can be kept up to date, and that it can be made up to date.


Of course, it's an illusion, but it highlights, on the one hand, the possibility that this technology has brought about a huge, completely different system, and, on the other hand, the possibility that we have to seriously think about in the face of challenges and difficulties. Thank you.


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