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First of all, I'm a rookie.

    Web 3.0


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the term is multilayered and is used to synthesize


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Internet


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a variety of directions and features that may arise in the development process, including transforming the Internet itself into a general form


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; cross


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Browser


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;, content delivery and request mechanism for a superb browser;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; artificial intelligence


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; application of technology;


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; semantic web



& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; geographical map


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ; web sites built using 3D technologies even


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

    或网络公国等。 web3.0的明显特征 1,具有10M的平均带宽 2,提出个人门户网站的观念,供给基于用户偏好的个性化聚合服务 3,让个人和机构之间创立一种互为中央而转化的机制,个人也可以实现经济价值。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; or network Principality, etc... The distinctive feature of web3.0 is 1 with an average bandwidth of 10M2 and introduces the concept of a personal portal that provides personalized integration services based on the preferences of users3 and allows individuals and institutions to create a mechanism for transformation into one another, and individuals can realize economic values.



    Web 3.0是针对Web 2.0提出的,较着名的首次说起是在2006年初Jeffrey Zeldman的博客中一篇批驳Web 2.0的文章中。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Web 3.0 is for Web 2.0, the first to be famous was in a disclaimer of Web 2.0 in Jeffrey Zeldman's blog in early 2006.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; May 2006, Tim Burns-Lee said:


人们不停地讯问Web 3.0是什么。我认为当 SVG在Web 2.0的基础上大面积使用——全部东西都起波纹、被折叠并且看起来没有菱角——以及一整张语义网涵盖著大批的数据,你就可以访问这难以置信的数据资源。
——Tim Berners-Lee, A 'more revolutionary' Web


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; at the Technet Summit in November 2006, Yahoo Founder and CEO


现在对Web 2.0的归档和讨论很多。借助网络级别所能到达的性能,网络的气力已经到达了一个临界点。我们同时也看到近来4年出现了更高级的设备以及更高级的与网络交互的方法,不仅呈现在游戏机和挪动设备这样的硬件,同时也呈现在软件层面。你不一定得是盘算机科学家才能创作出一个程序。这类景象在Web 2.0里初现端倪,而3.0将更加深入,是一个真正的大众载体……专业、半专业和消费者的界线愈来愈模糊,创造出一种贸易和应用程序的网络效应。

    在这个峰会上,Netflix创始人Reed Hastings论述了定义Web术语的简单公式:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; at this Summit,

Web 1.0是调用上网,50K平均带宽,Web 2.0是1M平均带宽那Web 3.0就该是10M带宽,全图像的网络,这才感到像Web 3.0。
——Reed Hastings

    2007年8月7日,Google首席运行官埃里克·施密特出席首尔数字论坛时被与会者问及Web 3.0的定义,埃里克·施密特首先开玩笑的地说“Web 2.0只是一个营销术语,而你刚才恰好发明了Web 3.0这个营销术语。”随后他谈及了自己的详细意见:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 7 August 2007, Google CEO

……(Web 3.0)创立应用程序的方法将不同。到现在为止Web 2.0一词的出现主要是回应某种叫做“AJAX”的观念……而对Web 3.0我的预测将是拼凑在一起的应用程序,带有一些主要特征:程序相对较小、数据处于网络中、程序可以在任何设备上运行(PC或者手机)、程序的速度非常快并能有很多自定义功能、此外应用程序像病毒一样地扩散(社交网络、电子邮件等)。
——Eric Schmidt

    2010年11月16的网络高峰会(Web 2.0 Summit)中Mary Meeker指出Web 3.0 由Social Networking, Mobile and Search 所构成

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; November 16, 2010 Web Summit (Web 2.0 Summer) Mary Meeker indicates that Web 3.0 is made up of Social Networking, Mobile and Space

    自2006年底以来,Web 3.0一词正遭到愈来愈多的关注,也是愈来愈多争论的核心,这个景象正延续到现在为止。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; since the end of 2006, the word Web 3.0 has received increasing attention and is at the heart of the growing debate, a scenario that continues to this day.


    关于如何定义Web 3.0,及其所代表的含义的争论非常激烈,观念也琳琅满目。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; how to define Web 3.0 and the meaning it represents is highly controversial and full of ideas.






    和人工智能的方向有关系,Web 3.0可所以语义网观念的实现和扩充。各学院正在研讨开发一种基于描述逻辑和智能代理的推理软件,这样的软件通过应用表述网络上观念和数据之间的关系的规则来进行逻辑推理操纵。[6]

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & direction of artificial intelligence, so Web 3.0 can concept. Colleges are working on the development of a reasoned software based on descriptive logic and intelligent agents, which is logically manipulated by applying rules on the relationship between ideas and data on the presentation network.

    Sramana Mitra对语义网成为次世代互联网基本要素的意见不同,并提出了一道封装Web 3.0的公式[7]

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; sramana Mitra disagrees on semantic networking as an essential element of the next generation's Internet and proposes a formula for encapsulating Web 3.0

    Web 3.0也被认为和服务导向结构及语义网的详细体现有关。[8]

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Web 3.0 is also considered relevant for details of the service-oriented structure and semantic network.




& nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; another possible route is Web3D Alliance 3D idea of transforming the entire network into a series of 3D spaces, including .


    Nova Spivack建议将Web 3.0的定义延长至当前各大技术潮流迈向新的成熟阶段的详细体现,包括:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Nova Spivack suggested that the definition of Web 3.0 be extended to reflect in detail that the current technological tides move to a new stage of maturity, including:


  • 无处不联网,宽带网普及和发展,挪动通信设备的互联网参与。(例如:平板电脑)
  • 网络盘算,“软件就是服务”的贸易模型,Web服务互用性,分布式盘算网格盘算效用盘算(又“云盘算”)。
  • 开放技术,开放API和协议,开放数据格式,开源软件平台和开放数据(如创作共用开放数据许可)。
  • 开放身份OpenID,开放名声,跨域身份和个人数据。
  • 智能网络语义网技术比如资源描述框架网络本体语言SWRLSPARQL,语义应用程序平台和基于声明的数据贮备。
  • 分布式数据库,万维数据库(“World Wide Database”,由语义网的技术实现)。
  • 智能应用程序,一般语言的处理。[11]呆板学习,呆板推理,自立代理。[12]


    Web 2.0AJAX观念为契机,供给了高仿桌面应用程序的网络应用程序,激励用户生成内容和搭建具有向心力的社区,并以高耦合的技术形成轻快有效的贸易模型。在此基础上,Web 3.0被认为肩负着发扬2.0的精神,并突破现在Web 2.0所面临的障碍。因此通过对现在Web 2.0所面临的瓶颈和详细实例进行分析,可以对Web 3.0作一些瞻望。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Web 2.0 to 丰富互联网应用程序发展的一大瓶颈。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the average bandwidth value of the network in the user's region, which will have a direct impact on the placement and solicitation of website content, is a major bottleneck that constrains the development of JavaScriptXMLJSON以及各种UI Widgets来实现仿桌面应用程序的网络应用程序,但这些前台程序的速度都无法与传统桌面程序媲美,为了实现桌面程序界面的一些罕见功能(如拖拽、排序、缩放等),必须使用庞杂的JavaScript,这样容易形成许多用户的浏览器响应延时甚至假死,进一步降低用户体验。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; while many websites use asymmetrical JavaScript and JSON and various UI Widgets to achieve web applications that imitate desktop applications, none of these front desk programs can be as fast as traditional desktop programs. To achieve some of the rare functions of the desktop program interface (e.g. dragging, sorting, scaling) >XML / `color: ogba (11, 128, 128, 1) >JSon and various UI Widgets to achieve web applications that are comparable to traditional desktop programs.


    现在网络应用程序的开发门坎仍然较高,并且较为封闭,这样虽然可以满意开发一般的以用户生成内容(“User-generated content”)为主导的应用程序,却制约了用户生成程序(“User-generated application”)的发展空间。在向用户生成程序过渡的期间,值得注意的应用程序、技术和观念有:

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; now web applications are still developed in a relatively high and closed fashion, so that while it is satisfactory to develop generic applications led by

  1. ^ Jeffrey Zeldman Web 3.0A List Apart (Blog), January 16, 2006
  2. ^ Victoria Shannon. A 'more revolutionary' Web. International Herald Tribune. 2006-06-26 [2006-05-24].
  3. ^ Dan Farber & Larry Dignan TechNet Summit: The new era of innovationZDNet blog, November 15th, 2006
  4. ^ Richard MacManus & Seokchan (Channy) Yun Eric Schmidt Defines Web 3.0Read/WriteWeb, August 7th, 2007
  5. 5.0 5.1 John Markoff, Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common SenseNew York Times, November 12, 2006
  6. ^ Phil Wainewright What to expect from Web 3.0ZDNet, November 29, 2005
  7. ^ Sramana Mitra Web 3.0=(4C + P + VS), February 14, 2007
  8. ^ Lee Provoost, Erwan Bornier Service-Oriented Architecture and the Semantic Web: A killer combination?PDF (274 KiB)University of Utrecht, February 10, 2006
  9. ^ Andrew Wallenstein Hollywood hot for Second LifeThe Hollywood Reporter, Feb 13, 2007
  10. ^ Terri Wells Web 3.0 and SEOSearch Engine News, November 29, 2006
  11. ^ Cortex Intelligence Demonstration of Web 3.0Cortex Site, December 6, 2007
  12. ^ Nova Spivack The Third-Generation Web is, December 17, 2006

文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 刹车失灵
有一个物理学家,工程师和一个程序员驾驶着一辆汽车行驶在阿尔卑斯山脉 上,在下山的时候,忽然,汽车的刹车失灵了,汽车无法控制地向下冲去, 眼看前面就是一个悬崖峭壁,但是很幸运的是在这个悬崖的前面有一些小树 让他们的汽车停了下来, 而没有掉下山去。 三个惊魂未定地从车里爬了出来。
物理学家说, “我觉得我们应该建立一个模型来模拟在下山过程中刹车片在高 温情况下失灵的情形”。
工程师说, “我在车的后备厢来有个扳手, 要不我们把车拆开看看到底是什么 原因”。

The article ended by sharing some of the programmer's jokes: a physicist, an engineer and a programmer, was driving a car on the Alps, down the hill, suddenly, the brakes of the car went out of control, looking at a cliff wall, but fortunately there were little trees in front of the cliff that stopped their car and didn't fall off the mountain. The physicists said, "I think we should build a model to simulate the loss of the brakes in the mountains at high temperatures." The engineer said, "I've got a trigger in the back of the car, or we'll take it apart for a reason." The programmer said, "Why don't we just go back to the same car again?"




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