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As the sole pillar of the family economy, Chu Xiaojun, although not formally employed, is curious that since June 2019, Chu Xiaoqiao's monthly income from micro-letters and payment treasures has ranged from tens of thousands of yuan to more than 100,000 yuan...


enters the vast hidden "black net"


Where does this come from? His wife, although not well-educated, knows implicitly that it has something to do with what is called a “black net.” Because Zhu Xiaojin does not often go out to work, he uses a computer and cell phones that he himself has assembled for a long time.


In early 2019, Zhu Xiaozhing viewed a picture of the business information about the “dark web” at a 100-degree bar. Through a lot of searches, Zhu Xiaozhin learned that the “dark web” needed a special server, used a dedicated browser and went through walls to get in. The “dark web” allows for the purchase of less secretive things in life and the Internet, some of which are even banned by the state, such as drugs, firearms and ammunition.


As a result, Chu found a course on how to access the “dark web” online, entering the “dark web” navigation page through browsers and wall-crowding software. There was one site in Chinese, most of which consisted of post-selling items, including cigarettes, mobile cards, and virtual content such as buying and selling other people's identities, recording information on house openings, group messaging, databases, etc. The trading pattern was similar to that of a treasure-hunting platform, and since buying and selling on the “dark web” required the use of bitcoin, Ju Xiaoqiao purchased bitcoin for his account.


In the hidden corner of the “black net”, Zhu Xiaoqiao has found alternative ways of profiting — selling out various types of “resources” using “barknet” techniques, which, in addition to selling individual information to citizens for profit, may include gambling, money-laundering, fraud-type website source codes and gambling sites.


Earlier in the U.S. police investigation of China’s missing female students’ badges, it was discovered that suspects often viewed websites like “kidnapping 101” on the Internet, which at one point led many people to suspect that the missing chapter was connected to the “dark web.” As the “dark web” was encrypted, ordinary browsers and search engines were denied access, and the use of virtual currency as the currency of transactions added a lot of mystery to it.


Bitcoin buys citizen's personal information


At the end of May 2019, Chu Xiaoqiao entered the Chinese site and saw a post on the theme “Highly Quality Identity Cards are held on the opposite side of the street” on the sale of 500 personal ID messages from citizens (I.D. photos on the opposite side of the identity card and close photograph of the holder of the document). Chu Xiaoqiao purchased 300 yuan in bitcoins, about 0.01 bitcoins, through the Bitcoin trading software. So, after prepaid $220 to the platform, the seller gave him a link, open it and then directly downloaded 500 citizen IDs, and Zhu Xiaoqiao confirmed the receipt on the “barknet” so that the other party could receive the money.


In addition, Chu Xiaojin illegally obtained 533 citizen personal identity information from an Internet hacker's forum by downloading documents shared by others. Jo Xiaoying discovered that mobile phones such as “Funnibus” App can raise one or two dollars a day by reading, but each account can be presented only once a day, so he wanted to buy some identity information to register App's account.


In July 2019, Chu Xiaoqiao entered his own account on the “Dark Net” and purchased from the Chinese web site 200 million residential information for citizens worth RMB 100 in bitcoin, including: name, ID number, opening hours. This information is for hotel chains that were stolen by hackers in August 2018 from the Hanchen Hotel under the Group's banner, the Hotel throughout the season, etc.


In October 2019, Chu Xiaoqiao, through a Guangzhou intermediary company, helped others to register an American company and open the company's own account (Morgan Chase Bank, United States), which earned $5,200.


The tools needed to hide in the city's middle village are just a computer and a few cell phones that Joo Xiao had thought were the most hidden corners of the world, no one would notice, but it was unexpected that, just a few months later, the dream of wealth had broken.


Selling personal information for profit


On 16 December 2019, the network monitoring unit of the Technical Economic Development Division of the Guangjiang City Public Security Bureau discovered that Chu Xiaoqiao was using the network to carry out unlawful activities and arrested him. On 14 April, the case was opened in the first instance before the court for alleged violations of citizens'personal information. The case was arrested on 15 January by the Technical Economic Development Division of the Public Security Bureau of the Zhangjiang City, with the approval of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Zhangjiang District, and referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office for examination and prosecution.


“Infringement of a citizen's personal information is a serious offence committed in violation of the relevant provisions of the State by selling or providing other persons with personal information of a citizen, in serious circumstances, or by stealing or otherwise illegally obtaining personal information of a citizen.” The Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Tanjiang Economic and Technological Development District, who took over the case, Shrei, informed the journalist of the Fangun that the defendant in this case, Chu Xiaoqiao, knew that the illegal acquisition of personal information of a citizen would endanger the personal information security of a citizen, continued to purchase a total of 210 million copies of opening information from a hotel from the “underground” and purchased 500 pieces of personal identity information from a “underground” network, downloaded 533 articles of personal identity information from a hacker's forum, obtained a total of 1,033 citizen's identity cards through illegal means, registered five hundred Apps using illegally acquired civil identification information, and registered in a United States company for the purpose of profiting 4,000 yuan from illegally obtained information.


In accordance with the provisions of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Certain Questions Concerning the Law Applicable to Handling Criminal Cases of Violation of the Personal Information of Citizens, the illegal acquisition, sale or provision of accommodation information, communication records, healthy physiological information, trade information and other forms of personal information of citizens that may affect the safety of persons or property, or more than 5000 yuan, shall be deemed to be “serious circumstances” under one of the provisions of article 253 of the Penal Code and to meet the standard of recourse for the offence of violating the personal information of citizens.


“The accused, Chu Xiaoqiao, who illegally obtained information on the accommodation of citizens, totalling 210 million articles, goes far beyond the minimum criteria for special aggravating circumstances and, in accordance with article 253, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of China, shall be found to be particularly serious and shall, according to the law, be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.”


During the trial, the defendant, Zhu Xiaoqiao, did not contest the basic facts and charges against him for violating the personal information of citizens, but argued that he had purchased only 20 million copies of the information on the citizen's accommodation from the Chinese-language website, that there was so much information on the accommodation of the 210 million citizens charged by the prosecutor's office, and that the violation of the personal information of citizens did not constitute a particularly serious circumstance.


According to the defence, the defendant purchased more than 200 million out-of-date citizen accommodation information in bitcoin, which cost him only 100 yuan. Since the title of the “bark net” was marked as 20 million articles, the defendant intentionally purchased only 20 million items of citizen accommodation information, but did not knowingly purchase more than 20 million copies of the citizen's accommodation information. Moreover, the data released in 2018 by the Citizen Accommodation Information Hotel, which the defendant purchased, had been purchased and kept by a number of people, had little value and could not be resold for profit, and the crime had no serious consequences and was of little social harm.


Verifying 212.5 million data


As a result of the new challenges raised by the defence during the trial, the case was heard in a second session. According to the investigation, the data extracted from the defendant's computer by the investigating authorities in accordance with the law were counted and weighed to a total of 212.5 million items, supported by evidence such as seized physical evidence, accounting records, synchronized video recordings, identification notes, electronic data, etc.


“Providing an intentional opinion that only 20 million of these data have been purchased by the accused and his designated defence, and that there is no crime beyond the limits. According to the theory of criminal law, the offence of violating a citizen's personal information is punishable by a conviction based on the amount of personal information that he actually violates, rather than the personal information of a citizen that he intends to violate.”


According to Shrei, the personal information of a citizen is legally protected and cannot be used without legal authorization, and the accused buys the personal information of a citizen in private through an illegal website. As a result of the crime, the individual information of a citizen has been obtained illegally with the knowledge that it is personal information of a citizen and has been obtained in general rather than with the same intent. In accordance with article 10 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Certain Questions Concerning the Law Applicable to Criminal Cases of Violation of the Personal Information of a Citizen, the number of articles containing the personal information of a citizen in bulk is determined directly on the basis of the quantities seized.


During the period of arrest and the first trial of Chu Xiaoqiao, during the examination of the indictment, he carefully and patiently explained to Zhu Xiaoqiao's case, spreading knowledge of the criminal nature of the offence of violating the citizen's personal information, informing him that the confession of facts can be treated with leniency, stabilizing Zhu Xiaoqiao's confession of guilt, and that Chu has remained unchallenged as constituting the crime of violating the citizen's information.


In June of this year, the accused, Zhu Xiaojun, was sentenced to four years'imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 yuan in gold.


Intensifying the fight against new forms of cyber crime


The case of Chu Xiaojiang is the first case in the city of Zhang Xiaojiang to illegally purchase citizen's personal information via the “Darknet.” For the first time, the case of the use of the “Dark Net” was handled as a prosecutor who did not know the expertise of the Internet.


In order to expedite the case, Shrei has been able to access a large amount of relevant information in a timely manner, communicate with the INP on several occasions, learn about the “dark web” and update the concept of the case in a timely manner. The Internet is actually a multilayered structure, and the Internet that we normally use is a “surface network”, which can be accessed through a standard search engine and hidden under the “surface network” known as the “deep net”, which is usually considered a subset of the “deep net.”


“In addition, we have studied thoroughly the legal provisions applicable to criminal cases involving violations of the personal information of citizens and the relevant judicial interpretations, read and read the legal interpretations, and set the stage for an accurate determination of the criteria for conviction.” Shelley said that, after numerous communications with the Public Security Police Criminal Investigation Police, the investigation of the case was conducted, the case was discussed and the evidence was sorted out. At the stage of the examination of the arrest, a complete outline was drawn up for the continuation of the investigation, the investigation was directed in a timely manner, and the investigation was avoided at the stage of the prosecution.


Shelley said that, in examining the case of crimes against citizens' personal information committed by Chu Xiaoqiao, it was found that there could be follow-on crimes involving gambling, money-laundering, fraud, etc. In the course of the review, the public security authorities were advised to continue to add to the investigation of subsequent crimes, but were not successful. This is closely related to the current situation and the characteristics of such cybercrimes. First, the difficulty of obtaining evidence is due to the use of foreign “blacknet” platforms for trading bitcoin and the use of unused chat tools to avoid a blow. Second, the “bark web” users are being updated so that the true identity of the users cannot be traced to the difficulty of obtaining evidence.


“We will continue to summed up the case, to summed up the case, to make it impossible for such crimes to escape, to prevent the disclosure of the victim's information from harming our interests, and to dedicate our prosecutorial powers to a peaceful and harmonious society.” Shelley concluded.





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