
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:31 评论:0



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Before reading, think about what would be interesting when the village of Zhang San was planning to transfer $1,000 to Lee in a small village where there were no banks and no clearing houses.


& nbsp; popularly, Bitcoin is a constant 21 million digital currency with decentralised, global, anonymous features like the Internet. Transfers to the other side of the planet are as simple as e-mails, low cost, no restrictions. Bitcoin is thus used in cross-border trade, payments, remittances, etc.


Bitcoin was created on 3 January 2009 by a reciprocal network based on sans frontières, using a consensus-based initiative to open-source software, the founder of an encrypted currency and block chain, as well as the most well-known and market-valued encrypted currency. Anyone can participate in Bitcoin, which can be distributed through computer calculations known as mining. The number of bitcoin agreements is capped at 21 million to avoid inflation. Bitcoin is now used as a digital signature, allowing individuals to pay directly to others, without having to go through third-party institutions such as banks, clearing centres, securities dealers, etc., thus avoiding high fees, cumbersome processes, and regulatory problems. In the eight years since it was born, Bitcoin, as an unprecedented new currency, has experienced numerous market tests and technological attacks, and has always stood up.


Operationally, Bitcoin is actually a decentralised account book on the Internet.


Centralized books of accounts are commonly used for financial services in our daily lives. For example, banks are a typical central books of accounts, which are stored in the bank’s central database.


How do you understand going to the central book?


Assuming that there is a small village where people don't rely on banks, but they use their own accounts to record who has how much money, each of them has an account book that says: three A accounts balance of $3,000, Lee four accounts account balance of $2,000 & Hellip; and & Hellip;



When Zhang San wanted to transfer $1,000 to Lee's account B through account number A:


Three of Zhang's three shouts: Attention, everyone. I'm transferring $1,000 from account A to account B of Li's account.


Villagers in the vicinity of Zhang San heard indeed Zhang San's voice and checked whether Zhang San's account number A had a sufficient balance.


After the inspection, the villagers wrote to their accounts: account A transferred $1,000 to account B and modified the balance: account A balance = 3,000-1,000 = 2000 and account B balance = 2000 + 1000 = 3,000.


Villagers in the vicinity of Zhang San told the faraway villagers about the transfer, which was circulated over a hundred times until all were aware of the transfer, thereby ensuring consistency in the books of the owners.


Of course, it's one of the most general descriptions of Bitcoin's operations, and it actually works much more complicated than that.


In the 2008 Bitcoin White Paper, Nakamoto proposed & ldquo; the block chain & rdquao; the concept and the creation of the Bitcoin social network in 2009 to develop the first block, & ldquao; the creation block & rdquao;


Block chain technology is the bottom of Bitcoin, but not much attention was given to bitcoin at an early stage. But when bitcoin operated and managed without any centralised agency, it worked very steadily for many years and did not have any problems. So many notice that the bottom technology may have a large mechanism and may not only be used in bitcoin, but it may be applied in many areas. So, from one perspective, Bitcoin can be seen as the first application of the block chain, while the block chain is more similar to the bottom of the TCP/IP, and it will be extended to a growing number of industries.


& nbsp; in the case of the financial sector (e.g. banks), the risk of a crisis or even collapse of the entire system if hacking or system error leads to tampering or damage to bookkeeping data. Moreover, because of the sole nature of the books, this mode of operation relies on the credit of the centre, i.e. bank credit, if this & ldquo; centre & rdquo; credit problems, e.g. bank tampering with data, may also infringe the rights and interests of the customer (e.g. there have been many instances where bank officials have used their authority to steal depositor funds).


In order to prevent single-point malfunctions and systemic risks, traditional financial institutions need layers of auditing to control financial risks, but this also has high internal costs. According to a report published by the largest Spanish bank, Santander, about $20 billion per year could be saved by 2020 if block chain technology was used in banks around the world.


Moreover, for historical reasons, traditional financial institutions rely on central settlements for both settlement and liquidation, and the resulting problem is inefficiency. If all financial systems are able to achieve decentralized real-time settlements and liquidations, not only will global financial efficiency be greatly improved, but the resulting changes in the global financial landscape.


Moreover, a network such as Bitcoin is controlled by all bitcoin users, and no one or organization can change or stop Bitcoin unless the vast majority of bitcoin users agree to make a change (e.g. rule changes or version upgrades).


There are opportunities for miners to compete for bookkeeping rights. At the beginning, the 10-minute system will reward the fastest and best bookkeepers with 50 bitcoins, then it will be halved every four years, and there will be no new bitcoins in almost 2140, which will reach the upper limit of 21 million.


The flow of funds to the Bitcoin trading market is similar to the stock market, where new investors buy investments (bitcoins or shares) from unspecific old investors, and no old or new investors can ensure profit. & ldquo; Ponzi fraud & rdquo; defined as: taking heads back to the previous & ldquo; investor & rdquo; investor & rdquo; recipient behaviour in return, & & ldquo; passing & rdquao; defined as action to absorb and distribute funds through a specific line-up relationship.


In the Bitcoin/stock market, old people have no advantage over new people, but they are profiting by their own judgement; while the Ponzi scheme/distribution has a mandatory advantage over newcomers, the elderly force money from newcomers. So, while the Bitcoin/stock market, like the Ponzi scheme/distribution, depends on laterer money, the Bitcoin market and the stock market are in the same category, not Ponzi. Many people actually mix & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; the Ponzi fraud & & & & quo; and three completely different concepts.


& nbsp; Queens and renminbis are typical centralized currencies. The government will have as many renminbis as it wants, and it will have to print them in the first place. Now it will have to change them on the computer.


In the world of Bitcoin, if you want to have bitcoin, you need to apply for a bitcoin wallet and get a bitcoin address. Just like you need to open an account in a bank deposit, then you have this account number. With your own account number, you can deposit it with your account number, or someone else can transfer it to you. When you need to make a withdrawal or transfer it to someone else, you need to show a key that opens the address, that's your private key, just like you need a password when you take money from ATM.


So here's the popular explanation for what is bitcoin, more about bitcoin, more about bitcoin, search the script house for previous articles or continue reading the following articles, hoping that you will be more supportive of the script house in the future!

Tag:比特币   区块链  



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