
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:28 评论:0



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Annual Stockholders' Conference in Birkhshire, which is expected by global investors, is divided into two rounds of returns, the most focused of which is the management Q& A section. The following is an account of the question-and-answer segment of the 2022 Stockholders' Conference in Birkhshire.


Take a look: Birkhshire buys nearly $40 billion in equities in the first quarter of this year, increasing the number of Chevrons and continuing purchases of snowstorm stocks is also today's news; future buy-backs are still subject to investment decisions over the same period; Manger claims that higher-quality companies can be bought at lower prices in China; Buffett: stock markets are like casinos, especially in the last two years; and Buffett, responding to questions about the impact of inflation, has repeatedly warned young people to focus more on investing in themselves.

  根据官方公布的日程表(奥马哈比纽约慢一个小时),今年的问答环节大约将回答60个问题。在上午的安排中,除了巴菲特与芒格外,巴菲特“接班人”格雷格.阿贝尔 (Greg Abel)与分管伯克希尔保险业务的阿吉特.贾恩(Ajit Jain)也将回答问题,但下午的日程只有两位90岁老人参加。(以下解答以时间倒序排列)

According to the official calendar (one hour late in New York, Omahaby), this year's question-and-answer session will answer about 60 questions. In the morning, apart from Buffett and Manger, Greg Abel and Ajit Jain, who are part of the Berkhshire insurance business, will also answer the questions, but only two 90-year-olds will be on the afternoon schedule. (The answer below is in chronological order)

  巴菲特:未来仍会回购 但取决于同期投资决策

Buffett: Future buybacks, but depending on investment decisions over the same period


Referring to the idea of buying back Birkhshire stocks, Buffett said that, if they could choose between buying their preferred business or stock buybacks, Birkhshire would choose the former. The important thing was to be able to continuously increase the value of the stock. Earlier, Buffett had said that there had been no stock buyback since April.


Manger's life advice to young students: find something you're not good at and avoid it.


Buffett evaluates bitcoin: has no value


Buffett once again criticized the crypto-currency claim at the shareholders’ meeting that, unlike farms and apartments, bitcoin does not produce value, and its price will depend only on how much the next buyer would like to pay. The crypto-currency may now seem magically attractive because of the fiction, but it does not have its own productive capacity.


Manger said that in his life he would try to avoid stupidity, evil and things that look bad compared to others, and that bitcoin had all three of them.


Buffett: This round of inflation is not the same as it used to be


In response to shareholders’ questions about “the impact of inflation on Birkhshire’s operations”, Buffett said that many companies seemed “very good” in their view. Buffett further explained that this round of inflation was very different from previous experience. In the furniture store under the company’s flag, while the price of furniture rose rapidly, the rich were still willing to pay for it.


Buffett says that the government has already disbursed a lot of money to people, which in some cases is unlikely to be worth that much. But Buffett has also defended the decision to “helicopter the money” policy as the right choice.


Manger also shares this view and applauds Powell as a hero.


Mung: can buy higher quality companies in China at lower prices


In response to questions about investing in China, Munger admitted that investing in China was indeed more difficult than in the mainland. The reason why he had invested in China was that he could buy better companies there at lower prices.


Buffett says he's buying up a snowstorm stock on a continuous basis


Buffett said that they continued to buy snow stocks after Microsoft officials announced their takeover. As of yesterday, Birkhshire owned 9.5 per cent of the snow stocks, and would report if it reached 10 per cent.


For the initial timing of the transaction (a month before Microsoft officials announced the acquisition), Buffett said that it had happened before. For example, Monsanto, or IBM, before Bayer, acquired Red Hat. Buffett also stated that it was not clear whether the regulators would approve Microsoft’s acquisition, but that they knew Microsoft had the financial power to do so.


Buffett: Birkhter insists on a decent corporate culture


Buffett said that, as the management of listed companies, we have to lead by example, doing bad things like snowballs is bigger and bigger, and the company will be destroyed sooner or later. Manger added, believing that the culture of Birkhshire will continue after they leave, but this may not be the case for many other companies.


Buffett talks about how to fight inflation: invest yourself.


Buffett said at the stockholders meeting that many people talk about inflation, but they don't know how inflation will go in the future, and frankly, we don't. I can only say that the best way to fight inflation is your own talent, and your money will feel inflationary pressure, but yours won't.


Buffett: There's always a newspaper that says, "What Buffett bought," but it's actually a decision made by his deputy or someone else. This misunderstanding is bad, but the simplest thing is to keep it quiet.


Buffett's Time for "Delight"


Buffett said that he read a book when he was 19 or 20 years old (Greham's Smart Investor) and found out that his previous thoughts were wrong. He showed two PPTs on the scene to show that different people could see different things from the two pictures (two faces or vases, rabbits or ducks).


Buffett believes that Birkhter's corporate culture will survive


When asked, “Will the new management operate as it is now when both Buffett and Manger have left?”, Buffett stressed that the key factor in getting Birkhshire to run so far is the company’s corporate culture, and if he leaves tomorrow, the board of directors will understand that “business culture is 99.9% of the company that runs it.” He hoped that Birkhhir would become not just a 100-year-old shop, but a permanent company. It was hoped that, after that time, people would have a better understanding of Birkhhir’s culture.

  巴菲特:应对超级通胀 最应该投资自己

Buffett: The best way to deal with hyperinflation is to invest in yourself.


In response to the question about which stock you should buy under superinflation, Buffett responded that it was more important at a time like this that you had the ability, that you were being traded, and that the best investment was to develop yourself.


Munger was at the same time making fun of you, saying that if your friend recommended you put bitcoin in your retirement account, you would simply reject him.


Buffett talks about investment timing: we just buy it when we think it's cheap.


When the live audience asked, “How to be as good at timing as Birkhshire,” Buffett replied, “We do not buy and sell because of the market or the economy, because we don’t know the real situation either. In the 2008 financial crisis, everyone was panicking, and we didn’t catch the investment timing at that time; we also missed the opportunity of the stock market falling in March 2020. So we were not very good at keeping the investment timing precisely, and we bought it when we thought it was cheap, which is what we could understand in the fourth grade of primary school.


Buffett: American Express and Apple buybacks bring a great deal to Birkhshire


Buffett spoke at the Shareholder Conference that, after investing in the American Express before Birkhshire, the shareholding of the American Express increased from 11.2 per cent to 20 per cent over the years, as did the investment in apples, which over the past few years had brought significant returns to Birkhshire.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Mungering speculation {\/strang}


Manger says that we are now seeing almost some kind of speculation. Some algorithmic computers trade with others that use algorithms as well.


Manger said that people were accepting the idea of “a less knowledgeable stockbroker” and said that “this is too cheap.” Buffett also said that the brokers were actually well aware of the commission.


Let's see how Birkhter buys the operation of Western oil.


Buffett: At the time of buying Western oil, there was also the idea of buying four other companies, but it was not implemented.

  巴菲特:股市就像赌场 过去两年尤其如此

Buffett: The stock market is like a casino, especially in the last two years.


Buffett said at the shareholders’ meeting that the stock market had been volatile and unpredictable over the past two years, and that, like casinos, everyone was gambling in it. This was particularly evident in the past two years, and perhaps the stock market was too strong in the past two years.


Question: Why did you start a frequent acquisition after writing a shareholder letter


Manger: Found something more attractive than bonds.


Buffett: The shareholder’s letter is dated 26 February, but in fact it has to be written earlier. It is also acknowledged that on 25 February, we received a note from colleagues who had worked in Birkhshire telling me that he had done as the president of Alleghany and asked him to see Alleghany’s annual report. Buffett then said that he would go to New York on 7 March and meet him.

  巴菲特:感谢美联储 向鲍威尔脱帽致敬

Buffett: Thank you to the Fed for taking off your hat at Powell.


At the Shareholder Conference, Buffett praised Fed Chairman Powell for his decisive and swift initiative and stated that he should be “decapitated”.


Buffett reads Sticked Stock >.......................................................................................................


Buffett said at the shareholders’ meeting that a total of $51.8 billion had been bought in a quarter, while $10.3 billion had been sold. Between the end of February and mid-March, he bought $41 billion.





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